Washington State
House of Representatives
Office of Program Research
Transportation Committee
HB 1226
Brief Description: Making supplemental transportation appropriations for the 2023-2025 fiscal biennium.
Sponsors: Representatives Fey, Wylie and Donaghy; by request of Office of Financial Management.
Brief Summary of Bill
  • Makes supplemental transportation appropriations for the 2023-25 biennium.
Hearing Date: 1/15/25
Staff: Amy Skei (786-7109).

The state government operates on a fiscal biennium that begins July 1 of each odd-numbered?year.? Supplemental budgets are typically enacted in each of the following two years after adoption of the biennial budget.? Appropriations are made in the biennial and supplemental transportation budgets for the operation and capital expenses of state transportation agencies and?programs.

Summary of Bill:

Appropriations are adjusted for state transportation agencies and programs for the 2023-25 fiscal biennium. ?Overall appropriations are reduced by $769 million from $14.6 billion to $13.8 billion. ?Capital-related appropriations are reduced by $447 million, and operating-related appropriations are reduced by $322 million. ?Fund transfers and other provisions are adjusted. ?Additional detail can be found at fiscal.wa.gov.

Appropriation: The bill contains multiple appropriations.
Fiscal Note: Not requested.
Effective Date: The bill contains an emergency clause and takes effect immediately.