State of Washington | 68th Legislature | 2023 Regular Session |
ByRepresentatives Dent, Chapman, Ryu, Corry, Sandlin, Reeves, Springer, Schmick, and Davis
Prefiled 12/08/22.Read first time 01/09/23.Referred to Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources.
AN ACT Relating to creating the pesticide advisory board; adding a new section to chapter
17.21 RCW; and creating a new section.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 1. The legislature finds that agency decisions related to the regulation of pesticides benefit from robust community and stakeholder engagement. The legislature intends to create a formal and permanent advisory board to advise the department of agriculture on pesticide-related actions.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 2. A new section is added to chapter
17.21 RCW to read as follows:
(1) The pesticide advisory board is established, with members as provided in this subsection.
(a) Voting members:
(i) One pesticide applicator licensed to operate agricultural aerial apparatus;
(ii) One licensed pest control consultant, or one licensed pesticide dealer or pesticide dealer manager;
(iii) One member representing the agricultural chemical industry;
(iv) One agricultural producer;
(v) The department's pesticide management division assistant director or the assistant director's designee;
(vi) One toxicologist or pesticide investigations manager from the department of health;
(vii) The department of labor and industries' division of occupational safety and health assistant director or the assistant director's designee;
(viii) One member representing the environmental community;
(ix) One representative from a federally recognized Indian tribe or an interested tribe that does not regulate pesticides; and
(x) One farmworker advocate.
(b) Nonvoting members:
(i) One entomologist in public service;
(ii) One toxicologist in public service;
(iii) One member from the national pesticide information center;
(iv) One pesticide coordinator from Washington State University;
(v) One agricultural health network advisor from the Pacific Northwest agricultural safety and health center;
(vi) The department's pollinator health coordinator, apiarist, or both;
(vii) One commercial beekeeper;
(viii) One member representing the United States environmental protection agency region 10;
(ix) One member representing the department of transportation with expertise in vegetation management; and
(x) One member representing the noxious weed control board.
(2) The director shall appoint each member of the pesticide advisory board for terms of four years. Members may be appointed for successive four-year terms at the discretion of the director. The terms must be staggered so that approximately one-fourth of the terms expire on June 30th of each calendar year. In making appointments, the director shall seek nominations from affected agricultural and environmental groups. The director may remove any member of the pesticide advisory board prior to the expiration of his or her term of appointment for cause.
(3) The pesticide advisory board shall also include the following nonvoting members: The director of the department of labor and industries or the director's designee; the environmental health specialist from the department of health; the assistant director of the pesticide management division of the department; the commissioner of public lands or the commissioner's designee; the director of the department of fish and wildlife or the director's designee; the director of the department of ecology or the director's designee; the director of the liquor and cannabis board or the director's designee; and the commissioner of the employment security department or the commissioner's designee.
(4) The director shall attempt to fill any vacancy on the pesticide advisory board within 30 days for the remainder of its term.
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