There are more than 400 licensed in-home services agencies that provide home-based personal care and health services to clients and patients within the minimum established health and safety standards. The Department of Health (DOH) must ensure that licensed in-home services agencies comply with all applicable state and federal requirements. DOH is authorized to conduct complaint investigations and routine state and federal surveys.
Surveys are inspections conducted by DOH to evaluate and monitor an agency's compliance.
Current Requirements. An in-home services agency providing services under contract with the Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) or an area agency on aging (AAA) to provide home care services, and that is monitored by DSHS or an AAA is not subject to a state licensure survey by DOH if certain requirements are met. Those requirements include:
An in-home services agency, certified by the federal Medicare program, or accredited by the community health accreditation program, or the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health Care Organizations as a home health or hospice agency is not subject to a state licensure survey if certain requirements are met. Those requirements include:
DOH is authorized to perform a validation survey on in-home services agencies who previously received a survey through accreditation or contracts with DSHS or an AAA. DOH is authorized to perform a validation survey on no greater than 10 percent of each type of certification or accreditation survey.
DOH is not authorized to perform a validation survey on in-home services agencies who previously received a survey through accreditation or contracts with DSHS or an AAA.
The authority is removed for DOH to perform a validation survey that is on no greater than 10 percent of each type of certification or accreditation survey.