The Green Transportation Capital Grant Program was created by the Legislature in the 2019 legislative session and is administered by the Public Transportation Division at the Washington State Department of Transportation to aid any transit authority in funding cost-effective capital projects to reduce the carbon intensity of the Washington transportation system. The grant program is open to eligible transit agencies for projects that include:
To receive Green Transportation Capital Grant Program funding for a project, a transit authority must provide matching funding for that project that is at least equal to 20 percent of the total cost of the project.
Appropriation for the 2023-25 biennium is $12 million of mulitmodal transportation account funds and $39.4 million of climate transit programs account funds, for a total appropriation of $51.4 million.
The 20 percent match requirement is eliminated for the Green Transportation Capital Grant Program and a match a level is established deemed appropriate by the Washington State Department of Transportation.
PRO: Washington State Transit Association supports changing match requirements to allow smaller agencies to apply for grants without coming up with very large match amounts. This will also align with other grant programs.