BySenators Billig, Frame, Lovick, Torres, Kuderer, C. Wilson, and Wagoner
WHEREAS, Patrick Winston "Pat" Dunn has been a denizen of the Capital Campus since the Spellman Administration; and
WHEREAS, Pat is a lifelong resident of Washington State having graduated from Lakeside School in Seattle; and
WHEREAS, He received a bachelor's degree from Williams College, a law degree from Hofstra Law School, and a Masters of Public Administration from the Robert F. Wagner School of New York University; and
WHEREAS, Pat worked as an Administrative Assistant and Administrative Counsel for King County Executive John Spellman and after Mr. Spellman was elected Governor, Pat was assistant director of the Planning and Community Affairs Agency, Special Assistant to the Governor, and Director of the then new Department of Community Development; and
WHEREAS, After his state service, Pat joined the Seattle law firm of Riddell, Williams, Bullitt & Walkinshaw, and later Heller, Ehrman, White & McAuliffe; and
WHEREAS, In April of 1996, Pat and his wife Susan established Patrick Dunn & Associates to represent clients before the Washington State Legislature and state and local agencies; and
WHEREAS, Pat has represented an incredibly diverse collection of clients and an even more eclectic list of issues over the years including those impacting garbage, recycling, composting, rural electric cooperatives, health care organizations, tire manufacturers, law enforcement foundations, baseball stadium public facilities districts, early childhood development providers, the office of the secretary of state, aluminum, transportation, K-12 education, foster children, homelessness, telephones, water rights, and taxes; and
WHEREAS, Pat has generously assisted numerous pro bono clients including the effort to originally create TVW; and
WHEREAS, At the end of this session he will have contributed to the legislative process for 42 years, and in those 42 years participated in 91 individual sessions for a total of 4,165 days; and
WHEREAS, He has mentored many elected officials, staff members, and lobbyists during his over 40 years of public and private service to the state of Washington; and
WHEREAS, Pat has passionately loved his work with the legislature (almost every day) and lived the old Will Rogers axiom, that he never met a person he didn't like; and
WHEREAS, He plans to end his lobbying career on July 31, 2024;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, BY THE SENATE OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, That Patrick Winston "Pat" Dunn be commended and honored for his service to the citizens of the state of Washington and to the legislative process and that this resolution be transmitted by the Secretary of the Senate to Pat's wife Susan and their daughters Sara Kirschenman and Katherine Dunn with our heartfelt thanks for sharing Pat with us for so many years.
I, Sarah Bannister, Secretary of the Senate,
do hereby certify that this is a true and
correct copy of Senate Resolution 8687,
adopted by the Senate
March 5, 2024
Secretary of the Senate