HR 4696
ByRepresentatives Fitzgibbon and Steele
WHEREAS, It is necessary to provide for the continuation of the work of the House of Representatives after its adjournment and during the interim periods between legislative sessions;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Executive Rules Committee may assign subject matters, bills, memorials, and resolutions to authorized committees of the House of Representatives for study during the interim, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives may create special and select committees as may be necessary to carry out the functions, including interim studies, of the House of Representatives in an orderly manner and shall appoint members to such committees with the approval of the Executive Rules Committee; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That, during the interim, the schedules, agendas, locations, and formats for all meetings of any legislative task force or committee shall be approved by the Executive Rules Committee, and those task forces or committees may conduct work sessions and public hearings without a quorum being present; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That, during the interim, when participating remotely in any committee meeting, members shall be considered present for purposes of a quorum and voting; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That, during the interim, authorized committees have the power of subpoena, the power to administer oaths, and the power to issue commissions for the examination of witnesses in accordance with chapter
44.16 RCW if and when specifically authorized by the Executive Rules Committee for specific purposes and specific subjects; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives shall complete the work of the 2024 Regular Session of the Sixty-Eighth Legislature during interim periods, and all details that arise therefrom, including the editing, indexing, and publishing of the journal of the House of Representatives; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives may approve vouchers of the members of the House of Representatives, covering expenses incurred during the interim for official business of the Legislature in accordance with policies set by the Executive Rules Committee, at the per diem rate provided by law and established by the Executive Rules Committee, for each day or major portion of a day, plus mileage at the rate provided by law and established by the Executive Rules Committee; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives shall, during the interim, and as authorized by the Speaker of the House of Representatives, retain or hire any necessary employees and order necessary supplies, equipment, and printing to enable the House of Representatives to carry out its work promptly and efficiently, and accept committee reports, committee bills, prefiled bills, memorials, and resolutions as directed by the Rules of the House of Representatives; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives shall have authority to execute personal services contracts relating to workplace investigations, and notify the Executive Rules Committee of any other types of personal services contracts that necessitate the expenditure of House of Representatives appropriations; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives shall execute the necessary vouchers upon which warrants are drawn for all legislative expenses and expenditures of the House of Representatives; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That members and employees of the Legislature be reimbursed for expenses incurred in attending authorized conferences and meetings at the rate provided by law and established by the Executive Rules Committee, plus mileage to and from the conferences and meetings at the rate provided by law and established by the Executive Rules Committee, which reimbursement shall be paid on vouchers from any appropriation made to the House of Representatives for legislative expenses; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That, during the interim, the use of the House of Representatives Chamber, any of its committee rooms, or any of the furniture or furnishings in them is permitted upon such terms and conditions as the Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives shall deem appropriate; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives may express the sympathy of the House of Representatives by sending flowers and correspondence when the necessity arises; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That this Resolution applies throughout the interim between sessions of the Sixty-Eighth Legislature, as well as any committee assembly.
I hereby certify this to be a true and correct copy of
Resolution 4696 adopted by the House of Representatives
March 7, 2024
Bernard Dean, Chief Clerk