State of Washington | 68th Legislature | 2023 Regular Session |
BySenate State Government & Elections (originally sponsored by Senators Hunt, Wellman, Kuderer, Rolfes, Keiser, Conway, Hasegawa, Randall, and C. Wilson)
WHEREAS, Representative Jennifer Belcher served Washington State's 22nd Legislative District from 1983 to 1992, serving on ten House Committees over the course of her tenure; and
WHEREAS, Representative Belcher served her full tenure on the Natural Resources Committee, serving as Chair to the committee from 1989 to 1992 and chaired the State Government Committee in 1985-86; and
WHEREAS, Representative Belcher's legislative work established subsidized childcare for state workers; and
WHEREAS, She was one of six female state representatives dubbed the "Steel Magnolias" who led a successful effort to transform land-use regulation by crafting the Growth Management Act; and
WHEREAS, Commissioner Jennifer Belcher was the first woman to be elected Washington State's Commissioner of Public Lands, where she was known for her fearless leadership; and
WHEREAS, Commissioner Belcher attained a 50-year habitat conservation plan for management of state forestlands, turning the state's premier land management agency toward conservation; and
WHEREAS, Jennifer Belcher left one great legacy of breaking the glass ceiling and helping a lot of younger women break that glass ceiling; and
WHEREAS, The Legislature is authorized to approve names for certain state facilities based on recommendations from the State Capitol Committee and the Department of Enterprise Services, with the advice of the Capitol Campus Design Advisory Committee and subject to specific criteria;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, By the Senate of the state of Washington, the House of Representatives concurring, That the state office building at 1111 Washington Street SE known as the "Natural Resources Building" be renamed the "Jennifer Belcher Building"; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Department of Enterprise Services properly sign the building as "The Jennifer Belcher Building"; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be forwarded to the family of Jennifer Belcher; the Honorable Jay Inslee, Governor of the State of Washington; and Tara Smith, Director of the Department of Enterprise Services.
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