Washington State
House of Representatives
Office of Program Research
Community Safety Committee
SB 5209
Brief Description: Explicitly listing the department of labor and industries in the definition of limited authority Washington law enforcement agency while not granting new enforcement authority.
Sponsors: Senators Lovick, Holy, Conway, Dhingra and Nobles; by request of Department of Labor & Industries.
Brief Summary of Bill
  • Expands the statutory list of limited authority law enforcement agencies to explicitly include the Department of Labor & Industries.
Hearing Date: 3/13/25
Staff: Corey Patton (786-7388).

Limited Authority Law Enforcement Agencies.

A limited authority law enforcement agency is any agency, political subdivision, or unit of local government, and any agency, department, or division of state government, having as one of its functions the apprehension or detection of persons committing infractions or violating the traffic or criminal laws relating to limited subject areas.  State law provides a nonexhaustive list of limited authority law enforcement agencies, which includes:

  • the Department of Natural Resources;
  • the Department of Social and Health Services;
  • the Gambling Commission;
  • the Lottery Commission;
  • the Parks and Recreation Commission;
  • the Utilities and Transportation Commission;
  • the Liquor and Cannabis Board;
  • the Office of the Insurance Commissioner;
  • the Department of Corrections; and
  • the Office of Independent Investigations.


Department of Labor & Industries.

The Department of Labor & Industries is tasked, in part, with exercising all powers and performing all duties prescribed by law in relation to:

  • the inspection of factories, mills, workshops, storehouses, warerooms, stores and buildings, and the machinery and apparatus therein, and steam vessels and other vessels operated by machinery;
  • the administration and enforcement of all laws and safety standards providing for the protection of employees in mills, factories, workshops, and in employment subject to the provisions of the Industrial Insurance Act;
  • the enforcement, inspection, certification, and promulgation of safe places and safety device standards in all industries, excluding railroads;
  • the inspection of tracks, bridges, structures, machinery, equipment, and apparatus of street railways, gas plants, electrical plants, water systems, telephone lines, telegraph lines, and other public utilities; and
  • the enforcement, amendment, alteration, change, and making additions to, rules and regulations concerning the operation, placing, erection, maintenance, and use of electrical apparatus, and the construction thereof.
Summary of Bill:

The statutory list of limited authority law enforcement agencies is expanded to explicitly include the Department of Labor & Industries.

Appropriation: None.
Fiscal Note: Not requested.
Effective Date: The bill takes effect 90 days after adjournment of the session in which the bill is passed.