The Pharmacy Quality Assurance Commission (PQAC) has a variety of functions, including the licensing of pharmacies, pharmacists, pharmacy assistants, and pharmacy technicians and enforcing and regulating legend drugs and controlled substances.? The PQAC consists of the following 15 members, all of whom are appointed by the Governor with the advice and consent of the Senate:
The public members must be Washington residents and may not be affiliated with any aspect of pharmacy.
One of the positions on the Pharmacy Quality Assurance Commission designated for a pharmacist is replaced with a position that may be filled by either:? (1) a pharmacist; or (2) a public member who is an owner, operator, or officer of a pharmacy and who is not a pharmacist or a pharmacy technician.
(In support)? The Pharmacy Quality Assurance Commission (PQAC) does important work.? Any Washington resident can be a member except one group.? Owners, operators, or officers of a pharmacy were unintentionally excluded, which excludes an important perspective.? People in this profession have a lot to offer and should be given an opportunity to participate.? This bill will increase fairness by bringing the small business perspective to the PQAC.
(Opposed) None.?
Rick Hughes, Ray's Pharmacy, Orcas Island; and Dedi Little, Washington State Pharmacy Association.