

State of Washington
68th Legislature
2023 1st Special Session
BySenators Pedersen and Short
WHEREAS, Engrossed Second Substitute Senate Bill No. 5536 introduced at the 2023 regular session of the sixty-eighth Legislature addresses important public policy matters for consideration at the 2023 first special session of the sixty-eighth Legislature; and
WHEREAS, The public interest requires that the business of the 2023 first special session of the sixty-eighth Legislature be considered and acted upon as efficiently and expeditiously as possible;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, By Senate of the state of Washington, the House of Representatives concurring, That Engrossed Second Substitute Senate Bill No. 5536 introduced at the 2023 regular session of the sixty-eighth Legislature is reintroduced in the house in which it originated and shall retain the same number and be given the highest legislative status that it attained in the original house as shown by the official House and Senate dockets upon the adjournment SINE DIE of the regular session.
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