Agriculture in Washington. There are approximately 32,000 farm operations throughout the state of Washington. Farmers and ranchers in Washington produce over 300 different commodities, valued at a total of $14 billion in 2023.
Fiscal Notes.?State law directs the Office of Financial Management (OFM) to establish a mechanism for the determination of the fiscal impact of proposed legislation on various entities including:
The resulting fiscal notes are provided only upon request by a member of the state Legislature and typically indicate by fiscal year the total impact on the affected entity for the first two years the legislation would be in effect; contain a cumulative six-year forecast of the legislation's fiscal impact; and must be completed within one week of the request.
Agency-Prepared Economic Impact Statements. Under current law, agencies must prepare sector-specific impact statements when considering or undertaking actions affecting small businesses or environmental justice.
State Support for Agriculture. The state of Washington and all agencies of the state must use all practicable means, consistent with other essential considerations of state policy, to:
Public Decision-Making and Proposals Affecting Agriculture. All branches of government of the state, including state agencies, municipal and public corporations, and counties must use a systematic and interdisciplinary approach when planning for or deciding issues that impact the agricultural economy in Washington. These entities must also use methods and procedures developed in consultation with the Department of Agriculture and the State Conservation Commission to include presently unquantified values in decision making.
All branches of government of the state must include a detailed statement in every recommendation or report on proposals for legislation and other major actions significantly affecting agriculture. This statement must address:
All branches of government of the state must also study, develop, and describe appropriate alternatives when proposals involve unresolved conflicts concerning alternative uses of available resources.
Fiscal Notes for Entities Engaged in Agriculture.?OFM must establish a mechanism for the determination of the fiscal impact of proposed legislation which, if enacted into law, would directly or indirectly increase or decrease regulatory costs incurred by entities engaged in agriculture. These fiscal notes must:
Where feasible and applicable, the fiscal note must also indicate the fiscal impact on each industry or a representative sampling of the industry broadly.
Agricultural Economic Assessments. Agencies must develop and publicize a list of significant agency actions and conduct an agricultural economic assessment whenever considering a listed action. The assessment is intended to assist the agency in identifying issues and decisions that impact agriculture in order to reduce economic harms to the agricultural economy.?Agencies must aspire to complete the assessment for a significant agency action without delaying the completion of the underlying agency action.