Passed by the Senate February 2, 2024 Yeas 32 Nays 17
President of the Senate Passed by the House March 6, 2024 Yeas 61 Nays 35
Speaker of the House of Representatives | CERTIFICATE I, Sarah Bannister, Secretary of the Senate of the State of Washington, do hereby certify that the attached is ENGROSSED SUBSTITUTE SENATE BILL 5796 as passed by the Senate and the House of Representatives on the dates hereon set forth. |
Approved | FILED |
| Secretary of State State of Washington |
Passed Legislature - 2024 Regular Session
State of Washington | 68th Legislature | 2024 Regular Session |
BySenate Law & Justice (originally sponsored by Senators Pedersen, Rivers, Kuderer, Nobles, and Shewmake; by request of Uniform Law Commission)
AN ACT Relating to common interest communities; amending RCW
64.90.080, and
64.90.095; reenacting and amending RCW
7.60.025 and
64.06.005; adding new sections to chapter
64.90 RCW; recodifying RCW
64.90.080, and
64.90.095; repealing RCW
64.04.055, and
64.90.090; providing effective dates; and providing an expiration date.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 101. A new section is added to chapter
64.90 RCW to read as follows:
(1) The board of an association may, without a vote of the unit owners, amend the governing documents to remove an unlawful restriction.
(2) A unit owner may request, in a record that sufficiently identifies an unlawful restriction in the governing document, that the board exercise its authority under subsection (1) of this section. Not later than 90 days after the board receives the request, the board shall determine reasonably and in good faith whether the governing document includes the unlawful restriction. If the board determines the governing document includes the unlawful restriction, the board not later than 90 days after the determination shall amend the governing document to remove the unlawful restriction.
(3) Notwithstanding any provision of the governing document or other law of this state, the board may execute an amendment under this section.
(4) An amendment under this section is effective notwithstanding any provision of the governing document or other law of this state that requires a vote of the unit owners to amend the governing document.
(5) For purposes of this section and section 102 of this act:
(a) "Amendment" means a document that removes an unlawful restriction.
(b) "Document" means a record recorded or eligible to be recorded in land records.
(c) "Remove" means eliminate any apparent or purportedly continuing effect on title to real property.
(d) "Unlawful restriction" means a prohibition, restriction, covenant, or condition in a governing document that purports to interfere with or restrict the transfer, use, or occupancy of a unit:
(i) On the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, familial status, disability, or other personal characteristics; and
(ii) In violation of other law of this state or federal law.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 102. A new section is added to chapter
64.90 RCW to read as follows:
(1) An amendment under section 101 of this act must identify the association of owners, the real property affected, and the document containing the unlawful restriction. The amendment must include a conspicuous statement in substantially the following form:
"This amendment removes from this deed or other document affecting title to real property an unlawful restriction as defined under RCW 64.90.--- (section 101 of this act). This amendment does not affect the validity or enforceability of a restriction that is not an unlawful restriction."
(2) The amendment must be executed and acknowledged in the manner required for recordation of a document in the land records. The amendment must be recorded in the land records of each county in which the document containing the unlawful restriction is recorded.
(3) The amendment does not affect the validity or enforceability of any restriction that is not an unlawful restriction.
(4) The amendment or a future conveyance of the affected real property is not a republication of a restriction that otherwise would expire by passage of time under other law of this state.
Sec. 201. RCW
64.90.085 and 2018 c 277 s 118 are each amended to read as follows:
Amendments to this chapter apply to all common interest communities ((
except those that (1) were created prior to July 1, 2018, and (2) have not subsequently amended their governing documents to provide that this chapter will apply to the common interest community pursuant to RCW 64.90.095))
subject to this chapter, regardless of when the amendments become effective.
Sec. 202. RCW
64.90.105 and 2018 c 277 s 122 are each amended to read as follows:
This chapter does not apply to a common interest community located outside this state
, but RCW 64.90.605 and 64.90.610, and, to the extent applicable, RCW 64.90.615 and 64.90.620, apply to a contract for the disposition of a unit in that common interest community signed in this state by any party unless exempt under RCW 64.90.600(2).
Sec. 203. RCW
64.90.300 and 2018 c 277 s 221 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) ((
If the declaration provides that any of the powers described in RCW 64.90.405 are to be exercised by or may be delegated to a for-profit or nonprofit corporation or limited liability company that exercises those or other powers on behalf of one or more common interest communities or for the benefit of the unit owners of one or more common interest communities, all))
A declaration may:(a) Delegate a power under RCW 64.90.405(1) from the unit owners association to a master association; (b) Provide for exercise of the powers under RCW 64.90.405(1) by a master association that also serves as the unit owners association for the common interest community; and (c) Reserve a special declarant right to make the common interest community subject to a master association.
(2) All provisions of this chapter applicable to unit owners associations apply to ((any such corporation or limited liability company))the master association, except as modified by this section.
(3) A unit owners association may delegate a power under RCW 64.90.405(1) to a master association without amending the declaration. The board of the unit owners association shall give notice to the unit owners of a proposed delegation and include a statement that unit owners may object in a record to the delegation not later than 30 days after delivery of the notice. The delegation becomes effective if the board does not receive a timely objection from unit owners of units to which at least 10 percent of the votes in the association are allocated. If the board receives a timely objection by at least 10 percent of the votes, the delegation becomes effective only if the unit owners vote under RCW 64.90.455 to approve the delegation by a majority vote. The delegation is not effective until the master association accepts the delegation.(4) A delegation under subsection (1)(a) of this section may be revoked only by an amendment to the declaration.
(5) At a meeting of the unit owners which lists in the notice of the meeting the subject of delegation of powers from the board to a master association, the unit owners may revoke the delegation by a majority of the votes cast at the meeting. The effect of revocation on the rights and obligations of parties under a contract between a unit owners association and a master association is determined by law of this state other than this chapter.
(6) Unless it is acting in the capacity of ((
a unit owners association ((
described in RCW 64.90.400)), a master association may exercise the powers set forth in RCW
64.90.405(1)(b) only to the extent expressly permitted in the declarations of common interest communities that are part of the master association or expressly described in the delegations of power from those common interest communities to the master association.
(((3) If the declaration of any common interest community provides that the board may delegate certain powers to a master association, the board is not liable for the acts or omissions of the master association with respect to those powers following delegation.
(4)))(7) After a unit owners association delegates a power to a master association, the unit owners association, its board members, and its officers are not liable for an act or omission of the master association with respect to the delegated power.
(8) The rights and responsibilities of unit owners with respect to the unit owners association set forth in RCW
64.90.465, and
64.90.505 apply in the conduct of the affairs of a master association only to persons who elect the board of a master association, whether or not those persons are otherwise unit owners within the meaning of this chapter.
(5) If a master association is also an association described in RCW 64.90.400, the organizational documents of the master association and the declaration of each common interest community, the powers of which are assigned by the declaration or delegated to the master association, may provide that))
(9) Not later than 90 days after termination of a period of declarant control of the master association, the board of the master association must be elected ((
after the period of declarant control)) in ((
one of the following ways:
(a) ((All))The unit owners of all common interest communities subject to the master association may elect all members of the master association's board; or
(b) ((All board members of all common interest communities subject to the master association may elect all members of the master association's board;
(c) All))The unit owners in, or the board of, each common interest community subject to the master association ((may)) elect ((specified))one or more members of the master association's board((; or
(d) All board members of each common interest community subject to the master association may elect specified members of the master association's board))if the instruments governing the master association apportion the seats on the board to each common interest community in a manner roughly proportional to the number of units in each common interest community.
(10) A period of declarant control of the master association under subsection (9) of this section terminates not later than the earlier of:
(a) The termination under RCW 64.90.415 of all periods of declarant control of all common interest communities subject to the master association under RCW 64.90.415; or (b) 60 days after conveyance to unit owners other than a declarant of 75 percent of the units that may be created in all common interest communities subject to the master association.
Sec. 204. RCW
64.90.310 and 2018 c 277 s 223 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) Any two or more common interest communities ((of the same form of ownership, by agreement of the unit owners as provided in subsection (2) of this section,)) may be merged or consolidated under subsection (2) of this section into a single common interest community by agreement of the unit owners or exercise of a special declarant right. In the event of a merger or consolidation, unless the agreement otherwise provides, the resultant common interest community is the legal successor, for all purposes, of all of the preexisting common interest communities, and the operations and activities of all associations of the preexisting common interest communities are merged or consolidated into a single association that holds all powers, rights, obligations, assets, and liabilities of all preexisting associations.
(2) An agreement of two or more common interest communities to merge or consolidate pursuant to subsection (1) of this section must be evidenced by an agreement prepared, executed, recorded, and certified by the president of the association of each of the preexisting common interest communities following approval by unit owners of units to which are allocated the percentage of votes in each common interest community required to terminate that common interest community. If a special declarant right is exercised in a common interest community, approval by the unit owners is not required and the declarant may execute the agreement on behalf of the common interest community. The agreement must be recorded in every county in which a portion of the common interest community is located and is not effective until recorded.
(3) Every merger or consolidation agreement, and every amendment providing for a merger or consolidation made by a declarant when exercising a special declarant right, must identify the declaration that will apply to the resultant common interest community and provide for the reallocation of allocated interests among the units of the resultant common interest community either (a) by stating the reallocations or the formulas upon which they are based or (b) by stating the percentage of overall allocated interests of the resultant common interest community that are allocated to all of the units comprising each of the preexisting common interest communities, and providing that the portion of the percentages allocated to each unit formerly comprising a part of the preexisting common interest community is equal to the percentages of allocated interests allocated to that unit by the declaration of the preexisting common interest community.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 205. A new section is added to chapter
64.90 RCW to read as follows:
A unit owner or person claiming through a unit owner may not acquire title by adverse possession to, or an easement by prescription in, a common element in derogation of the title of another unit owner or the association.
Sec. 206. RCW
64.90.450 and 2018 c 277 s 311 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) Unless the organizational documents provide otherwise, a quorum is present throughout any meeting of the unit owners if at the beginning of the meeting persons entitled to cast ((twenty))20 percent of the votes in the association((:
(a) Are present))attend in person ((or)), by proxy ((at the beginning of the meeting;
(b) Have voted by absentee ballot; or
(c) Are present by any combination of (a) and (b) of this subsection))
, by means of communication under RCW 64.90.445(1) (e) or (f), or have voted by absentee ballot.
(2) Unless the organizational documents specify a larger number, a quorum of the board is present for purposes of determining the validity of any action taken at a meeting of the board only if individuals entitled to cast a majority of the votes on that board are present at the time a vote regarding that action is taken. If a quorum is present when a vote is taken, the affirmative vote of a majority of the board members present is the act of the board unless a greater vote is required by the organizational documents.
Sec. 207. RCW
64.90.480 and 2018 c 277 s 317 are each amended to read as follows:
(1)(a) Assessments for common expenses and those specially allocated expenses that are subject to inclusion in a budget must be made at least annually based on a budget adopted at least annually by the association in the manner provided in RCW
(b) Assessments for common expenses and specially allocated expenses must commence on all units that have been created upon the conveyance of the first unit in the common interest community; however, the declarant may delay commencement of assessments for some or all common expenses or specially allocated expenses, in which event the declarant must pay all of the common expenses or specially allocated expenses that have been delayed. In a common interest community in which units may be added pursuant to reserved development rights, the declarant may delay commencement of assessments for such units in the same manner.
(2) The declaration may provide that, upon closing of the first conveyance of each unit to a purchaser or first occupancy of a unit, whichever occurs first, the association may assess and collect a working capital contribution for such unit. The working capital contribution may be collected prior to the commencement of common assessments under subsection (1) of this section. A working capital contribution may not be used to defray expenses that are the obligation of the declarant.
(3) Except as provided otherwise in this section, all common expenses must be assessed against all the units in accordance with their common expense liabilities, subject to the right of the declarant to delay commencement of certain common expenses under subsections (1) and (2) of this section. Any past due assessment or installment of past due assessment bears interest at the rate established by the association pursuant to RCW
(4) The declaration may provide that any of the following expenses of the association must be assessed against the units on some basis other than common expense liability. If and to the extent the declaration so provides, the association must assess:
(a) Expenses associated with the operation, maintenance, repair, or replacement of any specified limited common element against the units to which that limited common element is assigned, equally or in any other proportion that the declaration provides;
(b) Expenses specified in the declaration as benefiting fewer than all of the units or their unit owners exclusively against the units benefited in proportion to their common expense liability or in any other proportion that the declaration provides, but if the common expense is for the maintenance, repair, or replacement of a common element other than a limited common element, the expense may be assessed exclusively against them only if the declaration reasonably identifies the common expense by specific listing or category;
(c) The costs of insurance in proportion to risk; and
(d) The costs of one or more specified services or utilities in proportion to respective usage, whether metered, billed in bulk based on unit count, or reasonably estimated, or upon the same basis as such utility charges are made by the utility provider.
(5) Assessments to pay a judgment against the association may be made only against the units in the common interest community at the time the judgment was entered, in proportion to their common expense liabilities.
(6) ((To the extent that any expense of the association is caused by willful misconduct or gross negligence of any unit owner or that unit owner's tenant, guest, invitee, or occupant, the association may assess that expense against the unit owner's unit after notice and an opportunity to be heard, even if the association maintains insurance with respect to that damage or common expense.))The association may assess exclusively against a unit owner's unit common expenses, including expenses relating to damage to or loss of property, caused by the:
(a) Willful misconduct or gross negligence of the unit owner or the unit owner's tenant, guest, invitee, or occupant;
(b) Failure of the unit owner to comply with a maintenance standard prescribed by the declaration or a rule, if the standard contains a statement that an owner may be liable for damage or loss caused by failure to comply with the standard; or
(c) Negligence of the unit owner or the unit owner's tenant, guest, invitee, or occupant, if the declaration contains a statement that an owner may be liable for damage or loss caused by such negligence.
(7) ((If the declaration so provides, to the extent that any expense of the association is caused by the negligence of any unit owner or that unit owner's tenant, guest, invitee, or occupant, the association may assess that expense against the unit owner's unit after notice and an opportunity to be heard, to the extent of the association's deductible and any expenses not covered under an insurance policy issued to the association.))Before an association makes an assessment under subsection (6) of this section, the association must give notice to the unit owner and provide an opportunity for a hearing. The assessment is limited to the expense the association incurred under subsection (6) of this section less any insured proceeds received by the association, whether the difference results from the application of a deductible or otherwise.
(8) In the event of a loss or damage to a unit that would be covered by the association's property insurance policy, excluding policies for earthquake, flood, or similar losses that have higher than standard deductibles, but that is within the deductible under that policy and if the declaration so provides, the association may assess the amount of the loss up to the deductible against that unit. This subsection does not prevent a unit owner from asserting a claim against another person for the amount assessed if that other person would be liable for the damages under general legal principles.
(9) If common expense liabilities are reallocated, assessments and any installment of assessments not yet due must be recalculated in accordance with the reallocated common expense liabilities.
Sec. 208. RCW
64.90.520 and 2018 c 277 s 325 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) Unit owners present in person, by proxy,
by means of communication under RCW 64.90.445(1) (e) or (f), or by absentee ballot at any meeting of the unit owners at which a quorum is present
, may remove any board member and any officer elected by the unit owners, with or without cause, if the number of votes in favor of removal cast by unit owners entitled to vote for election of the board member or officer proposed to be removed is at least the lesser of (a) a majority of the votes in the association held by such unit owners or (b) two-thirds of the votes cast by such unit owners at the meeting, but:
(i) A board member appointed by the declarant may not be removed by a unit owner vote during any period of declarant control;
(ii) A board member appointed under RCW ((64.90.420(3)))64.90.410(7) may be removed only by the person that appointed that member; and
(iii) The unit owners may not consider whether to remove a board member or officer at a meeting of the unit owners unless that subject was listed in the notice of the meeting.
(2) At any meeting at which a vote to remove a board member or officer is to be taken, the board member or officer being considered for removal must have a reasonable opportunity to speak before the vote.
(3) At any meeting at which a board member or officer is removed, the unit owners entitled to vote for the board member or officer may immediately elect a successor board member or officer consistent with this chapter.
(4) The board may, without a unit owner vote, remove from the board a board member or officer elected by the unit owners if (a) the board member or officer is delinquent in the payment of assessments more than ((sixty))60 days and (b) the board member or officer has not cured the delinquency within ((thirty))30 days after receiving notice of the board's intent to remove the board member or officer. Unless provided otherwise by the governing documents, the board may remove an officer elected by the board at any time, with or without cause. The removal must be recorded in the minutes of the next board meeting.
64.90 RCW
Sec. 301. RCW
64.90.010 and 2019 c 238 s 201 are each amended to read as follows:
The definitions in this section apply throughout this chapter unless the context clearly requires otherwise.
(1) "Affiliate of a declarant" means any person who controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with a declarant. For purposes of this subsection:
(a) A person controls a declarant if the person:
(i) Is a general partner, managing member, officer, director, or employer of the declarant;
(ii) Directly or indirectly or acting in concert with one or more other persons, or through one or more subsidiaries, owns, controls, holds with power to vote, or holds proxies representing more than ((twenty))20 percent of the voting interest in the declarant;
(iii) Controls in any manner the election or appointment of a majority of the directors, managing members, or general partners of the declarant; or
(iv) Has contributed more than ((twenty))20 percent of the capital of the declarant.
(b) A person is controlled by a declarant if the declarant:
(i) Is a general partner, managing member, officer, director, or employer of the person;
(ii) Directly or indirectly or acting in concert with one or more other persons, or through one or more subsidiaries, owns, controls, holds with power to vote, or holds proxies representing more than ((twenty))20 percent of the voting interest in the person;
(iii) Controls in any manner the election or appointment of a majority of the directors, managing members, or general partners of the person; or
(iv) Has contributed more than ((twenty))20 percent of the capital of the person.
(c) Control does not exist if the powers described in this subsection (1) are held solely as security for an obligation and are not exercised.
(2) "Allocated interests" means the following interests allocated to each unit:
(a) In a condominium, the undivided interest in the common elements, the common expense liability, and votes in the association;
(b) In a cooperative, the common expense liability, the ownership interest, and votes in the association; and
(c) In a plat community and miscellaneous community, the common expense liability and the votes in the association, and also the undivided interest in the common elements if owned in common by the unit owners rather than an association.
(3) "Assessment" means all sums chargeable by the association against a unit, including any assessments levied pursuant to RCW
64.90.480, fines or fees levied or imposed by the association pursuant to this chapter or the governing documents, interest and late charges on any delinquent account, and all costs of collection incurred by the association in connection with the collection of a delinquent owner's account, including reasonable attorneys' fees.
(4) "Association" or "unit owners association" means the unit owners association organized under RCW
64.90.400 and, to the extent necessary to construe sections of this chapter made applicable to common interest communities pursuant to RCW
64.90.080 (as recodified by this act),
64.90.090, or
64.90.095 (as recodified by this act), the association organized or created to administer such common interest communities.
(5) "Ballot" means a record designed to cast or register a vote or consent in a form provided or accepted by the association.
(6) "Board" means the body, regardless of name, designated in the declaration, map, or organizational documents, with primary authority to manage the affairs of the association.
(7) "Common elements" means:
(a) In a condominium or cooperative, all portions of the common interest community other than the units;
(b) In a plat community or miscellaneous community, any real estate other than a unit within a plat community or miscellaneous community that is owned or leased either by the association or in common by the unit owners rather than an association; and
(c) In all common interest communities, any other interests in real estate for the benefit of any unit owners that are subject to the declaration.
(8) "Common expense" means any expense of the association, including allocations to reserves, allocated to all of the unit owners in accordance with common expense liability.
(9) "Common expense liability" means the liability for common expenses allocated to each unit pursuant to RCW
(10) "Common interest community" means real estate described in a declaration with respect to which a person, by virtue of the person's ownership of a unit, is obligated to pay for a share of real estate taxes, insurance premiums, maintenance, or improvement of, or services or other expenses related to, common elements, other units, or other real estate described in the declaration. "Common interest community" does not include an arrangement described in RCW
64.90.110 or
64.90.115. A common interest community may be a part of another common interest community.
(11) "Condominium" means a common interest community in which portions of the real estate are designated for separate ownership and the remainder of the real estate is designated for common ownership solely by the owners of those portions. A common interest community is not a condominium unless the undivided interests in the common elements are vested in the unit owners.
(12) "Condominium notice" means the notice given to tenants pursuant to subsection (13)(c) of this section.
(13)(a) "Conversion building" means a building:
(i) That at any time before creation of the common interest community was lawfully occupied wholly or partially by a tenant or subtenant for residential purposes pursuant to a rental agreement, oral or written, express or implied, who did not receive a condominium notice prior to entering into the rental agreement or lawfully taking occupancy, whichever event occurred first; or
(ii) That at any time within the ((twelve))12 months preceding the first acceptance of an agreement with the declarant to convey, or the first conveyance of, any unit in the building, whichever event occurred first, to any person who was not a declarant or dealer, or affiliate of a declarant or dealer, was lawfully occupied wholly or partially by a tenant or subtenant for residential purposes pursuant to a rental agreement, oral or written, express or implied, who did not receive a condominium notice prior to entering into the rental agreement or lawfully taking occupancy, whichever event occurred first.
(b) A building in a common interest community is a conversion building only if:
(i) The building contains more than two attached dwelling units as defined in RCW
64.55.010(1); and
(ii) Acceptance of an agreement to convey, or conveyance of, any unit in the building to any person who was not a declarant or dealer, or affiliate of a declarant or dealer, did not occur prior to July 1, 2018.
(c) The notice referred to in (a)(i) and (ii) of this subsection must be in writing and must state: "The unit you will be occupying is, or may become, part of a common interest community and subject to sale."
(14) "Convey" or "conveyance" means, with respect to a unit, any transfer of ownership of the unit, including a transfer by deed or by real estate contract and, with respect to a unit in a leasehold common interest community or a proprietary lease in a cooperative, a transfer by lease or assignment of the unit, but does not include the creation, transfer, or release of a security interest.
(15) "Cooperative" means a common interest community in which the real estate is owned by an association, each member of which is entitled by virtue of the member's ownership interest in the association and by a proprietary lease to exclusive possession of a unit.
(16) "Dealer" means a person who, together with such person's affiliates, owns or has a right to acquire either six or more units in a common interest community or ((fifty))50 percent or more of the units in a common interest community containing more than two units.
(17) "Declarant" means:
(a) Any person who executes as declarant a declaration;
(b) Any person who reserves or succeeds to any special declarant right in a declaration;
(c) Any person who exercises special declarant rights or to whom special declarant rights are transferred of record. The holding or exercise of rights to maintain sales offices, signs advertising the common interest community, and models, and related right of access, does not confer the status of being a declarant; or
(d) Any person who is the owner of a fee interest in the real estate that is subjected to the declaration at the time of the recording of an instrument pursuant to RCW
64.90.425 and who directly or through one or more affiliates is materially involved in the construction, marketing, or sale of units in the common interest community created by the recording of the instrument.
(18) "Declarant control" means the right of the declarant or persons designated by the declarant to appoint or remove any officer or board member of the association or to veto or approve a proposed action of any board or association, pursuant to RCW
(19) "Declaration" means the instrument, however denominated, that creates a common interest community, including any amendments to the instrument.
(20) "Development rights" means any right or combination of rights reserved by a declarant in the declaration to:
(a) Add real estate or improvements to a common interest community;
(b) Create units, common elements, or limited common elements within a common interest community;
(c) Subdivide or combine units or convert units into common elements;
(d) Withdraw real estate from a common interest community; or
(e) Reallocate limited common elements with respect to units that have not been conveyed by the declarant.
(21) "Effective age" means the difference between the useful life and remaining useful life.
(22) "Electronic" means relating to technology having electrical, digital, magnetic, wireless, optical, electromagnetic, or similar capabilities.
(23) "Electronic transmission" or "electronically transmitted" means any electronic communication (a) not directly involving the physical transfer of a record in a tangible medium and (b) that may be retained, retrieved, and reviewed by the sender and the recipient of the communication, and that may be directly reproduced in a tangible medium by a sender and recipient.
(((23)))(24) "Eligible mortgagee" means the holder of a security interest on a unit that has filed with the secretary of the association a written request that it be given copies of notices of any action by the association that requires the consent of mortgagees.
(((24)))(25) "Foreclosure" means a statutory forfeiture or a judicial or nonjudicial foreclosure of a security interest or a deed or other conveyance in lieu of a security interest.
(26) "Full funding plan" means a reserve funding goal of achieving ((
one hundred))
100 percent fully funded reserves by the end of the ((
30-year study period described under RCW
64.90.550, in which the reserve account balance equals the sum of the estimated costs required to maintain, repair, or replace the deteriorated portions of all reserve components.
(((26)))(27) "Fully funded balance" means the current value of the deteriorated portion, not the total replacement value, of all the reserve components. The fully funded balance for each reserve component is calculated by multiplying the current replacement cost of that reserve component by its effective age, then dividing the result by that reserve component's useful life. The sum total of all reserve components' fully funded balances is the association's fully funded balance.
(((27)))(28) "Governing documents" means the organizational documents, map, declaration, rules, or other written instrument by which the association has the authority to exercise any of the powers provided for in this chapter or to manage, maintain, or otherwise affect the property under its jurisdiction.
(((28)))(29) "Identifying number" means a symbol or address that identifies only one unit or limited common element in a common interest community.
(((29)))(30) "Leasehold common interest community" means a common interest community in which all or a portion of the real estate is subject to a lease the expiration or termination of which will terminate the common interest community or reduce its size.
(31) "Limited common element" means a portion of the common elements allocated by the declaration or by operation of RCW
64.90.210 (1)(b) or (3) for the exclusive use of one or more, but fewer than all, of the unit owners.
(32) "Map" means: (a) With respect to a plat community, the plat as defined in RCW
58.17.020 and complying with the requirements of Title
58 RCW, and (b) with respect to a condominium, cooperative, or miscellaneous community, a map prepared in accordance with the requirements of RCW
(33) "Master association" means ((
an organization described in RCW 64.90.300, whether or not it is also an association described in RCW 64.90.400))
:(a) A unit owners association that serves more than one common interest community; or
(b) An organization that holds a power delegated under RCW 64.90.300(1)(a).
(34) "Miscellaneous community" means a common interest community in which units are lawfully created in a manner not inconsistent with chapter
58.17 RCW and that is not a condominium, cooperative, or plat community.
(((34)))(35) "Nominal reserve costs" means that the current estimated total replacement costs of the reserve components are less than ((fifty))50 percent of the annual budgeted expenses of the association, excluding contributions to the reserve fund, for a condominium or cooperative containing horizontal unit boundaries, and less than ((seventy-five))75 percent of the annual budgeted expenses of the association, excluding contributions to the reserve fund, for all other common interest communities.
(((35)))(36) "Organizational documents" means the instruments filed with the secretary of state to create an entity and the instruments governing the internal affairs of the entity including, but not limited to, any articles of incorporation, certificate of formation, bylaws, and limited liability company or partnership agreement.
(((36)))(37) "Person" means an individual, corporation, business trust, estate, the trustee or beneficiary of a trust that is not a business trust, partnership, limited liability company, association, joint venture, public corporation, government, or governmental subdivision, agency, or instrumentality, or any other legal entity.
(38) "Plat community" means a common interest community in which units have been created by subdivision or short subdivision as both are defined in RCW
58.17.020 and in which the boundaries of units are established pursuant to chapter
58.17 RCW.
(39) "Proprietary lease" means a written and recordable lease that is executed and acknowledged by the association as lessor and that otherwise complies with requirements applicable to a residential lease of more than one year and pursuant to which a member is entitled to exclusive possession of a unit in a cooperative. A proprietary lease governed under this chapter is not subject to chapter
59.18 RCW except as provided in the declaration.
(((39)))(40) "Purchaser" means a person, other than a declarant or a dealer, which by means of a voluntary transfer acquires a legal or equitable interest in a unit other than as security for an obligation.
(((40)))(41) "Qualified financial institution" means a bank, savings association, or credit union whose deposits are insured by the federal government.
(((41)))(42) "Real estate" means any leasehold or other estate or interest in, over, or under land, including structures, fixtures, and other improvements and interests that by custom, usage, or law pass with a conveyance of land though not described in the contract of sale or instrument of conveyance. "Real estate" includes parcels with or without upper or lower boundaries and spaces that may be filled with air or water.
(43) "Real estate contract" has the same meaning as defined in RCW
(((43)))(44) "Record," when used as a noun, means information inscribed on a tangible medium or contained in an electronic transmission.
(((44)))(45) "Remaining useful life" means the estimated time, in years, before a reserve component will require major maintenance, repair, or replacement to perform its intended function.
(((45)))(46) "Replacement cost" means the estimated total cost to maintain, repair, or replace a reserve component to its original functional condition.
(((46)))(47) "Reserve component" means a physical component of the common interest community which the association is obligated to maintain, repair, or replace, which has an estimated useful life of less than ((thirty))30 years, and for which the cost of such maintenance, repair, or replacement is infrequent, significant, and impractical to include in an annual budget.
(48) "Reserve study professional" means an independent person who is suitably qualified by knowledge, skill, experience, training, or education to prepare a reserve study in accordance with RCW
64.90.545 and
64.90.550. For the purposes of this subsection, "independent" means a person who is not an employee, officer, or director, and has no pecuniary interest in the declarant, association, or any other party for whom the reserve study is prepared.
(((48)))(49) "Residential purposes" means use for dwelling or recreational purposes, or both.
(((49)))(50) "Rule" means a policy, guideline, restriction, procedure, or regulation of an association, however denominated, that is not set forth in the declaration or organizational documents ((and governs the conduct of persons or the use or appearance of property)).
(((50)))(51) "Security interest" means an interest in real estate or personal property, created by contract or conveyance that secures payment or performance of an obligation. "Security interest" includes a lien created by a mortgage, deed of trust, real estate contract, lease intended as security, assignment of lease or rents intended as security, pledge of an ownership interest in an association, and any other consensual lien or title retention contract intended as security for an obligation.
(((51)))(52) "Special declarant rights" means rights reserved for the benefit of a declarant to:
(a) Complete any improvements
the declarant is not obligated to make that are indicated on the map or described in the declaration or the public offering statement ((
pursuant to RCW 64.90.610(1)(h)));
(b) Exercise any development right
, pursuant to RCW 64.90.250;
(c) Maintain sales offices, management offices, signs advertising the common interest community, and models
, pursuant to RCW 64.90.275;
(d) Use easements through the common elements for the purpose of making improvements within the common interest community or within real estate that may be added to the common interest community
, pursuant to RCW 64.90.280;
(e) Make the common interest community subject to a master association
, pursuant to RCW 64.90.300;
(f) Merge or consolidate a common interest community with another common interest community ((
of the same form of ownership)), pursuant to RCW 64.90.310;(g) Appoint or remove any officer or board member of the association or any master association or to veto or approve a proposed action of any board or association, pursuant to RCW
(h) Control any construction, design review, or aesthetic standards committee or process
, pursuant to RCW 64.90.505(3);
(i) Attend meetings of the unit owners and, except during an executive session, the board
, pursuant to RCW 64.90.445;
(j) Have access to the records of the association to the same extent as a unit owner
, pursuant to RCW 64.90.495.
(53) "Specially allocated expense" means any expense of the association, including allocations to reserves, allocated ((
to some or all of the unit owners))
on a basis other than the common expense liability pursuant to RCW
64.90.480 ((
(4) through (8))).
(54) "Survey" has the same meaning as defined in RCW
(((54)))(55) "Tangible medium" means a writing, copy of a writing, facsimile, or a physical reproduction, each on paper or on other tangible material.
(56) "Timeshare" has the same meaning as defined in RCW
(57) "Transition meeting" means the meeting held pursuant to RCW
(58)(a) "Unit" means a physical portion of the common interest community designated for separate ownership or occupancy, the boundaries of which are described pursuant to RCW
(b) If a unit in a cooperative is owned by a unit owner or is sold, conveyed, voluntarily or involuntarily encumbered, or otherwise transferred by a unit owner, the interest in that unit that is owned, sold, conveyed, encumbered, or otherwise transferred is the right to possession of that unit under a proprietary lease, coupled with the allocated interests of that unit, and the association's interest in that unit is not affected.
(c) Except as provided in the declaration, a mobile home or manufactured home for which title has been eliminated pursuant to chapter
65.20 RCW is part of the unit described in the title elimination documents.
(((58)))(59)(a) "Unit owner" means (i) a declarant or other person that owns a unit or (ii) a lessee of a unit in a leasehold common interest community whose lease expires simultaneously with any lease the expiration or termination of which will remove the unit from the common interest community, but does not include a person having an interest in a unit solely as security for an obligation.
(b) "Unit owner" also means the vendee, not the vendor, of a unit under a recorded real estate contract.
(c) In a condominium, plat community, or miscellaneous community, the declarant is the unit owner of any unit created by the declaration. In a cooperative, the declarant is treated as the unit owner of any unit to which allocated interests have been allocated until that unit has been conveyed to another person.
(((59)))(60) "Useful life" means the estimated time during which a reserve component is expected to perform its intended function without major maintenance, repair, or replacement.
(((60)))(61) "Writing" does not include an electronic transmission.
(((61)))(62) "Written" means embodied in a tangible medium.
Sec. 302. RCW
64.90.065 and 2018 c 277 s 114 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) From time to time the dollar amount specified in RCW
64.90.075(4) (as recodified by this act) and
64.90.640(2) must change, as provided in subsections (2) and (3) of this section, according to and to the extent of changes in the consumer price index for urban wage earners and clerical workers: ((
United States city average, all items 1967 = 100, compiled by the bureau of labor statistics, United States department of labor, (the "index"). The index for December 1979, which was 230, is the reference base index.
(2) The dollar amounts specified in RCW
64.90.075(4) (as recodified by this act) and
64.90.640(2) and any amount stated in the declaration pursuant to RCW
64.90.075(4) (as recodified by this act) and
64.90.640(2) must change on July 1st of each year if the percentage of change, calculated to the nearest whole percentage point, between the index at the end of the preceding year and the reference base index, is ((
10 percent or more, but: (a) The portion of the percentage change in the index in excess of a multiple of ((
10 percent must be disregarded and the dollar amount may only change in multiples of ((
10 percent of the amount appearing in this chapter on July 1, 2018; (b) the dollar amount must not change if the amount required under this section is that currently in effect pursuant to this chapter as a result of earlier application of this section; and (c) the dollar amount must not be reduced below the amount appearing in this chapter on July 1, 2018.
(3) If the index is revised after December 1979, the percentage of change pursuant to this section must be calculated on the basis of the revised index. If the revision of the index changes the reference base index, a revised reference base index must be determined by multiplying the reference base index then applicable by the rebasing factor furnished by the bureau of labor statistics. If the index is superseded, the index referred to in this section is the one represented by the bureau of labor statistics as reflecting most accurately the changes in the purchasing power of the dollar for consumers.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 303. A new section is added to chapter
64.90 RCW to read as follows:
(1) Except as provided in subsection (2) of this section, the governing documents may not vary a provision of this chapter that gives a right to or imposes an obligation or liability on a unit owner, declarant, association, or board.
(2) The governing documents may vary the following provisions as provided in the provision:
(a) RCW
64.90.020(1), concerning classification of a cooperative unit as real estate or personal property;
(b) RCW
64.90.030 (2) and (3), concerning reallocation of allocated interests and allocation of proceeds after a taking by eminent domain;
(c) RCW
64.90.075(4) (as recodified by this act),
64.90.095 (as recodified by this act), and
64.90.100, concerning elections regarding applicability of this chapter;
(d) RCW
64.90.210, concerning boundaries between units and common elements;
(e) RCW
64.90.240 (2) and (3), concerning reallocation of limited common elements;
(f) RCW
64.90.245(11), concerning horizontal boundaries of units;
(g) RCW
64.90.255, concerning alterations of units and common elements made by unit owners;
(h) RCW
64.90.260 (1) and (2), concerning relocation of boundaries between units;
(i) RCW
64.90.265 (1) and (2), concerning subdivision and combination of units;
(j) RCW
64.90.275, concerning sales offices, management offices, models, and signs maintained by a declarant;
(k) RCW
64.90.280 (1) and (3), concerning easements through, and rights to use, common elements;
(l) RCW
64.90.285 (1), (6), and (9), concerning the percentage of votes and consents required to amend the declaration;
(m) RCW
64.90.290 (1) and (8), concerning the percentage of votes required to terminate a common interest community and priority of creditors of a cooperative;
(n) RCW
64.90.405 (2)(p), (4)(c), and (5)(c), concerning an association's assignment of rights to future income, the number of votes required to reject a proposal to borrow funds, and the right to terminate a lease or evict a tenant;
(o) RCW
64.90.410 (1) and (2), concerning the board acting on behalf of the association and the election of officers by the board;
(p) RCW
64.90.440 (1) and (4), concerning responsibility for maintenance, repair, and replacement of units and common elements and treatment of income or proceeds from real estate subject to development rights;
(r) RCW
64.90.450, concerning quorum requirements for meetings;
(s) RCW
64.90.455, concerning unit owner voting;
(t) RCW
64.90.465 (1), (2), and (7), concerning the percentage of votes required to convey or encumber common elements and the effect of conveyance or encumbrance of common elements;
(u) RCW
64.90.470, concerning insurance for a nonresidential common interest community;
(v) RCW
64.90.475(2), concerning payment of surplus funds of the association;
(w) RCW
64.90.485 (7) and (20), concerning priority and foreclosure of liens held by two or more associations and additional remedies for collection of assessments as permitted by law;
(x) RCW
64.90.520(4), concerning the board's ability to remove an officer elected by the board;
(y) RCW
64.90.545(2), concerning applicability of reserve study requirements to certain types of common interest communities; and
(z) RCW
64.90.525(1), concerning the percentage of votes required to reject a budget.
Sec. 304. RCW
64.90.100 and 2018 c 277 s 121 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) A plat community, miscellaneous community, or cooperative in which all the units are restricted exclusively to nonresidential use is not subject to this chapter except to the extent the declaration provides that:
(a) This entire chapter applies to the community;
(2) A condominium in which all the units are restricted exclusively to nonresidential use is subject to this chapter, but the declaration may provide that only RCW
64.90.010 through ((
64.90.325 and
64.90.900 apply to the community.
(3) If this entire chapter applies to a common interest community in which all the units are restricted exclusively to nonresidential use, the declaration may also require, subject to RCW
64.90.050, that:
(a) Any management, maintenance, operations, or employment contract, lease of recreational or parking areas or facilities, and any other contract or lease between the association and a declarant or an affiliate of a declarant continues in force after the declarant turns over control of the association; and
(b) Purchasers of units must execute proxies, powers of attorney, or similar devices in favor of the declarant regarding particular matters enumerated in those instruments.
(4) A common interest community that contains both units restricted to nonresidential purposes and units that may be used for residential purposes is not subject to this chapter unless the units that may be used for residential purposes would comprise a common interest community subject to this chapter in the absence of such nonresidential units or the declaration provides that this chapter applies as provided in subsection (2) or (3) of this section.
Sec. 305. RCW
64.90.225 and 2019 c 238 s 206 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) The declaration must contain:
(a) The names of the common interest community and the association and, immediately following the initial recital of the name of the community, a statement that the common interest community is a condominium, cooperative, plat community, or miscellaneous community;
(b) A legal description of the real estate included in the common interest community;
(c) A statement of the number of units that the declarant has created and, if the declarant has reserved the right to create additional units, the maximum number of such additional units;
(d) In all common interest communities, a reference to the recorded map creating the units and common elements, if any, subject to the declaration, and in a common interest community other than a plat community, the identifying number of each unit created by the declaration, a description of the boundaries of each unit if and to the extent they are different from the boundaries stated in RCW
64.90.210(1)(a), and with respect to each existing unit, and if known at the time the declaration is recorded, the (i) approximate square footage, (ii) number of whole or partial bathrooms, (iii) number of rooms designated primarily as bedrooms, and (iv) level or levels on which each unit is located. The data described in this subsection (1)(d)(ii) and (iii) may be omitted with respect to units restricted to nonresidential use;
(e) A description of any limited common elements, other than those specified in RCW
64.90.210 (1)(b) and (3);
(f) A description of any real estate
, except real estate subject to development rights, that may be allocated subsequently by the declarant as limited common elements, other than limited common elements specified in RCW
64.90.210 (1)(b) and (3), together with a statement that they may be so allocated;
(g) A description of any development right and any other special declarant rights reserved by the declarant, ((and, if the boundaries of the real estate subject to those rights are fixed in the declaration pursuant to (h)(i) of this subsection, a description of the real property affected by those rights, and)) a time limit within which each of those rights must be exercised, and a legal description of the real property to which each development right applies;
(h) If any development right may be exercised with respect to different parcels of real estate at different times, a statement to that effect together with:
(i) Either a statement fixing the boundaries of those portions and regulating the order in which those portions may be subjected to the exercise of each development right or a statement that no assurances are made in those regards; and
(ii) A statement as to whether, if any development right is exercised in any portion of the real estate subject to that development right, that development right must be exercised in all or in any other portion of the remainder of that real estate;
(i) Any other conditions or limitations under which the rights described in (g) of this subsection may be exercised or will lapse;
(j) An allocation to each unit of the allocated interests in the manner described in RCW
(k) Any restrictions on alienation of the units, including any restrictions on leasing that exceed the restrictions on leasing units that boards may impose pursuant to RCW
(10)(c) and on the amount for which a unit may be sold or on the amount that may be received by a unit owner on sale, condemnation, or casualty loss to the unit or to the common interest community, or on termination of the common interest community;
(l) A cross-reference by recording number to the map for the units created by the declaration;
(m) Any authorization pursuant to which the association may establish and enforce construction and design criteria and aesthetic standards as provided in RCW
(o) A statement on the first page of the declaration whether the common interest community is subject to this chapter.
(2) All amendments to the declaration must contain a cross-reference by recording number to the declaration and to any prior amendments to the declaration. All amendments to the declaration adding units must contain a cross-reference by recording number to the map relating to the added units and set forth all information required under subsection (1) of this section with respect to the added units.
(3) The declaration may contain any other matters the declarant considers appropriate, including any restrictions on the uses of a unit or the number or other qualifications of persons who may occupy units.
Sec. 306. RCW
64.90.240 and 2018 c 277 s 209 are each amended to read as follows:
(1)(a) Except for the limited common elements described in RCW
64.90.210 (1)(b) and (3), the declaration must specify to which unit or units each limited common element is allocated.
(b) An allocation of a limited common element may not be altered without the consent of the owners of the units from which and to which the limited common element is allocated.
(2)(a) Except in the case of a reallocation being made by a declarant pursuant to a development right reserved in the declaration, a limited common element may be reallocated between units only with the approval of the board and by an amendment to the declaration executed by the unit owners between or among whose units the reallocation is made.
(b) The board must approve the request of the unit owner or owners under this subsection (2) within ((thirty))30 days, or within such other period provided by the declaration, unless the proposed reallocation does not comply with this chapter or the declaration. The failure of the board to act upon a request within such period is deemed an approval of the request. If approved, the unit owners must provide the proposed amendment to the association for review and approval before execution. The association may require revisions to ensure correctness, clarity, and compliance with this chapter or the declaration. Unless otherwise agreed by the unit owners and association, all costs of preparing, revising, executing, and recording the amendment shall be borne by the affected unit owners.
(c) The ((amendment must be executed and recorded by the association and be recorded in the name of the common interest community))unit owners executing the amendment shall provide a copy of the amendment to the association, and the association shall record the amendment in accordance with the requirements of subsection (4) of this section.
(3) ((Unless provided otherwise in the declaration, the unit owners of units to which at least sixty-seven percent of the votes are allocated, including the unit owner of the unit to which the common element or limited common element will be assigned or incorporated, must agree to reallocate a common element as a limited common element or to incorporate a common element or a limited common element into an existing unit. Such reallocation or incorporation must be reflected in an amendment to the declaration and the map.))(a) A common element not previously allocated as a limited common element may be so allocated only by an amendment to the declaration. A unit owner may request the board to amend the declaration to allocate all or part of a common element as a limited common element for the exclusive use of the owner's unit. The board may prescribe in the amendment a condition or obligation, including an obligation to maintain the new limited common element or pay a fee or charge to the association.
(b) If the board approves the amendment, the board shall give notice to all unit owners of its action and include a statement that unit owners may object in a record to the amendment not later than 30 days after delivery of the notice. The amendment becomes effective if the board does not receive a timely objection.
(c) If the board receives a timely objection, the amendment becomes effective only if the unit owners of units to which at least 67 percent of the votes are allocated, including at least 67 percent of the votes that are allocated to units not owned by the declarant, vote under RCW 64.90.455 to approve the amendment. (d) If the amendment becomes effective, the association and the owner of the benefited unit shall execute the amendment.
(4) The association shall record the amendment as provided in RCW 64.90.285. If the amendment changes information shown in a map concerning a common element or limited common element other than a common wall between units, the association shall prepare and record a revised map. Sec. 307. RCW
64.90.260 and 2018 c 277 s 213 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) Subject to the provisions of the declaration, RCW
64.90.255, and other provisions of law, the boundaries between adjoining units may be relocated upon application to the board by the unit owners of those units and upon approval by the board pursuant to this section. The application must include plans showing the relocated boundaries and such other information as the board may require. If the unit owners of the adjoining units have specified a reallocation between their units of their allocated interests, the application must state the proposed reallocations. Unless the board determines, after receipt of all required information, that the reallocations are unreasonable or that the proposed boundary relocation does not comply with the declaration, RCW
64.90.255, or other provisions of law, the board must approve the application and prepare any amendments to the declaration and map in accordance with the requirements of subsection (3) of this section.
(2)(a) ((Subject to the provisions of the declaration and other provisions of law, boundaries between units and common elements may be relocated to incorporate common elements within a unit by an amendment to the declaration upon application to the association by the unit owner of the unit who proposes to relocate a boundary. The amendment may be approved only if the unit owner of the unit, the boundary of which is being relocated, and, unless the declaration provides otherwise, persons entitled to cast at least sixty-seven percent of the votes in the association, including sixty-seven percent of the votes allocated to units not owned by the declarant, agree.
(b) The association may require payment to the association of a one-time fee or charge or continuing fees or charges payable by the unit owners of the units whose boundaries are being relocated to include common elements))The boundary of a unit may be relocated only by an amendment to the declaration. A unit owner may request the board to amend the declaration to include all or part of a common element within the unit owner's unit. The board may prescribe in the amendment a fee or charge payable by the unit owner to the association in connection with the relocation.
(b) The board may approve the amendment only if the unit owners of units to which at least 67 percent of the votes are allocated, including at least 67 percent of the votes that are allocated to units not owned by the declarant, vote under RCW 64.90.455 to approve the amendment.
(a))) The association ((
must prepare any))
and the owners of the units whose boundaries are relocated must execute an amendment ((
to the declaration in accordance with the requirements of RCW 64.90.225 and any amendment to the map in accordance with the requirements of RCW 64.90.245))
under this section. The amendment must contain words of conveyance between the parties. The association shall record the amendment as provided in RCW 64.90.285. The association:(a) In a condominium, plat community, or miscellaneous community shall prepare and record an amendment to the map necessary to show ((or describe)) the altered boundaries of affected units and their dimensions and identifying numbers; and
(b) In a cooperative shall prepare and record amendments to the declaration, including any amendment to the map necessary to show or describe the altered boundaries of affected units, and their dimensions and identifying numbers.
(b) The amendment to the declaration must be executed by the unit owner of the unit, the boundaries of which are being relocated, and by the association, contain words of conveyance between them, and be recorded in the names of the unit owner or owners and the association, as grantor or grantee, as appropriate and as required under RCW 64.90.285(3). The amendments are effective upon recording.))
(4) All costs, including reasonable attorneys' fees, incurred by the association for preparing and recording amendments to the declaration and map under this section must be assessed to the unit, the boundaries of which are being relocated.
Sec. 308. RCW
64.90.270 and 2018 c 277 s 215 are each amended to read as follows:
(((1) The physical boundaries of a unit located in a building containing or comprising that unit constructed or reconstructed in substantial accordance with the map, or amendment to the map, are its boundaries rather than any boundaries shown on the map, regardless of settling or lateral movement of the unit or of any building containing or comprising the unit, or of any minor variance between boundaries of the unit or any building containing or comprising the unit shown on the map.
(2) This section does not relieve a unit owner from liability in case of the unit owner's willful misconduct or relieve a declarant or any other person from liability for failure to adhere to the map.))
(1) Except as provided in subsection (2) of this section, if the construction, reconstruction, or alteration of a building or the vertical or lateral movement of a building results in an encroachment due to a divergence between the existing physical boundaries of a unit and the boundaries described in the declaration under RCW 64.90.225(1)(d), the existing physical boundaries of the unit are its legal boundaries, rather than the boundaries described in the declaration. (2) Subsection (1) of this section does not apply if the encroachment:
(a) Extends beyond five feet, as measured from any point on the common boundary along a line perpendicular to the boundary; or
(b) Results from willful misconduct of the unit owner that claims a benefit under subsection (1) of this section.
(3) This section does not relieve a declarant or other person of liability for failure to adhere to the map or a representation in the public offering statement.
Sec. 309. RCW
64.90.285 and 2019 c 238 s 208 are each amended to read as follows:
(1)(a) Except in cases of amendments that may be executed by: A declarant under subsection ((
(9) of this section, RCW
64.90.250, or
64.90.415(2)(d); the association under RCW
64.90.230(5), ((
64.90.240(3),)) 64.90.260((
(1))), ((
or)) 64.90.265
, or section 101 of this act or subsection ((
(10) of this section; or certain unit owners under RCW
64.90.240 (2)
or (3), ((
64.90.260(1),)) 64.90.265(2), or
64.90.290(2), and except as limited by subsections (4), (6), (7), ((
(8),)) and ((
(11) of this section, the declaration may be amended only by vote or agreement of unit owners of units to which at least ((
67 percent of the votes in the association are allocated, unless the declaration specifies a different percentage not to exceed ((
90 percent for all amendments or for specific subjects of amendment. For purposes of this section, "amendment" means any change to the declaration, including adding, removing, or modifying restrictions contained in a declaration.
(b) If the declaration requires the approval of another person as a condition of its effectiveness, the amendment is not valid without that approval((
; however, any right of approval may not result in an expansion of special declarant rights reserved in the declaration or violate any other section of this chapter, including RCW 64.90.015, 64.90.050, 64.90.055, and 64.90.060)).
(2) In the absence of fraud, any action to challenge the validity of an amendment adopted by the association may not be brought more than one year after the amendment is recorded.
(3) Every amendment to the declaration must be recorded in every county in which any portion of the common interest community is located and is effective only upon recordation. An amendment((
, except an amendment pursuant to RCW 64.90.260(1),)) must be indexed in the grantee's index in the name of the common interest community and the association and in the grantor's index in the name of the parties executing the amendment.
(4) Except to the extent expressly permitted or required under this chapter, an amendment may not create or increase special declarant rights, increase the number of units, change the boundaries of any unit, or change the allocated interests of a unit without the consent of unit owners to which at least ((ninety))90 percent of the votes in the association are allocated, including the consent of any unit owner of a unit, the boundaries of which or allocated interest of which is changed by the amendment.
(5) Amendments to the declaration required to be executed by the association must be executed by any authorized officer of the association who must certify in the amendment that it was properly adopted.
(6) ((The declaration may require a higher percentage of unit owner approval for an amendment that is intended to prohibit or materially restrict the uses of units permitted under the applicable zoning ordinances, or to protect the interests of members of a defined class of owners, or to protect other legitimate interests of the association or its members. Subject to subsection (13) of this section, a declaration may not require, as a condition for amendment, approval by more than ninety percent of the votes in the association or by all but one unit owner, whichever is less. An amendment approved under this subsection must provide reasonable protection for a use permitted at the time the amendment was adopted.
(7))) The time limits specified in the declaration pursuant to RCW
64.90.225(1)(g) within which reserved development rights must be exercised may be extended, and additional development rights may be created, if persons entitled to cast at least ((
80 percent of the votes in the association, including ((
80 percent of the votes allocated to units not owned by the declarant, agree to that action. The agreement is effective ((
30 days after an amendment to the declaration reflecting the terms of the agreement is recorded unless all the persons holding the affected special declarant rights, or security interests in those rights, record a written objection within the ((
30-day period, in which case the amendment is void, or consent in writing at the time the amendment is recorded, in which case the amendment is effective when recorded.
(((8)))(7) A provision in the declaration creating special declarant rights that have not expired may not be amended without the consent of the declarant.
(((9)))(8) If any provision of this chapter or the declaration requires the consent of a holder of a security interest in a unit as a condition to the effectiveness of an amendment to the declaration, the consent is deemed granted if a refusal to consent in a record is not received by the association within ((sixty))60 days after the association delivers notice of the proposed amendment to the holder at an address for notice provided by the holder or mails the notice to the holder by certified mail, return receipt requested, at that address. If the holder has not provided an address for notice to the association, the association must provide notice to the address in the security interest of record.
(((10)))(9) Upon ((thirty))30-day advance notice to unit owners, the declarant may, without a vote of the unit owners or approval by the board, unilaterally adopt, execute, and record a corrective amendment or supplement to the governing documents to correct a mathematical mistake, an inconsistency, or a scrivener's error, or clarify an ambiguity in the governing documents with respect to an objectively verifiable fact including, without limitation, recalculating the undivided interest in the common elements, the liability for common expenses, or the number of votes in the unit owners association appertaining to a unit, within five years after the recordation or adoption of the governing document containing or creating the mistake, inconsistency, error, or ambiguity. Any such amendment or supplement may not materially reduce what the obligations of the declarant would have been if the mistake, inconsistency, error, or ambiguity had not occurred.
(((11)))(10) Upon ((thirty))30-day advance notice to unit owners, the association may, upon a vote of two-thirds of the members of the board, without a vote of the unit owners, adopt, execute, and record an amendment to the declaration for the following purposes:
(a) To correct or supplement the governing documents as provided in subsection (((10)))(9) of this section;
(b) ((To remove language and otherwise amend as necessary to effect the removal of language purporting to forbid or restrict the conveyance, encumbrance, occupancy, or lease to: Individuals of a specified race, creed, color, sex, or national origin; individuals with sensory, mental, or physical disabilities; and families with children or any other legally protected classification;
(c))) To remove language and otherwise amend as necessary to effect the removal of language that purports to impose limitations on the power of the association beyond the limit authorized in RCW
64.90.405(3)(a) to deal with the declarant that are more restrictive than the limitations imposed on the power of the association to deal with other persons; and
(((d)))(c) To remove any other language and otherwise amend as necessary to effect the removal of language purporting to limit the rights of the association or its unit owners in direct conflict with this chapter.
(((12)))(11) If the declaration requires that amendments to the declaration may be adopted only if the amendment is signed by a specified number or percentage of unit owners and if the common interest community contains more than ((twenty))20 units, such requirement is deemed satisfied if the association obtains such signatures or the vote or agreement of unit owners holding such number or percentage.
(((13)))(12)(a) If the declaration requires that amendments to the declaration may be adopted only by the vote or agreement of unit owners of units to which more than ((sixty-seven))67 percent of the votes in the association are allocated, and the percentage required is otherwise consistent with this chapter, the amendment is approved if:
(i) The approval of the percentage specified in the declaration is obtained;
(ii)(A) Unit owners of units to which at least ((sixty-seven))67 percent of the votes in the association are allocated vote for or agree to the proposed amendment;
(B) A unit owner does not vote against the proposed amendment; and
(C) Notice of the proposed amendment, including notice that the failure of a unit owner to object may result in the adoption of the amendment, is delivered to the unit owners holding the votes in the association that have not voted or agreed to the proposed amendment and no written objection to the proposed amendment is received by the association within ((sixty))60 days after the association delivers notice; or
(iii)(A) Unit owners of units to which at least ((sixty-seven))67 percent of the votes in the association are allocated vote for or agree to the proposed amendment;
(B) At least one unit owner objects to the proposed amendment; and
(C) Pursuant to an action brought by the association in the county in which the common interest community is situated against all objecting unit owners, the court finds, under the totality of circumstances including, but not limited to, the subject matter of the amendment, the purpose of the amendment, the percentage voting to approve the amendment, and the percentage objecting to the amendment, that the amendment is reasonable.
(b) If the declaration requires the affirmative vote or approval of any particular unit owner or class of unit owners as a condition of its effectiveness, the amendment is not valid without that vote or approval.
Sec. 310. RCW
64.90.290 and 2018 c 277 s 219 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) Except for a taking of all the units by condemnation, foreclosure against an entire cooperative of a security interest that has priority over the declaration, or in the circumstances described in RCW
64.90.325, a common interest community may be terminated only by agreement of unit owners of units to which at least ((
80 percent of the votes in the association are allocated, ((
or any larger percentage the declaration specifies))
including at least 80 percent of the votes allocated to units not owned by the declarant, and with any other approvals required by the declaration.
The declaration may require a larger percentage of total votes in the association for approval, but termination requires approval by at least 80 percent of the votes allocated to units not owned by the declarant. The declaration may specify ((
a)) smaller percentage
s only if all of the units are restricted exclusively to nonresidential uses.
(2) An agreement to terminate must be evidenced by the execution of a termination agreement, or ratifications of the agreement, in the same manner as a deed, by the requisite number of unit owners. The termination agreement must specify a date after which the agreement is void unless it is recorded before that date. A termination agreement and all ratifications of the agreement must be recorded in every county in which a portion of the common interest community is situated and is effective only upon recordation. An agreement to terminate may only be amended by complying with the requirements of this subsection and subsection (1) of this section.
(3)(((a) In the case of a condominium, plat community, or miscellaneous community containing only units having horizontal boundaries between units, a))A termination agreement may provide ((that))for the sale of some or all of the common elements and units of the common interest community ((must be sold)) following termination. If, pursuant to the agreement, any real estate in the common interest community is to be sold following termination, the termination agreement must set forth the minimum purchase price, manner of payment, and outside closing date, and may include any other terms of the sale.
(((b) In the case of a condominium, plat community, or miscellaneous community containing no units having horizontal boundaries between units, a termination agreement may provide for sale of the common elements that are not necessary for the habitability of a unit, but it may not require that any unit be sold following termination, unless the declaration as originally recorded provided otherwise or all the unit owners consent to the sale. If, pursuant to the agreement, any real estate in the common interest community is to be sold following termination, the termination agreement must set forth the minimum purchase price, manner of payment, and outside closing date, and may include any other terms of sale.
(c) In the case of a condominium, plat community, or miscellaneous community containing some units having horizontal boundaries between units and some units without horizontal boundaries between units, a termination agreement may provide for sale of the common elements that are not necessary for the habitability of a unit, but it may not require that any unit be sold following termination, unless the declaration as originally recorded provided otherwise or all the unit owners of units in the building to be sold consent to the sale. If, pursuant to the agreement, any real estate in the common interest community is to be sold following termination, the termination agreement must set forth the minimum purchase price, manner of payment, and outside closing date, and may include any other terms of sale.))
(4)(a) The association, on behalf of the unit owners, may contract for the sale of real estate in a common interest community, but the contract is not binding on the unit owners until approved pursuant to subsections (1) and (2) of this section. If any real estate is to be sold following termination, title to that real estate((, upon termination,))not already owned by the association vests on termination in the association as trustee for the holders of all interests in the units. Thereafter, the association has all powers necessary and appropriate to effect the sale. Until the sale has been concluded and the proceeds of the sale distributed, the association continues in existence with all powers it had before termination.
(b) Proceeds of the sale must be distributed to unit owners and lienholders as their interests may appear, in accordance with subsections (((6) and))(7), (8), (9), and (13) of this section. Unless otherwise specified in the termination agreement, as long as the association holds title to the real estate, each unit owner and the unit owner's successors in interest have an exclusive right to occupancy of the portion of the real estate that formerly constituted the unit. During the period of that occupancy, each unit owner and the unit owner's successors in interest remain liable for all assessments and other obligations imposed on unit owners under this chapter or the declaration.
(5) ((In a condominium, plat community, or miscellaneous community, if any portion of the real estate constituting the common interest community is not to be sold following termination, title to those portions of the real estate constituting the common elements and, in a common interest community containing units having horizontal boundaries between units described in the declaration, title to all the real estate containing such boundaries in the common interest community vests in the unit owners upon termination as tenants in common in proportion to their respective interests as provided in subsection (8) of this section, and liens on the units shift accordingly. While the tenancy in common exists, each unit owner and the unit owner's successors in interest have an exclusive right to occupancy of the portion of the real estate that formerly constituted the unit.))Termination does not change title to a unit or common element not to be sold following termination unless the termination agreement otherwise provides.
(6)(((a))) Following termination of the common interest community, the proceeds of a sale of real estate, together with the assets of the association, are held by the association as trustee for unit owners and holders of liens on the units as their interests may appear.
(7)(a) Following termination of a condominium, plat community, or miscellaneous community, creditors of the association holding liens on the units that were recorded or perfected under RCW
4.64.020 before termination may enforce those liens in the same manner as any lienholder.
(((c)))(b) All other creditors of the association are to be treated as if they had perfected liens on the units immediately before termination.
(8) In a cooperative, the declaration may provide that all creditors of the association have priority over any interests of unit owners and creditors of unit owners. In that event, following termination, creditors of the association holding liens on the cooperative that were recorded or perfected under RCW
4.64.020 before termination may enforce their liens in the same manner as any lienholder, and any other creditor of the association is to be treated as if the creditor had perfected a lien against the cooperative immediately before termination. Unless the declaration provides that all creditors of the association have that priority:
(a) The lien of each creditor of the association that was perfected against the association before termination becomes, upon termination, a lien against each unit owner's interest in the unit as of the date the lien was perfected;
(b) Any other creditor of the association must be treated, upon termination, as if the creditor had perfected a lien against each unit owner's interest immediately before termination;
(c) The amount of the lien of an association's creditor described in (a) and (b) of this subsection against each of the unit owners' interest must be proportionate to the ratio that each unit's common expense liability bears to the common expense liability of all of the units;
(d) The lien of each creditor of each unit owner that was perfected before termination continues as a lien against that unit owner's unit as of the date the lien was perfected;
(e) The assets of the association must be distributed to all unit owners and all lienholders as their interests may appear in the order described in this subsection; and
(f) Creditors of the association are not entitled to payment from any unit owner in excess of the amount of the creditor's lien against that unit owner's interest.
(((8)))(9) The respective interests of unit owners referred to in subsections (4), (5), (6), ((and)) (7), (8), and (13) of this section are as follows:
(a) Except as otherwise provided in (((b)))(d) of this subsection, the respective interests of unit owners are the fair market values of their units, allocated interests, and any limited common elements immediately before the termination, as determined by appraisal made by one or more independent appraisers selected by the association. The ((decision of the independent appraisers))appraisal must be distributed to the unit owners and becomes final unless ((disapproved within thirty)):
(i) Disapproved not later than 30 days after distribution by unit owners of units to which ((twenty-five))at least 25 percent of the votes in the association are allocated; or
(ii) A unit owner objects in a record not later than 30 days after distribution to the determination of value of the unit owner's unit.
(b) A unit owner that objects under (a)(ii) of this subsection may select an appraiser to represent the owner and make an appraisal of the unit owner's unit. If the association's appraisal and the unit owner's appraisal of the fair market value of the unit owner's interest differ, a panel consisting of an appraiser selected by the association, the unit owner's appraiser, and a third appraiser mutually selected by the first two appraisers shall determine, by majority vote, the value of the unit owner's interest. The determination of value by the panel is final.
(c) The proportion of any unit owner's interest to that of all unit owners is determined by dividing the fair market value of that unit owner's unit and its allocated interests by the total fair market values of all the units and their allocated interests.
(((b)))(d) If any unit or any limited common element is destroyed to the extent that an appraisal of the fair market value of the unit or limited common element before destruction cannot be made, the interests of all unit owners are:
(i) In a condominium, their respective common element interests immediately before the termination;
(ii) In a cooperative, their respective ownership interests immediately before the termination; and
(iii) In a plat community or miscellaneous community, their respective common expense liabilities immediately before the termination.
(10) In a condominium, plat community, or miscellaneous community, except as otherwise provided in subsection ((
(11) of this section, foreclosure or enforcement of a lien or encumbrance against the entire common interest community does not terminate the common interest community, and foreclosure or enforcement of a lien or encumbrance against a portion of the common interest community, other than withdrawable real estate, does not withdraw that portion from the common interest community. Foreclosure or enforcement of a lien or encumbrance against withdrawable real estate, or against common elements that have been subjected to a security interest by the association under RCW
64.90.465, does not withdraw that real estate from the common interest community, but the person taking title to the real estate may require from the association, upon request, an amendment excluding the real estate from the common interest community.
(((10)))(11) In a condominium, plat community, or miscellaneous community, if a lien or encumbrance against a portion of the real estate comprising the common interest community has priority over the declaration and the lien or encumbrance has not been partially released, the parties foreclosing the lien or encumbrance, upon foreclosure, may record an instrument excluding the real estate subject to that lien or encumbrance from the common interest community.
(12) The right of partition under chapter
7.52 RCW is suspended if an agreement to sell property is provided for in the termination agreement pursuant to subsection (3)((
(a), (b), or (c))) of this section. The suspension of the right to partition continues unless a binding obligation to sell does not exist three months after the recording of the termination agreement, the binding sale agreement is terminated, or one year after the termination agreement is recorded, whichever occurs first.
(13) A termination agreement complying with this section may provide for termination of fewer than all of the units in a common interest community, subject to the following:
(a) In addition to the approval required by subsection (1) of this section, the termination agreement must be approved by at least 80 percent of the votes allocated to the units being terminated;
(b) The termination agreement must reallocate under RCW 64.90.235 the allocated interests for the units that remain in the common interest community after termination; (c) The aggregate values of the units and common elements being terminated must be determined under subsection (9) of this section. The termination agreement must specify the allocation of the proceeds of sale for the units and common elements being terminated and sold;
(d) Security interests and liens on remaining units and remaining common elements continue, and security interests and liens on units being terminated no longer extend to any remaining common elements;
(e) The unit owners association continues as the association for the remaining units; and
(f) The association shall record with the termination agreement under subsection (2) of this section an amendment to the declaration or an amended and restated declaration, and, if necessary, an amendment to the map or an amended and restated map.
Sec. 311. RCW
64.90.405 and 2019 c 238 s 209 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) An association must:
(a) Adopt organizational documents;
(b) Adopt budgets as provided in RCW
(c) Impose assessments for common expenses and specially allocated expenses on the unit owners as provided in RCW ((
64.90.480(1) and
(d) Prepare financial statements as provided in RCW
64.90.530; and
(e) Deposit and maintain the funds of the association in accounts as provided in RCW
(2) Except as provided otherwise in subsection (4) of this section and subject to the provisions of the declaration, the association may:
(a) Amend organizational documents and adopt and amend rules;
(c) Hire and discharge managing agents and other employees, agents, and independent contractors;
(d) Institute, defend, or intervene in litigation or in arbitration, mediation, or administrative proceedings or any other legal proceeding in its own name on behalf of itself or two or more unit owners on matters affecting the common interest community;
(e) Make contracts and incur liabilities subject to subsection (4) of this section;
(f) Regulate the use, maintenance, repair, replacement, and modification of common elements;
(g) Cause additional improvements to be made as a part of the common elements;
(h) Acquire, hold, encumber, and convey in its own name any right, title, or interest to real estate or personal property, but:
(i) Common elements in a condominium, plat community, or miscellaneous community may be conveyed or subjected to a security interest pursuant to RCW
64.90.465 only; and
(ii) Part of a cooperative may be conveyed, or all or part of a cooperative may be subjected to a security interest pursuant to RCW
64.90.465 only;
(i) Grant easements, leases,
and licenses((
, and concessions)) through or over the common elements
, but a grant to a unit owner that benefits the unit owner's unit is allowed only by reallocation under RCW 64.90.240(3) of the common elements to a limited common element, and petition for or consent to the vacation of streets and alleys
. Notwithstanding the foregoing, a reallocation shall not be required in regard to the installation of an electric vehicle charging station on the common elements;
(j) Impose and collect any reasonable payments, fees, or charges for:
(i) The use, rental, or operation of the common elements, other than limited common elements described in RCW
64.90.210 (1)(b) and (3);
(ii) Services provided to unit owners; and
(iii) Moving in, moving out, or transferring title to units to the extent provided for in the declaration;
(k) Collect assessments and impose and collect reasonable charges for late payment of assessments;
(l) Enforce the governing documents and, after notice and opportunity to be heard, impose and collect reasonable fines for violations of the governing documents in accordance with a previously established schedule of fines adopted by the board of directors and furnished to the owners
pursuant to the requirements for notice in RCW 64.90.505;
(m) Impose and collect reasonable charges for the preparation and recordation of amendments to the declaration, resale certificates required under RCW
64.90.640, lender questionnaires, or statements of unpaid assessments;
(n) Provide for the indemnification of its officers and board members, to the extent provided in RCW
(o) Maintain directors' and officers' liability insurance;
(p) Subject to subsection (4) of this section, assign its right to future income, including the right to receive assessments;
(q) Join in a petition for the establishment of a parking and business improvement area, participate in the ratepayers' board or other advisory body set up by the legislative authority for operation of a parking and business improvement area, and pay special assessments levied by the legislative authority on a parking and business improvement area encompassing the condominium property for activities and projects that benefit the condominium directly or indirectly;
(r) Establish and administer a reserve account as described in RCW
(s) Prepare a reserve study as described in RCW
(t) Exercise any other powers conferred by the declaration or organizational documents;
(u) Exercise all other powers that may be exercised in this state by the same type of entity as the association;
(v) Exercise any other powers necessary and proper for the governance and operation of the association;
(w) Require that disputes between the association and unit owners or between two or more unit owners regarding the common interest community, other than those governed by chapter
64.50 RCW, be submitted to nonbinding alternative dispute resolution as a prerequisite to commencement of a judicial proceeding; and
(x) Suspend any right or privilege of a unit owner who fails to pay an assessment which suspension may be imposed for a reasonable amount of time not to exceed one business day after the association receives full payment of the delinquent assessment and the board has received confirmation of payment and cleared funds, but may not:
(i) Deny a unit owner or other occupant access to the owner's unit, or any limited common elements allocated only to that unit, or any common elements necessary to access the unit;
(ii) Suspend a unit owner's right to vote; or
(iii) Withhold services provided to a unit or a unit owner by the association if the effect of withholding the service would be to endanger the health, safety, or property of any person.
(3) The declaration may not limit the power of the association beyond the limit authorized in subsection (2)(w) of this section to:
(a) Deal with the declarant if the limit is more restrictive than the limit imposed on the power of the association to deal with other persons; or
(b) Institute litigation or an arbitration, mediation, or administrative proceeding against any person, subject to the following:
(i) The association must comply with chapter
64.50 RCW, if applicable, before instituting any proceeding described in chapter
64.50 RCW in connection with construction defects; and
(ii) The board must promptly provide notice to the unit owners of any legal proceeding in which the association is a party other than proceedings involving enforcement of rules or to recover unpaid assessments or other sums due the association.
(4) Any borrowing by an association that is to be secured by an assignment of the association's right to receive future income pursuant to subsection (2)(e) and (p) of this section requires ratification by the unit owners as provided in this subsection.
(a) The board must provide notice of the intent to borrow to all unit owners. The notice must include the purpose and maximum amount of the loan, the estimated amount and term of any assessments required to repay the loan, a reasonably detailed projection of how the money will be expended, and the interest rate and term of the loan.
(b) In the notice, the board must set a date for a meeting of the unit owners, which must not be less than ((fourteen))14 and no more than ((fifty))50 days after mailing of the notice, to consider ratification of the borrowing.
(c) Unless at that meeting, whether or not a quorum is present, unit owners holding a majority of the votes in the association or any larger percentage specified in the declaration reject the proposal to borrow funds, the association may proceed to borrow the funds in substantial accordance with the terms contained in the notice.
(5) If a tenant of a unit owner violates the governing documents, in addition to exercising any of its powers against the unit owner, the association may:
(a) Exercise directly against the tenant the powers described in subsection (2)(l) of this section;
(b) After giving notice to the tenant and the unit owner and an opportunity to be heard, levy reasonable fines against the tenant and unit owner for the violation; and
(c) Enforce any other rights against the tenant for the violation that the unit owner as the landlord could lawfully have exercised under the lease or that the association could lawfully have exercised directly against the unit owner, or both; but the association does not have the right to terminate a lease or evict a tenant unless permitted by the declaration. The rights referred to in this subsection (5)(c) may be exercised only if the tenant or unit owner fails to cure the violation within ((ten))10 days after the association notifies the tenant and unit owner of that violation.
(6) Unless a lease otherwise provides, this section does not:
(a) Affect rights that the unit owner has to enforce the lease or that the association has under other law; or
(b) Permit the association to enforce a lease to which it is not a party in the absence of a violation of the governing documents.
(7) The board may determine whether to take enforcement action by exercising the association's power to impose sanctions or commencing an action for a violation of the governing documents, including whether to compromise any claim for unpaid assessments or other claim made by or against it.
(8) The board does not have a duty to take enforcement action if it determines that, under the facts and circumstances presented:
(a) The association's legal position does not justify taking any or further enforcement action;
(b) The covenant, restriction, or rule being enforced is, or is likely to be construed as, inconsistent with law;
(c) Although a violation may exist or may have occurred, it is not so material as to be objectionable to a reasonable person or to justify expending the association's resources; or
(d) It is not in the association's best interests to pursue an enforcement action.
(9) The board's decision under subsections (7) and (8) of this section to not pursue enforcement under one set of circumstances does not prevent the board from taking enforcement action under another set of circumstances, but the board may not be arbitrary or capricious in taking enforcement action.
Sec. 312. RCW
64.90.410 and 2019 c 238 s 101 are each amended to read as follows:
(1)(a) Except as provided otherwise in the governing documents, subsection (4) of this section, or other provisions of this chapter, the board may act on behalf of the association.
(b) In the performance of their duties, officers and board members must exercise the degree of care and loyalty to the association required of an officer or director of a corporation organized, are subject to the conflict of interest rules governing directors and officers, and are entitled to the immunities from liability available to officers and directors under chapter
24.06 RCW. The standards of care and loyalty, and conflict of interest rules and immunities described in this section apply regardless of the form in which the association is organized.
(2)(a) Except as provided otherwise in RCW
(9), effective as of the transition meeting held in accordance with RCW
64.90.415(4), the board must be comprised of at least three members, at least a majority of whom must be unit owners. However, the number of board members need not exceed the number of units then in the common interest community.
(b) Unless the declaration or organizational documents provide for the election of officers by the unit owners, the board must elect the officers.
(c) Unless provided otherwise in the declaration or organizational documents, board members and officers must take office upon adjournment of the meeting at which they were elected or appointed or, if not elected or appointed at a meeting, at the time of such election or appointment, and must serve until their successor takes office.
(d) In determining the qualifications of any officer or board member of the association, "unit owner" includes, unless the declaration or organizational documents provide otherwise, any board member, officer, member, partner, or trustee of any person, who is, either alone or in conjunction with another person or persons, a unit owner.
(e) Any officer or board member of the association who would not be eligible to serve as such if he or she were not a board member, officer, partner in, or trustee of such a person is disqualified from continuing in office if he or she ceases to have any such affiliation with that person or that person would have been disqualified from continuing in such office as a natural person.
(3) Except when voting as a unit owner, the declarant may not appoint or elect any person or to serve itself as a voting, ex officio or nonvoting board member following the transition meeting.
(4) The board may not, without vote or agreement of the unit owners:
(a) Amend the declaration, except as provided in RCW
(b) Amend the organizational documents of the association;
(c) Terminate the common interest community;
(d) Elect members of the board, but may fill vacancies in its membership not resulting from removal for the unexpired portion of any term or, if earlier, until the next regularly scheduled election of board members; or
(e) Determine the qualifications, powers, duties, or terms of office of board members.
(5) The board must adopt budgets as provided in RCW
(6) Except for committees appointed by the declarant pursuant to special declarant rights, all committees of the association must be appointed by the board. Committees authorized to exercise any power reserved to the board must include at least two board members who have exclusive voting power for that committee. Committees that are not so composed may not exercise the authority of the board and are advisory only.
(7) A declaration may provide for the appointment of specified positions on the board by persons other than the declarant or an affiliate of the declarant during or after the period of declarant control. It also may provide a method for filling vacancies in those positions, other than by election by the unit owners. However, after the period of declarant control, appointed members:
(a) May not comprise more than one-third of the board; and
(b) Have no greater authority than any other board member.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 313. A new section is added to chapter
64.90 RCW to read as follows:
(1) Notwithstanding any contrary provision in the declaration or organizational documents, prior to an election of board members, the association must provide notice to all unit owners of the following:
(a) The number of board positions that may be filled;
(b) The qualifications to be a board candidate, if any; and
(c) The process, manner, and deadline for submitting nominations.
(2) If the board determines that any nominee is not a qualified candidate, the board shall notify the nominee of the basis for the disqualification, and the procedure for appealing the disqualification.
Sec. 314. RCW
64.90.420 and 2018 c 277 s 305 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) No later than ((
30 days following the date of the transition meeting held pursuant to RCW
64.90.415(4), the declarant must deliver or cause to be delivered to the board elected at the transition meeting all property of the unit owners and association as required by the declaration or this chapter including, but not limited to:
(a) The original or a copy of the recorded declaration and each amendment to the declaration;
(b) The organizational documents of the association;
(c) The minute books, including all minutes, and other books and records of the association;
(d) Current rules and regulations that have been adopted;
(e) Resignations of officers and members of the board who are required to resign because the declarant is required to relinquish control of the association;
(f) The financial records, including canceled checks, bank statements, and financial statements of the association, and source documents from the time of formation of the association through the date of transfer of control to the unit owners;
(g) Association funds or the control of the funds of the association;
(h) Originals or copies of any recorded instruments of conveyance for any common elements included within the common interest community but not appurtenant to the units;
(i) All tangible personal property of the association;
(j) Except for alterations to a unit done by a unit owner other than the declarant, a copy of the most recent plans and specifications used in the construction or remodeling of the common interest community, except for buildings containing fewer than three units;
(k) Originals or copies of insurance policies for the common interest community and association;
(l) Originals or copies of any certificates of occupancy that may have been issued for the common interest community;
(m) Originals or copies of any other permits obtained by or on behalf of the declarant and issued by governmental bodies applicable to the common interest community;
(n) Originals or copies of all written warranties that are still in effect for the common elements, or any other areas or facilities that the association has the responsibility to maintain and repair, from the contractor, subcontractors, suppliers, and manufacturers and all owners' manuals or instructions furnished to the declarant with respect to installed equipment or building systems;
(o) A roster of unit owners and eligible mortgagees and their addresses and telephone numbers, if known, as shown on the declarant's records and the date of closing of the first sale of each unit sold by the declarant;
(p) Originals or copies of any leases of the common elements and other leases to which the association is a party;
(q) Originals or photocopies of any employment contracts or service contracts in which the association is one of the contracting parties or service contracts in which the association or the unit owners have an obligation or a responsibility, directly or indirectly, to pay some or all of the fee or charge of the person performing the service;
(r) Originals or copies of any qualified warranty issued to the association as provided for in RCW
64.35.505; ((
(s) Originals or copies of all other contracts to which the association is a party; and
(t) Originals or copies of the most recent reserve study prepared pursuant to RCW 64.90.545, if one exists.
(2) Within ((sixty))60 days of the transition meeting, the board must retain the services of a certified public accountant to audit the records of the association as the date of the transition meeting in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards unless the unit owners, other than the declarant, to which a majority of the votes are allocated elect to waive the audit. The cost of the audit must be a common expense unless otherwise provided in the declaration. The accountant performing the audit must examine supporting documents and records, including the cash disbursements and related paid invoices, to determine if expenditures were for association purposes and the billings, cash receipts, and related records to determine if the declarant was charged for and paid the proper amount of assessments.
(((3) A declaration may provide for the appointment of specified positions on the board by persons other than the declarant or an affiliate of the declarant during or after the period of declarant control. It also may provide a method for filling vacancies in those positions, other than by election by the unit owners. However, after the period of declarant control, appointed members:
(a) May not comprise more than one-third of the board; and
(b) Have no greater authority than any other board member.))
Sec. 315. RCW
64.90.425 and 2018 c 277 s 306 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) ((Except as provided in subsection (3) of this section, a special declarant right created or reserved under this chapter may be transferred only by an instrument effecting the transfer and executed by the transferor, to be recorded in every county in which any portion of the common interest community is located. The transferee must provide the association with a copy of the recorded instrument, but the failure to furnish the copy does not invalidate the transfer.
(2) Upon transfer of any special declarant right, the liability of a transferor declarant is as follows:
(a) A transferor is not relieved of any obligation or liability arising before the transfer and remains liable for such warranty obligations arising before the transfer imposed upon the transferor under this chapter. Lack of privity does not deprive any unit owner of standing to maintain an action to enforce any obligation of the transferor.
(b) If a successor to any special declarant right is an affiliate of a declarant the transferor is jointly and severally liable with the successor for any obligations or liabilities of the successor relating to the common interest community.
(c) If a transferor retains any special declarant rights, but transfers other special declarant rights to a successor who is not an affiliate of the declarant, the transferor is liable for any obligations or liabilities imposed on a declarant under this chapter or by the declaration relating to the retained special declarant rights, whether arising before or after the transfer.
(d) A transferor is not liable for any act or omission or any breach of a contractual or warranty obligation by a successor declarant who is not an affiliate of the transferor.
(3) Upon foreclosure of a security interest, sale by a trustee under an agreement creating a security interest, tax sale, judicial sale, or sale under bankruptcy code or receivership proceedings of any unit owned by a declarant or real property in a common interest community that is subject to any special declarant rights, a person acquiring title to the real property being foreclosed or sold succeeds to all of the special declarant rights related to that real property held by that declarant and to any rights reserved in the declaration pursuant to RCW 64.90.275 and held by that declarant to maintain models, sales offices, and signs except to the extent the judgment or instrument effecting the transfer states otherwise. (4) Upon foreclosure of a security interest, sale by a trustee under an agreement creating a security interest, tax sale, judicial sale, or sale under bankruptcy code or receivership proceedings of all interests in a common interest community owned by a declarant, any special declarant rights that are not transferred as stated in subsection (3) of this section terminate.
(5) The liabilities and obligations of a person who succeeds to special declarant rights are as follows:
(a) A successor to any special declarant right who is an affiliate of a declarant is subject to all obligations and liabilities imposed on the transferor under this chapter or by the declaration.
(b) A successor to any special declarant right, other than a successor who is an affiliate of a declarant, is subject to the obligations and liabilities imposed under this chapter or the declaration:
(i) On a declarant that relate to the successor's exercise of special declarant rights; and
(ii) On the declarant's transferor, other than:
(A) Misrepresentations by any previous declarant;
(B) Any warranty obligations pursuant to RCW 64.90.670 (1) through (3) on improvements made or contracted for, or units sold by, a previous declarant or that were made before the common interest community was created; (C) Breach of any fiduciary obligation by any previous declarant or the previous declarant's appointees to the board; or
(D) Any liability or obligation imposed on the transferor as a result of the transferor's acts or omissions after the transfer.
(c) A successor to only a right reserved in the declaration to maintain models, sales offices, and signs may not exercise any other special declarant right, and is not subject to any liability or obligation as a declarant, except the obligation to provide a public offering statement and any liability arising as a result of such reserved rights.
(6) This section does not subject any successor to a special declarant right to any claims against or other obligations of a transferor declarant, other than claims and obligations arising under this chapter or the declaration.))The definitions in this subsection apply throughout this section unless the context clearly requires otherwise.
(a) "Involuntary transfer" means a transfer by foreclosure of a mortgage, deed in lieu of foreclosure, tax sale, judicial sale, or sale in a bankruptcy or receivership proceeding of real estate owned by a declarant.
(b) "Nonaffiliate successor" means a person that succeeds to a special declarant right and is not an affiliate of the declarant that transferred the special declarant right to the person.
(2) A special declarant right is an interest in real estate. The interest is appurtenant to:
(a) All units owned by the declarant; and
(b) Real estate that is subject to a development right.
(3) A declarant that no longer owns a unit or a development right ceases to have any special declarant rights.
(4) A declarant may voluntarily transfer part or all of a special declarant right only by an instrument that describes the special declarant right being transferred. The transfer becomes effective when recorded in every county in which any portion of the common interest community is located.
(5) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (8), (9), (11), or (12) of this section, a successor to a special declarant right is subject to all obligations and liabilities imposed on the transferor by this chapter or the declaration.
(6) If a declarant transfers a special declarant right to an affiliate of the declarant, the transferor and the successor are jointly and severally liable for all obligations and liabilities imposed on either person by this chapter or the declaration. Lack of privity does not deprive a unit owner of standing to maintain an action to enforce any obligation or liability of the transferor or successor.
(7) A declarant that transfers a special declarant right to a nonaffiliate successor:
(a) Remains liable for an obligation or liability imposed by this chapter or the declaration, including a warranty obligation, that arose before the transfer; and
(b) Is not liable for an obligation or liability imposed on the successor by this chapter or the declaration that arose after the transfer.
(8) A nonaffiliate successor that succeeds to fewer than all special declarant rights held by the transferor is not subject to an obligation or liability that relates to a special declarant right not transferred to the successor.
(9) A nonaffiliate successor is not liable for an obligation or liability imposed by this chapter or the declaration that relates to:
(a) A misrepresentation by a previous declarant;
(b) A warranty obligation on an improvement made by a previous declarant or before the common interest community was created;
(c) Breach of a fiduciary obligation by a previous declarant or the previous declarant's appointees to the board; or
(d) An obligation or liability imposed on the transferor as a result of the transferor's act or omission after the transfer.
(10) If an involuntary transfer includes a special declarant right, the transferee may elect to acquire or reject the special declarant right. A transferee that elects to acquire the special declarant right is a successor declarant. The election is effective only if the judgment or instrument conveying title describes the special declarant right. If the judgment or instrument does not describe the special declarant right, the transferee will be presumed to have elected to accept the special declarant right.
(11) A successor to a special declarant right by an involuntary transfer may declare in a recorded instrument the successor's intent to hold the right solely for transfer to another person. After recording the instrument, the successor may not exercise a special declarant right, other than a right under RCW 64.90.415(1)(a) to control the board, and an attempt to exercise a special declarant right in violation of this subsection is void. A successor that complies with this subsection is not liable for an obligation or liability imposed by this chapter or the declaration other than liability for the successor's act or omission under RCW 64.90.415(1)(a). (12) This section does not subject a successor to a special declarant right to a claim against or obligation of a transferor, other than a claim or obligation imposed by this chapter or the declaration.
Sec. 316. RCW
64.90.445 and 2021 c 227 s 13 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) The following requirements apply to unit owner meetings:
(a) A meeting of the association must be held at least once each year. Failure to hold an annual meeting does not cause a forfeiture or give cause for dissolution of the association and does not affect otherwise valid association acts.
(b)(i) An association must hold a special meeting of unit owners to address any matter affecting the common interest community or the association if its president, a majority of the board, or unit owners having at least ((twenty))20 percent, or any lower percentage specified in the organizational documents, of the votes in the association request that the secretary call the meeting.
(ii) If the association does not provide notice to unit owners of a special meeting within ((thirty))30 days after the requisite number or percentage of unit owners request the secretary to do so, the requesting members may directly provide notice to all the unit owners of the meeting. ((Only matters described in the meeting notice required in (c) of this subsection may be considered at a special meeting.))The unit owners may discuss at a special meeting a matter not described in the notice under (c) of this subsection but may not take action on the matter without the consent of all unit owners.
(c) An association must provide notice to unit owners of the time, date, and place of each annual and special unit owners meeting not less than ((
14 days and not more than ((
50 days before the meeting date. Notice may be by any means described in RCW
64.90.515. The notice of any meeting must state the time, date, and place of the meeting and the items on the agenda, including:
(i) The text of any proposed amendment to the declaration or organizational documents;
(ii) Any changes in the previously approved budget that result in a change in the assessment obligations; and
(iii) Any proposal to remove a board member or officer.
(d) ((The minimum time to provide notice required in (c) of this subsection may be reduced or waived for a meeting called to deal with an emergency.
(e))) Unit owners must be given a reasonable opportunity at any meeting to comment regarding any matter affecting the common interest community or the association.
(((f) Except as otherwise restricted by the declaration or organizational documents, meetings of unit owners may be conducted by telephonic, video, or other conferencing process, if the process is consistent with subsection (2)(i) of this section.))
(e) A meeting of unit owners is not required to be held at a physical location if:
(i) The meeting is conducted by a means of communication that enables owners in different locations to communicate in real time to the same extent as if they were physically present in the same location, provided that such means of communication must have an option for owners to communicate by telephone; and
(ii) The declaration or organizational documents do not require that the owners meet at a physical location.
(f) In the notice for a meeting held at a physical location, the board may notify all unit owners that they may participate remotely in the meeting by a means of communication described in (e) of this subsection.
(2) The following requirements apply to meetings of the board and committees authorized to act for the board:
(a) Meetings must be open to the unit owners except during executive sessions, but the board may expel or prohibit attendance by any person who, after warning by the chair of the meeting, disrupts the meeting. The board and those committees may hold an executive session only during a regular or special meeting of the board or a committee. A final vote or action may not be taken during an executive session.
(b) An executive session may be held only to:
(i) Consult with the association's attorney concerning legal matters;
(ii) Discuss existing or potential litigation or mediation, arbitration, or administrative proceedings;
(iii) Discuss labor or personnel matters;
(iv) Discuss contracts, leases, and other commercial transactions to purchase or provide goods or services currently being negotiated, including the review of bids or proposals, if premature general knowledge of those matters would place the association at a disadvantage; or
(v) Prevent public knowledge of the matter to be discussed if the board or committee determines that public knowledge would violate the privacy of any person.
(c) For purposes of this subsection, a gathering of members of the board or committees at which the board or committee members do not conduct association business is not a meeting of the board or committee. Board members and committee members may not use incidental or social gatherings to evade the open meeting requirements of this subsection.
(d) During the period of declarant control, the board must meet at least four times a year. At least one of those meetings must be held at the common interest community or at a place convenient to the community. After the transition meeting, all board meetings must be at the common interest community or at a place convenient to the common interest community unless the unit owners amend the bylaws to vary the location of those meetings.
(e) At each board meeting, the board must provide a reasonable opportunity for unit owners to comment regarding matters affecting the common interest community and the association.
(f) Unless the meeting is included in a schedule given to the unit owners ((or the meeting is called to deal with an emergency)), the secretary or other officer specified in the organizational documents must provide notice of each board meeting to each board member and to the unit owners. The notice must be given at least ((fourteen))14 days before the meeting and must state the time, date, place, and agenda of the meeting.
(g) If any materials are distributed to the board before the meeting, the board must make copies of those materials reasonably available to the unit owners, except that the board need not make available copies of unapproved minutes or materials that are to be considered in executive session.
(h) Unless the organizational documents provide otherwise, fewer than all board members may participate in a regular or special meeting by or conduct a meeting through the use of any means of communication by which all board members participating can hear each other during the meeting. A board member participating in a meeting by these means is deemed to be present in person at the meeting.
(i) Unless the organizational documents provide otherwise, the board may meet by participation of all board members by telephonic, video, or other conferencing process if:
(i) The meeting notice states the conferencing process to be used and provides information explaining how unit owners may participate in the conference directly or by meeting at a central location or conference connection; and
(ii) The process provides all unit owners the opportunity to hear or perceive the discussion and to comment as provided in (e) of this subsection.
(j) After the transition meeting, unit owners may amend the organizational documents to vary the procedures for meetings described in (i) of this subsection.
(k) ((Instead of))Prior to the transition meeting, without a meeting, the board may act by unanimous consent as documented in a record by all its members. Actions taken by unanimous consent must be kept as a record of the association with the meeting minutes. After the transition meeting, the board may act by unanimous consent only to undertake ministerial actions, actions subject to ratification by the unit owners, or to implement actions previously taken at a meeting of the board.
(l) A board member who is present at a board meeting at which any action is taken is presumed to have assented to the action taken unless the board member's dissent or abstention to such action is lodged with the person acting as the secretary of the meeting before adjournment of the meeting or provided in a record to the secretary of the association immediately after adjournment of the meeting. The right to dissent or abstain does not apply to a board member who voted in favor of such action at the meeting.
(m) A board member may not vote by proxy or absentee ballot.
(n) Even if an action by the board is not in compliance with this section, it is valid unless set aside by a court. ((A challenge to the validity of an action of the board for failure))An action seeking relief for failure of the board to comply with this section may not be brought more than ((ninety))90 days after the minutes of the board of the meeting at which the action was taken are approved or the record of that action is distributed to unit owners, whichever is later.
(3) Minutes of all unit owner meetings and board meetings, excluding executive sessions, must be maintained in a record. The decision on each matter voted upon at a board meeting or unit owner meeting must be recorded in the minutes.
Sec. 317. RCW
64.90.455 and 2018 c 277 s 312 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) ((Unit owners may vote at a meeting in person, by absentee ballot pursuant to subsection (3)(d) of this section, or by a proxy pursuant to subsection (5) of this section.))Unit owners may vote at a meeting under subsection (2) or (3) of this section or, when a vote is conducted without a meeting, by ballot in the manner provided in subsection (4) of this section.
(2) ((When a vote is conducted without a meeting, unit owners may vote by ballot pursuant to subsection (6) of this section.
(3))) At a meeting of unit owners the following requirements apply:
(a) ((Unit owners or their proxies who are present in person))Unless the declaration or bylaws otherwise provide, and except as provided in subsection (9) of this section, unit owners or their proxy holders may vote by voice vote, show of hands, standing, written ballot, or any other method ((for determining the votes of unit owners, as designated by the person presiding))authorized at the meeting.
(b) ((
If only one of several unit owners of a unit is present, that unit owner is entitled to cast all the votes allocated to that unit. If more than one of the unit owners are present, the votes allocated to that unit may be cast only in accordance with the agreement of a majority in interest of the unit owners, unless the declaration expressly provides otherwise. There is a majority agreement if any one of the unit owners casts the votes allocated to the unit without protest being made promptly to the person presiding over the meeting by any of the other unit owners of the unit.))
If unit owners attend the meeting by a means of communication under RCW 64.90.445(1) (e) or (f), the association shall implement reasonable measures to verify the identity of each unit owner attending remotely.(c) ((Unless a greater number or fraction of the votes in the association is required under this chapter or the declaration or organizational documents, a majority of the votes cast determines the outcome of any action of the association.
(d))) Whenever proposals or board members are to be voted upon at a meeting, a unit owner may vote by duly executed absentee ballot if:
(i) The name of each candidate and the text of each proposal to be voted upon are set forth in a writing accompanying or contained in the notice of meeting; and
(ii) A ballot is provided by the association for such purpose.
(((4)))(d) When a unit owner votes by absentee ballot under (c) of this subsection, the association must be able to verify that the ballot is cast by the unit owner having the right to do so.
(((5) Except as provided otherwise in))(3) Unless the declaration or organizational documents otherwise provide, unit owners may vote by proxy subject to the following requirements ((apply with respect to proxy voting)):
(a) Votes allocated to a unit may be cast pursuant to a directed or undirected proxy duly executed by a unit owner in the same manner as provided in RCW
(b) ((If a unit is owned by more than one person, each unit owner of the unit may vote or register protest to the casting of votes by the other unit owners of the unit through a duly executed proxy.))When a unit owner votes by proxy, the association shall implement reasonable measures to verify the identity of the unit owner and the proxy holder.
(c) A unit owner may revoke a proxy given pursuant to this section only by actual notice of revocation to the secretary or the person presiding over a meeting of the association or by delivery of a subsequent proxy. The death or disability of a unit owner does not revoke a proxy given by the unit owner unless the person presiding over the meeting has actual notice of the death or disability.
(d) A proxy is void if it is not dated or purports to be revocable without notice.
(e) Unless stated otherwise in the proxy, a proxy terminates ((eleven))11 months after its date of issuance.
(((6)))(4) Unless ((prohibited or limited by)) the declaration or organizational documents otherwise provide, an association may conduct a vote without a meeting. ((In that event, the))The following requirements apply:
(a) The association must notify the unit owners that the vote will be taken by ballot without a meeting.
(b) The notice under (a) of this subsection must state:
(i) The time and date by which a ballot must be delivered to the association to be counted, which may not be fewer than ((fourteen))14 days after the date of the notice, and which deadline may be extended in accordance with (g) of this subsection;
(ii) ((The percent of votes necessary to meet the quorum requirements;
(iii))) The percent of votes necessary to approve each matter other than election of board members; and
(((iv)))(iii) The time, date, and manner by which unit owners wishing to deliver information to all unit owners regarding the subject of the vote may do so.
(c) The association must deliver ((a ballot to every unit owner)) with the notice under (a) of this subsection:
(i) Instructions for casting a ballot;
(ii) A ballot in a tangible medium to every unit owner except a unit owner that has consented in a record to electronic voting; and
(iii) If the association allows electronic voting, instructions for electronic voting.
(d) The ballot must set forth each proposed action and provide an opportunity to vote for or against the action.
(e) A unit owner may revoke a ballot cast pursuant to this section ((may be revoked))before the date and time under (b) of this subsection by which the ballot must be delivered to the association only by actual notice to the association of revocation. The death or disability of a unit owner does not revoke a ballot unless the association has actual notice of the death or disability prior to the date set forth in (b)(i) of this subsection.
(f) Approval by ballot pursuant to this subsection is valid only if the number of votes cast by ballot equals or exceeds the quorum required to be present at a meeting authorizing the action.
(g) If the association does not receive a sufficient number of votes to constitute a quorum or to approve the proposal by the date and time established for return of ballots, the board may extend the deadline for a reasonable period not to exceed ((eleven))11 months upon further notice to all members in accordance with (b) of this subsection. In that event, all votes previously cast on the proposal must be counted unless subsequently revoked as provided in this section.
(h) A ballot or revocation is not effective until received by the association.
(i) The association must give notice to unit owners of any action taken pursuant to this subsection within a reasonable time after the action is taken.
(j) When an action is taken pursuant to this subsection, a record of the action, including the ballots or a report of the persons appointed to tabulate such ballots, must be kept with the minutes of meetings of the association.
(((7)))(k) The association shall implement reasonable measures to verify that each ballot in a tangible medium and electronic ballot is cast by the unit owner having a right to do so.
(l) A unit owner consents to electronic voting by delivering to the association a record indicating such consent or by casting an electronic ballot.
(m) An association that allows electronic ballots shall create a record of electronic votes capable of retention, retrieval, and review.
(5) If the governing documents require that votes on specified matters affecting the common interest community be cast by lessees rather than unit owners of leased units:
(a) This section applies to lessees as if they were unit owners;
(b) Unit owners that have leased their units to other persons may not cast votes on those specified matters; and
(c) Lessees are entitled to notice of meetings, access to records, and other rights respecting those matters as if they were unit owners.
(6) Unit owners must also be given notice((
, in the manner provided in RCW 64.90.515,)) of all meetings at which lessees may be entitled to vote.
(((9)))(7) In any vote of the unit owners, votes allocated to a unit owned by the association must be cast in the same proportion as the votes cast on the matter by unit owners other than the association.
(8)(a) Unless a different number or fraction of the votes in an association is required by this chapter or the declaration, a majority of the votes cast determines the outcome of a vote taken at a meeting or without a meeting.
(b) If a unit is owned by more than one person and:
(i) Only one owner casts a vote, that vote must be counted as casting all votes allocated to the unit by the declaration; and
(ii) More than one owner casts a vote for the unit, no vote from any owner of the unit may be counted unless the declaration provides a manner for allocating votes cast by multiple owners of a unit.
(9) Notwithstanding any other law or provision of the governing documents, the following votes of unit owners shall be conducted by secret ballot: (a) Election of board members; (b) removal of board members or officers; (c) amendments to the declaration or governing documents; or (d) unit owner approval of an amendment to the declaration for the reallocation of a common element as a limited common element for the exclusive use of an owner's unit pursuant to RCW 64.90.240. Sec. 318. RCW
64.90.485 and 2023 c 214 s 7 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) The association has a statutory lien on each unit for any unpaid assessment against the unit from the time such assessment is due.
(2) A lien under this section has priority over all other liens and encumbrances on a unit except:
(a) Liens and encumbrances recorded before the recordation of the declaration and, in a cooperative, liens and encumbrances that the association creates, assumes, or takes subject to;
(b) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (3) of this section, a security interest on the unit recorded before the date on which the unpaid assessment became due or, in a cooperative, a security interest encumbering only the unit owner's interest and perfected before the date on which the unpaid assessment became due; and
(c) Liens for real estate taxes and other state or local governmental assessments or charges against the unit or cooperative.
(3)(a) A lien under this section also has priority over the security interests described in subsection (2)(b) of this section to the extent of an amount equal to the following:
(i) The common expense assessments, excluding any amounts for capital improvements, based on the periodic budget adopted by the association pursuant to RCW
64.90.480(1), along with any specially allocated assessments that are properly assessable against the unit under such periodic budget, which would have become due in the absence of acceleration during the six months immediately preceding the institution of proceedings to foreclose either the association's lien or a security interest described in subsection (2)(b) of this section;
(ii) The association's actual costs and reasonable attorneys' fees incurred in foreclosing its lien but incurred after the giving of the notice described in (a)(iii) of this subsection; provided, however, that the costs and reasonable attorneys' fees that will have priority under this subsection (3)(a)(ii) shall not exceed $2,000 or an amount equal to the amounts described in (a)(i) of this subsection, whichever is less;
(iii) The amounts described in (a)(ii) of this subsection shall be prior only to the security interest of the holder of a security interest on the unit recorded before the date on which the unpaid assessment became due and only if the association has given that holder not less than 60 days' prior written notice that the owner of the unit is in default in payment of an assessment. The notice shall contain:
(A) Name of the borrower;
(B) Recording date of the trust deed or mortgage;
(C) Recording information;
(D) Name of condominium, unit owner, and unit designation stated in the declaration or applicable supplemental declaration;
(E) Amount of unpaid assessment; and
(F) A statement that failure to, within 60 days of the written notice, submit the association payment of six months of assessments as described in (a)(i) of this subsection will result in the priority of the amounts described in (a)(ii) of this subsection; and
(iv) Upon payment of the amounts described in (a)(i) and (ii) of this subsection by the holder of a security interest, the association's lien described in this subsection (3)(a) shall thereafter be fully subordinated to the lien of such holder's security interest on the unit.
(b) For the purposes of this subsection:
(i) "Institution of proceedings" means either:
(A) The date of recording of a notice of trustee's sale by a deed of trust beneficiary;
(B) The date of commencement, pursuant to applicable court rules, of an action for judicial foreclosure either by the association or by the holder of a recorded security interest; or
(C) The date of recording of a notice of intention to forfeit in a real estate contract forfeiture proceeding by the vendor under a real estate contract.
(ii) "Capital improvements" does not include making, in the ordinary course of management, repairs to common elements or replacements of the common elements with substantially similar items, subject to: (A) Availability of materials and products, (B) prevailing law, or (C) sound engineering and construction standards then prevailing.
(c) The adoption of a periodic budget that purports to allocate to a unit any fines, late charges, interest, attorneys' fees and costs incurred for services unrelated to the foreclosure of the association's lien, other collection charges, or specially allocated assessments assessed under RCW
64.90.480 (6) or (7) does not cause any such items to be included in the priority amount affecting such unit.
(4) Subsections (2) and (3) of this section do not affect the priority of mechanics' or material suppliers' liens to the extent that law of this state other than chapter 277, Laws of 2018 gives priority to such liens, or the priority of liens for other assessments made by the association.
(5) A lien under this section is not subject to chapter
6.13 RCW.
(6) If the association forecloses its lien under this section nonjudicially pursuant to chapter
61.24 RCW, as provided under subsection (13) of this section, the association is not entitled to the lien priority provided for under subsection (3) of this section, and is subject to the limitations on deficiency judgments as provided in chapter
61.24 RCW.
(7) Unless the declaration provides otherwise, if two or more associations have liens for assessments created at any time on the same property, those liens have equal priority as to each other, and any foreclosure of one such lien shall not affect the lien of the other.
(8) Recording of the declaration constitutes record notice and perfection of the statutory lien created under this section. Further notice or recordation of any claim of lien for assessment under this section is not required, but is not prohibited.
(9) A lien for unpaid assessments and the personal liability for payment of those assessments are extinguished unless proceedings to enforce the lien or collect the debt are instituted within six years after the full amount of the assessments sought to be recovered becomes due.
(10) This section does not prohibit actions against unit owners to recover sums for which subsection (1) of this section creates a lien or prohibit an association from taking a deed in lieu of foreclosure.
(11) The association upon written request must furnish to a unit owner or a mortgagee a statement signed by an officer or authorized agent of the association setting forth the amount of unpaid assessments or the priority amount against that unit, or both. The statement must be furnished within 15 days after receipt of the request and is binding on the association, the board, and every unit owner unless, and to the extent, known by the recipient to be false. The liability of a recipient who reasonably relies upon the statement must not exceed the amount set forth in any statement furnished pursuant to this section or RCW
(12) In a cooperative, upon nonpayment of an assessment on a unit, the unit owner may be evicted in the same manner as provided by law in the case of an unlawful holdover by a commercial tenant, and the lien may be foreclosed as provided under this section.
(13) The association's lien may be foreclosed in accordance with (a) and (b) of this subsection.
(a) In a common interest community other than a cooperative, the association's lien may be foreclosed judicially in accordance with chapter
61.12 RCW, subject to any rights of redemption under chapter
6.23 RCW.
(b) The lien may be enforced nonjudicially in the manner set forth in chapter
61.24 RCW for nonjudicial foreclosure of deeds of trust if the declaration: Contains a grant of the common interest community in trust to a trustee qualified under RCW
61.24.010 to secure the obligations of the unit owners to the association for the payment of assessments, contains a power of sale, provides in its terms that the units are not used principally for agricultural purposes, and provides that the power of sale is operative in the case of a default in the obligation to pay assessments. The association or its authorized representative may purchase the unit at the foreclosure sale and acquire, hold, lease, mortgage, or convey the unit. Upon an express waiver in the complaint of any right to a deficiency judgment in a judicial foreclosure action, the period of redemption is eight months.
(c) In a cooperative in which the unit owners' interests in the units are real estate, the association's lien must be foreclosed in like manner as a mortgage on real estate or by power of sale under (b) of this subsection.
(d) In a cooperative in which the unit owners' interests in the units are personal property, the association's lien must be foreclosed in like manner as a security interest under chapter 62A.9A RCW.
(e) No member of the association's board, or their immediate family members or affiliates, are eligible to bid for or purchase, directly or indirectly, any interest in a unit at a foreclosure of the association's lien. For the purposes of this subsection, "immediate family member" includes spouses, domestic partners, children, siblings, parents, parents-in-law, and stepfamily members; and "affiliate" of a board member includes any person controlled by the board member, including any entity in which the board member is a general partner, managing member, majority member, officer, or director. Nothing in this subsection prohibits an association from bidding for or purchasing interest in a unit at a foreclosure of the association's lien.
(14) If the unit owner's interest in a unit in a cooperative is real estate, the following requirements apply:
(a) The association, upon nonpayment of assessments and compliance with this subsection, may sell that unit at a public sale or by private negotiation, and at any time and place. The association must give to the unit owner and any lessee of the unit owner reasonable notice in a record of the time, date, and place of any public sale or, if a private sale is intended, of the intention of entering into a contract to sell and of the time and date after which a private conveyance may be made. Such notice must also be sent to any other person that has a recorded interest in the unit that would be cut off by the sale, but only if the recorded interest was on record seven weeks before the date specified in the notice as the date of any public sale or seven weeks before the date specified in the notice as the date after which a private sale may be made. The notices required under this subsection may be sent to any address reasonable in the circumstances. A sale may not be held until five weeks after the sending of the notice. The association may buy at any public sale and, if the sale is conducted by a fiduciary or other person not related to the association, at a private sale.
(b) Unless otherwise agreed to or as stated in this section, the unit owner is liable for any deficiency in a foreclosure sale.
(c) The proceeds of a foreclosure sale must be applied in the following order:
(i) The reasonable expenses of sale;
(ii) The reasonable expenses of securing possession before sale; the reasonable expenses of holding, maintaining, and preparing the unit for sale, including payment of taxes and other governmental charges and premiums on insurance; and, to the extent provided for by agreement between the association and the unit owner, reasonable attorneys' fees, costs, and other legal expenses incurred by the association;
(iii) Satisfaction of the association's lien;
(iv) Satisfaction in the order of priority of any subordinate claim of record; and
(v) Remittance of any excess to the unit owner.
(d) A good-faith purchaser for value acquires the unit free of the association's debt that gave rise to the lien under which the foreclosure sale occurred and any subordinate interest, even though the association or other person conducting the sale failed to comply with this section. The person conducting the sale must execute a conveyance to the purchaser sufficient to convey the unit and stating that it is executed by the person after a foreclosure of the association's lien by power of sale and that the person was empowered to make the sale. Signature and title or authority of the person signing the conveyance as grantor and a recital of the facts of nonpayment of the assessment and of the giving of the notices required under this subsection are sufficient proof of the facts recited and of the authority to sign. Further proof of authority is not required even though the association is named as grantee in the conveyance.
(e) At any time before the association has conveyed a unit in a cooperative or entered into a contract for its conveyance under the power of sale, the unit owners or the holder of any subordinate security interest may cure the unit owner's default and prevent sale or other conveyance by tendering the performance due under the security agreement, including any amounts due because of exercise of a right to accelerate, plus the reasonable expenses of proceeding to foreclosure incurred to the time of tender, including reasonable attorneys' fees and costs of the creditor.
(15) In an action by an association to collect assessments or to foreclose a lien on a unit under this section, the court may appoint a receiver to collect all sums alleged to be due and owing to a unit owner before commencement or during pendency of the action. The receivership is governed under chapter
7.60 RCW. During pendency of the action, the court may order the receiver to pay sums held by the receiver to the association for any assessments against the unit. The exercise of rights under this subsection by the association does not affect the priority of preexisting liens on the unit.
(16) Except as provided in subsection (3) of this section, the holder of a mortgage or other purchaser of a unit who obtains the right of possession of the unit through foreclosure is not liable for assessments or installments of assessments that became due prior to such right of possession. Such unpaid assessments are deemed to be common expenses collectible from all the unit owners, including such mortgagee or other purchaser of the unit. Foreclosure of a mortgage does not relieve the prior unit owner of personal liability for assessments accruing against the unit prior to the date of such sale as provided in this subsection.
(17) In addition to constituting a lien on the unit, each assessment is the joint and several obligation of the unit owner of the unit to which the same are assessed as of the time the assessment is due. A unit owner may not exempt himself or herself from liability for assessments. In a voluntary conveyance other than by foreclosure, the grantee of a unit is jointly and severally liable with the grantor for all unpaid assessments against the grantor up to the time of the grantor's conveyance, without prejudice to the grantee's right to recover from the grantor the amounts paid by the grantee. Suit to recover a personal judgment for any delinquent assessment is maintainable in any court of competent jurisdiction without foreclosing or waiving the lien securing such sums.
(18) The association may from time to time establish reasonable late charges and a rate of interest to be charged, not to exceed the maximum rate calculated under RCW
19.52.020, on all subsequent delinquent assessments or installments of assessments. If the association does not establish such a rate, delinquent assessments bear interest from the date of delinquency at the maximum rate calculated under RCW
19.52.020 on the date on which the assessments became delinquent.
(19) The association is entitled to recover any costs and reasonable attorneys' fees incurred in connection with the collection of delinquent assessments, whether or not such collection activities result in a suit being commenced or prosecuted to judgment. The prevailing party is also entitled to recover costs and reasonable attorneys' fees in such suits, including any appeals, if it prevails on appeal and in the enforcement of a judgment.
(20) To the extent not inconsistent with this section, the declaration may provide for such additional remedies for collection of assessments as may be permitted by law.
(21)(a) When the association mails to the unit owner by first-class mail the first notice of delinquency for past due assessments to the unit address and to any other address that the owner has provided to the association, the association shall include a first preforeclosure notice that states as follows:
CONTACT A HOUSING COUNSELOR OR AN ATTORNEY LICENSED IN WASHINGTON NOW to assess your situation and refer you to mediation if you might benefit. DO NOT DELAY.
BE CAREFUL of people who claim they can help you. There are many individuals and businesses that prey upon borrowers in distress.
REFER TO THE CONTACTS BELOW for sources of assistance.
Housing counselors and legal assistance may be available at little or no cost to you. If you would like assistance in determining your rights and opportunities to keep your house, you may contact the following:
The statewide foreclosure hotline for assistance and referral to housing counselors recommended by the Housing Finance Commission
Telephone: . . . . . . . Website: . . . . . .
The United States Department of Housing and Urban Development
Telephone: . . . . . . . Website: . . . . . . .
The statewide civil legal aid hotline for assistance and referrals to other housing counselors and attorneys
Telephone: . . . . . . . Website: . . . . . .
The association shall obtain the toll-free numbers and website information from the department of commerce for inclusion in the notice.
(b) If, when a delinquent account is referred to an association's attorney, the first preforeclosure notice required under (a) of this subsection has not yet been mailed to the unit owner, the association or the association's attorney shall mail the first preforeclosure notice to the unit owner in order to satisfy the requirement in (a) of this subsection.
(c) Mailing the first preforeclosure notice pursuant to (a) of this subsection does not satisfy the requirement in subsection (22)(b) of this section to mail a second preforeclosure notice at or after the date that assessments have become past due for at least 90 days. The second preforeclosure notice may not be mailed sooner than 60 days after the first preforeclosure notice is mailed.
(22) An association may not commence an action to foreclose a lien on a unit under this section unless:
(a) The unit owner, at the time the action is commenced, owes at least a sum equal to the greater of:
(i) Three months or more of assessments, not including fines, late charges, interest, attorneys' fees, or costs incurred by the association in connection with the collection of a delinquent owner's account; or
(ii) $2,000 of assessments, not including fines, late charges, interest, attorneys' fees, or costs incurred by the association in connection with the collection of a delinquent owner's account;
(b) At or after the date that assessments have become past due for at least 90 days, but no sooner than 60 days after the first preforeclosure notice required in subsection (21)(a) of this section is mailed, the association has mailed, by first-class mail, to the owner, at the unit address and to any other address which the owner has provided to the association, a second notice of delinquency, which must include a second preforeclosure notice that contains the same information as the first preforeclosure notice provided to the owner pursuant to subsection (21)(a) of this section. The second preforeclosure notice may not be mailed sooner than 60 days after the first preforeclosure notice required in subsection (21)(a) of this section is mailed;
(c) At least 180 days have elapsed from the date the minimum amount required in (a) of this subsection has accrued; and
(d) The board approves commencement of a foreclosure action specifically against that unit.
(23) Every aspect of a collection, foreclosure, sale, or other conveyance under this section, including the method, advertising, time, date, place, and terms, must be commercially reasonable.
Sec. 319. RCW
64.90.485 and 2023 c 214 s 8 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) The association has a statutory lien on each unit for any unpaid assessment against the unit from the time such assessment is due.
(2) A lien under this section has priority over all other liens and encumbrances on a unit except:
(a) Liens and encumbrances recorded before the recordation of the declaration and, in a cooperative, liens and encumbrances that the association creates, assumes, or takes subject to;
(b) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (3) of this section, a security interest on the unit recorded before the date on which the unpaid assessment became due or, in a cooperative, a security interest encumbering only the unit owner's interest and perfected before the date on which the unpaid assessment became due; and
(c) Liens for real estate taxes and other state or local governmental assessments or charges against the unit or cooperative.
(3)(a) A lien under this section also has priority over the security interests described in subsection (2)(b) of this section to the extent of an amount equal to the following:
(i) The common expense assessments, excluding any amounts for capital improvements, based on the periodic budget adopted by the association pursuant to RCW
64.90.480(1), along with any specially allocated assessments that are properly assessable against the unit under such periodic budget, which would have become due in the absence of acceleration during the six months immediately preceding the institution of proceedings to foreclose either the association's lien or a security interest described in subsection (2)(b) of this section;
(ii) The association's actual costs and reasonable attorneys' fees incurred in foreclosing its lien but incurred after the giving of the notice described in (a)(iii) of this subsection; provided, however, that the costs and reasonable attorneys' fees that will have priority under this subsection (3)(a)(ii) shall not exceed $2,000 or an amount equal to the amounts described in (a)(i) of this subsection, whichever is less;
(iii) The amounts described in (a)(ii) of this subsection shall be prior only to the security interest of the holder of a security interest on the unit recorded before the date on which the unpaid assessment became due and only if the association has given that holder not less than 60 days' prior written notice that the owner of the unit is in default in payment of an assessment. The notice shall contain:
(A) Name of the borrower;
(B) Recording date of the trust deed or mortgage;
(C) Recording information;
(D) Name of condominium, unit owner, and unit designation stated in the declaration or applicable supplemental declaration;
(E) Amount of unpaid assessment; and
(F) A statement that failure to, within 60 days of the written notice, submit the association payment of six months of assessments as described in (a)(i) of this subsection will result in the priority of the amounts described in (a)(ii) of this subsection; and
(iv) Upon payment of the amounts described in (a)(i) and (ii) of this subsection by the holder of a security interest, the association's lien described in this subsection (3)(a) shall thereafter be fully subordinated to the lien of such holder's security interest on the unit.
(b) For the purposes of this subsection:
(i) "Institution of proceedings" means either:
(A) The date of recording of a notice of trustee's sale by a deed of trust beneficiary;
(B) The date of commencement, pursuant to applicable court rules, of an action for judicial foreclosure either by the association or by the holder of a recorded security interest; or
(C) The date of recording of a notice of intention to forfeit in a real estate contract forfeiture proceeding by the vendor under a real estate contract.
(ii) "Capital improvements" does not include making, in the ordinary course of management, repairs to common elements or replacements of the common elements with substantially similar items, subject to: (A) Availability of materials and products, (B) prevailing law, or (C) sound engineering and construction standards then prevailing.
(c) The adoption of a periodic budget that purports to allocate to a unit any fines, late charges, interest, attorneys' fees and costs incurred for services unrelated to the foreclosure of the association's lien, other collection charges, or specially allocated assessments assessed under RCW
64.90.480 (6) or (7) does not cause any such items to be included in the priority amount affecting such unit.
(4) Subsections (2) and (3) of this section do not affect the priority of mechanics' or material suppliers' liens to the extent that law of this state other than chapter 277, Laws of 2018 gives priority to such liens, or the priority of liens for other assessments made by the association.
(5) A lien under this section is not subject to chapter
6.13 RCW.
(6) If the association forecloses its lien under this section nonjudicially pursuant to chapter
61.24 RCW, as provided under subsection (13) of this section, the association is not entitled to the lien priority provided for under subsection (3) of this section, and is subject to the limitations on deficiency judgments as provided in chapter
61.24 RCW.
(7) Unless the declaration provides otherwise, if two or more associations have liens for assessments created at any time on the same property, those liens have equal priority as to each other, and any foreclosure of one such lien shall not affect the lien of the other.
(8) Recording of the declaration constitutes record notice and perfection of the statutory lien created under this section. Further notice or recordation of any claim of lien for assessment under this section is not required, but is not prohibited.
(9) A lien for unpaid assessments and the personal liability for payment of those assessments are extinguished unless proceedings to enforce the lien or collect the debt are instituted within six years after the full amount of the assessments sought to be recovered becomes due.
(10) This section does not prohibit actions against unit owners to recover sums for which subsection (1) of this section creates a lien or prohibit an association from taking a deed in lieu of foreclosure.
(11) The association upon written request must furnish to a unit owner or a mortgagee a statement signed by an officer or authorized agent of the association setting forth the amount of unpaid assessments or the priority amount against that unit, or both. The statement must be furnished within 15 days after receipt of the request and is binding on the association, the board, and every unit owner unless, and to the extent, known by the recipient to be false. The liability of a recipient who reasonably relies upon the statement must not exceed the amount set forth in any statement furnished pursuant to this section or RCW
(12) In a cooperative, upon nonpayment of an assessment on a unit, the unit owner may be evicted in the same manner as provided by law in the case of an unlawful holdover by a commercial tenant, and the lien may be foreclosed as provided under this section.
(13) The association's lien may be foreclosed in accordance with (a) and (b) of this subsection.
(a) In a common interest community other than a cooperative, the association's lien may be foreclosed judicially in accordance with chapter
61.12 RCW, subject to any rights of redemption under chapter
6.23 RCW.
(b) The lien may be enforced nonjudicially in the manner set forth in chapter
61.24 RCW for nonjudicial foreclosure of deeds of trust if the declaration: Contains a grant of the common interest community in trust to a trustee qualified under RCW
61.24.010 to secure the obligations of the unit owners to the association for the payment of assessments, contains a power of sale, provides in its terms that the units are not used principally for agricultural purposes, and provides that the power of sale is operative in the case of a default in the obligation to pay assessments. The association or its authorized representative may purchase the unit at the foreclosure sale and acquire, hold, lease, mortgage, or convey the unit. Upon an express waiver in the complaint of any right to a deficiency judgment in a judicial foreclosure action, the period of redemption is eight months.
(c) In a cooperative in which the unit owners' interests in the units are real estate, the association's lien must be foreclosed in like manner as a mortgage on real estate or by power of sale under (b) of this subsection.
(d) In a cooperative in which the unit owners' interests in the units are personal property, the association's lien must be foreclosed in like manner as a security interest under chapter 62A.9A RCW.
(e) No member of the association's board, or their immediate family members or affiliates, are eligible to bid for or purchase, directly or indirectly, any interest in a unit at a foreclosure of the association's lien. For the purposes of this subsection, "immediate family member" includes spouses, domestic partners, children, siblings, parents, parents-in-law, and stepfamily members; and "affiliate" of a board member includes any person controlled by the board member, including any entity in which the board member is a general partner, managing member, majority member, officer, or director. Nothing in this subsection prohibits an association from bidding for or purchasing interest in a unit at a foreclosure of the association's lien.
(14) If the unit owner's interest in a unit in a cooperative is real estate, the following requirements apply:
(a) The association, upon nonpayment of assessments and compliance with this subsection, may sell that unit at a public sale or by private negotiation, and at any time and place. The association must give to the unit owner and any lessee of the unit owner reasonable notice in a record of the time, date, and place of any public sale or, if a private sale is intended, of the intention of entering into a contract to sell and of the time and date after which a private conveyance may be made. Such notice must also be sent to any other person that has a recorded interest in the unit that would be cut off by the sale, but only if the recorded interest was on record seven weeks before the date specified in the notice as the date of any public sale or seven weeks before the date specified in the notice as the date after which a private sale may be made. The notices required under this subsection may be sent to any address reasonable in the circumstances. A sale may not be held until five weeks after the sending of the notice. The association may buy at any public sale and, if the sale is conducted by a fiduciary or other person not related to the association, at a private sale.
(b) Unless otherwise agreed to or as stated in this section, the unit owner is liable for any deficiency in a foreclosure sale.
(c) The proceeds of a foreclosure sale must be applied in the following order:
(i) The reasonable expenses of sale;
(ii) The reasonable expenses of securing possession before sale; the reasonable expenses of holding, maintaining, and preparing the unit for sale, including payment of taxes and other governmental charges and premiums on insurance; and, to the extent provided for by agreement between the association and the unit owner, reasonable attorneys' fees, costs, and other legal expenses incurred by the association;
(iii) Satisfaction of the association's lien;
(iv) Satisfaction in the order of priority of any subordinate claim of record; and
(v) Remittance of any excess to the unit owner.
(d) A good-faith purchaser for value acquires the unit free of the association's debt that gave rise to the lien under which the foreclosure sale occurred and any subordinate interest, even though the association or other person conducting the sale failed to comply with this section. The person conducting the sale must execute a conveyance to the purchaser sufficient to convey the unit and stating that it is executed by the person after a foreclosure of the association's lien by power of sale and that the person was empowered to make the sale. Signature and title or authority of the person signing the conveyance as grantor and a recital of the facts of nonpayment of the assessment and of the giving of the notices required under this subsection are sufficient proof of the facts recited and of the authority to sign. Further proof of authority is not required even though the association is named as grantee in the conveyance.
(e) At any time before the association has conveyed a unit in a cooperative or entered into a contract for its conveyance under the power of sale, the unit owners or the holder of any subordinate security interest may cure the unit owner's default and prevent sale or other conveyance by tendering the performance due under the security agreement, including any amounts due because of exercise of a right to accelerate, plus the reasonable expenses of proceeding to foreclosure incurred to the time of tender, including reasonable attorneys' fees and costs of the creditor.
(15) In an action by an association to collect assessments or to foreclose a lien on a unit under this section, the court may appoint a receiver to collect all sums alleged to be due and owing to a unit owner before commencement or during pendency of the action. The receivership is governed under chapter
7.60 RCW. During pendency of the action, the court may order the receiver to pay sums held by the receiver to the association for any assessments against the unit. The exercise of rights under this subsection by the association does not affect the priority of preexisting liens on the unit.
(16) Except as provided in subsection (3) of this section, the holder of a mortgage or other purchaser of a unit who obtains the right of possession of the unit through foreclosure is not liable for assessments or installments of assessments that became due prior to such right of possession. Such unpaid assessments are deemed to be common expenses collectible from all the unit owners, including such mortgagee or other purchaser of the unit. Foreclosure of a mortgage does not relieve the prior unit owner of personal liability for assessments accruing against the unit prior to the date of such sale as provided in this subsection.
(17) In addition to constituting a lien on the unit, each assessment is the joint and several obligation of the unit owner of the unit to which the same are assessed as of the time the assessment is due. A unit owner may not exempt himself or herself from liability for assessments. In a voluntary conveyance other than by foreclosure, the grantee of a unit is jointly and severally liable with the grantor for all unpaid assessments against the grantor up to the time of the grantor's conveyance, without prejudice to the grantee's right to recover from the grantor the amounts paid by the grantee. Suit to recover a personal judgment for any delinquent assessment is maintainable in any court of competent jurisdiction without foreclosing or waiving the lien securing such sums.
(18) The association may from time to time establish reasonable late charges and a rate of interest to be charged, not to exceed the maximum rate calculated under RCW
19.52.020, on all subsequent delinquent assessments or installments of assessments. If the association does not establish such a rate, delinquent assessments bear interest from the date of delinquency at the maximum rate calculated under RCW
19.52.020 on the date on which the assessments became delinquent.
(19) The association is entitled to recover any costs and reasonable attorneys' fees incurred in connection with the collection of delinquent assessments, whether or not such collection activities result in a suit being commenced or prosecuted to judgment. The prevailing party is also entitled to recover costs and reasonable attorneys' fees in such suits, including any appeals, if it prevails on appeal and in the enforcement of a judgment.
(20) To the extent not inconsistent with this section, the declaration may provide for such additional remedies for collection of assessments as may be permitted by law.
(21)(a) When the association mails to the unit owner by first-class mail the first notice of delinquency for past due assessments to the unit address and to any other address that the owner has provided to the association, the association shall include a first preforeclosure notice that states as follows:
CONTACT A HOUSING COUNSELOR OR AN ATTORNEY LICENSED IN WASHINGTON NOW to assess your situation and refer you to mediation if you might benefit. DO NOT DELAY.
BE CAREFUL of people who claim they can help you. There are many individuals and businesses that prey upon borrowers in distress.
REFER TO THE CONTACTS BELOW for sources of assistance.
Housing counselors and legal assistance may be available at little or no cost to you. If you would like assistance in determining your rights and opportunities to keep your house, you may contact the following:
The statewide foreclosure hotline for assistance and referral to housing counselors recommended by the Housing Finance Commission
Telephone: . . . . . . . Website: . . . . . .
The United States Department of Housing and Urban Development
Telephone: . . . . . . . Website: . . . . . . .
The statewide civil legal aid hotline for assistance and referrals to other housing counselors and attorneys
Telephone: . . . . . . . Website: . . . . . .
The association shall obtain the toll-free numbers and website information from the department of commerce for inclusion in the notice.
(b) If, when a delinquent account is referred to an association's attorney, the first preforeclosure notice required under (a) of this subsection has not yet been mailed to the unit owner, the association or the association's attorney shall mail the first preforeclosure notice to the unit owner in order to satisfy the requirement in (a) of this subsection.
(c) Mailing the first preforeclosure notice pursuant to (a) of this subsection does not satisfy the requirement in subsection (22)(b) of this section to mail a second preforeclosure notice at or after the date that assessments have become past due for at least 90 days. The second preforeclosure notice may not be mailed sooner than 60 days after the first preforeclosure notice is mailed.
(22) An association may not commence an action to foreclose a lien on a unit under this section unless:
(a) The unit owner, at the time the action is commenced, owes at least a sum equal to the greater of:
(i) Three months or more of assessments, not including fines, late charges, interest, attorneys' fees, or costs incurred by the association in connection with the collection of a delinquent owner's account; or
(ii) $2,000 of assessments, not including fines, late charges, interest, attorneys' fees, or costs incurred by the association in connection with the collection of a delinquent owner's account;
(b) At or after the date that assessments have become past due for at least 90 days, but no sooner than 60 days after the first preforeclosure notice required in subsection (21)(a) of this section is mailed, the association has mailed, by first-class mail, to the owner, at the unit address and to any other address which the owner has provided to the association, a second notice of delinquency, which must include a second preforeclosure notice that contains the same information as the first preforeclosure notice provided to the owner pursuant to subsection (21)(a) of this section. The second preforeclosure notice may not be mailed sooner than 60 days after the first preforeclosure notice required in subsection (21)(a) of this section is mailed;
(c) At least 90 days have elapsed from the date the minimum amount required in (a) of this subsection has accrued; and
(d) The board approves commencement of a foreclosure action specifically against that unit.
(23) Every aspect of a collection, foreclosure, sale, or other conveyance under this section, including the method, advertising, time, date, place, and terms, must be commercially reasonable.
Sec. 320. RCW
64.90.495 and 2023 c 409 s 4 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) An association must retain the following:
(a) The current budget, detailed records of receipts and expenditures affecting the operation and administration of the association, and other appropriate accounting records within the last seven years;
(b) Minutes of all meetings of its unit owners and board other than executive sessions, a record of all actions taken by the unit owners or board without a meeting, and a record of all actions taken by a committee in place of the board on behalf of the association;
(c) The names of current unit owners, addresses used by the association to communicate with them, and the number of votes allocated to each unit;
(d) Its original or restated declaration, organizational documents, all amendments to the declaration and organizational documents, and all rules currently in effect;
(e) All financial statements and tax returns of the association for the past seven years;
(f) A list of the names and addresses of its current board members and officers;
(g) Its most recent annual report delivered to the secretary of state, if any;
(h) Financial and other records sufficiently detailed to enable the association to comply with RCW
(i) Copies of contracts to which it is or was a party within the last seven years;
(j) Materials relied upon by the board or any committee to approve or deny any requests for design or architectural approval for a period of seven years after the decision is made;
(k) Materials relied upon by the board or any committee concerning a decision to enforce the governing documents for a period of seven years after the decision is made;
(l) Copies of insurance policies under which the association is a named insured;
(m) Any current warranties provided to the association;
(n) Copies of all notices provided to unit owners or the association in accordance with this chapter or the governing documents; ((and))
(o) Ballots, proxies, absentee ballots, and other records related to voting by unit owners for one year after the election, action, or vote to which they relate;
(p) Originals or copies of any plans and specifications delivered by the declarant pursuant to RCW 64.90.420(1); (q) Originals or copies of any instruments of conveyance for any common elements included within the common interest community but not appurtenant to the units delivered by the declarant pursuant to RCW 64.90.420(1); and (r) Originals or copies of any permits or certificates of occupancy for the common elements in the common interest community delivered by the declarant pursuant to RCW 64.90.420(1).
(2)(a) Subject to subsections (3) through (5) of this section, and except as provided in (b) of this subsection, all records required to be retained by an association must be made available for examination and copying by all unit owners, holders of mortgages on the units, and their respective authorized agents as follows, unless agreed otherwise:
(i) During reasonable business hours and at the offices of the association or its managing agent, or at a mutually convenient time and location; and
(ii) ((At the offices of the association or its managing agent))Upon 10 days' notice unless the size of the request or need to redact information reasonably requires a longer time, but in no event later than 21 days without a court order allowing a longer time.
(b) The list of unit owners required to be retained by an association under subsection (1)(c) of this section is not required to ((be)):
(i) Be made available for examination and copying by holders of mortgages on the units; or
(ii) Contain the electronic addresses of unit owners who have elected to keep such addresses confidential pursuant to RCW 64.90.515(3)(a).
(3) Records retained by an association must have the following information redacted or otherwise removed prior to disclosure:
(a) Personnel and medical records relating to specific individuals;
(b) Contracts, leases, and other commercial transactions to purchase or provide goods or services currently being negotiated;
(c) Existing or potential litigation or mediation, arbitration, or administrative proceedings;
(d) Existing or potential matters involving federal, state, or local administrative or other formal proceedings before a governmental tribunal for enforcement of the governing documents;
(e) Legal advice or communications that are otherwise protected by the attorney-client privilege or the attorney work product doctrine, including communications with the managing agent or other agent of the association;
(f) Information the disclosure of which would violate a court order or law;
(g) Records of an executive session of the board;
(h) Individual unit files other than those of the requesting unit owner;
(i) Unlisted telephone number ((or))of any unit owner or resident, electronic address of any unit owner that elects to keep such electronic address confidential, or electronic address of any resident;
(j) Security access information provided to the association for emergency purposes; ((or))
(k) Agreements that for good cause prohibit disclosure to the members; or
(l) Any information which would compromise the secrecy of a ballot cast under RCW 64.90.455(9).
(4) In addition to the requirements in subsection (3) of this section, an association must, prior to disclosure of the list of unit owners required to be retained by an association under subsection (1)(c) of this section, redact or otherwise remove the address of any unit owner or resident who is known to the association to be a participant in the address confidentiality program described in chapter
40.24 RCW or any similar program established by law.
(5)(a) Except as provided in (b) of this subsection, an association may charge a reasonable fee for producing and providing copies of any records under this section and for supervising the unit owner's inspection.
(b) A unit owner is entitled to receive a free annual electronic or ((paper))written copy of the list retained under subsection (1)(c) of this section from the association.
(6) A right to copy records under this section includes the right to receive copies by photocopying or other means, including through an electronic transmission if available upon request by the unit owner.
(7) An association is not obligated to compile or synthesize information.
(8) Information provided pursuant to this section may not be used for commercial purposes.
(9) An association's managing agent must deliver all of the association's original books and records to the association ((immediately)) upon termination of its management relationship with the association, or upon such other demand as is made by the board. Electronic records must be provided within five business days of termination or the board's demand and written records must be provided within 10 business days of termination or the board's demand. An association managing agent may keep copies of the association records at its own expense.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 321. A new section is added to chapter
64.90 RCW to read as follows:
(1) In this section, "emergency" means an event or condition or a state of emergency declared by a government for an area that includes the common interest community that constitutes an imminent:
(a) Threat to the health or safety of the public or residents of the common interest community;
(b) Threat to the habitability of units; or
(c) Risk of substantial economic loss to the association.
(2) In an emergency, this section governs the authority of a board to respond to the emergency. If another provision of this chapter is inconsistent with this section, this section prevails.
(3) The board may call a unit owner's meeting to respond to an emergency by giving notice to the unit owners in a manner that is practicable and appropriate under the circumstances.
(4) The board may call a board meeting to respond to an emergency by giving notice to the unit owners and board members in a manner that is practicable and appropriate under the circumstances. A quorum is not required for a meeting under this subsection. After giving notice under this subsection, the board may take action by vote without a meeting.
(5) In an emergency, the board may, without regard to limitations in the governing documents, take action it considers necessary, as a result of the emergency, to protect the interests of the unit owners and other persons holding interests in the common interest community, acting in a manner reasonable under the circumstances.
(6) If, under subsection (5) of this section, the board determines by a two-thirds vote that a special assessment is necessary:
(a) The assessment becomes effective immediately or in accordance with the terms of the vote; and
(b) The board may spend funds paid on the assessment only in accordance with the action taken by the board.
(7) The board may use funds of the association, including reserves, to pay the reasonable costs of an action under subsection (5) of this section.
(8) After taking an action under this section, the board shall promptly notify the unit owners of the action in a manner that is practicable and appropriate under the circumstances.
Sec. 322. RCW
64.90.510 and 2018 c 277 s 323 are each amended to read as follows:
(1)(a) An association may not prohibit display of the flag of the United States, or the flag of Washington state, on or within a unit or a limited common element, except that an association may adopt reasonable restrictions pertaining to the time, place, or manner of displaying the flag of the United States necessary to protect a substantial interest of the association.
(b) The association may not prohibit the installation of a flagpole for the display of the flag of the United States, or the flag of Washington state, on or within a unit or a limited common element, except that an association may adopt reasonable rules and regulations pertaining to the location and the size of the flagpole.
(c) For purposes of this section, "flag of the United States" means the flag of the United States as described in 4 U.S.C. Sec. 1 et seq. that is made of fabric, cloth, or paper. "Flag of the United States" does not mean a flag, depiction, or emblem made of lights, paint, roofing, siding, paving materials, flora, or balloons, or of any similar building, landscaping, or decorative components.
(2) ((The))An association may not prohibit display of signs, including outdoor signs, regarding candidates for public or association office, or ballot issues, on or within a unit or limited common element, but ((the))an association may adopt reasonable rules ((governing))pertaining to the ((time, place, size, number,))placement and manner of those displays.
(3) The association may not prohibit the installation of a solar energy panel on or within a unit so long as the solar panel:
(a) Meets applicable health and safety standards and requirements imposed by state and local permitting authorities;
(b) If used to heat water, is certified by the solar rating certification corporation or another nationally recognized certification agency. Certification must be for the solar energy panel and for installation; and
(c) If used to produce electricity, meets all applicable safety and performance standards established by the national electric code, the institute of electrical and electronics engineers, accredited testing laboratories, such as underwriters laboratories, and, where applicable, rules of the utilities and transportation commission regarding safety and reliability.
(4) The association may not prohibit a unit owner from storing containers for municipal or private collection, such as compost, garbage, and recycling receptacles, in any private garage, side yard, or backyard reserved for the exclusive use of a unit. However, the association may adopt and enforce rules requiring that such receptacles be screened from view and establishing acceptable dates and times that such receptacles may be presented for collection.
(5) The governing documents may:
(a) Prohibit the visibility of any part of a roof-mounted solar energy panel above the roof line;
(b) Permit the attachment of a solar energy panel to the slope of a roof facing a street only if:
(i) The solar energy panel conforms to the slope of the roof; and
(ii) The top edge of the solar energy panel is parallel to the roof ridge; and
(c) Require:
(i) A solar energy panel frame, a support bracket, or any visible piping or wiring to be painted to coordinate with the roofing material;
(ii) A unit owner or resident to shield a ground-mounted solar energy panel if shielding the panel does not prohibit economic installation of the solar energy panel or degrade the operational performance quality of the solar energy panel by more than ((ten))10 percent; and
(iii) Unit owners or residents who install solar energy panels to indemnify or reimburse the association or its members for loss or damage caused by the installation, maintenance, or use of a solar energy panel.
(((5)))(6) The governing documents may include other reasonable rules regarding the placement and manner of a solar energy panel.
(((6)))(7) For purposes of this section, "solar energy panel" means a panel device or system or combination of panel devices or systems that relies on direct sunlight as an energy source, including a panel device or system or combination of panel devices or systems that collects sunlight for use in:
(a) The heating or cooling of a structure or building;
(b) The heating or pumping of water;
(c) Industrial, commercial, or agricultural processes; or
(d) The generation of electricity.
(((7)))(8) This section must not be construed to permit installation by a unit owner of a solar panel on or in common elements without approval of the board.
(((8)))(9) Unit owners may peacefully assemble on the common elements to consider matters related to the common interest community, but the association may adopt rules governing the time, place, and manner of those assemblies.
(((9)))(10) An association may adopt rules that affect the use or occupancy of or behavior in units that may be used for residential purposes, only to:
(a) Implement a provision of the declaration;
(b) Regulate any behavior in or occupancy of a unit that violates the declaration or adversely affects the use and enjoyment of other units or the common elements by other occupants; and
(c) Restrict the leasing of residential units to the extent those rules are reasonably designed to meet underwriting requirements of institutional lenders that regularly make loans secured by first mortgages on units in comparable common interest communities or that regularly purchase those mortgages.
Sec. 323. RCW
64.90.515 and 2018 c 277 s 324 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) Notice to the association, board, or any owner or occupant of a unit under this chapter must be provided in the form of a record.
(2) Notice provided in a tangible medium may be transmitted by mail, private carrier, or personal delivery; telegraph or teletype; or telephone, wire, or wireless equipment that transmits a facsimile of the notice.
(a) Notice in a tangible medium to an association may be addressed to the association's registered agent at its registered office, to the association at its principal office shown in its most recent annual report or provided by notice to the unit owners, or to the president or secretary of the association at the address shown in the association's most recent annual report or provided by notice to the unit owners.
(b) Notice in a tangible medium to a unit owner or occupant must be addressed to the unit address unless the unit owner or occupant has requested, in a record delivered to the association, that notices be sent to an alternate address or by other method allowed by this section and the governing documents.
(3) Notice may be provided in an electronic transmission as follows:
(a) Notice to unit owners or board members by electronic transmission is effective only upon unit owners and board members who have consented, in the form of a record, to receive electronically transmitted notices under this chapter and have designated in the consent the address, location, or system to which such notices may be electronically transmitted, provided that such notice otherwise complies with any other requirements of this chapter and applicable law.
An owner's consent under this subsection (3)(a), and any other notice in the form of a record delivered to the association from time to time, may indicate whether the owner elects to keep the owner's electronic address confidential and exempt from disclosure by the association pursuant to RCW 64.90.495(2). Failure to deliver such notice permits disclosure by the association.(b) Notice to unit owners or board members under this subsection includes material that this chapter or the governing documents requires or permits to accompany the notice.
(c) A unit owner or board member who has consented to receipt of electronically transmitted notices may revoke this consent by delivering a revocation to the association in the form of a record.
(d) The consent of any unit owner or board member is revoked if: The association is unable to electronically transmit two consecutive notices given by the association in accordance with the consent, and this inability becomes known to the secretary of the association or any other person responsible for giving the notice. The inadvertent failure by the association to treat this inability as a revocation does not invalidate any meeting or other action.
(e) Notice to unit owners or board members who have consented to receipt of electronically transmitted notices may be provided by posting the notice on an electronic network and delivering to the unit owner or board member a separate record of the posting, together with comprehensible instructions regarding how to obtain access to the posting on the electronic network.
(f) Notice to an association in an electronic transmission is effective only with respect to an association that has designated in a record an address, location, or system to which the notices may be electronically transmitted.
(4) Notice may be given by any other method reasonably calculated to provide notice to the recipient.
(5) Notice is effective as follows:
(a) Notice provided in a tangible medium is effective as of the date of hand delivery, deposit with the carrier, or when sent by fax.
(b) Notice provided in an electronic transmission is effective as of the date it:
(i) Is electronically transmitted to an address, location, or system designated by the recipient for that purpose; or
(ii) Has been posted on an electronic network and a separate record of the posting has been sent to the recipient containing instructions regarding how to obtain access to the posting on the electronic network.
(6) The ineffectiveness of a good faith effort to deliver notice by an authorized means does not invalidate action taken at or without a meeting.
(7) If this chapter prescribes different or additional notice requirements for particular circumstances, those requirements govern.
Sec. 324. RCW
64.90.570 and 2023 c 203 s 4 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) A unit owners association may not adopt or enforce a restriction, covenant, condition, bylaw, rule, ((regulation,)) provision of a governing document, or master deed provision that effectively prohibits((,))or unreasonably restricts((, or limits, directly or indirectly,)) the use of a unit as a licensed family home child care operated by a family day care provider or as a licensed child day care center, except as provided in subsection (2) of this section.
(2)(a) Nothing in this section prohibits a unit owners association from imposing reasonable ((regulations))rules on a family home child care or a child day care center including, but not limited to, architectural standards, as long as those ((regulations))rules are identical to those applied to all other units ((within the same association))restricted to similar uses within the same common interest community as the family home child care or the child day care center.
(b) An association may require that only a unit with direct access may be used as a family home child care or child day care center. ((Direct access must be either from the outside of the building if the common interest community is in a building,))A unit has direct access if it is accessible from public property or through publicly accessible common elements.
(c) An association may adopt or enforce a restriction, covenant, condition, bylaw, rule, ((regulation,)) provision of a governing document, or master deed provision that requires a family home child care or a child day care center operating out of a unit within the association to:
(i) Be licensed under chapter
43.216 RCW;
(ii) Indemnify and hold harmless the association against all claims, whether brought by judicial or administrative action, relating to the operation of the family home child care or the child day care center, excluding claims arising ((in))from the condition of a common element((s)) that the association is solely responsible for maintaining ((under the governing documents));
(iii) Obtain a signed waiver of liability releasing the association from legal claims directly related to the operation of the family home child care or the child day care center from the parent, guardian, or caretaker of each child being cared for by the family home child care or the child day care center. However, an association may not require that a waiver of liability under this subsection be notarized; ((and))
(iv) Obtain day care insurance as defined in RCW
48.88.020 or provide self-insurance pursuant to chapter
48.90 RCW, consistent with the requirements in RCW
43.216.700; and(v) Pay any costs or expenses, including insurance costs, arising from the operation of the facility.
(3) A unit owners association that willfully violates this section is liable to the family day care provider or the child day care center for actual damages, and shall pay a civil penalty to the family day care provider or the child day care center in an amount not to exceed $1,000.
(4) For the purposes of this section, the terms "family day care provider" and "child day care center" have the same meanings as in RCW
NEW SECTION. Sec. 325. A new section is added to chapter
64.90 RCW to read as follows:
(1) A unit owners association may not adopt or enforce a restriction, covenant, condition, bylaw, rule, provision of a governing document, or master deed provision that effectively prohibits or unreasonably restricts the use of a unit as an adult family home, except as provided in subsection (2) of this section.
(2)(a) Nothing in this section prohibits a unit owners association from imposing reasonable rules on an adult family home including, but not limited to, architectural standards, as long as those rules are identical to those applied to all other units restricted to similar uses within the same common interest community as an adult family home.
(b) An association may require that only a unit with direct access may be used as an adult family home. A unit has direct access if it is accessible from public property or through publicly accessible common elements.
(c) An association may adopt or enforce a restriction, covenant, condition, bylaw, rule, provision of a governing document, or master deed provision that requires an adult family home operating out of a unit within the association to:
(i) Be licensed under chapter
70.128 RCW;
(ii) Indemnify and hold harmless the association against all claims, whether brought by judicial or administrative action, relating to the operation of the adult family home, excluding claims arising from the condition of a common element that the association is solely responsible for maintaining;
(iii) Obtain a signed waiver of liability releasing the association from legal claims directly related to the operation of an adult family home from each resident, or resident's guardian, being cared for by the adult family home. However, an association may not require that a waiver of liability under this subsection be notarized;
(iv) Obtain liability insurance as required by rule of the department of social and health services; and
(v) Pay any costs or expenses, including insurance costs, arising from the operation of the facility.
(3) A unit owners association that willfully violates this section is liable to the adult family home for actual damages, and shall pay a civil penalty to the adult family home in an amount not to exceed $1,000.
(4) For the purposes of this section, "adult family home" has the same meaning as in RCW
Sec. 326. RCW
64.90.605 and 2023 c 337 s 7 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) Except as ((
provided)) otherwise
provided in subsection (2) of this section, a declarant ((
required to deliver a public offering statement pursuant to subsection (3) of this section must))
, before offering any interest in a unit to the public, shall prepare a public offering statement conforming to the requirements of RCW
64.90.615, and
(2) A declarant may transfer responsibility for preparation of all or a part of the public offering statement to a successor declarant or to a dealer who intends to offer units in the common interest community. In the event of any such transfer the transferor shall provide the transferee with any information necessary to enable the transferee to fulfill the requirements of subsection (1) of this section.
(3)(a) Any declarant or dealer who offers ((
to convey)) a unit ((
for the person's own account)) to a purchaser ((
must provide the purchaser of the unit with a copy of))
shall deliver a public offering statement ((
and all material amendments to the public offering statement before conveyance of that unit))
in the manner prescribed in RCW 64.90.635.
(b) Any agent, attorney, or other person assisting the declarant or dealer in preparing the public offering statement may rely upon information provided by the declarant or dealer without independent investigation. The agent, attorney, or other person is not liable for any material misrepresentation in or omissions of material facts from the public offering statement unless the person had actual knowledge of the misrepresentation or omission at the time the public offering statement was prepared.
(c) The declarant or dealer who prepared all or part of the public offering statement is liable for any misrepresentation contained in the public offering statement or for any omission of material fact from the public offering statement if the declarant or dealer had actual knowledge of the misrepresentation or omission or, in the exercise of reasonable care, should have known of the misrepresentation or omission.
(4) If a unit is part of a common interest community and is part of any other real estate regime in connection with the sale of which the delivery of a public offering statement is required under the laws of this state, a single public offering statement conforming to the requirements of RCW
64.90.615, and
64.90.620 as those requirements relate to each regime in which the unit is located, and to any other requirements imposed under the laws of this state, may be prepared and delivered in lieu of providing two or more public offering statements.
(5) A declarant
or dealer is not required to ((
prepare and)) deliver a public offering statement in connection with the sale of any unit ((
owned by the declarant)), or to obtain for or provide to the purchaser a report or statement required under RCW
64.90.620(1), or
64.90.655, upon the later of:
(a) The termination or expiration of all special declarant rights;
(b) The expiration of all periods within which claims or actions for a breach of warranty arising from defects involving the common elements under RCW
64.90.680 must be filed or commenced, respectively, by the association against the declarant; or
(c) The time when the declarant
or dealer ceases to meet the definition of a dealer under RCW
(6) After the last to occur of any of the events described in subsection (5) of this section, a declarant
or dealer must deliver to the purchaser of a unit ((
owned by the declarant)) a resale certificate under RCW
64.90.640(2) together with:
(a) The identification of any real property not in the common interest community that unit owners have a right to use and a description of the terms of such use;
(b) A brief description or a copy of any express construction warranties to be provided to the purchaser;
(c) A statement of any litigation brought by an owners((')) association, unit owner, or governmental entity in which the declarant or dealer or any affiliate of the declarant or dealer has been a defendant arising out of the construction, sale, or administration of any common interest community within the state of Washington within the previous five years, together with the results of the litigation, if known;
(d) Whether timesharing is permitted or prohibited, and, if permitted, a statement that the purchaser of a timeshare unit is entitled to receive the disclosure document required under chapter
64.36 RCW; and
(e) Any other information and cross-references that the declarant or dealer believes will be helpful in describing the common interest community to the purchaser, all of which may be included or not included at the option of the declarant or dealer.
(7) A declarant
or dealer is not liable to a purchaser for the failure or delay of the association to provide the resale certificate in a timely manner, but the purchase contract is voidable by the purchaser of a unit sold by the declarant
or dealer until the resale certificate required under RCW
64.90.640(2) and the information required under subsection (6) of this section have been provided and for five days thereafter or until conveyance, whichever occurs first.
Sec. 327. RCW
64.90.610 and 2019 c 238 s 212 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) A public offering statement must contain the following information:
(a) The name and address of the declarant;
(b) The name and address or location of the management company, if any;
(c) The relationship of the management company to the declarant, if any;
(d) The name and address of the common interest community;
(e) A statement whether the common interest community is a condominium, cooperative, plat community, or miscellaneous community;
(f) A list, current as of the date the public offering statement is prepared, of up to the five most recent common interest communities in which at least one unit was sold by the declarant or an affiliate of the declarant within the past five years, including the names of the common interest communities and their addresses;
(g) The nature of the interest being offered for sale;
(h) A general description of the common interest community, including to the extent known to the declarant, the types and number of buildings that the declarant anticipates including in the common interest community and the declarant's schedule of commencement and completion of such buildings and principal common amenities;
(i) The status of construction of the units and common elements, including estimated dates of completion if not completed;
(j) The number of existing units in the common interest community;
(k) Brief descriptions of (i) the existing principal common amenities, (ii) those amenities that will be added to the common interest community, and (iii) those amenities that may be added to the common interest community;
(l) A brief description of the limited common elements, other than those described in RCW
64.90.210 (1)(b) and (3), that may be allocated to the units being offered for sale;
(m) The identification of any rights of persons other than unit owners to use any of the common elements, and a description of the terms of such use;
(n) The identification of any real property not in the common interest community that unit owners have a right to use and a description of the terms of such use;
(o) Any services the declarant provides or expenses that the declarant pays that are not reflected in the budget, but that the declarant expects may become at any subsequent time a common expense of the association, and the projected common expense attributable to each of those services or expenses;
(p) An estimate of any assessment or payment required by the declaration to be paid by the purchaser of a unit at closing;
(q) A brief description of any liens or monetary encumbrances on the title to the common elements that will not be discharged at closing;
(r) A brief description or a copy of any express construction warranties to be provided to the purchaser;
(s) A statement, as required under RCW
64.35.210, as to whether the units or common elements of the common interest community are covered by a qualified warranty;
(t) If applicable to the common interest community, a statement whether the common interest community contains any multiunit residential building subject to chapter
64.55 RCW and, if so, whether:
(i) The building enclosure has been designed and inspected to the extent required under RCW
64.55.010 through
64.55.090; and
(ii) Any repairs required under RCW
64.55.090 have been made;
(u) A statement of any unsatisfied judgments or pending suits against the association and the status of any pending suits material to the common interest community of which the declarant has actual knowledge;
(v) A statement of any litigation brought by an owners((')) association, unit owner, or governmental entity in which the declarant or any affiliate of the declarant has been a defendant arising out of the construction, sale, or administration of any common interest community within the previous five years, together with the results of the litigation, if known;
(w) A brief description of:
(i) Any restrictions on use or occupancy of the units contained in the governing documents;
(ii) Any restrictions on the renting or leasing of units by the declarant or other unit owners contained in the governing documents;
(iii) Any rights of first refusal to lease or purchase any unit or any of the common elements contained in the governing documents; and
(iv) Any restriction on the amount for which a unit may be sold or on the amount that may be received by a unit owner on sale;
(x) A description of the insurance coverage provided for the benefit of unit owners;
(y) Any current or expected fees or charges not included in the common expenses to be paid by unit owners for the use of the common elements and other facilities related to the common interest community, together with any fees or charges not included in the common expenses to be paid by unit owners to any master or other association;
(z) The extent, if any, to which bonds or other assurances from third parties have been provided for completion of all improvements that the declarant is obligated to build pursuant to RCW
(aa) In a cooperative, a statement whether the unit owners are entitled, for federal, state, and local income tax purposes, to a pass-through of any deductions for payments made by the association for real estate taxes and interest paid to the holder of a security interest encumbering the cooperative;
(bb) In a cooperative, a statement as to the effect on every unit owner's interest in the cooperative if the association fails to pay real estate taxes or payments due to the holder of a security interest encumbering the cooperative;
(cc) In a leasehold common interest community, a statement whether the expiration or termination of any lease may terminate the common interest community or reduce its size, the recording number of any such lease or a statement of where the complete lease may be inspected, the date on which such lease is scheduled to expire, a description of the real estate subject to such lease, a statement whether the unit owners have a right to redeem the reversion, a statement whether the unit owners have a right to remove any improvements at the expiration or termination of such lease, a statement of any rights of the unit owners to renew such lease, and a reference to the sections of the declaration where such information may be found;
(dd) A summary of, and information on how to obtain a full copy of, any reserve study and a statement as to whether or not it was prepared in accordance with RCW
64.90.545 and
64.90.550 or the governing documents;
(ee) A brief description of any arrangement described in RCW
64.90.110 binding the association;
(ff) The estimated current common expense liability for the units being offered;
(gg) Except for real property taxes, real property assessments and utility liens, any assessments, fees, or other charges known to the declarant and which, if not paid, may constitute a lien against any unit or common elements in favor of any governmental agency;
(hh) A brief description of any parts of the common interest community, other than the owner's unit, which any owner must maintain;
(ii) Whether timesharing is permitted or prohibited, and, if permitted, a statement that the purchaser of a timeshare unit is entitled to receive the disclosure document required under chapter
64.36 RCW;
(jj) If the common interest community is subject to any special declarant rights, the information required under RCW
(kk) Any liens on real estate to be conveyed to the association required to be disclosed pursuant to RCW
(ll) A list of any physical hazards known to the declarant that particularly affect the common interest community or the immediate vicinity in which the common interest community is located and which are not readily ascertainable by the purchaser;
(mm) Any building code violation of which the declarant has actual knowledge and which has not been corrected;
(nn) If the common interest community contains one or more conversion buildings, the information required under RCW
64.90.620 and
(oo) If the public offering statement is related to conveyance of a unit in a multiunit residential building as defined in RCW
64.55.010, for which the final certificate of occupancy was issued more than ((
60 calendar months prior to the preparation of the public offering statement either: A copy of a report prepared by an independent, licensed architect or engineer or a statement by the declarant based on such report that describes, to the extent reasonably ascertainable, the present condition of all structural components and mechanical and electrical installations of the conversion buildings material to the use and enjoyment of the conversion buildings;
(pp) Any other information and cross-references that the declarant believes will be helpful in describing the common interest community to the recipients of the public offering statement, all of which may be included or not included at the option of the declarant; ((and))
(qq) A description of any age-related occupancy restrictions affecting the common interest community; and
(rr) In a condominium, plat community, or miscellaneous community containing a unit not having horizontal boundaries described in the declaration, a statement whether the unit may be sold without consent of all the unit owners after termination of the common interest community under RCW 64.90.290.
(2) The public offering statement must begin with notices substantially in the following forms and in conspicuous type:
(a) "RIGHT TO CANCEL. (1) You are entitled to receive a copy of this public offering statement and all material amendments to this public offering statement before conveyance of your unit. Under RCW
64.90.635, you have the right to cancel your contract for the purchase of your unit within seven days after first receiving this public offering statement. If this public offering statement is first provided to you more than seven days before you sign your contract for the purchase of your unit, you have no right to cancel your contract. If this public offering statement is first provided to you seven days or less before you sign your contract for the purchase of your unit, you have the right to cancel, before conveyance of the unit, the executed contract by delivering, no later than the seventh day after first receiving this public offering statement, a notice of cancellation pursuant to section (3) of this notice. If this public offering statement is first provided to you less than seven days before the closing date for the conveyance of your unit, you may, before conveyance of your unit to you, extend the closing date to a date not more than seven days after you first received this public offering statement, so that you may have seven days to cancel your contract for the purchase of your unit.
(2) You have no right to cancel your contract upon receipt of an amendment to this public offering statement; however, this does not eliminate any right to rescind your contract, due to the disclosure of the information in the amendment, that is otherwise available to you under generally applicable contract law.
(3) If you elect to cancel your contract pursuant to this notice, you may do so by hand-delivering notice of cancellation, or by mailing notice of cancellation by prepaid United States mail, to the seller at the address set forth in this public offering statement or at the address of the seller's registered agent for service of process. The date of such notice is the date of receipt, if hand-delivered, or the date of deposit in the United States mail, if mailed. Cancellation is without penalty, and all payments made to the seller by you before cancellation must be refunded promptly."
(b) "OTHER DOCUMENTS CREATING BINDING LEGAL OBLIGATIONS. This public offering statement is a summary of some of the significant aspects of purchasing a unit in this common interest community. The governing documents and the purchase agreement are complex, contain other important information, and create binding legal obligations. You should consider seeking the assistance of legal counsel."
(c) "OTHER REPRESENTATIONS. You may not rely on any statement, promise, model, depiction, or description unless it is (1) contained in the public offering statement delivered to you or (2) made in writing signed by the declarant or dealer or the declarant's or dealer's agent identified in the public offering statement. A statement of opinion, or a commendation of the real estate, its quality, or its value, does not create a warranty, and a statement, promise, model, depiction, or description does not create a warranty if it discloses that it is only proposed, is not representative, or is subject to change."
(d) "MODEL UNITS. Model units are intended to provide you with a general idea of what a finished unit might look like. Units being offered for sale may vary from the model unit in terms of floor plan, fixtures, finishes, and equipment. You are advised to obtain specific information about the unit you are considering purchasing."
(e) "RESERVE STUDY. The association [does] [does not] have a current reserve study. Any reserve study should be reviewed carefully. It may not include all reserve components that will require major maintenance, repair, or replacement in future years, and may not include regular contributions to a reserve account for the cost of such maintenance, repair, or replacement. You may encounter certain risks, including being required to pay as a special assessment your share of expenses for the cost of major maintenance, repair, or replacement of a reserve component, as a result of the failure to: (1) Have a current reserve study or fully funded reserves, (2) include a component in a reserve study, or (3) provide any or sufficient contributions to a reserve account for a component."
(f) "DEPOSITS AND PAYMENTS. Only earnest money and reservation deposits are required to be placed in an escrow or trust account. Any other payments you make to the seller of a unit are at risk and may be lost if the seller defaults."
64.50 RCW contains important requirements you must follow before you may file a lawsuit for defective construction against the seller or builder of your home. Forty-five days before you file your lawsuit, you must deliver to the seller or builder a written notice of any construction conditions you allege are defective and provide your seller or builder the opportunity to make an offer to repair or pay for the defects. You are not obligated to accept any offer made by the builder or seller. There are strict deadlines and procedures under state law, and failure to follow them may affect your ability to file a lawsuit."
(h) "ASSOCIATION INSURANCE. The extent to which association insurance provides coverage for the benefit of unit owners (including furnishings, fixtures, and equipment in a unit) is determined by the provisions of the declaration and the association's insurance policy, which may be modified from time to time. You and your personal insurance agent should read the declaration and the association's policy prior to closing to determine what insurance is required of the association and unit owners, unit owners' rights and duties, what is and is not covered by the association's policy, and what additional insurance you should obtain."
(i) "QUALIFIED WARRANTY. Your unit [is] [is not] covered by a qualified warranty under chapter
64.35 RCW."
(3) The public offering statement must include copies of each of the following documents: The declaration; the map; the organizational documents; the rules, if any; the current or proposed budget for the association; a dated balance sheet of the association; any inspection and repair report or reports prepared in accordance with the requirements of RCW
64.55.090; and any qualified warranty provided to a purchaser by a declarant together with a history of claims under the qualified warranty. If any of these documents are not in final form, the documents must be marked "draft" and, before closing the sale of a unit, the purchaser must be given notice of any material changes to the draft documents.
(4) A declarant must promptly amend the public offering statement to reflect any material change in the information required under this section.
Sec. 328. RCW
64.90.635 and 2018 c 277 s 408 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) A person required to deliver a public offering statement pursuant to 64.90.605(3)(a) shall provide a purchaser with a copy of the public offering statement and all amendments thereto before conveyance of the unit, and not later than the date of any contract of sale. The purchaser may cancel a contract for the purchase of the unit within seven days after first receiving the public offering statement. If the public offering statement is first provided to a purchaser more than seven days before execution of a contract for the purchase of a unit, the purchaser does not have the right under this section to cancel the executed contract. If the public offering statement is first provided to a purchaser seven days or less before the purchaser signs a contract for the purchase of a unit, the purchaser, before conveyance of the unit to the purchaser, may cancel the contract by delivering, no later than the seventh day after first receiving the public offering statement, a notice of cancellation, delivered pursuant to subsection (3) of this section. If the public offering statement is first provided to a purchaser less than seven days before the closing date for the conveyance of that unit, the purchaser may, before conveyance of the unit to the purchaser, extend the closing date to a date not more than seven days after the purchaser first received the public offering statement.
(2) A purchaser does not have the right under this section to cancel a contract upon receipt of an amendment to a public offering statement. This subsection ((must not be construed to))does not eliminate any right that is otherwise available to the purchaser under generally applicable contract law to rescind the contract due to ((the disclosure of))a material change in the information disclosed in the amendment.
(3) If a purchaser elects to cancel a contract under subsection (1) of this section, the purchaser may do so by hand-delivering notice of cancellation, or by mailing notice of cancellation by prepaid United States mail, to the declarant at the address set forth in the public offering statement or at the address of the declarant's registered agent for service of process. The date of such notice is the date of receipt of delivery, if hand-delivered, or the date of deposit in the United States mail, if mailed. Cancellation is without penalty, and all payments made to the seller by the purchaser before cancellation must be refunded promptly. There is no liability for failure to deliver any amendment unless such failure would have entitled the purchaser under generally applicable legal principles to cancel the contract for the purchase of the unit had the undisclosed information been evident to the purchaser before the closing of the purchase.
(4) The language of the notice required under RCW
64.90.610(2)(a) must not be construed to modify the rights set forth in this section.
Sec. 329. RCW
64.90.640 and 2022 c 27 s 6 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) Except in the case of a sale when delivery of a public offering statement is required, or unless exempt under RCW
64.90.600(2), a unit owner must furnish to a purchaser before execution of any contract for sale of a unit, or otherwise before conveyance, a resale certificate, signed by an officer or authorized agent of the association and based on the books and records of the association and the actual knowledge of the person signing the certificate, containing:
(a) A statement disclosing any right of first refusal or other restraint on the free alienability of the unit contained in the declaration;
(b) With respect to the selling unit owner's unit, a statement setting forth the amount of any assessment currently due, any delinquent assessments, and a statement of any special assessments that have been levied and have not been paid even though not yet due;
(c) A statement, which must be current to within 45 days, of any assessments against any unit in the condominium that are past due over 30 days;
(d) A statement, which must be current to within 45 days, of any monetary obligation of the association that is past due over 30 days;
(e) A statement of any other fees payable to the association by unit owners;
(f) A statement of any expenditure or anticipated repair or replacement cost reasonably anticipated to be in excess of five percent of the board-approved annual budget of the association, regardless of whether the unit owners are entitled to approve such cost;
(g) A statement whether the association does or does not have a reserve study prepared in accordance with RCW
64.90.545 and
(h) The annual financial statement of the association, including the audit report if it has been prepared, for the year immediately preceding the current year;
(i) The most recent balance sheet and revenue and expense statement, if any, of the association;
(j) The current operating budget of the association;
(k) A statement of any unsatisfied judgments against the association and the status of any legal actions in which the association is a party or a claimant as defined in RCW
(l) A statement describing any insurance coverage carried by the association and contact information for the association's insurance broker or agent;
(m) A statement as to whether the board has given or received notice in a record that any existing uses, occupancies, alterations, or improvements in or to the seller's unit or to the limited common elements allocated to the unit violate any provision of the governing documents;
(n) A statement of the number of units, if any, still owned by the declarant, whether the declarant has transferred control of the association to the unit owners, and the date of such transfer;
(o) A statement as to whether the board has received notice in a record from a governmental agency of any violation of environmental, health, or building codes with respect to the seller's unit, the limited common elements allocated to that unit, or any other portion of the common interest community that has not been cured;
(p) A statement of the remaining term of any leasehold estate affecting the common interest community and the provisions governing any extension or renewal of the leasehold estate;
(q) A statement of any restrictions in the declaration affecting the amount that may be received by a unit owner upon sale;
(r) In a cooperative, an accountant's statement, if any was prepared, as to the deductibility for federal income tax purposes by the unit owner of real estate taxes and interest paid by the association;
(s) A statement describing any pending sale or encumbrance of common elements;
(t) A statement disclosing the effect on the unit to be conveyed of any restriction((s)) on the ((owner's)) right to use or occupy the unit ((or to)), including a restriction on a lease or other rental of the unit ((to another person));
(u) A copy of the declaration, the organizational documents, the rules or regulations of the association, the minutes of board meetings and association meetings, except for any information exempt from disclosure under RCW
64.90.495(3), for the last 12 months, a summary of the current reserve study for the association, and any other information reasonably requested by mortgagees of prospective purchasers of units. Information requested generally by the federal national mortgage association, the federal home loan bank board, the government national mortgage association, the veterans administration, or the department of housing and urban development is deemed reasonable if the information is reasonably available to the association;
(v) A statement whether the units or common elements of the common interest community are covered by a qualified warranty under chapter
64.35 RCW and, if so, a history of claims known to the association as having been made under any such warranty;
(w) A description of any age-related occupancy restrictions affecting the common interest community;
(x) A statement describing any requirements related to electric vehicle charging stations located in the unit or the limited common elements allocated to the unit, including application status, insurance information, maintenance responsibilities, and any associated costs; ((and))
(y) If the association does not have a reserve study that has been prepared in accordance with RCW
64.90.545 and
64.90.550 or its governing documents, the following disclosure:
"This association does not have a current reserve study. The lack of a current reserve study poses certain risks to you, the purchaser. Insufficient reserves may, under some circumstances, require you to pay on demand as a special assessment your share of common expenses for the cost of major maintenance, repair, or replacement of a common element."; and
(z) The resale certificate must include a notice in substantially the following form and in conspicuous type:
(2) The association, within 10 days after a request by a unit owner, and subject to the payment of any fees imposed pursuant to RCW
64.90.405(2)(m), must furnish a resale certificate signed by an officer or authorized agent of the association and containing the information necessary to enable the unit owner to comply with this section. For the purposes of this chapter, a reasonable charge for the preparation of a resale certificate may not exceed $275. The association may charge a unit owner a nominal fee not to exceed $100 for updating a resale certificate within six months of the unit owner's request. A unit owner is not liable to the purchaser for any erroneous information provided by the association and included in the certificate.
(3)(a) A purchaser is not liable for any unpaid assessment or fee greater than the amount set forth in the certificate prepared by the association.
(b) A unit owner is not liable to a purchaser for the failure or delay of the association to provide the certificate in a timely manner, but the purchase contract is voidable by the purchaser until the certificate has been provided and for five days thereafter or until conveyance, whichever occurs first.
Sec. 401. RCW
7.60.025 and 2021 c 176 s 5201 and 2021 c 65 s 6 are each reenacted and amended to read as follows:
(1) A receiver may be appointed by the superior court of this state in the following instances, but except in any case in which a receiver's appointment is expressly required by statute, or any case in which a receiver's appointment is sought by a state agent whose authority to seek the appointment of a receiver is expressly conferred by statute, or any case in which a receiver's appointment with respect to real property is sought under (b)(ii) of this subsection, a receiver shall be appointed only if the court additionally determines that the appointment of a receiver is reasonably necessary and that other available remedies either are not available or are inadequate:
(a) On application of any party, when the party is determined to have a probable right to or interest in property that is a subject of the action and in the possession of an adverse party, or when the property or its revenue-producing potential is in danger of being lost or materially injured or impaired. A receiver may be appointed under this subsection (1)(a) whether or not the application for appointment of a receiver is combined with, or is ancillary to, an action seeking a money judgment or other relief;
(b) Provisionally, after commencement of any judicial action or nonjudicial proceeding to foreclose upon any lien against or for forfeiture of any interest in real or personal property, on application of any person, when the interest in the property that is the subject of such an action or proceeding of the person seeking the receiver's appointment is determined to be probable and either:
(i) The property or its revenue-producing potential is in danger of being lost or materially injured or impaired; or
(ii) The appointment of a receiver with respect to the real or personal property that is the subject of the action or proceeding is provided for by agreement or is reasonably necessary to effectuate or enforce an assignment of rents or other revenues from the property. For purposes of this subsection (1)(b), a judicial action is commenced as provided in superior court civil rule 3(a), a nonjudicial proceeding is commenced under chapter
61.24 RCW upon the service of notice of default described in RCW
61.24.030(8), and a proceeding for forfeiture is commenced under chapter
61.30 RCW upon the recording of the notice of intent to forfeit described in RCW
(c) After judgment, in order to give effect to the judgment;
(d) To dispose of property according to provisions of a judgment dealing with its disposition;
(e) To the extent that property is not exempt from execution, at the instance of a judgment creditor either before or after the issuance of any execution, to preserve or protect it, or prevent its transfer;
(f) If and to the extent that property is subject to execution to satisfy a judgment, to preserve the property during the pendency of an appeal, or when an execution has been returned unsatisfied, or when an order requiring a judgment debtor to appear for proceedings supplemental to judgment has been issued and the judgment debtor fails to submit to examination as ordered;
(g) Upon an attachment of real or personal property when the property attached is of a perishable nature or is otherwise in danger of waste, impairment, or destruction, or where the abandoned property's owner has absconded with, secreted, or abandoned the property, and it is necessary to collect, conserve, manage, control, or protect it, or to dispose of it promptly, or when the court determines that the nature of the property or the exigency of the case otherwise provides cause for the appointment of a receiver;
(h) In an action by a transferor of real or personal property to avoid or rescind the transfer on the basis of fraud, or in an action to subject property or a fund to the payment of a debt;
(i) In an action against any person who is not an individual if the object of the action is the dissolution of that person, or if that person has been dissolved, or if that person is insolvent or is not generally paying the person's debts as those debts become due unless they are the subject of bona fide dispute, or if that person is in imminent danger of insolvency;
(j) In accordance with RCW
7.08.030 (4) and (6), in cases in which a general assignment for the benefit of creditors has been made;
(k) In quo warranto proceedings under chapter
7.56 RCW;
(m) In an action by the department of licensing under RCW
18.35.220(3) with respect to persons engaged in the business of dispensing of hearing aids, RCW
18.85.430 in the case of persons engaged in the business of a real estate broker, associate real estate broker, or real estate salesperson, or RCW
19.105.470 with respect to persons engaged in the business of camping resorts;
(n) In an action under RCW
18.44.470 or
18.44.490 in the case of persons engaged in the business of escrow agents;
(o) Upon a petition with respect to a nursing home in accordance with and subject to receivership provisions under chapter
18.51 RCW;
(p) In connection with a proceeding for relief with respect to a voidable transfer as to a present or future creditor under RCW
19.40.041 or a present creditor under RCW
(q) Under RCW
19.100.210(1), in an action by the attorney general or director of financial institutions to restrain any actual or threatened violation of the franchise investment protection act;
(r) In an action by the attorney general or by a prosecuting attorney under RCW
19.110.160 with respect to a seller of business opportunities;
(s) In an action by the director of financial institutions under RCW
21.20.390 in cases involving actual or threatened violations of the securities act of Washington or under RCW
21.30.120 in cases involving actual or threatened violations of chapter
21.30 RCW with respect to certain businesses and transactions involving commodities;
(t) In an action for or relating to dissolution of a business corporation under RCW
23B.14.310, or
23B.14.320, for dissolution of a nonprofit corporation under RCW
24.03A.936, for dissolution of a mutual corporation under RCW
24.06.305, or in any other action for the dissolution or winding up of any other entity provided for by Title
24, or
25 RCW;
(u) In any action in which the dissolution of any public or private entity is sought, in any action involving any dispute with respect to the ownership or governance of such an entity, or upon the application of a person having an interest in such an entity when the appointment is reasonably necessary to protect the property of the entity or its business or other interests;
(v) Under RCW
25.05.215, in aid of a charging order with respect to a partner's interest in a partnership;
(w) Under and subject to RCW
30A.44.270, and
30A.56.030, in the case of a state commercial bank, RCW
30B.44B.100, in the case of a state trust company, RCW
32.24.080, and
32.24.090, in the case of a state savings bank;
(y) Upon the application of the director of financial institutions under RCW
31.35.090 in actions to enforce chapter
31.35 RCW applicable to agricultural lenders, under RCW
31.40.120 in actions to enforce chapter
31.40 RCW applicable to entities engaged in federally guaranteed small business loans, under RCW
31.45.160 in actions to enforce chapter
31.45 RCW applicable to persons licensed as check cashers or check sellers, or under RCW
19.230.230 in actions to enforce chapter
19.230 RCW applicable to persons licensed under the uniform money services act;
(aa) Under RCW
39.84.160 or
43.180.360, in proceedings to enforce rights under any revenue bonds issued for the purpose of financing industrial development facilities or bonds of the Washington state housing finance commission, or any financing document securing any such bonds;
(bb) Under and subject to RCW
43.70.195, in an action by the secretary of health or by a local health officer with respect to a public water system;
(cc) As contemplated by RCW
61.24.030, with respect to real property that is the subject of nonjudicial foreclosure proceedings under chapter
61.24 RCW;
(dd) As contemplated by RCW
61.30.030(3), with respect to real property that is the subject of judicial or nonjudicial forfeiture proceedings under chapter
61.30 RCW;
(ee) ((
Under RCW 64.32.200(2), in an action or proceeding commenced under chapter 61.12 or 61.24 RCW to foreclose upon a lien for common expenses against a dwelling unit subject to the horizontal property regimes act, chapter 64.32 RCW. For purposes of this subsection (1)(ee), a judicial action is commenced as provided in superior court civil rule 3(a) and a nonjudicial proceeding is commenced under chapter 61.24 RCW upon the service of notice of default described in RCW 61.24.030(8);(ff) Under RCW 64.34.364(10), in an action or proceeding commenced under chapter 61.12 or 61.24 RCW by a unit owners' association to foreclose a lien for nonpayment of delinquent assessments against condominium units. For purposes of this subsection (1)(ff), a judicial action is commenced as provided in superior court civil rule (3)(a) and a nonjudicial proceeding is commenced under chapter 61.24 RCW upon the service of notice of default described in RCW 61.24.030(8); (gg)))
Under RCW 64.90.485(15), in an action by an association to collect assessments or to foreclose a lien on a unit; (ff) Upon application of the attorney general under RCW
64.36.220(3), in aid of any writ or order restraining or enjoining violations of chapter
64.36 RCW applicable to timeshares;
(gg) Under RCW
70A.210.070(3), in aid of the enforcement of payment or performance of municipal bonds issued with respect to facilities used to abate, control, or prevent pollution;
(hh) Upon the application of the department of social and health services under RCW
74.42.580, in cases involving nursing homes;
(ii) Upon the application of the utilities and transportation commission under RCW
80.28.040, with respect to a water company or wastewater company that has failed to comply with an order of such commission within the time deadline specified therein;
(jj) Under RCW
87.56.065, in connection with the dissolution of an irrigation district;
(kk) Upon application of the attorney general or the department of licensing, in any proceeding that either of them are authorized by statute to bring to enforce Title
18 or
19 RCW; the securities act of Washington, chapter
21.20 RCW; the Washington commodities act, chapter
21.30 RCW; the land development act, chapter
58.19 RCW; or under chapter
64.36 RCW relating to the regulation of timeshares;
(ll) Upon application of the director of financial institutions in any proceeding that the director of financial institutions is authorized to bring to enforce chapters
31.35, 31.40, and
31.45 RCW; or
(((nn)))(mm) In such other cases as may be provided for by law, or when, in the discretion of the court, it may be necessary to secure ample justice to the parties.
(2) The superior courts of this state shall appoint as receiver of property located in this state a person who has been appointed by a federal or state court located elsewhere as receiver with respect to the property specifically or with respect to the owner's property generally, upon the application of the person or of any party to that foreign proceeding, and following the appointment shall give effect to orders, judgments, and decrees of the foreign court affecting the property in this state held by the receiver, unless the court determines that to do so would be manifestly unjust or inequitable. The venue of such a proceeding may be any county in which the person resides or maintains any office, or any county in which any property over which the receiver is to be appointed is located at the time the proceeding is commenced.
(3) At least seven days' notice of any application for the appointment of a receiver must be given to the owner of property to be subject thereto and to all other parties in the action, and to other parties in interest as the court may require. If any execution by a judgment creditor under Title
6 RCW or any application by a judgment creditor for the appointment of a receiver, with respect to property over which the receiver's appointment is sought, is pending in any other action at the time the application is made, then notice of the application for the receiver's appointment also must be given to the judgment creditor in the other action. The court may shorten or expand the period for notice of an application for the appointment of a receiver upon good cause shown.
(4) The order appointing a receiver in all cases must reasonably describe the property over which the receiver is to take charge, by category, individual items, or both if the receiver is to take charge of less than all of the owner's property. If the order appointing a receiver does not expressly limit the receiver's authority to designated property or categories of property of the owner, the receiver is a general receiver with the authority to take charge over all of the owner's property, wherever located.
(5) The court may condition the appointment of a receiver upon the giving of security by the person seeking the receiver's appointment, in such amount as the court may specify, for the payment of costs and damages incurred or suffered by any person should it later be determined that the appointment of the receiver was wrongfully obtained.
Sec. 402. RCW
7.60.110 and 2011 c 34 s 4 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) Except as otherwise ordered by the court, the entry of an order appointing a general receiver or a custodial receiver with respect to all of a person's property shall operate as a stay, applicable to all persons, of:
(a) The commencement or continuation, including the issuance or employment of process, of a judicial, administrative, or other action or proceeding against the person over whose property the receiver is appointed that was or could have been commenced before the entry of the order of appointment, or to recover a claim against the person that arose before the entry of the order of appointment;
(b) The enforcement, against the person over whose property the receiver is appointed or any estate property, of a judgment obtained before the order of appointment;
(c) Any act to obtain possession of estate property from the receiver, or to interfere with, or exercise control over, estate property;
(d) Any act to create, perfect, or enforce any lien or claim against estate property except by exercise of a right of setoff, to the extent that the lien secures a claim against the person that arose before the entry of the order of appointment; or
(e) Any act to collect, assess, or recover a claim against the person that arose before the entry of the order of appointment.
(2) The stay shall automatically expire as to the acts specified in subsection (1)(a), (b), and (e) of this section sixty days after the entry of the order of appointment unless before the expiration of the sixty-day period the receiver, for good cause shown, obtains an order of the court extending the stay, after notice and a hearing. A person whose action or proceeding is stayed by motion to the court may seek relief from the stay for good cause shown. Any judgment obtained against the person over whose property the receiver is appointed or estate property following the entry of the order of appointment is not a lien against estate property unless the receivership is terminated prior to a conveyance of the property against which the judgment would otherwise constitute a lien.
(3) The entry of an order appointing a receiver does not operate as a stay of:
(a) The continuation of a judicial action or nonjudicial proceeding of the type described in RCW
7.60.025(1) (b)((
or (ee)((
, or (ff))), if the action or proceeding was initiated by the party seeking the receiver's appointment;
(b) The commencement or continuation of a criminal proceeding against the person over whose property the receiver is appointed;
(c) The commencement or continuation of an action or proceeding to establish paternity, or to establish or modify an order for alimony, maintenance, or support, or to collect alimony, maintenance, or support under any order of a court;
(d) Any act to perfect, or to maintain or continue the perfection of, an interest in estate property if the interest perfected would be effective against a creditor of the person over whose property the receiver is appointed holding at the time of the entry of the order of appointment either a perfected nonpurchase money security interest under chapter 62A.9A RCW against the property involved, or a lien by attachment, levy, or the like, whether or not such a creditor exists. If perfection of an interest would require seizure of the property involved or the commencement of an action, the perfection shall instead be accomplished by filing, and by serving upon the receiver, or receiver's counsel, if any, notice of the interest within the time fixed by law for seizure or commencement;
(e) The commencement or continuation of an action or proceeding by a governmental unit to enforce its police or regulatory power;
(f) The enforcement of a judgment, other than a money judgment, obtained in an action or proceeding by a governmental unit to enforce its police or regulatory power, or with respect to any licensure of the person over whose property the receiver is appointed;
(g) The exercise of a right of setoff, including but not limited to (i) any right of a commodity broker, forward contract merchant, stockbroker, financial institution, or securities clearing agency to set off a claim for a margin payment or settlement payment arising out of a commodity contract, forward contract, or securities contract against cash, securities, or other property held or due from the commodity broker, forward contract merchant, stockbroker, financial institution, or securities clearing agency to margin, guarantee, secure, or settle the commodity contract, forward contract, or securities contract, and (ii) any right of a swap participant to set off a claim for a payment due to the swap participant under or in connection with a swap agreement against any payment due from the swap participant under or in connection with the swap agreement or against cash, securities, or other property of the debtor held by or due from the swap participant to guarantee, secure, or settle the swap agreement; or
(h) The establishment by a governmental unit of any tax liability and any appeal thereof.
Sec. 403. RCW
18.85.151 and 2012 c 126 s 1 are each amended to read as follows:
This chapter shall not apply to:
(1) Any person who purchases or disposes of property and/or a business opportunity for that individual's own account, or that of a group of which the person is a member, and their employees;
(2) Any duly authorized attorney-in-fact acting under a power of attorney without compensation;
(3) An attorney-at-law in the performance of the practice of law;
(4) Any receiver, trustee in bankruptcy, executor, administrator, guardian, personal representative, or any person acting under the order of any court, selling under a deed of trust, or acting as trustee under a trust;
(5) Any secretary, bookkeeper, accountant, or other office personnel who does not engage in any conduct or activity specified in any of the definitions under RCW
(6) Employees of towns, cities, counties, or governmental entities involved in an acquisition of property for right-of-way, eminent domain, or threat of eminent domain;
(7) Only with respect to the rental or lease of individual storage space, any person who owns or manages a self-service storage facility as defined under chapter
19.150 RCW;
(8) Any person providing referrals to licensees who is not involved in the negotiation, execution of documents, or related real estate brokerage services, and compensation is not contingent upon receipt of compensation by the licensee or the real estate firm;
(9) Certified public accountants if they do not promote the purchase, listing, sale, exchange, optioning, leasing, or renting of a specific real property interest;
(10) Any natural persons or entities including title or escrow companies, escrow agents, attorneys, or financial institutions acting as escrow agents if they do not promote the purchase, listing, sale, exchange, optioning, leasing, or renting of a specific real property interest;
(11) Investment counselors if they do not promote the purchase, listing, sale, exchange, optioning, leasing, or renting of a specific real property interest;
(12) Common interest community managers who, in an advisory capacity and for compensation or in expectation of compensation, provide management or financial services, negotiate agreements to provide management or financial services, or represent themselves as providing management or financial services to an association governed by chapter ((64.32, 64.34, or 64.38))64.90 RCW, if they do not promote the purchase, listing, sale, exchange, optioning, leasing, or renting of a specific real property interest. This subsection (12) applies regardless of whether a common interest community manager acts as an independent contractor to, employee of, general manager or executive director of, or agent of an association governed by chapter ((64.32, 64.34, or 64.38))64.90 RCW; and
(13) Any person employed or retained by, for, or on behalf of the owner or on behalf of a designated or managing broker if the person is limited in property management to any of the following activities:
(a) Delivering a lease application, a lease, or any amendment thereof to any person;
(b) Receiving a lease application, lease, or amendment thereof, a security deposit, rental payment, or any related payment for delivery to and made payable to the real estate firm or owner;
(c) Showing a rental unit to any person, or executing leases or rental agreements, and the employee or retainee is acting under the direct instruction of the owner or designated or managing broker;
(d) Providing information about a rental unit, a lease, an application for lease, or a security deposit and rental amounts to any prospective tenant; or
(e) Assisting in the performance of property management functions by carrying out administrative, clerical, financial, or maintenance tasks.
Sec. 404. RCW
36.70A.699 and 2020 c 217 s 5 are each amended to read as follows:
Nothing in chapter 217, Laws of 2020 modifies or limits any rights or interests legally recorded in the governing documents of associations subject to chapter ((
64.32, 64.34, 64.38, or))
64.90 RCW.
Sec. 405. RCW
43.185B.020 and 2023 c 275 s 25 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) The department shall establish the affordable housing advisory board to consist of 25 members.
(a) The following 22 members shall be appointed by the governor:
(i) Two representatives of the residential construction industry;
(ii) Two representatives of the home mortgage lending profession;
(iii) One representative of the real estate sales profession;
(iv) One representative of the apartment management and operation industry;
(v) One representative of the for-profit housing development industry;
(vi) One representative of for-profit rental housing owners;
(vii) One representative of the nonprofit housing development industry;
(viii) One representative of homeless shelter operators;
(ix) One representative of lower-income persons;
(x) One representative of special needs populations;
(xi) One representative of public housing authorities as created under chapter
35.82 RCW;
(xii) Two representatives of the Washington association of counties, one representative shall be from a county that is located east of the crest of the Cascade mountains;
(xiii) Two representatives of the association of Washington cities, one representative shall be from a city that is located east of the crest of the Cascade mountains;
(xiv) One representative to serve as chair of the affordable housing advisory board;
(xv) One representative of organizations that operate site-based permanent supportive housing and deliver on-site supportive housing services;
(xvi) One representative at large;
(xvii) One representative from a unit owners((')) association as defined in RCW ((64.34.020 or)) 64.90.010; and
(xviii) One representative from an interlocal housing collaboration as established under chapter
39.34 RCW.
(b) The following three members shall serve as ex officio, nonvoting members:
(i) The director or the director's designee;
(ii) The executive director of the Washington state housing finance commission or the executive director's designee; and
(iii) The secretary of social and health services or the secretary's designee.
(2)(a) The members of the affordable housing advisory board appointed by the governor shall be appointed for four-year terms, except that the chair shall be appointed to serve a two-year term. The terms of five of the initial appointees shall be for two years from the date of appointment and the terms of six of the initial appointees shall be for three years from the date of appointment. The governor shall designate the appointees who will serve the two-year and three-year terms. The members of the advisory board shall serve without compensation, but shall be reimbursed for travel expenses as provided in RCW
43.03.050 and
(b) The governor, when making appointments to the affordable housing advisory board, shall make appointments that reflect the cultural diversity of the state of Washington.
(3) The affordable housing advisory board shall serve as the department's principal advisory body on housing and housing-related issues, and replaces the department's existing boards and task forces on housing and housing-related issues.
(4) The affordable housing advisory board shall meet regularly and may appoint technical advisory committees, which may include members of the affordable housing advisory board, as needed to address specific issues and concerns.
(5) The department, in conjunction with the Washington state housing finance commission and the department of social and health services, shall supply such information and assistance as are deemed necessary for the advisory board to carry out its duties under this section.
(6) The department shall provide administrative and clerical assistance to the affordable housing advisory board.
Sec. 406. RCW
46.61.419 and 2013 c 269 s 1 are each amended to read as follows:
State, local, or county law enforcement personnel may enforce speeding violations under RCW
46.61.400 on private roads within a community organized under chapter ((
64.34, 64.32, or 64.38))
64.90 RCW if:
(1) A majority of the ((homeowner's association's, association of apartment owners', or condominium))unit owners association's board of directors votes to authorize the issuance of speeding infractions on its private roads, and declares a speed limit not lower than twenty miles per hour;
(2) A written agreement regarding the speeding enforcement is signed by the ((homeowner's association, association of apartment owners, or condominium))unit owners association president and the chief law enforcement official of the city or county within whose jurisdiction the private road is located;
(3) The ((homeowner's association, association of apartment owners, or condominium))unit owners association has provided written notice to all of the ((homeowners, apartment owners, or)) unit owners describing the new authority to issue speeding infractions; and
(4) Signs have been posted declaring the speed limit at all vehicle entrances to the common interest community.
Sec. 407. RCW
58.17.040 and 2019 c 352 s 2 are each amended to read as follows:
The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to:
(1) Cemeteries and other burial plots while used for that purpose;
(2) Divisions of land into lots or tracts each of which is one-one hundred twenty-eighth of a section of land or larger, or five acres or larger if the land is not capable of description as a fraction of a section of land, unless the governing authority of the city, town, or county in which the land is situated shall have adopted a subdivision ordinance requiring plat approval of such divisions: PROVIDED, That for purposes of computing the size of any lot under this item which borders on a street or road, the lot size shall be expanded to include that area which would be bounded by the center line of the road or street and the side lot lines of the lot running perpendicular to such center line;
(3) Divisions made by testamentary provisions, or the laws of descent;
(4) Divisions of land into lots or tracts classified for industrial or commercial use when the city, town, or county has approved a binding site plan for the use of the land in accordance with local regulations;
(5) A division for the purpose of lease when no residential structure other than mobile homes, tiny houses or tiny houses with wheels as defined in RCW
35.21.686, or travel trailers are permitted to be placed upon the land when the city, town, or county has approved a binding site plan for the use of the land in accordance with local regulations;
(6) A division made for the purpose of alteration by adjusting boundary lines, between platted or unplatted lots or both, which does not create any additional lot, tract, parcel, site, or division nor create any lot, tract, parcel, site, or division which contains insufficient area and dimension to meet minimum requirements for width and area for a building site;
(7) Divisions of land into lots or tracts if: (a) Such division is the result of subjecting a portion of a parcel or tract of land to ((either)) chapter ((64.32 or 64.34))64.90 RCW subsequent to the recording of a binding site plan for all such land; (b) the improvements constructed or to be constructed thereon are required by the provisions of the binding site plan to be included in one or more condominiums, cooperatives, or owned by an association or other legal entity in which the owners of units therein or their owners((')) associations have a membership or other legal or beneficial interest; (c) a city, town, or county has approved the binding site plan for all such land; (d) such approved binding site plan is recorded in the county or counties in which such land is located; and (e) the binding site plan contains thereon the following statement: "All development and use of the land described herein shall be in accordance with this binding site plan, as it may be amended with the approval of the city, town, or county having jurisdiction over the development of such land, and in accordance with such other governmental permits, approvals, regulations, requirements, and restrictions that may be imposed upon such land and the development and use thereof. Upon completion, the improvements on the land shall be included in one or more condominiums, cooperatives, or owned by an association or other legal entity in which the owners of units therein or their owners((')) associations have a membership or other legal or beneficial interest. This binding site plan shall be binding upon all now or hereafter having any interest in the land described herein." The binding site plan may, but need not, depict or describe the boundaries of the lots or tracts resulting from subjecting a portion of the land to ((either)) chapter ((64.32 or 64.34))64.90 RCW. A site plan shall be deemed to have been approved if the site plan was approved by a city, town, or county: (i) In connection with the final approval of a subdivision plat or planned unit development with respect to all of such land; or (ii) in connection with the issuance of building permits or final certificates of occupancy with respect to all of such land; or (iii) if not approved pursuant to (i) and (ii) of this subsection (7)(e), then pursuant to such other procedures as such city, town, or county may have established for the approval of a binding site plan;
(8) A division for the purpose of leasing land for facilities providing personal wireless services while used for that purpose. "Personal wireless services" means any federally licensed personal wireless service. "Facilities" means unstaffed facilities that are used for the transmission or reception, or both, of wireless communication services including, but not necessarily limited to, antenna arrays, transmission cables, equipment shelters, and support structures; and
(9) A division of land into lots or tracts of less than three acres that is recorded in accordance with chapter
58.09 RCW and is used or to be used for the purpose of establishing a site for construction and operation of consumer-owned or investor-owned electric utility facilities. For purposes of this subsection, "electric utility facilities" means unstaffed facilities, except for the presence of security personnel, that are used for or in connection with or to facilitate the transmission, distribution, sale, or furnishing of electricity including, but not limited to, electric power substations. This subsection does not exempt a division of land from the zoning and permitting laws and regulations of cities, towns, counties, and municipal corporations. Furthermore, this subsection only applies to electric utility facilities that will be placed into service to meet the electrical needs of a utility's existing and new customers. New customers are defined as electric service locations not already in existence as of the date that electric utility facilities subject to the provisions of this subsection are planned and constructed.
Sec. 408. RCW
59.18.200 and 2021 c 212 s 3 are each amended to read as follows:
(1)(a) When premises are rented for an indefinite time, with monthly or other periodic rent reserved, such tenancy shall be construed to be a tenancy from month to month, or from period to period on which rent is payable, and shall end by written notice of 20 days or more, preceding the end of any of the months or periods of tenancy, given by the tenant to the landlord.
(b) Any tenant who is a member of the armed forces, including the national guard and armed forces reserves, or that tenant's spouse or dependent, may end a rental agreement with less than 20 days' written notice if the tenant receives permanent change of station or deployment orders that do not allow a 20-day written notice.
(2)(a) Whenever a landlord plans to change to a policy of excluding children, the landlord shall give a written notice to a tenant at least 90 days before the tenancy ends to effectuate such change in policy. Such 90-day notice shall be in lieu of the notice required by subsection (1) of this section. However, if after giving the 90-day notice the change in policy is delayed, the notice requirements of subsection (1) of this section shall apply unless waived by the tenant.
(b) Whenever a landlord plans to change any apartment or apartments to a condominium form of ownership, the landlord shall provide a written notice to a tenant at least 120 days before the tenancy ends, in compliance with RCW ((64.34.440(1)))64.90.655, to effectuate such change. The 120-day notice is in lieu of the notice required in subsection (1) of this section. However, if after providing the 120-day notice the change to a condominium form of ownership is delayed, the notice requirements in subsection (1) of this section apply unless waived by the tenant.
(c)(i) Whenever a landlord plans to demolish or substantially rehabilitate premises or plans a change of use of premises, the landlord shall provide a written notice to a tenant at least 120 days before the tenancy ends. This subsection (2)(c)(i) does not apply to jurisdictions that have created a relocation assistance program under RCW
59.18.440 and otherwise provide 120 days' notice.
(ii) For purposes of this subsection (2)(c):
(A) "Assisted housing development" means a multifamily rental housing development that either receives government assistance and is defined as federally assisted housing in RCW
59.28.020, or that receives other federal, state, or local government assistance and is subject to use restrictions.
(B) "Change of use" means: (I) Conversion of any premises from a residential use to a nonresidential use that results in the displacement of an existing tenant; (II) conversion from one type of residential use to another type of residential use that results in the displacement of an existing tenant, such as conversion to a retirement home, emergency shelter, or transient hotel; or (III) conversion following removal of use restrictions from an assisted housing development that results in the displacement of an existing tenant: PROVIDED, That displacement of an existing tenant in order that the owner or a member of the owner's immediate family may occupy the premises does not constitute a change of use.
(C) "Demolish" means the destruction of premises or the relocation of premises to another site that results in the displacement of an existing tenant.
(D) "Substantially rehabilitate" means extensive structural repair or extensive remodeling of premises that requires a permit such as a building, electrical, plumbing, or mechanical permit, and that results in the displacement of an existing tenant.
Sec. 409. RCW
59.18.650 and 2021 c 212 s 2 are each amended to read as follows:
(1)(a) A landlord may not evict a tenant, refuse to continue a tenancy, or end a periodic tenancy except for the causes enumerated in subsection (2) of this section and as otherwise provided in this subsection.
(b) If a landlord and tenant enter into a rental agreement that provides for the tenancy to continue for an indefinite period on a month-to-month or periodic basis after the agreement expires, the landlord may not end the tenancy except for the causes enumerated in subsection (2) of this section; however, a landlord may end such a tenancy at the end of the initial period of the rental agreement without cause only if:
(i) At the inception of the tenancy, the landlord and tenant entered into a rental agreement between six and 12 months; and
(ii) The landlord has provided the tenant before the end of the initial lease period at least 60 days' advance written notice ending the tenancy, served in a manner consistent with RCW
(c) If a landlord and tenant enter into a rental agreement for a specified period in which the tenancy by the terms of the rental agreement does not continue for an indefinite period on a month-to-month or periodic basis after the end of the specified period, the landlord may end such a tenancy without cause upon expiration of the specified period only if:
(i) At the inception of the tenancy, the landlord and tenant entered into a rental agreement of 12 months or more for a specified period, or the landlord and tenant have continuously and without interruption entered into successive rental agreements of six months or more for a specified period since the inception of the tenancy;
(ii) The landlord has provided the tenant before the end of the specified period at least 60 days' advance written notice that the tenancy will be deemed expired at the end of such specified period, served in a manner consistent with RCW
59.12.040; and
(iii) The tenancy has not been for an indefinite period on a month-to-month or periodic basis at any point since the inception of the tenancy. However, for any tenancy of an indefinite period in existence as of May 10, 2021, if the landlord and tenant enter into a rental agreement between May 10, 2021, and three months following the expiration of the governor's proclamation 20-19.6 or any extensions thereof, the landlord may exercise rights under this subsection (1)(c) as if the rental agreement was entered into at the inception of the tenancy provided that the rental agreement is otherwise in accordance with this subsection (1)(c).
(d) For all other tenancies of a specified period not covered under (b) or (c) of this subsection, and for tenancies of an indefinite period on a month-to-month or periodic basis, a landlord may not end the tenancy except for the causes enumerated in subsection (2) of this section. Upon the end date of the tenancy of a specified period, the tenancy becomes a month-to-month tenancy.
(e) Nothing prohibits a landlord and tenant from entering into subsequent lease agreements that are in compliance with the requirements in subsection (2) of this section.
(f) A tenant may end a tenancy for a specified time by providing notice in writing not less than 20 days prior to the ending date of the specified time.
(2) The following reasons listed in this subsection constitute cause pursuant to subsection (1) of this section:
(a) The tenant continues in possession in person or by subtenant after a default in the payment of rent, and after written notice requiring, in the alternative, the payment of the rent or the surrender of the detained premises has remained uncomplied with for the period set forth in RCW
59.12.030(3) for tenants subject to this chapter. The written notice may be served at any time after the rent becomes due;
(b) The tenant continues in possession after substantial breach of a material program requirement of subsidized housing, material term subscribed to by the tenant within the lease or rental agreement, or a tenant obligation imposed by law, other than one for monetary damages, and after the landlord has served written notice specifying the acts or omissions constituting the breach and requiring, in the alternative, that the breach be remedied or the rental agreement will end, and the breach has not been adequately remedied by the date specified in the notice, which date must be at least 10 days after service of the notice;
(c) The tenant continues in possession after having received at least three days' advance written notice to quit after he or she commits or permits waste or nuisance upon the premises, unlawful activity that affects the use and enjoyment of the premises, or other substantial or repeated and unreasonable interference with the use and enjoyment of the premises by the landlord or neighbors of the tenant;
(d) The tenant continues in possession after the landlord of a dwelling unit in good faith seeks possession so that the owner or his or her immediate family may occupy the unit as that person's principal residence and no substantially equivalent unit is vacant and available to house the owner or his or her immediate family in the same building, and the owner has provided at least 90 days' advance written notice of the date the tenant's possession is to end. There is a rebuttable presumption that the owner did not act in good faith if the owner or immediate family fails to occupy the unit as a principal residence for at least 60 consecutive days during the 90 days immediately after the tenant vacated the unit pursuant to a notice to vacate using this subsection (2)(d) as the cause for the lease ending;
(e) The tenant continues in possession after the owner elects to sell a single-family residence and the landlord has provided at least 90 days' advance written notice of the date the tenant's possession is to end. For the purposes of this subsection (2)(e), an owner "elects to sell" when the owner makes reasonable attempts to sell the dwelling within 30 days after the tenant has vacated, including, at a minimum, listing it for sale at a reasonable price with a realty agency or advertising it for sale at a reasonable price by listing it on the real estate multiple listing service. There shall be a rebuttable presumption that the owner did not intend to sell the unit if:
(i) Within 30 days after the tenant has vacated, the owner does not list the single-family dwelling unit for sale at a reasonable price with a realty agency or advertise it for sale at a reasonable price by listing it on the real estate multiple listing service; or
(ii) Within 90 days after the date the tenant vacated or the date the property was listed for sale, whichever is later, the owner withdraws the rental unit from the market, the landlord rents the unit to someone other than the former tenant, or the landlord otherwise indicates that the owner does not intend to sell the unit;
(f) The tenant continues in possession of the premises after the landlord serves the tenant with advance written notice pursuant to RCW
(g) The tenant continues in possession after the owner elects to withdraw the premises to pursue a conversion pursuant to RCW ((64.34.440 or)) 64.90.655;
(h) The tenant continues in possession, after the landlord has provided at least 30 days' advance written notice to vacate that: (i) The premises has been certified or condemned as uninhabitable by a local agency charged with the authority to issue such an order; and (ii) continued habitation of the premises would subject the landlord to civil or criminal penalties. However, if the terms of the local agency's order do not allow the landlord to provide at least 30 days' advance written notice, the landlord must provide as much advance written notice as is possible and still comply with the order;
(i) The tenant continues in possession after an owner or lessor, with whom the tenant shares the dwelling unit or access to a common kitchen or bathroom area, has served at least 20 days' advance written notice to vacate prior to the end of the rental term or, if a periodic tenancy, the end of the rental period;
(j) The tenant continues in possession of a dwelling unit in transitional housing after having received at least 30 days' advance written notice to vacate in advance of the expiration of the transitional housing program, the tenant has aged out of the transitional housing program, or the tenant has completed an educational or training or service program and is no longer eligible to participate in the transitional housing program. Nothing in this subsection (2)(j) prohibits the ending of a tenancy in transitional housing for any of the other causes specified in this subsection;
(k) The tenant continues in possession of a dwelling unit after the expiration of a rental agreement without signing a proposed new rental agreement proffered by the landlord; provided, that the landlord proffered the proposed new rental agreement at least 30 days prior to the expiration of the current rental agreement and that any new terms and conditions of the proposed new rental agreement are reasonable. This subsection (2)(k) does not apply to tenants whose tenancies are or have become periodic;
(l) The tenant continues in possession after having received at least 30 days' advance written notice to vacate due to intentional, knowing, and material misrepresentations or omissions made on the tenant's application at the inception of the tenancy that, had these misrepresentations or omissions not been made, would have resulted in the landlord requesting additional information or taking an adverse action;
(m) The tenant continues in possession after having received at least 60 days' advance written notice to vacate for other good cause prior to the end of the period or rental agreement and such cause constitutes a legitimate economic or business reason not covered or related to a basis for ending the lease as enumerated under this subsection (2). When the landlord relies on this basis for ending the tenancy, the court may stay any writ of restitution for up to 60 additional days for good cause shown, including difficulty procuring alternative housing. The court must condition such a stay upon the tenant's continued payment of rent during the stay period. Upon granting such a stay, the court must award court costs and fees as allowed under this chapter;
(n)(i) The tenant continues in possession after having received at least 60 days' written notice to vacate prior to the end of the period or rental agreement and the tenant has committed four or more of the following violations, other than ones for monetary damages, within the preceding 12-month period, the tenant has remedied or cured the violation, and the landlord has provided the tenant a written warning notice at the time of each violation: A substantial breach of a material program requirement of subsidized housing, a substantial breach of a material term subscribed to by the tenant within the lease or rental agreement, or a substantial breach of a tenant obligation imposed by law;
(ii) Each written warning notice must:
(A) Specify the violation;
(B) Provide the tenant an opportunity to cure the violation;
(C) State that the landlord may choose to end the tenancy at the end of the rental term if there are four violations within a 12-month period preceding the end of the term; and
(D) State that correcting the fourth or subsequent violation is not a defense to the ending of the lease under this subsection;
(iii) The 60-day notice to vacate must:
(A) State that the rental agreement will end upon the specified ending date for the rental term or upon a designated date not less than 60 days after the delivery of the notice, whichever is later;
(B) Specify the reason for ending the lease and supporting facts; and
(C) Be served to the tenant concurrent with or after the fourth or subsequent written warning notice;
(iv) The notice under this subsection must include all notices supporting the basis of ending the lease;
(v) Any notices asserted under this subsection must pertain to four or more separate incidents or occurrences; and
(vi) This subsection (2)(n) does not absolve a landlord from demonstrating by admissible evidence that the four or more violations constituted breaches under (b) of this subsection at the time of the violation had the tenant not remedied or cured the violation;
(o) The tenant continues in possession after having received at least 60 days' advance written notice to vacate prior to the end of the rental period or rental agreement if the tenant is required to register as a sex offender during the tenancy, or failed to disclose a requirement to register as a sex offender when required in the rental application or otherwise known to the property owner at the beginning of the tenancy;
(p) The tenant continues in possession after having received at least 20 days' advance written notice to vacate prior to the end of the rental period or rental agreement if the tenant has made unwanted sexual advances or other acts of sexual harassment directed at the property owner, property manager, property employee, or another tenant based on the person's race, gender, or other protected status in violation of any covenant or term in the lease.
(3) When a tenant has permanently vacated due to voluntary or involuntary events, other than by the ending of the tenancy by the landlord, a landlord must serve a notice to any remaining occupants who had coresided with the tenant at least six months prior to and up to the time the tenant permanently vacated, requiring the occupants to either apply to become a party to the rental agreement or vacate within 30 days of service of such notice. In processing any application from a remaining occupant under this subsection, the landlord may require the occupant to meet the same screening, background, and financial criteria as would any other prospective tenant to continue the tenancy. If the occupant fails to apply within 30 days of receipt of the notice in this subsection, or the application is denied for failure to meet the criteria, the landlord may commence an unlawful detainer action under this chapter. If an occupant becomes a party to the tenancy pursuant to this subsection, a landlord may not end the tenancy except as provided under subsection (2) of this section. This subsection does not apply to tenants residing in subsidized housing.
(4) A landlord who removes a tenant or causes a tenant to be removed from a dwelling in any way in violation of this section is liable to the tenant for wrongful eviction, and the tenant prevailing in such an action is entitled to the greater of their economic and noneconomic damages or three times the monthly rent of the dwelling at issue, and reasonable attorneys' fees and court costs.
(5) Nothing in subsection (2)(d), (e), or (f) of this section permits a landlord to end a tenancy for a specified period before the completion of the term unless the landlord and the tenant mutually consent, in writing, to ending the tenancy early and the tenant is afforded at least 60 days to vacate.
(6) All written notices required under subsection (2) of this section must:
(a) Be served in a manner consistent with RCW
59.12.040; and
(b) Identify the facts and circumstances known and available to the landlord at the time of the issuance of the notice that support the cause or causes with enough specificity so as to enable the tenant to respond and prepare a defense to any incidents alleged. The landlord may present additional facts and circumstances regarding the allegations within the notice if such evidence was unknown or unavailable at the time of the issuance of the notice.
Sec. 410. RCW
61.24.030 and 2023 c 206 s 2 are each amended to read as follows:
It shall be requisite to a trustee's sale:
(1) That the deed of trust contains a power of sale;
(2) That the deed of trust contains a statement that the real property conveyed is not used principally for agricultural purposes; provided, if the statement is false on the date the deed of trust was granted or amended to include that statement, and false on the date of the trustee's sale, then the deed of trust must be foreclosed judicially. Real property is used for agricultural purposes if it is used in an operation that produces crops, livestock, or aquatic goods;
(3) That a default has occurred in the obligation secured or a covenant of the grantor, which by the terms of the deed of trust makes operative the power to sell;
(4) That no action commenced by the beneficiary of the deed of trust is now pending to seek satisfaction of an obligation secured by the deed of trust in any court by reason of the grantor's default on the obligation secured: PROVIDED, That (a) the seeking of the appointment of a receiver, or the filing of a civil case to obtain court approval to access, secure, maintain, and preserve property from waste or nuisance, shall not constitute an action for purposes of this chapter; and (b) if a receiver is appointed, the grantor shall be entitled to any rents or profits derived from property subject to a homestead as defined in RCW
6.13.010. If the deed of trust was granted to secure a commercial loan, this subsection shall not apply to actions brought to enforce any other lien or security interest granted to secure the obligation secured by the deed of trust being foreclosed;
(5) That the deed of trust has been recorded in each county in which the land or some part thereof is situated;
(6) That prior to the date of the notice of trustee's sale and continuing thereafter through the date of the trustee's sale, the trustee must maintain a street address in this state where personal service of process may be made, and the trustee must maintain a physical presence and have telephone service at such address;
(7)(a) That, for residential real property of up to four units, before the notice of trustee's sale is recorded, transmitted, or served, the trustee shall have proof that the beneficiary is the holder of any promissory note or other obligation secured by the deed of trust. A declaration by the beneficiary made under the penalty of perjury stating that the beneficiary is the holder of any promissory note or other obligation secured by the deed of trust shall be sufficient proof as required under this subsection.
(b) Unless the trustee has violated his or her duty under RCW
61.24.010(4), the trustee is entitled to rely on the beneficiary's declaration as evidence of proof required under this subsection.
(c) This subsection (7) does not apply to association beneficiaries subject to chapter ((64.32, 64.34, or 64.38))64.90 RCW;
(8) That at least 30 days before notice of sale shall be recorded, transmitted or served, written notice of default and, for residential real property of up to four units, the beneficiary declaration specified in subsection (7)(a) of this section shall be transmitted by the beneficiary or trustee to the borrower and grantor at their last known addresses by both first-class and either registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, and the beneficiary or trustee shall cause to be posted in a conspicuous place on the premises, a copy of the notice, or personally served on the borrower and grantor. This notice shall contain the following information:
(a) A description of the property which is then subject to the deed of trust;
(b) A statement identifying each county in which the deed of trust is recorded and the document number given to the deed of trust upon recording by each county auditor or recording officer;
(c) A statement that the beneficiary has declared the borrower or grantor to be in default, and a concise statement of the default alleged;
(d) An itemized account of the amount or amounts in arrears if the default alleged is failure to make payments;
(e) An itemized account of all other specific charges, costs, or fees that the borrower, grantor, or any guarantor is or may be obliged to pay to reinstate the deed of trust before the recording of the notice of sale;
(f) A statement showing the total of (d) and (e) of this subsection, designated clearly and conspicuously as the amount necessary to reinstate the note and deed of trust before the recording of the notice of sale;
(g) A statement that failure to cure the alleged default within 30 days of the date of mailing of the notice, or if personally served, within 30 days of the date of personal service thereof, may lead to recordation, transmittal, and publication of a notice of sale, and that the property described in (a) of this subsection may be sold at public auction at a date no less than 120 days in the future, or no less than 150 days in the future if the borrower received a letter under RCW
(h) A statement that the effect of the recordation, transmittal, and publication of a notice of sale will be to (i) increase the costs and fees and (ii) publicize the default and advertise the grantor's property for sale;
(i) A statement that the effect of the sale of the grantor's property by the trustee will be to deprive the grantor of all their interest in the property described in (a) of this subsection;
(j) A statement that the borrower, grantor, and any guarantor has recourse to the courts pursuant to RCW
61.24.130 to contest the alleged default on any proper ground;
(k) In the event the property secured by the deed of trust is residential real property of up to four units, a statement, prominently set out at the beginning of the notice, which shall state as follows:
You may be eligible for mediation in front of a neutral third party to help save your home.
CONTACT A HOUSING COUNSELOR OR AN ATTORNEY LICENSED IN WASHINGTON NOW to assess your situation and refer you to mediation if you might benefit. Mediation MUST be requested between the time you receive the Notice of Default and no later than 90 calendar days BEFORE the date of sale listed in the Notice of Trustee Sale. If an amended Notice of Trustee Sale is recorded providing a 45-day notice of the sale, mediation must be requested no later than 25 calendar days BEFORE the date of sale listed in the amended Notice of Trustee Sale.
DO NOT DELAY. If you do nothing, a notice of sale may be issued as soon as 30 days from the date of this notice of default. The notice of sale will provide a minimum of 120 days' notice of the date of the actual foreclosure sale.
BE CAREFUL of people who claim they can help you. There are many individuals and businesses that prey upon borrowers in distress.
REFER TO THE CONTACTS BELOW for sources of assistance.
Housing counselors and legal assistance may be available at little or no cost to you. If you would like assistance in determining your rights and opportunities to keep your house, you may contact the following:
The statewide foreclosure hotline for assistance and referral to housing counselors recommended by the Housing Finance Commission
Telephone: . . . . . . . Website: . . . . . .
The United States Department of Housing and Urban Development
Telephone: . . . . . . . Website: . . . . . . .
The statewide civil legal aid hotline for assistance and referrals to other housing counselors and attorneys
Telephone: . . . . . . . Website: . . . . . ."
The beneficiary or trustee shall obtain the toll-free numbers and website information from the department for inclusion in the notice;
(l) In the event the property secured by the deed of trust is residential real property of up to four units, the name and address of the holder of any promissory note or other obligation secured by the deed of trust and the name, address, and telephone number of a party acting as a servicer of the obligations secured by the deed of trust;
(m) For notices issued after June 30, 2018, on the top of the first page of the notice:
(i) The current beneficiary of the deed of trust;
(ii) The current mortgage servicer for the deed of trust; and
(iii) The current trustee for the deed of trust;
(9) That, for residential real property of up to four units, before the notice of the trustee's sale is recorded, transmitted, or served, the beneficiary has complied with RCW
61.24.031 and, if applicable, RCW
(10) That, in the case where the borrower or grantor is known to the mortgage servicer or trustee to be deceased, the notice required under subsection (8) of this section must be sent to any spouse, child, or parent of the borrower or grantor known to the trustee or mortgage servicer, and to any owner of record of the property, at any address provided to the trustee or mortgage servicer, and to the property addressed to the heirs and devisees of the borrower.
(a) If the name or address of any spouse, child, or parent of such deceased borrower or grantor cannot be ascertained with use of reasonable diligence, the trustee must execute and record with the notice of sale a declaration attesting to the same.
(b) Reasonable diligence for the purposes of this subsection (10) means the trustee shall search in the county where the property is located, the public records and information for any obituary, will, death certificate, or case in probate within the county for the borrower and grantor;
(11) Upon written notice identifying the property address and the name of the borrower to the servicer or trustee by someone claiming to be a successor in interest to the borrower's or grantor's property rights, but who is not a party to the loan or promissory note or other obligation secured by the deed of trust, a trustee shall not record a notice of sale pursuant to RCW
61.24.040 until the trustee or mortgage servicer completes the following:
(a) Acknowledges the notice in writing and requests reasonable documentation of the death of the borrower or grantor from the claimant including, but not limited to, a death certificate or other written evidence of the death of the borrower or grantor. Other written evidence of the death of the borrower or grantor may include an obituary, a published death notice, or documentation of an open probate action for the estate of the borrower or grantor. The claimant must be allowed 30 days from the date of this request to present this documentation. If the trustee or mortgage servicer has already obtained sufficient proof of the borrower's death, it may proceed by acknowledging the claimant's notice in writing and issuing a request under (b) of this subsection.
(b) If the mortgage servicer or trustee obtains or receives written documentation of the death of the borrower or grantor from the claimant, or otherwise independently confirms the death of the borrower or grantor, then the servicer or trustee must request in writing documentation from the claimant demonstrating the ownership interest of the claimant in the real property. A claimant has 60 days from the date of the request to present this documentation. Documentation demonstrating the ownership interest of the claimant in the real property includes, but is not limited to, one of the following:
(i) Excerpts of a trust document noting the claimant as a beneficiary of a trust with title to the real property;
(ii) A will of the borrower or grantor listing the claimant as an heir or devisee with respect to the real property;
(iii) A probate order or finding of heirship issued by any court documenting the claimant as an heir or devisee or awarding the real property to the claimant;
(iv) A recorded lack of probate affidavit signed by any heir listing the claimant as an heir of the borrower or grantor pursuant to the laws of intestacy;
(v) A deed, such as a personal representative's deed, trustee's deed issued on behalf of a trust, statutory warranty deed, transfer on death deed, or other deed, giving any ownership interest to the claimant resulting from the death of the borrower or grantor or executed by the borrower or grantor for estate planning purposes; and
(vi) Other proof documenting the claimant as an heir of the borrower or grantor pursuant to state rules of intestacy set forth in chapter
11.04 RCW.
(c) If the mortgage servicer or trustee receives written documentation demonstrating the ownership interest of the claimant prior to the expiration of the 60 days provided in (b) of this subsection, then the servicer or trustee must, within 20 days of receipt of proof of ownership interest, provide the claimant with, at a minimum, the loan balance, interest rate and interest reset dates and amounts, balloon payments if any, prepayment penalties if any, the basis for the default, the monthly payment amount, reinstatement amounts or conditions, payoff amounts, and information on how and where payments should be made. The mortgage servicers shall also provide the claimant application materials and information, or a description of the process, necessary to request a loan assumption and modification.
(d) Upon receipt by the trustee or the mortgage servicer of the documentation establishing claimant's ownership interest in the real property, that claimant shall be deemed a "successor in interest" for the purposes of this section.
(e) There may be more than one successor in interest to the borrower's property rights. The trustee and mortgage servicer shall apply the provisions of this section to each successor in interest. In the case of multiple successors in interest, where one or more do not wish to assume the loan as coborrowers or coapplicants, a mortgage servicer may require any nonapplicant successor in interest to consent in writing to the application for loan assumption.
(f) The existence of a successor in interest under this section does not impose an affirmative duty on a mortgage servicer or alter any obligation the mortgage servicer has to provide a loan modification to the successor in interest. If a successor in interest assumes the loan, he or she may be required to otherwise qualify for available foreclosure prevention alternatives offered by the mortgage servicer.
(g) (c), (e), and (f) of this subsection (11) do not apply to association beneficiaries subject to chapter ((64.32, 64.34, or 64.38))64.90 RCW; and
(12) Nothing in this section shall prejudice the right of the mortgage servicer or beneficiary from discontinuing any foreclosure action initiated under the deed of trust act in favor of other allowed methods for pursuit of foreclosure of the security interest or deed of trust security interest.
Sec. 411. RCW
61.24.031 and 2021 c 151 s 4 are each amended to read as follows:
(1)(a) A trustee, beneficiary, or authorized agent may not issue a notice of default under RCW
61.24.030(8) until: (i) Thirty days after satisfying the due diligence requirements as described in subsection (5) of this section and the borrower has not responded; or (ii) if the borrower responds to the initial contact, ninety days after the initial contact with the borrower was initiated.
(b) A beneficiary or authorized agent shall make initial contact with the borrower by letter to provide the borrower with information required under (c) of this subsection and by telephone as required under subsection (5) of this section. The letter required under this subsection must be mailed in accordance with subsection (5)(a) of this section and must include the information described in (c) of this subsection and subsection (5)(e)(i) through (iv) of this section.
(c) The letter required under this subsection, developed by the department pursuant to RCW
61.24.033, at a minimum shall include:
(i) A paragraph printed in no less than twelve-point font and bolded that reads:
"You must respond within thirty days of the date of this letter. IF YOU DO NOT RESPOND within thirty days, a notice of default may be issued and you may lose your home in foreclosure.
IF YOU DO RESPOND within thirty days of the date of this letter, you will have an additional sixty days to meet with your lender before a notice of default may be issued.
You should contact a housing counselor or attorney as soon as possible. Failure to contact a housing counselor or attorney may result in your losing certain opportunities, such as meeting with your lender or participating in mediation in front of a neutral third party. A housing counselor or attorney can help you work with your lender to avoid foreclosure.
If you filed bankruptcy or have been discharged in bankruptcy, this communication is not intended as an attempt to collect a debt from you personally, but is notice of enforcement of the deed of trust lien against the property. If you wish to avoid foreclosure and keep your property, this notice sets forth your rights and options.";
(ii) The toll-free telephone number from the United States department of housing and urban development to find a department-approved housing counseling agency, the toll-free numbers for the statewide foreclosure hotline recommended by the housing finance commission, and the statewide civil legal aid hotline for assistance and referrals to other housing counselors and attorneys;
(iii) A paragraph stating that a housing counselor may be available at little or no cost to the borrower and that whether or not the borrower contacts a housing counselor or attorney, the borrower has the right to request a meeting with the beneficiary; and
(iv) A paragraph explaining how the borrower may respond to the letter and stating that after responding the borrower will have an opportunity to meet with his or her beneficiary in an attempt to resolve and try to work out an alternative to the foreclosure and that, after ninety days from the date of the letter, a notice of default may be issued, which starts the foreclosure process.
(d) If the beneficiary has exercised due diligence as required under subsection (5) of this section and the borrower does not respond by contacting the beneficiary within thirty days of the initial contact, the notice of default may be issued. "Initial contact" with the borrower is considered made three days after the date the letter required in (b) of this subsection is sent.
(e) If a meeting is requested by the borrower or the borrower's housing counselor or attorney, the beneficiary or authorized agent shall schedule the meeting to occur before the notice of default is issued. An assessment of the borrower's financial ability to modify or restructure the loan obligation and a discussion of options must occur during the meeting scheduled for that purpose.
(f) The meeting scheduled to assess the borrower's financial ability to modify or restructure the loan obligation and discuss options to avoid foreclosure may be held telephonically, unless the borrower or borrower's representative requests in writing that a meeting be held in person. The written request for an in-person meeting must be made within thirty days of the initial contact with the borrower. If the meeting is requested to be held in person, the meeting must be held in the county where the property is located unless the parties agree otherwise. A person who is authorized to agree to a resolution, including modifying or restructuring the loan obligation or other alternative resolution to foreclosure on behalf of the beneficiary, must be present either in person or on the telephone or videoconference during the meeting.
(2) A notice of default issued under RCW
61.24.030(8) must include a declaration, as provided in subsection (9) of this section, from the beneficiary or authorized agent that it has contacted the borrower as provided in subsection (1) of this section, it has tried with due diligence to contact the borrower under subsection (5) of this section, or the borrower has surrendered the property to the trustee, beneficiary, or authorized agent. Unless the trustee has violated his or her duty under RCW
61.24.010(4), the trustee is entitled to rely on the declaration as evidence that the requirements of this section have been satisfied, and the trustee is not liable for the beneficiary's or its authorized agent's failure to comply with the requirements of this section.
(3) If, after the initial contact under subsection (1) of this section, a borrower has designated a housing counseling agency, housing counselor, or attorney to discuss with the beneficiary or authorized agent, on the borrower's behalf, options for the borrower to avoid foreclosure, the borrower shall inform the beneficiary or authorized agent and provide the contact information to the beneficiary or authorized agent. The beneficiary or authorized agent shall contact the designated representative for the borrower to meet.
(4) The beneficiary or authorized agent and the borrower or the borrower's representative shall attempt to reach a resolution for the borrower within the ninety days from the time the initial contact is sent and the notice of default is issued. A resolution may include, but is not limited to, a loan modification, an agreement to conduct a short sale, or a deed in lieu of foreclosure transaction, or some other workout plan. Any modification or workout plan offered at the meeting with the borrower's designated representative by the beneficiary or authorized agent is subject to approval by the borrower.
(5) A notice of default may be issued under RCW
61.24.030(8) if a beneficiary or authorized agent has initiated contact with the borrower as required under subsection (1)(b) of this section and the failure to meet with the borrower occurred despite the due diligence of the beneficiary or authorized agent. Due diligence requires the following:
(a) A beneficiary or authorized agent shall first attempt to contact a borrower by sending, by both first-class and either registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, a letter to the address in the beneficiary's records for sending account statements to the borrower and to the address of the property encumbered by the deed of trust. The letter must be the letter described in subsection (1)(c) of this section.
(b)(i) After the letter has been sent, the beneficiary or authorized agent shall attempt to contact the borrower by telephone at least three times at different hours and on different days. Telephone calls must be made to the primary and secondary telephone numbers on file with the beneficiary or authorized agent.
(ii) A beneficiary or authorized agent may attempt to contact a borrower using an automated system to dial borrowers if the telephone call, when answered, is connected to a live representative of the beneficiary or authorized agent.
(iii) A beneficiary or authorized agent satisfies the telephone contact requirements of this subsection (5)(b) if the beneficiary or authorized agent determines, after attempting contact under this subsection (5)(b), that the borrower's primary telephone number and secondary telephone number or numbers on file, if any, have been disconnected or are not good contact numbers for the borrower.
(iv) The telephonic contact under this subsection (5)(b) does not constitute the meeting under subsection (1)(f) of this section.
(c) If the borrower does not respond within fourteen days after the telephone call requirements of (b) of this subsection have been satisfied, the beneficiary or authorized agent shall send a certified letter, with return receipt requested, to the borrower at the address in the beneficiary's records for sending account statements to the borrower and to the address of the property encumbered by the deed of trust. The letter must include the information described in (e)(i) through (iv) of this subsection. The letter must also include a paragraph stating: "Your failure to contact a housing counselor or attorney may result in your losing certain opportunities, such as meeting with your lender or participating in mediation in front of a neutral third party."
(d) The beneficiary or authorized agent shall provide a means for the borrower to contact the beneficiary or authorized agent in a timely manner, including a toll-free telephone number or charge-free equivalent that will provide access to a live representative during business hours for the purpose of initiating and scheduling the meeting under subsection (1)(f) of this section.
(e) The beneficiary or authorized agent shall post a link on the home page of the beneficiary's or authorized agent's internet website, if any, to the following information:
(i) Options that may be available to borrowers who are unable to afford their mortgage payments and who wish to avoid foreclosure, and instructions to borrowers advising them on steps to take to explore those options;
(ii) A list of financial documents borrowers should collect and be prepared to present to the beneficiary or authorized agent when discussing options for avoiding foreclosure;
(iii) A toll-free telephone number or charge-free equivalent for borrowers who wish to discuss options for avoiding foreclosure with their beneficiary or authorized agent; and
(iv) The toll-free telephone number or charge-free equivalent made available by the department to find a department-approved housing counseling agency.
(6) Subsections (1) and (5) of this section do not apply if the borrower has surrendered the property as evidenced by either a letter confirming the surrender or delivery of the keys to the property to the trustee, beneficiary, or authorized agent.
(7)(a) This section applies only to deeds of trust that are recorded against residential real property of up to four units. This section does not apply to deeds of trust: (i) Securing a commercial loan; (ii) securing obligations of a grantor who is not the borrower or a guarantor; or (iii) securing a purchaser's obligations under a seller-financed sale.
(b) This section does not apply to association beneficiaries subject to chapter ((64.32, 64.34, or 64.38))64.90 RCW.
(8) As used in this section:
(a) "Department" means the United States department of housing and urban development.
(b) "Seller-financed sale" means a residential real property transaction where the seller finances all or part of the purchase price, and that financed amount is secured by a deed of trust against the subject residential real property.
(9) The form of declaration to be provided by the beneficiary or authorized agent as required under subsection (2) of this section must be in substantially the following form:
Please select applicable option(s) below.
The undersigned beneficiary or authorized agent for the beneficiary hereby represents and declares under the penalty of perjury that [check the applicable box and fill in any blanks so that the beneficiary, authorized agent, or trustee can insert, on the beneficiary's behalf, the applicable declaration in the notice of default required under chapter
61.24 RCW]:
(1) [ ] The beneficiary or beneficiary's authorized agent has contacted the borrower under, and has complied with, RCW
61.24.031 (contact provision to "assess the borrower's financial ability to pay the debt secured by the deed of trust and explore options for the borrower to avoid foreclosure") and the borrower responded but did not request a meeting.
(2) [ ] The beneficiary or beneficiary's authorized agent has contacted the borrower as required under RCW
61.24.031 and the borrower or the borrower's designated representative requested a meeting. A meeting was held on (insert date, time, and location/telephonic here) in compliance with RCW
(3) [ ] The beneficiary or beneficiary's authorized agent has contacted the borrower as required in RCW
61.24.031 and the borrower or the borrower's designated representative requested a meeting. A meeting was scheduled for (insert date, time, and location/telephonic here) and neither the borrower nor the borrower's designated representative appeared.
(4) [ ] The beneficiary or beneficiary's authorized agent has exercised due diligence to contact the borrower as required in RCW
61.24.031(5) and the borrower did not respond.
(5) [ ] The borrower has surrendered the secured property as evidenced by either a letter confirming the surrender or by delivery of the keys to the secured property to the beneficiary, the beneficiary's authorized agent or to the trustee.
Additional Optional Explanatory Comments:
. . . ."
Sec. 412. RCW
61.24.040 and 2023 c 206 s 3 are each amended to read as follows:
A deed of trust foreclosed under this chapter shall be foreclosed as follows:
(1) At least 90 days before the sale, or if a letter under RCW
61.24.031 is required, at least 120 days before the sale, the trustee shall:
(a) Record a notice in the form described in subsection (2) of this section in the office of the auditor in each county in which the deed of trust is recorded;
(b) To the extent the trustee elects to foreclose its lien or interest, or the beneficiary elects to preserve its right to seek a deficiency judgment against a borrower or grantor under RCW
61.24.100(3)(a), and if their addresses are stated in a recorded instrument evidencing their interest, lien, or claim of lien, or an amendment thereto, or are otherwise known to the trustee, cause a copy of the notice of sale described in subsection (2) of this section to be transmitted by both first-class and either certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, to the following persons or their legal representatives, if any, at such address:
(i)(A) The borrower and grantor;
(B) In the case where the borrower or grantor is deceased, to any successors in interest. If no successor in interest has been established, then to any spouse, child, or parent of the borrower or grantor, at the addresses discovered by the trustee pursuant to RCW
(ii) The beneficiary of any deed of trust or mortgagee of any mortgage, or any person who has a lien or claim of lien against the property, that was recorded subsequent to the recordation of the deed of trust being foreclosed and before the recordation of the notice of sale;
(iii) The vendee in any real estate contract, the lessee in any lease, or the holder of any conveyances of any interest or estate in any portion or all of the property described in such notice, if that contract, lease, or conveyance of such interest or estate, or a memorandum or other notice thereof, was recorded after the recordation of the deed of trust being foreclosed and before the recordation of the notice of sale;
(iv) The last holder of record of any other lien against or interest in the property that is subject to a subordination to the deed of trust being foreclosed that was recorded before the recordation of the notice of sale;
(v) The last holder of record of the lien of any judgment subordinate to the deed of trust being foreclosed; and
(vi) The occupants of property consisting solely of a single-family residence, or a condominium, cooperative, or other dwelling unit in a multiplex or other building containing fewer than five residential units, whether or not the occupant's rental agreement is recorded, which notice may be a single notice addressed to "occupants" for each unit known to the trustee or beneficiary;
(c) Cause a copy of the notice of sale described in subsection (2) of this section to be transmitted by both first-class and either certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, to the plaintiff or the plaintiff's attorney of record, in any court action to foreclose a lien or other encumbrance on all or any part of the property, provided a court action is pending and a lis pendens in connection therewith is recorded in the office of the auditor of any county in which all or part of the property is located on the date the notice is recorded;
(d) Cause a copy of the notice of sale described in subsection (2) of this section to be transmitted by both first-class and either certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, to any person who has recorded a request for notice in accordance with RCW
61.24.045, at the address specified in such person's most recently recorded request for notice;
(e) Cause a copy of the notice of sale described in subsection (2) of this section to be posted in a conspicuous place on the property, or in lieu of posting, cause a copy of said notice to be served upon any occupant of the property.
(2)(a) If foreclosing on a commercial loan under RCW
61.24.005(4), the title of the document must be "Notice of Trustee's Sale of Commercial Loan(s)";
(b) In addition to all other indexing requirements, the notice required in subsection (1) of this section must clearly indicate on the first page the following information, which the auditor will index:
(i) The document number or numbers given to the deed of trust upon recording;
(ii) The parcel number(s);
(iii) The grantor;
(iv) The current beneficiary of the deed of trust;
(v) The current trustee of the deed of trust; and
(vi) The current loan mortgage servicer of the deed of trust;
(c) Nothing in this section:
(i) Requires a trustee or beneficiary to cause to be recorded any new notice of trustee's sale upon transfer of the beneficial interest in a deed of trust or the servicing rights for the associated mortgage loan;
(ii) Relieves a mortgage loan servicer of any obligation to provide the borrower with notice of a transfer of servicing rights or other legal obligations related to the transfer; or
(iii) Prevents the trustee from disclosing the beneficiary's identity to the borrower and to county and municipal officials seeking to abate nuisance and abandoned property in foreclosure pursuant to chapter
35.21 RCW;
(d) The notice must be in substantially the following form:
Grantor: ..............
Current beneficiary of the deed of trust: ...............
Current trustee of the deed of trust: ...............
Current mortgage servicer of the deed of trust: ...............
Reference number of the deed of trust: ...............
Parcel number(s): ...............
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned Trustee will on the . . . . day of . . . . . ., . . ., at the hour of . . . . o'clock . . . . M. at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [street address and location if inside a building] in the City of . . . . . ., State of Washington, sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder, payable at the time of sale, the following described real property, situated in the County(ies) of . . . . . ., State of Washington, to-wit:
[If any personal property is to be included in the trustee's sale, include a description that reasonably identifies such personal property]
which is subject to that certain Deed of Trust dated . . . . . ., . . ., recorded . . . . . ., . . ., under Auditor's File No. . . . ., records of . . . . . . County, Washington, from . . . . . . . . ., as Grantor, to . . . . . . . . ., as Trustee, to secure an obligation in favor of . . . . . . . . ., as Beneficiary, the beneficial interest in which was assigned by . . . . . . . . ., under an Assignment recorded under Auditor's File No. . . . . [Include recording information for all counties if the Deed of Trust is recorded in more than one county.]
No action commenced by the Beneficiary of the Deed of Trust is now pending to seek satisfaction of the obligation in any Court by reason of the Borrower's or Grantor's default on the obligation secured by the Deed of Trust.
[If there is another action pending to foreclose other security for all or part of the same debt, qualify the statement and identify the action.]
The default(s) for which this foreclosure is made is/are as follows:
[If default is for other than payment of money, set forth the particulars]
Failure to pay when due the following amounts which are now in arrears:
The sum owing on the obligation secured by the Deed of Trust is: Principal $ . . . . . ., together with interest as provided in the note or other instrument secured from the . . . . day of . . . . . ., . . ., and such other costs and fees as are due under the note or other instrument secured, and as are provided by statute.
The above-described real property will be sold to satisfy the expense of sale and the obligation secured by the Deed of Trust as provided by statute. The sale will be made without warranty, express or implied, regarding title, possession, or encumbrances on the . . . . day of . . . . . ., . . . The default(s) referred to in paragraph III must be cured by the . . . . day of . . . . . ., . . . (11 days before the sale date), to cause a discontinuance of the sale. The sale will be discontinued and terminated if at any time on or before the . . . . day of . . . . . ., . . ., (11 days before the sale date), the default(s) as set forth in paragraph III is/are cured and the Trustee's fees and costs are paid. The sale may be terminated any time after the . . . . day of . . . . . ., . . . (11 days before the sale date), and before the sale by the Borrower, Grantor, any Guarantor, or the holder of any recorded junior lien or encumbrance paying the entire principal and interest secured by the Deed of Trust, plus costs, fees, and advances, if any, made pursuant to the terms of the obligation and/or Deed of Trust, and curing all other defaults.
A written notice of default was transmitted by the Beneficiary or Trustee to the Borrower and Grantor at the following addresses:
by both first-class and certified mail on the . . . . day of . . . . . ., . . ., proof of which is in the possession of the Trustee; and the Borrower and Grantor were personally served on the . . . . day of . . . . . ., . . ., with said written notice of default or the written notice of default was posted in a conspicuous place on the real property described in paragraph I above, and the Trustee has possession of proof of such service or posting.
The Trustee whose name and address are set forth below will provide in writing to anyone requesting it, a statement of all costs and fees due at any time prior to the sale.
The effect of the sale will be to deprive the Grantor and all those who hold by, through or under the Grantor of all their interest in the above-described property.
Anyone having any objection to the sale on any grounds whatsoever will be afforded an opportunity to be heard as to those objections if they bring a lawsuit to restrain the sale pursuant to RCW
61.24.130. Failure to bring such a lawsuit may result in a waiver of any proper grounds for invalidating the Trustee's sale.
[Add Part X to this notice if applicable under RCW
| . . . . |
| . . . . , | Trustee |
| . . . . | | |
| . . . . | Address |
| . . . . | |
| . . . . | } | Phone |
(3) If the borrower received a letter under RCW
61.24.031, the notice specified in subsection (2)(d) of this section shall also include the following additional language:
You have only until 90 calendar days BEFORE the date of sale listed in this Notice of Trustee Sale to be referred to mediation. If this is an amended Notice of Trustee Sale providing a 45-day notice of the sale, mediation must be requested no later than 25 calendar days BEFORE the date of sale listed in this amended Notice of Trustee Sale.
DO NOT DELAY. CONTACT A HOUSING COUNSELOR OR AN ATTORNEY LICENSED IN WASHINGTON NOW to assess your situation and refer you to mediation if you are eligible and it may help you save your home. See below for safe sources of help.
Housing counselors and legal assistance may be available at little or no cost to you. If you would like assistance in determining your rights and opportunities to keep your house, you may contact the following:
The statewide foreclosure hotline for assistance and referral to housing counselors recommended by the Housing Finance Commission
Telephone: . . . . . . . . Website: . . . . . . . .
The United States Department of Housing and Urban Development
Telephone: . . . . . . . . Website: . . . . . . . .
The statewide civil legal aid hotline for assistance and referrals to other housing counselors and attorneys
Telephone: . . . . . . . . Website: . . . . . . . ."
The beneficiary or trustee shall obtain the toll-free numbers and website information from the department for inclusion in the notice;
(4) In addition to providing the borrower and grantor the notice of sale described in subsection (2) of this section, the trustee shall include with the copy of the notice which is mailed to the grantor, a statement to the grantor in substantially the following form:
Pursuant to the Revised Code of Washington,
The attached Notice of Trustee's Sale is a consequence of default(s) in the obligation to . . . . . ., the Beneficiary of your Deed of Trust and holder of the obligation secured thereby. Unless the default(s) is/are cured, your property will be sold at auction on the . . . . day of . . . . . ., . . .
To cure the default(s), you must bring the payments current, cure any other defaults, and pay accrued late charges and other costs, advances, and attorneys' fees as set forth below by the . . . . day of . . . . . ., . . . [11 days before the sale date]. To date, these arrears and costs are as follows:
| | Estimated amount |
| Currently due | that will be due |
| to reinstate | to reinstate |
| on . . . . . | on . . . . . |
| . . . . . . | . . . . . . |
| | (11 days before |
| | the date set |
| | for sale) |
Delinquent payments | |
from . . . . . ., | | |
. . ., in the | | |
amount of | | |
$ . . . ./mo.: | $ . . . . | $ . . . . |
Late charges in | | |
the total | | |
amount of: | $ . . . . | $ . . . . |
| | | Estimated |
| | | Amounts |
Attorneys' fees: | $ . . . . | $ . . . . |
Trustee's fee: | $ . . . . | $ . . . . |
Trustee's expenses: | |
(Itemization) | | |
Title report | $ . . . . | $ . . . . |
Recording fees | $ . . . . | $ . . . . |
Service/Posting of Notices | | |
Postage/Copying expense | | |
Publication | $ . . . . | $ . . . . |
Telephone charges | | $ . . . . |
Inspection fees | $ . . . . | $ . . . . |
. . . . . . | $ . . . . | $ . . . . |
. . . . . . | $ . . . . | $ . . . . |
TOTALS | $ . . . . | $ . . . . |
To pay off the entire obligation secured by your Deed of Trust as of the . . . . . day of . . . . . . you must pay a total of $. . . . . in principal, $. . . . . in interest, plus other costs and advances estimated to date in the amount of $. . . . . . From and after the date of this notice you must submit a written request to the Trustee to obtain the total amount to pay off the entire obligation secured by your Deed of Trust as of the payoff date.
As to the defaults which do not involve payment of money to the Beneficiary of your Deed of Trust, you must cure each such default. Listed below are the defaults which do not involve payment of money to the Beneficiary of your Deed of Trust. Opposite each such listed default is a brief description of the action necessary to cure the default and a description of the documentation necessary to show that the default has been cured.
Default | Description of Action Required to Cure and |
| Documentation Necessary to Show Cure |
. . . . | | . . . . |
| | . . . . |
| | . . . . |
. . . . | | . . . . |
| | . . . . |
| | . . . . |
You may reinstate your Deed of Trust and the obligation secured thereby at any time up to and including the . . . . day of . . . . . ., . . . [11 days before the sale date], by paying the amount set forth or estimated above and by curing any other defaults described above. Of course, as time passes other payments may become due, and any further payments coming due and any additional late charges must be added to your reinstating payment. Any new defaults not involving payment of money that occur after the date of this notice must also be cured in order to effect reinstatement. In addition, because some of the charges can only be estimated at this time, and because the amount necessary to reinstate or to pay off the entire indebtedness may include presently unknown expenditures required to preserve the property or to comply with state or local law, it will be necessary for you to contact the Trustee before the time you tender reinstatement or the payoff amount so that you may be advised of the exact amount you will be required to pay. Tender of payment or performance must be made to: . . . . . ., whose address is . . . . . ., telephone ( ) . . . . . . AFTER THE . . . . DAY OF . . . . . ., . . ., YOU MAY NOT REINSTATE YOUR DEED OF TRUST BY PAYING THE BACK PAYMENTS AND COSTS AND FEES AND CURING THE OTHER DEFAULTS AS OUTLINED ABOVE. The Trustee will respond to any written request for current payoff or reinstatement amounts within 10 days of receipt of your written request. In such a case, you will only be able to stop the sale by paying, before the sale, the total principal balance ($ . . . . . .) plus accrued interest, costs and advances, if any, made pursuant to the terms of the documents and by curing the other defaults as outlined above.
You may contest this default by initiating court action in the Superior Court of the county in which the sale is to be held. In such action, you may raise any legitimate defenses you have to this default. A copy of your Deed of Trust and documents evidencing the obligation secured thereby are enclosed. You may wish to consult a lawyer. Legal action on your part may prevent or restrain the sale, but only if you persuade the court of the merits of your defense. You may contact the Department of Financial Institutions or the statewide civil legal aid hotline for possible assistance or referrals.
The court may grant a restraining order or injunction to restrain a trustee's sale pursuant to RCW
61.24.130 upon five days notice to the trustee of the time when, place where, and the judge before whom the application for the restraining order or injunction is to be made. This notice shall include copies of all pleadings and related documents to be given to the judge. Notice and other process may be served on the trustee at:
| NAME: | . . . . |
| ADDRESS: | . . . . |
| | . . . . |
| TELEPHONE NUMBER: | . . . . |
If you do not reinstate the secured obligation and your Deed of Trust in the manner set forth above, or if you do not succeed in restraining the sale by court action, your property will be sold. The effect of such sale will be to deprive you and all those who hold by, through or under you of all interest in the property;
(5) In addition, the trustee shall cause a copy of the notice of sale described in subsection (2)(d) of this section (excluding the acknowledgment) to be published in a legal newspaper in each county in which the property or any part thereof is situated, once on or between the 35th and 28th day before the date of sale, and once on or between the 14th and seventh day before the date of sale;
(6) In the case where no successor in interest has been established, and neither the beneficiary nor the trustee are able to ascertain the name and address of any spouse, child, or parent of the borrower or grantor in the manner described in RCW
61.24.030(10), then the trustee may, in addition to mailing notice to the property addressed to the unknown heirs and devisees of the grantor, serve the notice of sale by publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the county or city where the property is located once per week for three consecutive weeks. Upon this service by publication, to be completed not less than 30 days prior to the date the sale is conducted, all unknown heirs shall be deemed served with the notice of sale;
(7)(a) If a servicer or trustee receives notification by someone claiming to be a successor in interest to the borrower or grantor, as under RCW
61.24.030(11), after the recording of the notice of sale, the trustee or servicer must request written documentation within five days demonstrating the ownership interest, provided that, the trustee may, but is not required to, postpone a trustee's sale upon receipt of such notification by someone claiming to be a successor in interest.
(b) Upon receipt of documentation establishing a claimant as a successor in interest, the servicer must provide the information in RCW
61.24.030(11)(c). Only if the servicer or trustee receives the documentation confirming someone as successor in interest more than 45 days before the scheduled sale must the servicer then provide the information in RCW
61.24.030(11)(c) to the claimant not less than 20 days prior to the sale.
(c) (b) of this subsection (7) does not apply to association beneficiaries subject to chapter ((64.32, 64.34, or 64.38))64.90 RCW;
(8) On the date and at the time designated in the notice of sale, the trustee or its authorized agent shall sell the property at public auction to the highest bidder. The trustee may sell the property in gross or in parcels as the trustee shall deem most advantageous;
(9) The place of sale shall be at any designated public place within the county where the property is located and if the property is in more than one county, the sale may be in any of the counties where the property is located. The sale shall be on Friday, or if Friday is a legal holiday on the following Monday, and during the hours set by statute for the conduct of sales of real estate at execution;
(10) The trustee has no obligation to, but may, for any cause the trustee deems advantageous, continue the sale for a period or periods not exceeding a total of 120 days by (a) a public proclamation at the time and place fixed for sale in the notice of sale and if the continuance is beyond the date of sale, by giving notice of the new time and place of the sale by both first class and either certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, to the persons specified in subsection (1)(b)(i) and (ii) of this section to be deposited in the mail (i) not less than four days before the new date fixed for the sale if the sale is continued for up to seven days; or (ii) not more than three days after the date of the continuance by oral proclamation if the sale is continued for more than seven days, or, alternatively, (b) by giving notice of the time and place of the postponed sale in the manner and to the persons specified in subsection (1)(b), (c), (d), and (e) of this section and publishing a copy of such notice once in the newspaper(s) described in subsection (5) of this section, more than seven days before the date fixed for sale in the notice of sale. No other notice of the postponed sale need be given;
(11) The purchaser shall forthwith pay the price bid. On payment and subject to RCW
61.24.050, the trustee shall execute to the purchaser its deed. The deed shall recite the facts showing that the sale was conducted in compliance with all of the requirements of this chapter and of the deed of trust, which recital shall be prima facie evidence of such compliance and conclusive evidence thereof in favor of bona fide purchasers and encumbrancers for value, except that these recitals shall not affect the lien or interest of any person entitled to notice under subsection (1) of this section, if the trustee fails to give the required notice to such person. In such case, the lien or interest of such omitted person shall not be affected by the sale and such omitted person shall be treated as if such person was the holder of the same lien or interest and was omitted as a party defendant in a judicial foreclosure proceeding;
(12) The sale as authorized under this chapter shall not take place less than 190 days from the date of default in any of the obligations secured;
(13) If the trustee elects to foreclose the interest of any occupant or tenant of property comprised solely of a single-family residence, or a condominium, cooperative, or other dwelling unit in a multiplex or other building containing fewer than five residential units, the following notice shall be included as Part X of the Notice of Trustee's Sale:
The purchaser at the trustee's sale is entitled to possession of the property on the 20th day following the sale, as against the grantor under the deed of trust (the owner) and anyone having an interest junior to the deed of trust, including occupants who are not tenants. After the 20th day following the sale the purchaser has the right to evict occupants who are not tenants by summary proceedings under chapter
59.12 RCW. For tenant-occupied property, the purchaser shall provide a tenant with written notice in accordance with RCW
(14) Only one copy of all notices required by this chapter need be given to a person who is both the borrower and the grantor. All notices required by this chapter that are given to a general partnership are deemed given to each of its general partners, unless otherwise agreed by the parties.
Sec. 413. RCW
61.24.165 and 2023 c 206 s 6 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) RCW
61.24.163 applies only to deeds of trust that are recorded against residential real property of up to four units.
(2) RCW
61.24.163 does not apply to deeds of trust:
(a) Securing a commercial loan;
(b) Securing obligations of a grantor who is not the borrower or a guarantor;
(c) Securing a purchaser's obligations under a seller-financed sale; or
(d) Where the grantor is a partnership, corporation, or limited liability company, or where the property is vested in a partnership, corporation, or limited liability company at the time the notice of default is issued.
(3) RCW
61.24.163 does not apply to association beneficiaries subject to chapter ((
64.32, 64.34, or 64.38))
64.90 RCW.
(4) For purposes of referral and mediation under RCW
61.24.163, a person may be referred to mediation if the borrower is deceased and the person is a successor in interest of the deceased borrower. The referring counselor or attorney must determine a person's eligibility under this section and indicate the grounds for eligibility on the referral to mediation submitted to the department. For the purposes of mediation under RCW
61.24.163, the person must be treated as a "borrower." This subsection does not impose an affirmative duty on the beneficiary to accept an assumption of the loan.
(5) For purposes of referral and mediation under RCW
61.24.163, a person may be referred to mediation if the person has been awarded title to the property in a proceeding for dissolution or legal separation. The referring counselor or attorney must determine the person's eligibility under this section and indicate the grounds for eligibility on the referral to mediation submitted to the department. For the purposes of mediation under RCW
61.24.163, the person must be treated as a "borrower." This subsection does not impose an affirmative duty on the beneficiary to accept an assumption of the loan.
Sec. 414. RCW
61.24.190 and 2023 c 206 s 8 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) Except as provided in subsections (6) and (7) of this section, beginning January 1, 2022, and every quarter thereafter, every beneficiary issuing notices of default, or causing notices of default to be issued on its behalf, on residential real property under this chapter must:
(a) Report to the department, on a form approved by the department, the total number of residential real properties for which the beneficiary has issued a notice of default during the previous quarter, together with the street address, city, and zip code;
(b) Remit the amount required under subsection (2) of this section; and
(c) Report and update beneficiary contact information for the person and work group responsible for the beneficiary's compliance with the requirements of the foreclosure fairness act created in this chapter.
(2) For each residential real property for which a notice of default has been issued, the beneficiary issuing the notice of default, or causing the notice of default to be issued on the beneficiary's behalf, shall remit $250 to the department to be deposited, as provided under RCW
61.24.172, into the foreclosure fairness account. The $250 payment is required per property and not per notice of default. The beneficiary shall remit the total amount required in a lump sum each quarter.
(3) Reporting and payments under subsections (1) and (2) of this section are due within 45 days of the end of each quarter.
(4) For purposes of this section, "residential real property" includes residential real property with up to four dwelling units, whether or not the property or any part thereof is owner occupied.
(5) The department, including its officials and employees, may not be held civilly liable for damages arising from any release of information or the failure to release information related to the reporting required under this section, so long as the release was without gross negligence.
(6)(a) Beginning on January 1, 2023, this section does not apply to any beneficiary or loan servicer that is a federally insured depository institution, as defined in 12 U.S.C. Sec. 461(b)(1)(A), and that certifies under penalty of perjury that it has issued, or has directed a trustee or authorized agent to issue, fewer than 250 notices of default in the preceding year.
(b) During the 2023 calendar year, this section does not apply to any beneficiary or loan servicer that is a federally insured depository institution, as defined in 12 U.S.C. Sec. 461(b)(1)(A), and that certifies under penalty of perjury that fewer than 50 notices of trustee's sale were recorded on its behalf in 2019.
(c) This subsection (6) applies retroactively to January 1, 2023, and prospectively beginning with May 1, 2023.
(7) This section does not apply to association beneficiaries subject to chapter ((64.32, 64.34, or 64.38))64.90 RCW.
Sec. 415. RCW
64.06.005 and 2019 c 238 s 214 are each reenacted and amended to read as follows:
The definitions in this section apply throughout this chapter unless the context clearly requires otherwise.
(1) "Commercial real estate" has the same meaning as in RCW
(2) "Improved residential property," "unimproved residential property," and "commercial real estate" do not include a condominium unit created under chapter
64.90 RCW on or after July 1, 2018, if the buyer of the unit entered into a contract to purchase the unit prior to July 1, 2018, and received a public offering statement pursuant to
former chapter
64.34 RCW prior to July 1, 2018.
(3) "Improved residential real property" means:
(a) Real property consisting of, or improved by, one to four residential dwelling units;
(b) ((
A residential condominium as defined in RCW 64.34.020(10), unless the sale is subject to the public offering statement requirement in the Washington condominium act, chapter 64.34 RCW;(c))) A residential timeshare, as defined in RCW
64.36.010(11), unless subject to written disclosure under the Washington timeshare act, chapter
64.36 RCW;
(c) A mobile or manufactured home, as defined in RCW
43.22.335 or
46.04.302, that is personal property; or
(d) A residential common interest community as defined in RCW
(10))) unless the sale is subject to the public offering statement requirement in the Washington uniform common interest ownership act, chapter
64.90 RCW.
(4) "Residential real property" means both improved and unimproved residential real property.
(5) "Seller disclosure statement" means the form to be completed by the seller of residential real property as prescribed by this chapter.
(6) "Unimproved residential real property" means property zoned for residential use that is not improved by one or more residential dwelling units, a residential condominium, a residential timeshare, or a mobile or manufactured home. It does not include commercial real estate or property defined as "timberland" under RCW
Sec. 416. RCW
64.35.105 and 2023 c 337 s 1 are each amended to read as follows:
The definitions in this section apply throughout this chapter unless the context clearly requires otherwise.
(1) "Affiliate" has the meaning in RCW
(2) "Association" has the meaning in RCW
(3) "Building envelope" means the assemblies, components, and materials of a building that are intended to separate and protect the interior space of the building from the adverse effects of exterior climatic conditions.
(4) "Common element" has the meaning in RCW
(5) "Condominium" has the meaning in RCW
(6) "Construction professional" has the meaning in RCW
(7) "Conversion condominium" has the meaning in RCW
(8) "Declarant" has the meaning in RCW
(9) "Declarant control" has the meaning in RCW
(10) "Defect" means any aspect of a condominium unit or common element which constitutes a breach of the implied warranties set forth in RCW ((64.34.445 or)) 64.90.670.
(11) "Limited common element" has the meaning in RCW
(12) "Material" means substantive, not simply formal; significant to a reasonable person; not trivial or insignificant. When used with respect to a particular construction defect, "material" does not require that the construction defect render the unit or common element unfit for its intended purpose or uninhabitable.
(13) "Mediation" means a collaborative process in which two or more parties meet and attempt, with the assistance of a mediator, to resolve issues in dispute between them.
(14) "Mediation session" means a meeting between two or more parties to a dispute during which they are engaged in mediation.
(15) "Mediator" means a neutral and impartial facilitator with no decision-making power who assists parties in negotiating a mutually acceptable settlement of issues in dispute between them.
(16) "Person" has the meaning in RCW
(17) "Public offering statement" has the meaning in chapter
64.90 RCW.
(18) "Qualified insurer" means an entity that holds a certificate of authority under RCW
48.05.030, or an eligible insurer under chapter
48.15 RCW.
(19) "Qualified warranty" means an insurance policy issued by a qualified insurer that complies with the requirements of this chapter. A qualified warranty includes coverage for repair of physical damage caused by the defects covered by the qualified warranty, except to the extent of any exclusions and limitations under this chapter.
(20) "Resale certificate" means the statement to be delivered by the association under chapter
64.90 RCW.
(21) "Transition date" means the date on which the declarant is required to deliver to the association the property of the association under RCW
(22) "Unit" has the meaning in RCW
(23) "Unit owner" has the meaning in RCW
Sec. 417. RCW
64.35.405 and 2004 c 201 s 501 are each amended to read as follows:
A qualified insurer may include any of the following provisions in a qualified warranty:
(1) If the qualified insurer makes a payment or assumes liability for any payment or repair under a qualified warranty, the owner and association must fully support and assist the qualified insurer in pursuing any rights that the qualified insurer may have against the declarant, and any construction professional that has contractual or common law obligations to the declarant, whether such rights arose by contract, subrogation, or otherwise.
(2) Warranties or representations made by a declarant which are in addition to the warranties set forth in this chapter are not binding on the qualified insurer unless and to the extent specifically provided in the text of the warranty; and disclaimers of specific defects made by agreement between the declarant and the unit purchaser under RCW ((64.34.450))64.90.675 act as an exclusion of the specified defect from the warranty coverage.
(3) An owner and the association must permit the qualified insurer or declarant, or both, to enter the unit at reasonable times, after reasonable notice to the owner and the association:
(a) To monitor the unit or its components;
(b) To inspect for required maintenance;
(c) To investigate complaints or claims; or
(d) To undertake repairs under the qualified warranty.
If any reports are produced as a result of any of the activities referred to in (a) through (d) of this subsection, the reports must be provided to the owner and the association.
(4) An owner and the association must provide to the qualified insurer all information and documentation that the owner and the association have available, as reasonably required by the qualified insurer to investigate a claim or maintenance requirement, or to undertake repairs under the qualified warranty.
(5) To the extent any damage to a unit is caused or made worse by the unreasonable refusal of the association, or an owner or occupant to permit the qualified insurer or declarant access to the unit for the reasons in subsection (3) of this section, or to provide the information required by subsection (4) of this section, that damage is excluded from the qualified warranty.
(6) In any claim under a qualified warranty issued to the association, the association shall have the sole right to prosecute and settle any claim with respect to the common elements.
Sec. 418. RCW
64.35.505 and 2004 c 201 s 1001 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) If coverage under a qualified warranty is conditional on an owner undertaking proper maintenance, or if coverage is excluded for damage caused by negligence by the owner or association with respect to maintenance or repair by the owner or association, the conditions or exclusions apply only to maintenance requirements or procedures: (a) Provided to the original owner in the case of the unit warranty, and to the association for the common element warranty with an estimation of the required cost thereof for the common element warranty provided in the budget prepared by the declarant; or (b) that would be obvious to a reasonable and prudent layperson. Recommended maintenance requirements and procedures are sufficient for purposes of this subsection if consistent with knowledge generally available in the construction industry at the time the qualified warranty is issued.
(2) If an original owner or the association has not been provided with the manufacturer's documentation or warranty information, or both, or with recommended maintenance and repair procedures for any component of a unit, the relevant exclusion does not apply. The common element warranty is included in the written warranty to be provided to the association under RCW ((64.34.312))64.90.420.
Sec. 419. RCW
64.35.610 and 2004 c 201 s 1601 are each amended to read as follows:
A qualified warranty may include mandatory binding arbitration of all disputes arising out of or in connection with a qualified warranty. The provision may provide that all claims for a single condominium be heard by the same arbitrator, but shall not permit the joinder or consolidation of any other person or entity. The arbitration shall comply with the following minimum procedural standards:
(1) Any demand for arbitration shall be delivered by certified mail return receipt requested, and by ordinary first-class mail. The party initiating the arbitration shall address the notice to the address last known to the initiating party in the exercise of reasonable diligence, and also, for any entity which is required to have a registered agent in the state of Washington, to the address of the registered agent. Demand for arbitration is deemed effective three days after the date deposited in the mail((;)).
(2) All disputes shall be heard by one qualified arbitrator, unless the parties agree to use three arbitrators. If three arbitrators are used, one shall be appointed by each of the disputing parties and the first two arbitrators shall appoint the third, who will chair the panel. The parties shall select the identity and number of the arbitrator or arbitrators after the demand for arbitration is made. If, within thirty days after the effective date of the demand for arbitration, the parties fail to agree on an arbitrator or the agreed number of arbitrators fail to be appointed, then an arbitrator or arbitrators shall be appointed under RCW
7.04.050 by the presiding judge of the superior court of the county in which the condominium is located((
.(3) In any arbitration, at least one arbitrator must be a lawyer or retired judge. Any additional arbitrator must be either a lawyer or retired judge or a person who has experience with construction and engineering standards and practices, written construction warranties, or construction dispute resolution. No person may serve as an arbitrator in any arbitration in which that person has any past or present financial or personal interest((;)).
(4) The arbitration hearing must be conducted in a manner that permits full, fair, and expeditious presentation of the case by both parties. The arbitrator is bound by the law of Washington state. Parties may be, but are not required to be, represented by attorneys. The arbitrator may permit discovery to ensure a fair hearing, but may limit the scope or manner of discovery for good cause to avoid excessive delay and costs to the parties. The parties and the arbitrator shall use all reasonable efforts to complete the arbitration within six months of the effective date of the demand for arbitration or, when applicable, the service of the list of defects in accordance with RCW
.(5) Except as otherwise set forth in this section, arbitration shall be conducted under chapter
7.04 RCW, unless the parties elect to use the construction industry arbitration rules of the American arbitration association, which are permitted to the extent not inconsistent with this section. The expenses of witnesses including expert witnesses shall be paid by the party producing the witnesses. All other expenses of arbitration shall be borne equally by the parties, unless all parties agree otherwise or unless the arbitrator awards expenses or any part thereof to any specified party or parties. The parties shall pay the fees of the arbitrator as and when specified by the arbitrator((
.(6) Demand for arbitration given pursuant to subsection (1) of this section commences a ((judicial)) proceeding for purposes of RCW ((64.34.452;))64.90.680.
(7) The arbitration decision shall be in writing and must set forth findings of fact and conclusions of law that support the decision.
Sec. 420. RCW
64.50.010 and 2023 c 337 s 3 are each amended to read as follows:
Unless the context clearly requires otherwise, the definitions in this section apply throughout this chapter.
(1) "Action" means any civil lawsuit or action in contract or tort for damages or indemnity brought against a construction professional to assert a claim, whether by complaint, counterclaim, or cross-claim, for damage or the loss of use of real or personal property caused by a defect in the construction of a residence or in the substantial remodel of a residence. "Action" does not include any civil action in tort alleging personal injury or wrongful death to a person or persons resulting from a construction defect.
(3) "Claimant" means a homeowner or association who asserts a claim against a construction professional concerning a defect in the construction of a residence or in the substantial remodel of a residence.
(4) "Construction defect professional" means an architect, builder, builder vendor, contractor, subcontractor, engineer, inspector, or such other person with verifiable training and experience related to the defects or conditions identified in any report included with a notice of claim as set forth in RCW
(5) "Construction professional" means an architect, builder, builder vendor, contractor, subcontractor, engineer, or inspector, including, but not limited to, a dealer as defined in RCW ((64.34.020))64.90.010 and a declarant as defined in RCW ((64.34.020))64.90.010, performing or furnishing the design, supervision, inspection, construction, or observation of the construction of any improvement to real property, whether operating as a sole proprietor, partnership, corporation, or other business entity.
(6) "Homeowner" means: (a) Any person, company, firm, partnership, corporation, or association who contracts with a construction professional for the construction, sale, or construction and sale of a residence; and (b) an "association" as defined in this section. "Homeowner" includes, but is not limited to, a subsequent purchaser of a residence from any homeowner.
(7) "Residence" means a single-family house, duplex, triplex, quadraplex, or a unit in a multiunit residential structure in which title to each individual unit is transferred to the owner under a condominium or cooperative system, and shall include common elements as defined in RCW ((
64.34.020 and common areas as defined in RCW 64.38.010(4)))
(8) "Serve" or "service" means personal service or delivery by certified mail to the last known address of the addressee.
(9) "Substantial remodel" means a remodel of a residence, for which the total cost exceeds one-half of the assessed value of the residence for property tax purposes at the time the contract for the remodel work was made.
Sec. 421. RCW
64.50.040 and 2023 c 337 s 5 are each amended to read as follows:
(1)(a) In the event the board ((
of directors)), pursuant to RCW ((
64.34.304(1)(d) or 64.38.020(4)))
64.90.405(2)(d), institutes an action asserting defects in the construction of two or more ((
units or common elements((
, or common areas)), this section shall apply. For purposes of this section, "action" has the same meaning as set forth in RCW
(b) The board ((of directors)) shall substantially comply with the provisions of this section.
(2)(a) Prior to the service of the summons and complaint on any defendant with respect to an action governed by this section, the board ((of directors)) shall mail or deliver written notice of the commencement or anticipated commencement of such action to each homeowner at the last known address described in the association's records.
(b) The notice required by (a) of this subsection shall state a general description of the following:
(i) The nature of the action and the relief sought;
(ii) To the extent applicable, the existence of the report required in RCW
64.50.020(1)(a), which shall be made available to each homeowner upon request;
(iii) A summary of the construction professional's response pursuant to RCW
64.50.020(3), if any; and
(iv) The expenses and fees that the board ((of directors)) anticipates will be incurred in prosecuting the action.
(3) Nothing in this section may be construed to:
(a) Require the disclosure in the notice or the disclosure to a ((unit owner))homeowner of attorney-client communications or other privileged communications;
(b) Permit the notice to serve as a basis for any person to assert the waiver of any applicable privilege or right of confidentiality resulting from, or to claim immunity in connection with, the disclosure of information in the notice; or
(c) Limit or impair the authority of the board ((of directors)) to contract for legal services, or limit or impair the ability to enforce such a contract for legal services.
Sec. 422. RCW
64.50.050 and 2002 c 323 s 6 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) The construction professional shall provide notice to each homeowner upon entering into a contract for sale, construction, or substantial remodel of a residence, of the construction professional's right to offer to cure construction defects before a homeowner may commence litigation against the construction professional. Such notice shall be conspicuous and may be included as part of the underlying contract signed by the homeowner. In the sale of a condominium unit, the requirement for delivery of such notice shall be deemed satisfied if contained in a public offering statement delivered in accordance with chapter ((64.34))64.90 RCW.
(2) The notice required by this subsection shall be in substantially the following form:
(3) This chapter shall not preclude or bar any action if notice is not given to the homeowner as required by this section.
Sec. 423. RCW
64.55.005 and 2019 c 238 s 216 are each amended to read as follows:
(1)(a) RCW
64.55.010 through
64.55.090 apply to any multiunit residential building for which the permit for construction or rehabilitative construction of such building was issued on or after August 1, 2005.
(b) RCW
64.55.010 and
64.55.090 apply to ((
conversion condominiums as defined in RCW 64.34.020 or)) conversion buildings as defined in RCW
, provided that RCW 64.55.090 shall not apply to a condominium conversion for which a public offering statement had been delivered pursuant to chapter 64.34 RCW prior to August 1, 2005)).
(2) RCW
64.55.010 and
64.55.100 through
64.55.160 and ((
64.90.620 apply to any action that alleges breach of an implied or express warranty under chapter ((
64.90 RCW or that seeks relief that could be awarded for such breach, regardless of the legal theory pleaded, except that RCW
64.55.100 through
64.55.160 and ((
64.90.620 shall not apply to:
(a) Actions filed or served prior to August 1, 2005;
(b) Actions for which a notice of claim was served pursuant to chapter
64.50 RCW prior to August 1, 2005;
(c) Actions asserting any claim regarding a building that is not a multiunit residential building;
(d) Actions asserting any claim regarding a multiunit residential building that was permitted on or after August 1, 2005, unless the letter required by RCW
64.55.060 has been submitted to the appropriate building department or the requirements of RCW
64.55.090 have been satisfied.
(3) Other than the requirements imposed by RCW
64.55.010 through
64.55.090, nothing in this chapter amends or modifies the provisions of RCW ((
Sec. 424. RCW
64.55.010 and 2023 c 263 s 1 are each amended to read as follows:
Unless the context clearly requires otherwise, the definitions in RCW ((64.34.020))64.90.010 and in this section apply throughout this chapter.
(1) "Attached dwelling unit" means any dwelling unit that is attached to another dwelling unit by a wall, floor, or ceiling that separates heated living spaces. A garage is not a heated living space.
(2) "Building enclosure" means that part of any building, above or below grade, that physically separates the outside or exterior environment from interior environments and which weatherproofs, waterproofs, or otherwise protects the building or its components from water or moisture intrusion. Interior environments consist of both heated and unheated enclosed spaces. The building enclosure includes, but is not limited to, that portion of roofs, walls, balcony support columns, decks, windows, doors, vents, and other penetrations through exterior walls, which waterproof, weatherproof, or otherwise protect the building or its components from water or moisture intrusion.
(3) "Building enclosure design documents" means plans, details, and specifications for the building enclosure that have been stamped by a licensed engineer or architect. The building enclosure design documents shall include details and specifications that are appropriate for the building in the professional judgment of the architect or engineer who prepared the same to waterproof, weatherproof, and otherwise protect the building or its components from water or moisture intrusion, including details of flashing, intersections at roof, eaves or parapets, means of drainage, water-resistive membrane, and details around openings.
(4) "Developer" means:
(a) With respect to a condominium or a conversion condominium, the declarant; and
(b) With respect to all other buildings, an individual, group of individuals, partnership, corporation, association, municipal corporation, state agency, or other entity or person that obtains a building permit for the construction or rehabilitative reconstruction of a multiunit residential building. If a permit is obtained by service providers such as architects, contractors, and consultants who obtain permits for others as part of services rendered for a fee, the person for whom the permit is obtained shall be the developer, not the service provider.
(5) "Dwelling unit" has the meaning given to that phrase or similar phrases in the ordinances of the jurisdiction issuing the permit for construction of the building enclosure but if such ordinances do not provide a definition, then "dwelling unit" means a residence containing living, cooking, sleeping, and sanitary facilities.
(6) "Multiunit residential building" means:
(a) A building containing more than two attached dwelling units, including a building containing nonresidential units if the building also contains more than two attached dwelling units, but excluding the following classes of buildings:
(i) Hotels and motels;
(ii) Dormitories;
(iii) Care facilities;
(iv) Floating homes;
(v) A building that contains attached dwelling units that are each located on a single platted lot, except as provided in (b) of this subsection;
(vi) A building in which all of the dwelling units are held under one ownership and is subject to a recorded irrevocable sale prohibition covenant; and
(vii) A building with 12 or fewer units that is no more than two stories.
(b) If the developer submits to the appropriate building department when applying for the building permit described in RCW
64.55.020 a statement that the developer elects to treat the improvement for which a permit is sought as a multiunit residential building for all purposes under this chapter, then "multiunit residential building" also means the following buildings for which such election has been made:
(i) A building containing only two attached dwelling units;
(ii) A building that does not contain attached dwelling units; and
(iii) Any building that contains attached dwelling units each of which is located on a single platted lot.
(7) "Party unit owner" means a unit owner who is a named party to an action subject to this chapter and does not include any unit owners whose involvement with the action stems solely from their membership in the association.
(8) "Qualified building inspector" means a person satisfying the requirements of RCW
(9) "Rehabilitative construction" means construction work on the building enclosure of a multiunit residential building if the cost of such construction work is more than five percent of the assessed value of the building.
(10) "Sale prohibition covenant" means a recorded covenant that prohibits the sale or other disposition of individual dwelling units as or as part of a condominium for five years or more from the date of first occupancy except as otherwise provided in RCW
64.55.090, a certified copy of which the developer shall submit to the appropriate building department; provided such covenant shall not apply to sales or dispositions listed in RCW ((
64.90.600(2). The covenant must be recorded in the county in which the building is located and must be in substantially the following form:
This covenant has been recorded in the real property records of . . . . . . County, Washington, in satisfaction of the requirements of RCW
64.55.010 through
64.55.090. The undersigned is the owner of the property described on Exhibit A (the "Property"). Until termination of this covenant, no dwelling unit in or on the Property may be sold as a condominium unit except for sales
or dispositions listed in RCW ((
This covenant terminates on the earlier of either: (a) Compliance with the requirements of RCW
64.55.090, as certified by the owner of the Property in a recorded supplement hereto; or (b) the fifth anniversary of the date of first occupancy of a dwelling unit as certified by the Owner in a recorded supplement hereto.
All title insurance companies and persons acquiring an interest in the Property may rely on the forgoing certifications without further inquiry in issuing any policy of title insurance or in acquiring an interest in the Property.
(11) "Stamped" means bearing the stamp and signature of the responsible licensed architect or engineer on the title page, and on every sheet of the documents, drawings, or specifications, including modifications to the documents, drawings, and specifications that become part of change orders or addenda to alter those documents, drawings, or specifications.
Sec. 425. RCW
64.55.070 and 2005 c 456 s 8 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) Nothing in this chapter and RCW ((
64.34.073, 64.34.100(2), 64.34.410 (1)(nn) and (2), and 64.34.415(1)(b)))
64.90.610 (1)(t), (1)(oo), and (3) and 64.90.620(1)(c) is intended to, or does:
(a) Create a private right of action against any inspector, architect, or engineer based upon compliance or noncompliance with its provisions; or
(b) Create any independent basis for liability against an inspector, architect, or engineer.
(2) The qualified inspector, architect, or engineer and the developer that retained the inspector, architect, or engineer may contractually agree to the amount of their liability to the developer.
Sec. 426. RCW
64.55.090 and 2005 c 456 s 10 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) Except for sales or other dispositions listed in RCW ((
64.90.600(2), no declarant may convey a condominium unit that may be occupied for residential use in a multiunit residential building without first complying with the requirements of RCW
64.55.005 through
64.55.080 unless the building enclosure of the building in which such unit is included is inspected by a qualified building enclosure inspector, and:
(a) The inspection includes such intrusive or other testing, such as the removal of siding or other building enclosure materials, that the inspector believes, in his or her professional judgment, is necessary to ascertain the manner in which the building enclosure was constructed;
(b) The inspection evaluates, to the extent reasonably ascertainable and in the professional judgment of the inspector, the present condition of the building enclosure including whether such condition has adversely affected or will adversely affect the performance of the building enclosure to waterproof, weatherproof, or otherwise protect the building or its components from water or moisture intrusion. "Adversely affect" has the same meaning as provided in RCW ((64.34.445))64.90.670(7);
(c) The inspection report includes recommendations for repairs to the building enclosure that, in the professional judgment of the qualified building inspector, are necessary to: (i) Repair a design or construction defect in the building enclosure that results in the failure of the building enclosure to perform its intended function and allows unintended water penetration not caused by flooding; and (ii) repair damage caused by such a defect that has an adverse effect as provided in RCW ((64.34.445))64.90.670(7);
(d) With respect to a building that would be a multiunit residential building but for the recording of a sale prohibition covenant and unless more than five years have elapsed since the date such covenant was recorded, all repairs to the building enclosure recommended pursuant to (c) of this subsection have been made; and
(e) The declarant provides as part of the public offering statement, consistent with RCW ((
64.34.410 (1)(nn) and (2) and 64.34.415(1)(b)))
64.90.610 (1)(t), (1)(oo), and (3) and 64.90.620(1)(c), an inspection and repair report signed by the qualified building enclosure inspector that identifies:
(i) The extent of the inspection performed pursuant to this section;
(ii) The information obtained as a result of that inspection; and
(iii) The manner in which any repairs required by this section were performed, the scope of those repairs, and the names of the persons performing those repairs.
(2) Failure to deliver the inspection and repair report in violation of this section constitutes a failure to deliver a public offering statement for purposes of chapter ((64.34))64.90 RCW.
Sec. 427. RCW
64.55.120 and 2005 c 456 s 13 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) The parties to an action subject to this chapter and RCW ((
64.34.073, 64.34.100(2), 64.34.410 (1)(nn) and (2), and 64.34.415(1)(b)))
64.90.610 (1)(t), (1)(oo), and (3) and 64.90.620(1)(c) shall engage in mediation. Unless the parties agree otherwise, the mediation required by this section shall commence within seven months of the later of the filing or service of the complaint. If the parties cannot agree upon a mediator, the court shall appoint a mediator.
(2) Prior to the mediation required by this section, the parties and their experts shall meet and confer in good faith to attempt to resolve or narrow the scope of the disputed issues, including issues related to the parties' repair plans.
(3) Prior to the mandatory mediation, the parties or their attorneys shall file and serve a declaration that:
(a) A decision maker with authority to settle will be available for the duration of the mandatory mediation; and
(b) The decision maker has been provided with and has reviewed the mediation materials provided by the party to which the decision maker is affiliated as well as the materials submitted by the opposing parties.
(4) Completion of the mediation required by this section occurs upon written notice of termination by any party. The provisions of RCW
64.55.160 shall not apply to any later mediation conducted following such notice.
Sec. 428. RCW
64.55.130 and 2005 c 456 s 14 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) If, after meeting and conferring as required by RCW
64.55.120(2), disputed issues remain, a party may file a motion with the court, or arbitrator if an arbitrator has been appointed, requesting the appointment of a neutral expert to address any or all of the disputed issues. Unless otherwise agreed to by the parties or upon a showing of exceptional circumstances, including a material adverse change in a party's litigation risks due to a change in allegations, claims, or defenses by an adverse party following the appointment of the neutral expert, any such motion shall be filed no later than sixty days after the first day of the meeting required by RCW
64.55.120(2). Upon such a request, the court or arbitrator shall decide whether or not to appoint a neutral expert or experts. A party may only request more than one neutral expert if the particular expertise of the additional neutral expert or experts is necessary to address disputed issues.
(2) The neutral expert shall be a licensed architect or engineer, or any other person, with substantial experience relevant to the issue or issues in dispute. The neutral expert shall not have been employed as an expert by a party to the present action within three years before the commencement of the present action, unless the parties agree otherwise.
(3) All parties shall be given an opportunity to recommend neutral experts to the court or arbitrator and shall have input regarding the appointment of a neutral expert.
(4) Unless the parties agree otherwise on the following matters, the court, or arbitrator if then appointed, shall determine:
(a) Who shall serve as the neutral expert;
(b) Subject to the requirements of this section, the scope of the neutral expert's duties;
(c) The number and timing of inspections of the property;
(d) Coordination of inspection activities with the parties' experts;
(e) The neutral expert's access to the work product of the parties' experts;
(f) The product to be prepared by the neutral expert;
(g) Whether the neutral expert may participate personally in the mediation required by RCW
64.55.120; and
(h) Other matters relevant to the neutral expert's assignment.
(5) Unless the parties agree otherwise, the neutral expert shall not make findings or render opinions regarding the amount of damages to be awarded, or the cost of repairs, or absent exceptional circumstances any matters that are not in dispute as determined in the meeting described in RCW
64.55.120(2) or otherwise.
(6) A party may, by motion to the court, or to the arbitrator if then appointed, object to the individual appointed to serve as the neutral expert and to determinations regarding the neutral expert's assignment.
(7) The neutral expert shall have no liability to the parties for the performance of his or her duties as the neutral expert.
(8) Except as otherwise agreed by the parties, the parties have a right to review and comment on the neutral expert's report before it is made final.
(9) A neutral expert's report or testimony is not entitled to any evidentiary presumption in any arbitration or court proceeding. Nothing in this chapter and RCW ((
64.34.073, 64.34.100(2), 64.34.410 (1)(nn) and (2), and 64.34.415(1)(b)))
64.90.610 (1)(t), (1)(oo), and (3) and 64.90.620(1)(c) restricts the admissibility of such a report or testimony, provided it is within the scope of the neutral expert's assigned duties, and questions of the admissibility of such a report or testimony shall be determined under the rules of evidence.
(10) The court, or arbitrator if then appointed, shall determine the significance of the neutral expert's report and testimony with respect to parties joined after the neutral expert's appointment and shall determine whether additional neutral experts should be appointed or other measures should be taken to protect such joined parties from undue prejudice.
Sec. 429. RCW
64.60.010 and 2011 c 36 s 3 are each amended to read as follows:
The definitions in this section apply throughout this chapter unless the context clearly requires otherwise.
(1) "Association" means: ((
An association of apartment owners as defined in RCW 64.32.010; a))
A unit owners((
')) association as defined in RCW ((
64.90.010; ((
a homeowners' association as defined in RCW 64.38.010;)) a corporation organized pursuant to chapter
24.03A or 24.06 RCW for the purpose of owning real estate under a cooperative ownership plan; or a nonprofit or cooperative membership organization composed exclusively of owners of mobile homes, manufactured housing, timeshares, camping resort interests, or other interests in real property that is responsible for the maintenance, improvements, services, or expenses related to real property that is owned, used, or enjoyed in common by the members.
(2) "Payee" means the person or entity who claims the right to receive or collect a private transfer fee payable under a private transfer fee obligation. A payee may or may not have a pecuniary interest in the private transfer fee obligation.
(3) "Private transfer fee" means a fee or charge payable upon the transfer of an interest in real property, or payable for the right to make or accept such transfer, regardless of whether the fee or charge is a fixed amount or is determined as a percentage of the value of the real property, the purchase price, or other consideration given for the transfer. The following are not private transfer fees for the purposes of this section:
(a) Any consideration payable by the grantee to the grantor for the interest in real property being transferred, including any subsequent additional consideration for the real property payable by the grantee based upon any subsequent appreciation, development, or sale of the real property, if such additional consideration is payable on a one-time basis only and the obligation to make such payment does not bind successors in title to the real property;
(b) Any commission payable to a licensed real estate broker for services rendered in connection with the transfer of real property pursuant to an agreement between the broker and the grantor or the grantee including, but not limited to, any subsequent additional commission for that transfer payable by the grantor or the grantee based upon any subsequent appreciation, development, or sale of the property;
(c) Any interest, charges, fees, or other amounts payable by a borrower to a lender pursuant to a loan secured by a mortgage against real property including, but not limited to, any fee payable to the lender for consenting to an assumption of the loan or a transfer of the real property subject to the mortgage, any fees or charges payable to the lender for estoppel letters or certificates, and any shared appreciation interest, profit participation, or other consideration, and payable to the lender in connection with the loan;
(d) Any rent, reimbursement, charge, fee, or other amount payable by a lessee or licensee to a lessor or licensor under a lease or license including, but not limited to, any fee payable to the lessor or licensor for consenting to an assignment, subletting, encumbrance, or transfer of the lease or license;
(e) Any consideration payable to the holder of an option to purchase an interest in real property or the holder of a right of first refusal or first offer to purchase an interest in real property for waiving, releasing, or not exercising the option or right upon the transfer of the real property to another person;
(f) Any tax, fee, charge, assessment, fine, or other amount payable to or imposed by a governmental authority;
(g) Any assessment, fee, charge, fine, dues, or other amount payable to an association pursuant to chapter ((
64.32, 64.34, or 64.38))
64.90 RCW, payable by a purchaser of a camping resort contract, as defined in RCW
19.105.300, or a timeshare, as defined in RCW
64.36.010, or payable pursuant to a recorded servitude encumbering the real property being transferred, as long as no portion of the fee is required to be passed through or paid to a third party;
(h) Any fee payable, upon a transfer, to an organization qualified under section 501(c)(3) or 501(c)(4) of the internal revenue code of 1986, if the sole purpose of such organization is to support cultural, educational, charitable, recreational, conservation, or similar activities benefiting the real property being transferred and the fee is used exclusively to fund such activities;
(i) Any fee, charge, assessment, dues, fine, contribution, or other amount pertaining solely to the purchase or transfer of a club membership relating to real property owned by the member including, but not limited to, any amount determined by reference to the value, purchase price, or other consideration given for the transfer of the real property;
(j) Any fee charged by an association or an agent of an association to a transferor or transferee for a service rendered contemporaneously with the imposition of the fee, provided that the fee is not to be passed through to a third party other than an agent of the association.
(4) "Private transfer fee obligation" means an obligation arising under a declaration or covenant recorded against the title to real property, or under any other contractual agreement or promise, recorded or not, that requires or purports to require the payment of a private transfer fee upon a subsequent transfer of an interest in the real property.
(5) "Transfer" means the sale, gift, grant, conveyance, lease, license, assignment, inheritance, or other act resulting in a transfer of ownership interest in real property located in this state.
Sec. 430. RCW
64.70.020 and 2020 c 20 s 1064 are each amended to read as follows:
The definitions in this section apply throughout this chapter unless the context clearly requires otherwise.
(1) "Activity or use limitations" means restrictions or obligations created under this chapter with respect to real property.
(2) "Agency" means either the department of ecology, the pollution liability insurance agency, or the United States environmental protection agency, whichever determines or approves the environmental response project pursuant to which the environmental covenant is created.
(3)(((a))) "Common interest community" ((means a condominium, cooperative, or other real property with respect to which a person, by virtue of the person's ownership of a parcel of real property, is obligated to pay property taxes or insurance premiums, or for maintenance, or improvement of other real property described in a recorded covenant that creates the common interest community.
(b) "Common interest community" includes but is not limited to:
(i) An association of apartment owners as defined in RCW 64.32.010; (ii) A unit owners' association as defined in RCW 64.34.020 and organized under RCW 64.34.300; (iii) A master association as provided in RCW 64.34.276; (iv) A subassociation as provided in RCW 64.34.278; and (v) A homeowners' association as defined in RCW 64.38.010))
has the same meaning as in RCW 64.90.010.
(4) "Environmental covenant" means a servitude arising under an environmental response project that imposes activity or use limitations.
(5) "Environmental response project" means a plan or work performed for environmental remediation of real property and conducted:
(a) Under a federal or state program governing environmental remediation of real property, including chapters
43.21C, 64.44, 70A.205, 70A.388, 70A.300, 70A.305, 90.48, and
90.52 RCW;
(b) Incident to closure of a solid or hazardous waste management unit, if the closure is conducted with approval of an agency; or
(c) Under the state voluntary clean-up program authorized under chapter
70A.305 RCW or technical assistance program authorized under chapter
70A.330 RCW.
(6) "Holder" means the grantee of an environmental covenant as specified in RCW
(7) "Person" means an individual, corporation, business trust, estate, trust, partnership, limited liability company, association, joint venture, public corporation, government, governmental subdivision, agency, or instrumentality, or any other legal or commercial entity.
(8) "Record," used as a noun, means information that is inscribed on a tangible medium or that is stored in an electronic or other medium and is retrievable in perceivable form.
(9) "State" means a state of the United States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the United States Virgin Islands, or any territory or insular possession subject to the jurisdiction of the United States.
Sec. 431. RCW
82.02.020 and 2013 c 243 s 4 are each amended to read as follows:
Except only as expressly provided in chapters
67.28, 81.104, and
82.14 RCW, the state preempts the field of imposing retail sales and use taxes and taxes upon parimutuel wagering authorized pursuant to RCW
67.16.060, conveyances, and cigarettes, and no county, town, or other municipal subdivision shall have the right to impose taxes of that nature. Except as provided in RCW ((
64.90.655 and
82.02.050 through
82.02.090, no county, city, town, or other municipal corporation shall impose any tax, fee, or charge, either direct or indirect, on the construction or reconstruction of residential buildings, commercial buildings, industrial buildings, or on any other building or building space or appurtenance thereto, or on the development, subdivision, classification, or reclassification of land. However, this section does not preclude dedications of land or easements within the proposed development or plat which the county, city, town, or other municipal corporation can demonstrate are reasonably necessary as a direct result of the proposed development or plat to which the dedication of land or easement is to apply.
This section does not prohibit voluntary agreements with counties, cities, towns, or other municipal corporations that allow a payment in lieu of a dedication of land or to mitigate a direct impact that has been identified as a consequence of a proposed development, subdivision, or plat. A local government shall not use such voluntary agreements for local off-site transportation improvements within the geographic boundaries of the area or areas covered by an adopted transportation program authorized by chapter
39.92 RCW. Any such voluntary agreement is subject to the following provisions:
(1) The payment shall be held in a reserve account and may only be expended to fund a capital improvement agreed upon by the parties to mitigate the identified, direct impact;
(2) The payment shall be expended in all cases within five years of collection; and
(3) Any payment not so expended shall be refunded with interest to be calculated from the original date the deposit was received by the county and at the same rate applied to tax refunds pursuant to RCW
84.69.100; however, if the payment is not expended within five years due to delay attributable to the developer, the payment shall be refunded without interest.
No county, city, town, or other municipal corporation shall require any payment as part of such a voluntary agreement which the county, city, town, or other municipal corporation cannot establish is reasonably necessary as a direct result of the proposed development or plat.
Nothing in this section prohibits cities, towns, counties, or other municipal corporations from collecting reasonable fees from an applicant for a permit or other governmental approval to cover the cost to the city, town, county, or other municipal corporation of processing applications, inspecting and reviewing plans, or preparing detailed statements required by chapter
43.21C RCW, including reasonable fees that are consistent with RCW
43.21C.428, and beginning July 1, 2014, RCW
This section does not limit the existing authority of any county, city, town, or other municipal corporation to impose special assessments on property specifically benefited thereby in the manner prescribed by law.
Nothing in this section prohibits counties, cities, or towns from imposing or permits counties, cities, or towns to impose water, sewer, natural gas, drainage utility, and drainage system charges. However, no such charge shall exceed the proportionate share of such utility or system's capital costs which the county, city, or town can demonstrate are attributable to the property being charged. Furthermore, these provisions may not be interpreted to expand or contract any existing authority of counties, cities, or towns to impose such charges.
Nothing in this section prohibits a transportation benefit district from imposing fees or charges authorized in RCW
36.73.120 nor prohibits the legislative authority of a county, city, or town from approving the imposition of such fees within a transportation benefit district.
Nothing in this section prohibits counties, cities, or towns from imposing transportation impact fees authorized pursuant to chapter
39.92 RCW.
Nothing in this section prohibits counties, cities, or towns from requiring property owners to provide relocation assistance to tenants under RCW
59.18.440 and
Nothing in this section limits the authority of counties, cities, or towns to implement programs consistent with RCW
36.70A.540, nor to enforce agreements made pursuant to such programs.
This section does not apply to special purpose districts formed and acting pursuant to Title
57, or
87 RCW, nor is the authority conferred by these titles affected.
Sec. 432. RCW
82.04.4298 and 1980 c 37 s 18 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) In computing tax there may be deducted from the measure of tax amounts used solely for repair, maintenance, replacement, management, or improvement of the residential structures and ((commonly held property))common elements, but excluding property where fees or charges are made for use by the public who are not guests accompanied by a member, which are derived by:
(a) A cooperative ((housing association)), corporation, or partnership from a person who resides in a structure owned by the cooperative ((housing association)), corporation, or partnership;
(b) ((
An association of owners of property as defined in RCW 64.32.010, as now or hereafter amended,))
A condominium from a person who is ((
an apartment))
a unit owner ((
as defined in RCW 64.32.010)); or
(c) ((An association of owners of residential property from a person who is a member of the association. "Association of owners of residential property" means any organization of all the owners of residential property in a defined area who all hold the same property in common within the area.))A plat community or miscellaneous community from a unit owner.
(2) For the purposes of this section ((
"commonly held property" includes areas required for common access such as reception areas, halls, stairways, parking, etc., and may include recreation rooms, swimming pools and small parks or recreation areas; but is not intended to include more grounds than are normally required in a residential area, or to include such extensive areas as required for golf courses, campgrounds, hiking and riding areas, boating areas, etc.))
"common elements," "condominium," "cooperative," "plat community," and "miscellaneous community" have the meaning given in RCW 64.90.010.(3) To qualify for the deductions under this section:
(a) The salary or compensation paid to officers, managers, or employees must be only for actual services rendered and at levels comparable to the salary or compensation of like positions within the county wherein the property is located;
(b) Dues, fees, or assessments in excess of amounts needed for the purposes for which the deduction is allowed must be rebated to the members of the association;
(c) Assets of the association or organization must be distributable to all members and must not inure to the benefit of any single member or group of members.
Sec. 433. RCW
64.32.260 and 2019 c 238 s 217 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) This chapter does not apply to common interest communities as defined in RCW
(a) Created on or after July 1, 2018; or
(b) That have amended their governing documents to provide that chapter
64.90 RCW will apply to the common interest community pursuant to RCW
64.90.095 (as recodified by this act).
(2) Pursuant to RCW
64.90.080 (as recodified by this act), the following provisions of chapter
64.90 RCW apply, and any inconsistent provisions of this chapter do not apply, to a common interest community created before July 1, 2018:
(a) RCW
64.90.095 (as recodified by this act);
Sec. 434. RCW
64.34.076 and 2019 c 238 s 218 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) This chapter does not apply to common interest communities as defined in RCW
(a) Created on or after July 1, 2018; or
(b) That have amended their governing documents to provide that chapter
64.90 RCW will apply to the common interest community pursuant to RCW
64.90.095 (as recodified by this act).
(2) Pursuant to RCW
64.90.080 (as recodified by this act), the following provisions of chapter
64.90 RCW apply, and any inconsistent provisions of this chapter do not apply, to a common interest community created before July 1, 2018:
(a) RCW
64.90.095 (as recodified by this act);
Sec. 435. RCW
64.38.095 and 2019 c 238 s 225 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) This chapter does not apply to common interest communities as defined in RCW
(a) Created on or after July 1, 2018; or
(b) That have amended their governing documents to provide that chapter
64.90 RCW will apply to the common interest community pursuant to RCW
64.90.095 (as recodified by this act).
(2) Pursuant to RCW
64.90.080 (as recodified by this act), the following provisions of chapter
64.90 RCW apply, and any inconsistent provisions of this chapter do not apply, to a common interest community created before July 1, 2018:
(a) RCW
64.90.095 (as recodified by this act);
NEW SECTION. Sec. 501. The following acts or parts of acts, as now existing or hereafter amended, are each repealed, effective January 1, 2028:
(1) RCW
64.32.010 (Definitions) and 2021 c 227 s 1, 2008 c 114 s 3, 1987 c 383 s 1, 1981 c 304 s 34, 1965 ex.s. c 11 s 1, & 1963 c 156 s 1;
(2) RCW
64.32.020 (Application of chapter) and 1963 c 156 s 2;
(3) RCW
64.32.030 (Apartments and common areas declared real property) and 1963 c 156 s 3;
(4) RCW
64.32.040 (Ownership and possession of apartments and common areas) and 2012 c 117 s 197 & 1963 c 156 s 4;
(5) RCW
64.32.050 (Common areas and facilities) and 1965 ex.s. c 11 s 2 & 1963 c 156 s 5;
(6) RCW
64.32.060 (Compliance with covenants, bylaws, and administrative rules and regulations) and 2012 c 117 s 198 & 1963 c 156 s 6;
(7) RCW
64.32.070 (Liens or encumbrances
—Satisfaction) and 2012 c 117 s 199 & 1963 c 156 s 7;
(8) RCW
64.32.080 (Common profits and expenses) and 1963 c 156 s 8;
(9) RCW
64.32.090 (Contents of declaration) and 1963 c 156 s 9;
(10) RCW
64.32.100 (Copy of survey map, building plans to be filed
—Contents of plans) and 1987 c 383 s 2, 1965 ex.s. c 11 s 3, & 1963 c 156 s 10;
(11) RCW
64.32.110 (Ordinances, resolutions, or zoning laws
—Construction) and 1963 c 156 s 11;
(12) RCW
64.32.120 (Contents of deeds or other conveyances of apartments) and 1999 c 233 s 9, 1965 ex.s. c 11 s 4, & 1963 c 156 s 12;
(13) RCW
64.32.130 (Mortgages, liens or encumbrances affecting an apartment at time of first conveyance) and 1963 c 156 s 13;
(14) RCW
64.32.140 (Recording) and 1963 c 156 s 14;
(15) RCW
64.32.150 (Removal of property from provisions of chapter) and 2008 c 114 s 2 & 1963 c 156 s 15;
(16) RCW
64.32.160 (Removal of property from provisions of chapter
—No bar to subsequent resubmission) and 1963 c 156 s 16;
(17) RCW
64.32.170 (Records and books
—Requirements for retaining
—Availability for examination
—Audits) and 2023 c 409 s 1, 1965 ex.s. c 11 s 5, & 1963 c 156 s 17;
(18) RCW
64.32.180 (Exemption from liability for contribution for common expenses prohibited) and 2012 c 117 s 200 & 1963 c 156 s 18;
(19) RCW
64.32.190 (Separate assessments and taxation) and 1963 c 156 s 19;
(20) RCW
64.32.200 (Assessments for common expenses
—Enforcement of collection
—Liens and foreclosures
—Liability of mortgagee or purchaser
—Notice of delinquency
—Second notice) and 2023 c 214 s 2, 2023 c 214 s 1, 2021 c 222 s 4, 2021 c 222 s 3, 2012 c 117 s 201, 1988 c 192 s 2, 1965 ex.s. c 11 s 6, & 1963 c 156 s 20;
(21) RCW
64.32.210 (Conveyance
—Liability of grantor and grantee for unpaid common expenses) and 2012 c 117 s 202 & 1963 c 156 s 21;
(22) RCW
64.32.220 (Insurance) and 2012 c 117 s 203 & 1963 c 156 s 22;
(23) RCW
64.32.230 (Destruction or damage to all or part of property
—Disposition) and 1965 ex.s. c 11 s 7 & 1963 c 156 s 23;
(24) RCW
64.32.240 (Actions) and 2012 c 117 s 204 & 1963 c 156 s 24;
(25) RCW
64.32.250 (Application of chapter, declaration and bylaws) and 1963 c 156 s 25;
(26) RCW
64.32.260 (Applicability to common interest communities) and 2019 c 238 s 217 & 2018 c 277 s 503;
(27) RCW
64.32.270 (Notice) and 2021 c 227 s 2;
(28) RCW
64.32.280 (Voting
—In person, absentee ballots, proxies) and 2021 c 227 s 3;
(29) RCW
64.32.290 (Electric vehicle charging stations) and 2022 c 27 s 1;
(30) RCW
64.32.300 (Tenant screening) and 2023 c 23 s 1;
(31) RCW
64.32.310 (Licensed family home child care or licensed child day care center
—Liability) and 2023 c 203 s 1;
(32) RCW
64.32.320 (New declarations
—Accessory dwelling units) and 2023 c 334 s 10;
(33) RCW
64.32.330 (New declaration minimum density) and 2023 c 332 s 11;
(34) RCW
64.32.900 (Short title) and 1963 c 156 s 26;
(35) RCW
64.32.910 (Construction of term "this chapter.") and 1963 c 156 s 27; and
(36) RCW
64.32.920 (Severability
—1963 c 156) and 1963 c 156 s 28.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 502. The following acts or parts of acts, as now existing or hereafter amended, are each repealed, effective January 1, 2028:
(1) RCW
64.34.005 (Findings
—2004 c 201) and 2004 c 201 s 1;
(2) RCW
64.34.010 (Applicability) and 2011 c 189 s 6;
(3) RCW
64.34.020 (Definitions) and 2021 c 227 s 4;
(4) RCW
64.34.030 (Variation by agreement) and 1989 c 43 s 1-104;
(5) RCW
64.34.040 (Separate interests
—Taxation) and 1992 c 220 s 3 & 1989 c 43 s 1-105;
(6) RCW
64.34.050 (Local ordinances, regulations, and building codes
—Applicability) and 1989 c 43 s 1-106;
(7) RCW
64.34.060 (Condemnation) and 1989 c 43 s 1-107;
(8) RCW
64.34.070 (Law applicable
—General principles) and 1989 c 43 s 1-108;
(9) RCW
64.34.073 (Application of chapter
64.55 RCW) and 2005 c 456 s 21;
(10) RCW
64.34.076 (Application to common interest communities) and 2019 c 238 s 218 & 2018 c 277 s 504;
(11) RCW
64.34.080 (Contracts
—Unconscionability) and 1989 c 43 s 1-111;
(12) RCW
64.34.090 (Obligation of good faith) and 1989 c 43 s 1-112;
(13) RCW
64.34.100 (Remedies liberally administered) and 2005 c 456 s 20, 2004 c 201 s 2, & 1989 c 43 s 1-113;
(14) RCW
64.34.110 (New declaration minimum density) and 2023 c 332 s 10;
(15) RCW
64.34.120 (New declaration
—Accessory dwelling units) and 2023 c 334 s 9;
(16) RCW
64.34.200 (Creation of condominium) and 1992 c 220 s 4, 1990 c 166 s 2, & 1989 c 43 s 2-101;
(17) RCW
64.34.202 (Reservation of condominium name) and 1992 c 220 s 5;
(18) RCW
64.34.204 (Unit boundaries) and 1992 c 220 s 6 & 1989 c 43 s 2-102;
(19) RCW
64.34.208 (Declaration and bylaws
—Construction and validity) and 1989 c 43 s 2-103;
(20) RCW
64.34.212 (Description of units) and 1989 c 43 s 2-104;
(21) RCW
64.34.216 (Contents of declaration) and 1992 c 220 s 7 & 1989 c 43 s 2-105;
(22) RCW
64.34.220 (Leasehold condominiums) and 1989 c 43 s 2-106;
(23) RCW
64.34.224 (Common element interests, votes, and expenses
—Allocation) and 1992 c 220 s 8 & 1989 c 43 s 2-107;
(24) RCW
64.34.228 (Limited common elements) and 1992 c 220 s 9 & 1989 c 43 s 2-108;
(25) RCW
64.34.232 (Survey maps and plans) and 1997 c 400 s 2, 1992 c 220 s 10, & 1989 c 43 s 2-109;
(26) RCW
64.34.236 (Development rights) and 1989 c 43 s 2-110;
(27) RCW
64.34.240 (Alterations of units) and 1989 c 43 s 2-111;
(28) RCW
64.34.244 (Relocation of boundaries
—Adjoining units) and 1989 c 43 s 2-112;
(29) RCW
64.34.248 (Subdivision of units) and 1989 c 43 s 2-113;
(30) RCW
64.34.252 (Monuments as boundaries) and 1989 c 43 s 2-114;
(31) RCW
64.34.256 (Use by declarant) and 1992 c 220 s 11 & 1989 c 43 s 2-115;
(32) RCW
64.34.260 (Easement rights
—Common elements) and 1989 c 43 s 2-116;
(33) RCW
64.34.264 (Amendment of declaration) and 1989 c 43 s 2-117;
(34) RCW
64.34.268 (Termination of condominium) and 1992 c 220 s 12 & 1989 c 43 s 2-118;
(35) RCW
64.34.272 (Rights of secured lenders) and 1989 c 43 s 2-119;
(36) RCW
64.34.276 (Master associations) and 1989 c 43 s 2-120;
(37) RCW
64.34.278 (Delegation of power to subassociations) and 1992 c 220 s 13;
(38) RCW
64.34.280 (Merger or consolidation) and 1989 c 43 s 2-121;
(39) RCW
64.34.300 (Unit owners' association
—Organization) and 2021 c 176 s 5231, 1992 c 220 s 14, & 1989 c 43 s 3-101;
(40) RCW
64.34.304 (Unit owners' association
—Powers) and 2008 c 115 s 9, 1993 c 429 s 11, 1990 c 166 s 3, & 1989 c 43 s 3-102;
(41) RCW
64.34.308 (Board of directors and officers) and 2019 c 238 s 219, 2011 c 189 s 2, 1992 c 220 s 15, & 1989 c 43 s 3-103;
(42) RCW
64.34.312 (Control of association
—Transfer) and 2004 c 201 s 10 & 1989 c 43 s 3-104;
(43) RCW
64.34.316 (Special declarant rights
—Transfer) and 1989 c 43 s 3-105;
(44) RCW
64.34.320 (Contracts and leases
—Termination) and 1989 c 43 s 3-106;
(45) RCW
64.34.324 (Bylaws) and 2004 c 201 s 3, 1992 c 220 s 16, & 1989 c 43 s 3-107;
(46) RCW
64.34.328 (Upkeep of condominium) and 1989 c 43 s 3-108;
(47) RCW
64.34.332 (Meetings) and 2021 c 227 s 5 & 1989 c 43 s 3-109;
(48) RCW
64.34.336 (Quorums) and 1989 c 43 s 3-110;
(49) RCW
64.34.340 (Voting
—In person, absentee ballots, proxies) and 2021 c 227 s 6, 1992 c 220 s 17, & 1989 c 43 s 3-111;
(50) RCW
64.34.344 (Tort and contract liability) and 1989 c 43 s 3-112;
(51) RCW
64.34.348 (Common elements
—Encumbrance) and 1989 c 43 s 3-113;
(52) RCW
64.34.352 (Insurance) and 2021 c 227 s 7, 1992 c 220 s 18, 1990 c 166 s 4, & 1989 c 43 s 3-114;
(53) RCW
64.34.354 (Insurance
—Conveyance) and 1990 c 166 s 8;
(54) RCW
64.34.356 (Surplus funds) and 1989 c 43 s 3-115;
(55) RCW
64.34.360 (Common expenses
—Assessments) and 1990 c 166 s 5 & 1989 c 43 s 3-116;
(56) RCW
64.34.364 (Lien for assessments
—Notice of delinquency
—Second notice) and 2023 c 214 s 4, 2023 c 214 s 3, 2021 c 222 s 6, 2021 c 222 s 5, 2013 c 23 s 175, 1990 c 166 s 6, & 1989 c 43 s 3-117;
(57) RCW
64.34.368 (Liens
—General provisions) and 1989 c 43 s 3-118;
(58) RCW
64.34.372 (Association records
—Requirements for retaining) and 2023 c 409 s 2, 1992 c 220 s 19, 1990 c 166 s 7, & 1989 c 43 s 3-119;
(59) RCW
64.34.376 (Association as trustee) and 1989 c 43 s 3-120;
(60) RCW
64.34.380 (Reserve account
—Reserve study
—Annual update) and 2019 c 238 s 220, 2011 c 189 s 3, & 2008 c 115 s 1;
(61) RCW
64.34.382 (Reserve study
—Contents) and 2011 c 189 s 4 & 2008 c 115 s 2;
(62) RCW
64.34.384 (Reserve account
—Withdrawals) and 2011 c 189 s 5 & 2008 c 115 s 3;
(63) RCW
64.34.386 (Reserve study
—Demand by owners
—Study not timely prepared) and 2008 c 115 s 4;
(64) RCW
64.34.388 (Reserve study
—Decision making) and 2008 c 115 s 5;
(65) RCW
64.34.390 (Reserve study
—Reserve account
—Immunity from liability) and 2008 c 115 s 6;
(66) RCW
64.34.392 (Reserve account and study
—Disclosure) and 2019 c 238 s 221 & 2009 c 307 s 1;
(67) RCW
64.34.394 (Installation of drought resistant landscaping or wildfire ignition resistant landscaping) and 2020 c 9 s 3;
(68) RCW
64.34.395 (Electric vehicle charging stations) and 2022 c 27 s 2;
(69) RCW
64.34.396 (Notice) and 2021 c 227 s 8;
(70) RCW
64.34.397 (Tenant screening) and 2023 c 23 s 2;
(71) RCW
64.34.398 (Licensed family home child care or licensed child day care center
—Liability) and 2023 c 203 s 2;
(72) RCW
64.34.400 (Applicability
—Waiver) and 1992 c 220 s 20, 1990 c 166 s 9, & 1989 c 43 s 4-101;
(73) RCW
64.34.405 (Public offering statement
—Liability) and 1989 c 43 s 4-102;
(74) RCW
64.34.410 (Public offering statement
—General provisions) and 2008 c 115 s 10, 2005 c 456 s 19, 2004 c 201 s 11, 2002 c 323 s 10, 1997 c 400 s 1, 1992 c 220 s 21, & 1989 c 43 s 4-103;
(75) RCW
64.34.415 (Public offering statement
—Conversion condominiums) and 2005 c 456 s 18, 1992 c 220 s 22, 1990 c 166 s 10, & 1989 c 43 s 4-104;
(76) RCW
64.34.417 (Public offering statement
—Use of single disclosure document) and 1990 c 166 s 11;
(77) RCW
64.34.418 (Public offering statement
—Contract of sale
—Restriction on interest conveyed) and 1990 c 166 s 15;
(78) RCW
64.34.420 (Purchaser's right to cancel) and 1989 c 43 s 4-106;
(79) RCW
64.34.425 (Resale of unit) and 2022 c 27 s 5, 2011 c 48 s 1, 2008 c 115 s 11, 2004 c 201 s 4, 1992 c 220 s 23, 1990 c 166 s 12, & 1989 c 43 s 4-107;
(80) RCW
64.34.430 (Escrow of deposits) and 1992 c 220 s 24 & 1989 c 43 s 4-108;
(81) RCW
64.34.435 (Release of liens
—Conveyance) and 1989 c 43 s 4-109;
(82) RCW
64.34.440 (Conversion condominiums
—Relocation assistance) and 2022 c 165 s 5, 2008 c 113 s 1, 1992 c 220 s 25, 1990 c 166 s 13, & 1989 c 43 s 4-110;
(83) RCW
64.34.442 (Conversion condominium projects
—Report) and 2023 c 470 s 2108 & 2008 c 113 s 3;
(84) RCW
64.34.443 (Express warranties of quality) and 1989 c 428 s 2;
(85) RCW
64.34.445 (Implied warranties of quality
—Breach) and 2004 c 201 s 5, 1992 c 220 s 26, & 1989 c 43 s 4-112;
(86) RCW
64.34.450 (Implied warranties of quality
—Express written warranty) and 2004 c 201 s 6 & 1989 c 43 s 4-113;
(87) RCW
64.34.452 (Warranties of quality
—Actions for construction defect claims) and 2004 c 201 s 7, 2002 c 323 s 11, & 1990 c 166 s 14;
(88) RCW
64.34.455 (Effect of violations on rights of action
—Attorney's fees) and 1989 c 43 s 4-115;
(89) RCW
64.34.460 (Labeling of promotional material) and 1989 c 43 s 4-116;
(90) RCW
64.34.465 (Improvements
—Declarant's duties) and 1989 c 43 s 4-117;
(91) RCW
64.34.470 (Conversion condominium notice) and 2022 c 165 s 3;
(92) RCW
64.34.900 (Short title) and 1989 c 43 s 1-101;
(93) RCW
64.34.910 (Section captions) and 1989 c 43 s 4-119;
(94) RCW
64.34.930 (Effective date
—1989 c 43) and 1989 c 43 s 4-124;
(95) RCW
64.34.931 (Effective date
—2004 c 201 §§ 1-13) and 2004 c 201 s 14;
(96) RCW
64.34.940 (Construction against implicit repeal) and 1989 c 43 s 1-109; and
(97) RCW
64.34.950 (Uniformity of application and construction) and 1989 c 43 s 1-110.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 503. The following acts or parts of acts, as now existing or hereafter amended, are each repealed, effective January 1, 2028:
(1) RCW
64.38.005 (Intent) and 1995 c 283 s 1;
(2) RCW
64.38.010 (Definitions) and 2023 c 337 s 2;
(3) RCW
64.38.015 (Association membership) and 1995 c 283 s 3;
(4) RCW
64.38.020 (Association powers) and 1995 c 283 s 4;
(5) RCW
64.38.025 (Board of directors
—Standard of care
—Removal from board) and 2021 c 176 s 5232, 2019 c 238 s 222, 2011 c 189 s 8, & 1995 c 283 s 5;
(6) RCW
64.38.028 (Removal of discriminatory provisions in governing documents
—Procedure) and 2018 c 65 s 2 & 2006 c 58 s 2;
(7) RCW
64.38.030 (Association bylaws) and 1995 c 283 s 6;
(8) RCW
64.38.033 (Flag of the United States
—Outdoor display
—Governing documents) and 2004 c 169 s 1;
(9) RCW
64.38.034 (Political yard signs
—Governing documents) and 2005 c 179 s 1;
(10) RCW
64.38.035 (Association meetings
—Board of directors) and 2021 c 227 s 10, 2014 c 20 s 1, 2013 c 108 s 1, & 1995 c 283 s 7;
(11) RCW
64.38.040 (Quorum for meeting) and 1995 c 283 s 8;
(12) RCW
64.38.045 (Financial and other records
—Property of association
—Annual financial statement
—Requirements for retaining) and 2023 c 409 s 3 & 1995 c 283 s 9;
(13) RCW
64.38.050 (Violation
—Attorneys' fees) and 1995 c 283 s 10;
(14) RCW
64.38.055 (Governing documents
—Solar panels) and 2009 c 51 s 1;
(15) RCW
64.38.057 (Governing documents
—Drought resistant landscaping, wildfire ignition resistant landscaping) and 2020 c 9 s 2;
(16) RCW
64.38.060 (Adult family homes) and 2009 c 530 s 4;
(17) RCW
64.38.062 (Electric vehicle charging stations) and 2022 c 27 s 3;
(18) RCW
64.38.065 (Reserve account and study) and 2019 c 238 s 223 & 2011 c 189 s 9;
(19) RCW
64.38.070 (Reserve study
—Requirements) and 2011 c 189 s 10;
(20) RCW
64.38.075 (Reserve account
—Withdrawals) and 2011 c 189 s 11;
(21) RCW
64.38.080 (Reserve study
—Demand for preparation and inclusion in budget) and 2011 c 189 s 12;
(22) RCW
64.38.085 (Reserve account and study
—Liability) and 2011 c 189 s 13;
(23) RCW
64.38.090 (Reserve study
—Exemptions) and 2019 c 238 s 224 & 2011 c 189 s 14;
(24) RCW
64.38.095 (Application to common interest communities) and 2019 c 238 s 225 & 2018 c 277 s 505;
(25) RCW
64.38.100 (Liens for unpaid assessments
—Notice of delinquency
—Second notice) and 2023 c 214 s 6, 2023 c 214 s 5, 2021 c 222 s 8, & 2021 c 222 s 7;
(26) RCW
64.38.110 (Notice) and 2023 c 470 s 3017 & 2021 c 227 s 11;
(27) RCW
64.38.120 (Voting
—In person, absentee ballots, proxies) and 2021 c 227 s 12;
(28) RCW
64.38.130 (Tenant screening) and 2023 c 23 s 3;
(29) RCW
64.38.140 (Licensed family home child care or licensed child day care center
—Liability) and 2023 c 203 s 3;
(30) RCW
64.38.150 (New associations minimum density) and 2023 c 332 s 12; and
(31) RCW
64.38.160 (New associations
—Accessory dwelling units) and 2023 c 334 s 11.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 504. The following acts or parts of acts, as now existing or hereafter amended, are each repealed, effective January 1, 2028:
(1) RCW
58.19.010 (Purpose) and 1992 c 191 s 1 & 1973 1st ex.s. c 12 s 1;
(2) RCW
58.19.020 (Definitions) and 1992 c 191 s 2, 1979 c 158 s 208, & 1973 1st ex.s. c 12 s 2;
(3) RCW
58.19.030 (Exemptions from chapter) and 1994 c 92 s 504, 1979 c 158 s 209, & 1973 1st ex.s. c 12 s 3;
(4) RCW
58.19.045 (Public offering statement
—Developer's duties
—Purchaser's rights) and 1992 c 191 s 4;
(5) RCW
58.19.055 (Public offering statement
—Contents) and 1992 c 191 s 5;
(6) RCW
58.19.120 (Report of changes required
—Amendments) and 1992 c 191 s 6 & 1973 1st ex.s. c 12 s 12;
(7) RCW
58.19.130 (Public offering statement form
—Type and style restriction) and 1973 1st ex.s. c 12 s 13;
(8) RCW
58.19.140 (Public offering statement
—Promotional use, distribution restriction
—Holding out that state or employees, etc., approve development prohibited) and 1973 1st ex.s. c 12 s 14;
(9) RCW
58.19.180 (Unlawful to sell lots or parcels subject to blanket encumbrance which does not provide purchaser can obtain clear title
—Alternatives) and 1992 c 191 s 7 & 1973 1st ex.s. c 12 s 18;
(10) RCW
58.19.185 (Requiring purchaser to pay additional sum to construct, complete or maintain development) and 1977 ex.s. c 252 s 1;
(11) RCW
58.19.190 (Advertising
—Materially false, misleading, or deceptive statements prohibited) and 1992 c 191 s 8 & 1973 1st ex.s. c 12 s 19;
(12) RCW
58.19.265 (Violations
—Attorneys' fees) and 1992 c 191 s 9;
(13) RCW
58.19.270 (Violations deemed unfair practice subject to chapter
19.86 RCW) and 1992 c 191 s 10 & 1973 1st ex.s. c 12 s 27;
(14) RCW
58.19.280 (Jurisdiction of superior courts) and 1973 1st ex.s. c 12 s 28;
(15) RCW
58.19.300 (Hazardous conditions
—Notice) and 1992 c 191 s 11 & 1973 1st ex.s. c 12 s 30;
(16) RCW
58.19.920 (Liberal construction) and 1973 1st ex.s. c 12 s 33; and
(17) RCW
58.19.940 (Short title) and 1992 c 191 s 12 & 1973 1st ex.s. c 12 s 35.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 505. The following acts or parts of acts, as now existing or hereafter amended, are each repealed, effective January 1, 2028:
(1) RCW
64.04.055 (Deeds for conveyance of apartments under horizontal property regimes act) and 1963 c 156 s 29; and
(2) RCW
64.90.090 (Prior condominium statutes) and 2019 c 238 s 205 & 2018 c 277 s 119.
Sec. 506. RCW
64.90.075 and 2019 c 238 s 203 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) Except as provided otherwise in this section
, RCW 64.90.080 (as recodified by this act), and section 507 of this act, this chapter applies to all common interest communities ((
created within this state on or after July 1, 2018)).
(2) Before January 1, 2028, this chapter applies only to:
(a) A common interest community created on or after July 1, 2018; and
(b) A common interest community created before July 1, 2018, that amends its declaration to elect to be subject to this chapter.
(3) Chapters
58.19, 64.32, 64.34, and
64.38 RCW ((
: (a) Do not apply to common interest communities ((created on or after July 1, 2018))subject to this chapter; and
(b) Apply to a common interest community created before July 1, 2018, only until the community becomes subject to this chapter.
(4)(a) Unless the declaration provides that this entire chapter is applicable, a plat community or miscellaneous community that is not subject to any development right is subject only to RCW
64.90.025, and
64.90.030, if the community: ((
(i) Contains no more than ((
12 units; and ((
(ii) provides in its declaration that the annual average assessment of all units restricted to residential purposes, exclusive of optional user fees and any insurance premiums paid by the association, may not exceed ((
three hundred dollars))
$300, as adjusted pursuant to RCW
(((3)))(b) The exemption provided in ((subsection (2) of)) this subsection applies only if:
(((a)))(i) The declarant reasonably believes in good faith that the maximum stated assessment will be sufficient to pay the expenses of the association for the community; and
(((b)))(ii) The declaration provides that the assessment may not be increased above the limitation in ((subsection (2)))(a)(ii) of this subsection prior to the transition meeting without the consent of unit owners, other than the declarant, holding ((ninety))90 percent of the votes in the association.
(4) Except))
(5) Before January 1, 2028, except as otherwise provided in RCW
64.90.080, this chapter does not apply to any common interest community created within this state on or after July 1, 2018, if:
(a) That common interest community is made part of a common interest community created in this state prior to July 1, 2018, pursuant to a right expressly set forth in the declaration of the preexisting common interest community; and
(b) The declaration creating that common interest community expressly subjects that common interest community to the declaration of the preexisting common interest community pursuant to such right described in (a) of this subsection.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 507. (1) Except as provided in subsection (2) of this section, if a common interest community created before July 1, 2018, becomes subject to this chapter on January 1, 2028, or earlier, a provision of its governing documents inconsistent with this chapter is invalid unless:
(a) The provision is expressly permitted under section 303 of this act; or
(b) The common interest community is a plat community or miscellaneous community described in RCW
64.90.075(4) (as recodified by this act), or a nonresidential or mixed-use common interest community described in RCW
(2) This chapter does not require a common interest community validly created before July 1, 2018, to:
(a) Comply with the requirements of this chapter for creation of a common interest community; or
(b) Prepare or amend the map.
(3) This chapter does not invalidate an action validly taken or transaction validly entered into before a common interest community becomes subject to this chapter.
Sec. 508. RCW
64.90.080 and 2019 c 238 s 204 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) Except for
a plat community or miscellaneous community described in RCW 64.90.075(4) (as recodified by this act) and a nonresidential
or mixed-use common interest community described in RCW
64.90.100, ((
RCW 64.90.095, 64.90.405(1) (b) and (c), 64.90.525 and 64.90.545 apply))
the following sections apply to a common interest community created before July 1, 2018, and any inconsistent provisions of chapter
58.19, 64.32, 64.34, or
64.38 RCW do not apply((
, to a common interest community created in this state before July 1, 2018))
:(a) RCW 64.90.095 (as recodified by this act); (e) RCW 64.90.010, to the extent necessary to construe this subsection.
(2) Except to the extent provided in this subsection, the sections listed in subsection (1) of this section apply only to events and circumstances occurring on or after July 1, 2018, and do not invalidate existing provisions of the governing documents of those common interest communities
existing on July 1, 2018. To protect the public interest, RCW
64.90.095 (as recodified by this act) and
64.90.525 supersede existing provisions of the governing documents of all plat communities and miscellaneous communities previously subject to chapter
64.38 RCW.
(3) This section does not apply to a common interest community that becomes subject to this chapter under RCW 64.90.075(1) (as recodified by this act) or by election under RCW 64.90.075(4) (as recodified by this act), 64.90.095(1)(b) (as recodified by this act), or 64.90.100. Sec. 509. RCW
64.90.095 and 2018 c 277 s 120 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) The declaration of any common interest community created before July 1, 2018,
or of a plat community or miscellaneous community described in RCW 64.90.075(4) (as recodified by this act) may be amended to ((
:(a) Provide that all the sections listed in RCW 64.90.080(1) (as recodified by this act) apply to the common interest community; or (b) Provide that this chapter will apply to the common interest community, regardless of what applicable law provided before chapter 277, Laws of 2018 was adopted.
(2) Except as provided otherwise in subsection (3) of this section or in RCW
64.90.285 ((
(9), (10), or (11)))
(8), (9), or (10), an amendment
under this section to the governing documents ((
authorized under this section))
of a common interest community created before July 1, 2018, must be adopted in conformity with any procedures and requirements for amending the instruments specified by those instruments and in conformity with the amendment procedures of this chapter. If the governing documents do not contain provisions authorizing amendment, the amendment procedures of this chapter apply. If an amendment grants to a person a right, power, or privilege permitted under this chapter, any correlative obligation, liability, or restriction in this chapter also applies to the person.
(3) Notwithstanding any provision in the governing documents of a common interest community that govern the procedures and requirements for amending the governing documents, an amendment under subsection (1) of this section may be made as follows:
(a) The board shall propose such amendment to the owners if the board deems it appropriate or if owners holding ((twenty))20 percent or more of the votes in the association request such an amendment in writing to the board;
(b) Upon satisfaction of the foregoing requirements, the board shall prepare a proposed amendment and shall provide the owners with a notice in a record containing the proposed amendment and at least ((thirty))30 days' advance notice of a meeting to discuss the proposed amendment;
(c) Following such meeting, the board shall provide the owners with a notice in a record containing the proposed amendment and a ballot to approve or reject the amendment;
(d) The amendment shall be deemed approved if owners holding at least ((thirty))30 percent of the votes in the association participate in the voting process, and at least ((sixty-seven))67 percent of the votes cast by participating owners are in favor of the proposed amendment.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 510. RCW 64.90.075, 64.90.080, and 64.90.095 are recodified as sections in chapter 64.90 RCW under the subchapter heading "APPLICABILITY AND TRANSITION." NEW SECTION. Sec. 511. Section 507 of this act is added to chapter 64.90 RCW and codified with the subchapter heading "APPLICABILITY AND TRANSITION." NEW SECTION. Sec. 512. (1) Section 319 of this act takes effect January 1, 2025.
(2) Sections 401 through 432 of this act take effect January 1, 2028.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 513. Section 318 of this act expires January 1, 2025.
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