Washington Retail Workforce Report. A 2023 report on the Washington retail workforce found the industry has a turnover rate in excess of 60 percent. Among other things, the report recommends improving career advancement opportunities with stacking of credentials toward academic degrees as one potential solution.
Microcredentials. Microcredentials are short, focused credentials designed to provide in-demand skills, know-how and experience and may include competency-based skill recognition. Stackable microcredentials may provide a pathway to a certificate or full degree, now or when you are ready.
The State Board for Community and Technical Colleges must establish a retail workgroup consisting of higher education, business, labor, and workforce development representatives with expertise in the retail industry. The workgroup must report on the following to the appropriate committees of the Legislature by October 1, 2025:
The workgroup must recommend up to four colleges to pilot programs for short-term credentials and microcredentials in support of the retail workforce.