The Personnel System Reform Act (PSRA) provides state employees the right to collectively bargain over wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment. The Governor or the Governor's designee represents the employer in collective bargaining negotiations.
The PSRA grants Department of Corrections (DOC) employees who are covered by state civil service laws interest arbitration to resolve impasses during contract negotiations. Interest arbitration is not available for the DOC's confidential employees, members of the Washington Management Service (WMS), and internal auditors.
To resolve impasses over contract negotiations with these personnel, the PSRA requires binding interest arbitration if negotiations for a contract reach impasse and cannot be resolved through mediation. Under interest arbitration, an impartial third-party makes decisions regarding the unresolved terms of the contract. There are statutory procedures for parties to select arbitrators and factors the arbitration panel must consider when making its decision.
Washington Management Service.
State civil service law governs the appointment, promotion, transfer, layoff, removal, discipline, and other personnel matters of most state agency employees. The WMS is a separate personnel system for managers within the executive branch of state government. Agencies determine if a position is appropriate for the WMS. Members of the WMS have the right to collectively bargain with certain exceptions.
A "manager" means any employee who: (1) formulates statewide policy or directs the work of an agency or agency subdivision; (2) administers one or more statewide policies or programs of an agency or agency subdivision; (3) manages, administers, and controls a local branch office of an agency or agency subdivision; (4) has substantial responsibility in personnel administration, legislative relations, public information, or the preparation and administration of budgets; or (5) functionally is above the first level of supervision and exercises authority that is not merely routine or clerical and that requires consistent use of independent judgment.
Washington Management Service employees who work in the Department of Corrections are granted interest arbitration rights.
(In support) This is a technical fix. The goal is to give Department of Corrections (DOC) Washington Management Service employees interest arbitration like other DOC employees.
(Opposed) None.
(In support) This bill is sort of a technical correction in that when Washington Management Services employees at the Department of Corrections (DOC) were given the authority to collectively bargain, the idea was for them to be able to bargain like the other employees at the DOC, and that includes interest arbitration. Employee organizations believe that the DOC and the Office of Financial Management can conduct interest arbitration for these employees within existing resources.
(Opposed) None.
Brenda Wiest, Teamsters Local 117.
Representative Beth Doglio, prime sponsor; and Brenda Wiest, Teamsters 117.