SB 5060
As of January 16, 2025
Title: An act relating to the creation of a law enforcement hiring grant program.
Brief Description: Creating a law enforcement hiring grant program.
Sponsors: Senators Holy, Dhingra, Chapman, Christian, Cortes, Gildon, Krishnadasan, Liias, Orwall, Short, Slatter, Wagoner and Wellman.
Brief History:
Committee Activity: Law & Justice: 1/21/25.
Brief Summary of Bill
  • Creates a law enforcement hiring grant program within the Criminal Justice Training Commission for the purpose of assisting local and tribal law enforcement agencies in hiring new law enforcement officers.
Staff: Joe McKittrick (786-7287)

A general authority Washington law enforcement agency is any agency, department, or division of a municipal corporation, political subdivision, or other unit of local government of Washington, and any agency, department, or division of state government, having as its primary function the detection and apprehension of persons committing infractions or violating the traffic or criminal laws in general.


A general authority Washington peace officer is any fully compensated and elected, appointed, or employed officer of a general authority Washington law enforcement agency who is commissioned to enforce the criminal laws of the state of Washington generally.


A tribal police officer is any person in the employ of one of the federally recognized sovereign tribal governments, whose traditional lands and territories lie within the borders of the state of Washington, to enforce the criminal laws of that government.


A limited authority Washington law enforcement agency is any agency, political subdivision, or unit of local government of this state, and any agency, department, or division of state government having as one of its functions the apprehension or detection of persons committing infractions or violating the traffic or criminal laws relating to limited subject areas.


A limited authority Washington peace officer is any fully compensated officer of a limited authority Washington law enforcement agency empowered by that agency to detect or apprehend violators of the laws in some or all of the limited subject areas for which the agency is responsible.


According to the Criminal Justice Training Commission?(CJTC), there are currently 10,540 general authority Washington peace officers and certified tribal police officers employed throughout Washington, and 233 limited authority peace officers currently employed throughout the state.

Summary of Bill:

The CJTC must develop and implement a law enforcement hiring grant program for the purpose of providing direct support to local and tribal law enforcement agencies in hiring law enforcement officers. CJTC must establish policies for grant applications and publish the criteria for evaluating and selecting grant recipients on the CJTC website. CJTC must also create a grant application form which local and tribal law enforcement agencies must use to apply for grant funding.


Funding provided through the grant program may be used solely to provide up to 75 percent of the entry-level salaries and fringe benefits of full-time local or tribal law enforcement officers for a maximum of 36 months. Funding through the grant program may not exceed a maximum of $125,000 per law enforcement officer position. Any additional costs for salaries and benefits higher than entry level are the responsibility of the recipient agency. Grants may not be awarded for any local or tribal law enforcement position if the applicant is, or has been within the previous 12 calendar months, employed by a local or tribal law enforcement agency in Washington.


Beginning July 31, 2025, and annually thereafter, CJTC must report to the appropriate committees of the Legislature on the following:

  • the total number of grant applications received by fiscal year;
  • the total number of law enforcement officer positions applied for by fiscal year;
  • the total count of grant funding requested by fiscal year;
  • the name of each law enforcement entity that applied for grants, the number officers for which each law enforcement entity has requested funding, and the total state funding each law enforcement entity requested by fiscal year; and
  • the total number of grants awarded, which must include the name of each grant recipient, the total number of officer positions for which the grant recipient received funding, and the total funding the grant recipient received by fiscal year.


$100 million, or as much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2026, from the general fund to the CJTC for the purposes of implementing the law enforcement hiring grant program.

Appropriation: The bill contains an appropriation(s) totaling $100,000,000 from the general fund.
Fiscal Note: Requested on January 9, 2025.
Creates Committee/Commission/Task Force that includes Legislative members: No.
Effective Date: Ninety days after adjournment of session in which bill is passed.