The Liquor and Cannabis Board may issue a beer retailer's license, designated as a snack bar license, to sell beer by the opened bottle or can, for on-premise consumption only.? A snack bar license is issued to retailers where the sale of beer is not the principal business conducted.? Snack bar licensees must have snack food available whenever beer is sold or served, and they must have designated seating for on-premise consumption.? The annual license fee is $125.
Retailers with a snack bar liquor license are permitted to sell wine by the glass at retail, in addition to beer by the opened bottle or can, for on-premise consumption.
(In support) Businesses with this license can sell hard cider and beer, but not wine.? A constituent who has a snack bar inside their garden nursey would like to sell and promote Washington wines from their area.? The constituent contacted the Liquor and Cannabis Board about why these businesses cannot sell wine, and they were told it was limited by state statute.? This bill just allows these types of licensees to sell wine as well.
(Opposed) None.
Representative Joe Schmick, prime sponsor.