Minimum Parking Requirements.
Cities and counties have broad authority to regulate parking in their jurisdictions.? Cities and counties are subject to certain minimum parking requirements, such as parking minimums for certain types of housing within a specified distance of a transit stop and restrictions on parking requirements for accessory dwelling units within a specified distance of a transit stop.? Some affordable housing incentive programs offer incentives for parking reductions.
People with disabilities are granted access to accessible parking spaces.? Such individuals receive special license plates or placards that must be hung in their vehicles to park in accessible spaces.
Cities and counties may not require any minimum parking requirements for the following:
Code cities may not require more than one parking space per residential dwelling unit, and counties and non-code cities may not require more than 0.5 parking spaces per residential dwelling unit.? Cities and counties may not require more than one parking space per 1,000 square feet of commercial space.
These requirements do not apply to accessible parking spaces in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Minimum parking requirements for cities and counties planning under the Growth Management Act are repealed.? Cities with a population of at least 10,000 that are within a county with a population density exceeding 100 people per square mile may not require off-street parking as a condition of permitting development of multifamily homes, middle housing, or accessory dwelling units that are located within one-half mile walking distance of transit service.