BILLS IN SENATE RULES - January 24, 2024 - Wednesday
5:29 PM
Bill No. Description Sponsors Committee Inf.
SB 5002 f Alcohol concentration/DUI Lovick,Liias,etc. TRAN DP2S14 w/oRec3
SB 5051 f Dissolution/doc. language Wellman,Dhingra,etc. WM w/oRec24
SB 5085 f School principals/employment Wellman,Mullet,etc. EDU DPS6 DNP3
SB 5213 f Pharmacy benefit managers Kuderer,Short,etc. WM DP2S21 w/oRec3
SB 5241 f Health care marketplace Randall,Rolfes,etc. WM w/oRec13 DNP10 w/oRec1
SB 5602 Hearing examiners/counties Torres,Schoesler,etc. LGLT DP5
SB 5610 f Used vehicle warranties Keiser,Frame,etc.,ATTY LAW DPS6 DNP5
SB 5635 f Victims' rights Braun,Dhingra,etc. WM DP2S22
SB 5670 f Running start/10th grade Hawkins,Randall,etc. WM DP2S21 w/oRec3
SB 5677 Walla Walla sweet onion day Dozier,Fortunato,etc. SGE DP7
SB 5684 f Small works rosters Hasegawa WM DPS18 w/oRec4 DNP2
SB 5722 f Traffic cameras, photo tolls Kuderer,King,etc. LAW DPS7 DNP2 w/oRec2
SB 5723 Even-numbered year elections Valdez,Kuderer,etc. SGE DPS4 DNP3
SB 5736 Workforce shortages Nobles,Holy,etc. WM DP2S17 w/oRec7
SB 5791 f DUI/oral fluid evaluation Padden,Liias,etc. TRAN DPS13 DNP3 w/oRec1
SB 5793 f Paid sick leave Saldaña,Keiser,etc. LC DPS5 DNP4
SB 5798 f Insurance notices Kuderer,Shewmake,etc. BFGT DPS9
SB 5806 f Insurance company data Kuderer,Hunt,etc. BFGT DPS9
SB 5807 Housing authorities Frame,Gildon,etc. HSG DP11
SB 5821 f Audio-only telemedicine Muzzall,Randall,etc. HLTC DP10
SB 5843 f Election security breaches Nguyen,Boehnke,etc.,SEC SGE DP7
SB 5860 Spring blade knives Fortunato,Padden LAW DP9 DNP2
SB 5862 f Hunting licenses/students Fortunato,McCune,etc. AWNP DP8 w/oRec1
SB 5881 f PERS/certain bus drivers MacEwen,Conway,etc.,SCPP WM DP24
SB 5935 f Noncompetition covenants Stanford,Keiser,etc. LC DPS5 DNP3 w/oRec1
SB 5940 f Medical assistant-EMT cert. Van De Wege,Hasegawa,etc. HLTC DPS9
SB 5952 f Boiler inspector credentials Schoesler,Keiser,etc.,LI LC DP9
SB 5960 f Prescription labels/abortion Frame,Dhingra,etc. HLTC DP8 DNP1
SB 5979 f Construction worker leave Keiser,Conway,etc. LC DP8
SB 5983 f Syphilis treat. supervision Liias,Rivers,etc. HLTC DPS10
SB 5995 f Interpreters and translators Saldaña,Valdez,etc. LC DPS5 DNP4
SB 6027 Insurance holding companies Stanford,Kuderer,etc.,INS BFGT DP9
SB 6028 f Unemployment overpayments Braun,Keiser,etc.,ESD LC DP9
SB 6035 f Student loans/PSLF Liias,Holy,etc.,OFM HEWD DP4
SB 6060 f Electronic signatures/PERC Nguyen,Hasegawa,etc. LC DPS5 DNP4
SB 6089 f Electrical inspector reqs. King,Keiser,etc.,LI LC DP9
SB 6094 f Retired health subsidy/PEBB Robinson,HCA WM DP24
SB 6151 f Ultrasound Randall,C. Wilson,etc. HLTC DP6 DNP3 w/oRec1
SB 6166 f Pesticide application comm. Saldaña,Torres,etc. LC DP9
SB 6168 f International leadership Stanford,Frame,etc. BFGT DPS8 w/oRec1
SB 6178 f Midwives/prescriptive auth. Randall,Torres,etc. HLTC DP9 w/oRec1
SB 6201 f Alcohol sale to minors/civil King,Keiser,etc.,LACB LC DP9
SJM 8009 f Harbor maintenance tax Hasegawa,Wagoner,etc. BFGT DPS8
SJR 8203 Public school revolving fund Schoesler,Fortunato,etc. WM DP22 DNP1
SSB 5025 f DOC technology systems Dozier,etc.
ESSB 5050 Breast implant surgery Wellman,etc.
ESSB 5102 f School library info and tech Wellman,etc.
SSB 5126 f Common school trust revenue Pedersen,etc.
ESB 5130 f Assisted outpatient treat. Frame,Dhingra,etc.
SSB 5171 f Consumer products/gender Dhingra,etc.
ESSB 5207 Controlled entities Billig,etc.
SB 5274 Public employ. eligibility Valdez,Dhingra,etc.
ESSB 5284 f Campaign finance disclosure Nguyen,etc.
SSB 5303 Public works trust account Mullet,etc.
SSB 5306 WDFW disease interdiction Short,etc.
ESSB 5326 f Vehicle insurance verif. Lovick,etc.
SB 5340 f Retail cannabis products King
SB 5363 f Cannabis advertising MacEwen,Stanford
SSB 5405 LCB subpoena authority King,etc.
SB 5419 WSIPP outcome evaluation Gildon,Billig,etc.
ESSB 5546 f Cannabis commission Shewmake,etc.
ESB 5592 f Defibrillators/fitness Hunt,Cleveland,etc.
SB 5595 f State nickname J. Wilson,Rolfes,etc.
SSB 5626 K-12 media literacy Liias,etc.
SB 5629 f Hepatitis B and C Conway,Dhingra,etc.
SB 5632 f Labor disputes/health care Keiser,Cleveland,etc.
SSB 5649 f Floodproofing improvements Braun
SSB 5652 f Tow truck operator comp. Lovick,etc.
ESB 5691 Resource & assess. centers Warnick,Shewmake
SSB 5709 Irrigation dist. elections Torres,etc.
SB 5711 f College grant eligibility Nobles,Liias,etc.,SAC
ESSB 5716 f In-home services surveys Rivers
ESSB 5726 f Prevailing wage/public works King
SJM 8005 De-risking/financial inst. Hasegawa,C. Wilson
SGA 9359 J. R. LEACH, Member, Public Disclosure Commission SGE BC6
SGA 9382 NICOLE R. BASCOMB-GREEN, Chair, Housing Finance Commission HSG BC10
SGA 9384 WILLIAM N. RUMPF, Member, Housing Finance Commission HSG BC10
SGA 9410 ELIZABETH G. FORD, Member, Public Employment Relations Commission LC BC5 w/oRec2 NBC1

Total Count: 78