State of Washington | 68th Legislature | 2023 Regular Session |
ByRepresentatives Hutchins, Timmons, Low, Cheney, Cortes, Bronoske, Couture, Griffey, Donaghy, Robertson, Barkis, Simmons, Reed, Klicker, Riccelli, Doglio, Berry, Ramel, Paul, Graham, and Rule
Read first time 01/24/23.Referred to Committee on Transportation.
AN ACT Relating to requiring driver training curriculum to include instruction on sharing the road with large vehicles, including commercial motor vehicles and buses; amending RCW
46.82.420; and providing an effective date.
Sec. 1. RCW
46.82.420 and 2017 c 197 s 12 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) The department and the office of the superintendent of public instruction shall jointly develop and maintain a required curriculum as specified in RCW
28A.220.035. The department shall furnish to each qualifying applicant for an instructor's license or a driver training school license a copy of such curriculum.
(2) In addition to information on the safe, lawful, and responsible operation of motor vehicles on the state's highways, the required curriculum shall include information on:
(a) Intermediate driver's license issuance, passenger and driving restrictions and sanctions for violating the restrictions, and the effect of traffic violations and collisions on the driving privileges;
(b) The effects of alcohol and drug use on motor vehicle operators, including information on drug and alcohol related traffic injury and mortality rates in the state of Washington and the current penalties for driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol;
(c) Motorcycle awareness, approved by the director, to ensure new operators of motor vehicles have been instructed in the importance of safely sharing the road with motorcyclists;
(d) Bicycle safety, to ensure that operators of motor vehicles have been instructed in the importance of safely sharing the road with bicyclists; ((and))
(e) Pedestrian safety, to ensure that operators of motor vehicles have been instructed in the importance of safely sharing the road with pedestrians; and
(f) Commercial vehicle, bus, and other large vehicle awareness, to ensure new operators of motor vehicles have been instructed in the importance of sharing the road with large vehicles.
(3) Should the director be presented with acceptable proof that any licensed instructor or driver training school is not showing proper diligence in teaching the required curriculum, the instructor or school shall be required to appear before the director and show cause why the license of the instructor or school should not be revoked for such negligence. If the director does not accept such reasons as may be offered, the director may revoke the license of the instructor or school, or both.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 2. This act takes effect April 1, 2024.
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