State of Washington | 69th Legislature | 2025 Regular Session |
BySenators Salomon and Chapman
Prefiled 01/07/25.
AN ACT Relating to the direct sale of valuable materials for habitat restoration projects; and amending RCW
Sec. 1. RCW
79.15.050 and 2006 c 42 s 1 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) ((All))Except as provided in subsection (3) of this section, all sales of valuable materials exceeding ((twenty-five thousand dollars))$25,000 in appraised value must be at public auction or by sealed bid to the highest bidder, provided that on public lands granted to the state for educational purposes sealed bids may be accepted for sales of timber or stone only.
(2) A direct sale of valuable materials may be sold to the applicant for cash at full appraised value without notice or advertising. The board must, by resolution, establish the value amount of a direct sale not to exceed ((twenty-five thousand dollars))$25,000 in appraised sale value, and establish procedures to ensure that competitive market prices and accountability are guaranteed.
(3)(a) Direct sales of valuable materials up to $250,000 in appraised value may be sold to entities that are utilizing those valuable materials for habitat restoration projects if the following conditions are met:
(i) The department determines the direct sale is in the best interest of the state or the affected trust;
(ii) The project proponent has all appropriate permits and approvals required for the habitat restoration project;
(iii) The project proponent submits a report as defined by the department describing how the materials will be used in the habitat restoration project; and
(iv) None of the products may be resold or remanufactured for other uses by the project proponent. Any resale or remanufacture of timber is treated as a violation of RCW 79.02.320. (b) If a purchaser plans to stockpile valuable materials for subsequent purchase by project proponents that meet the requirements of (a) of this subsection, the department may sell valuable materials to the purchaser subject to rules established by the department to ensure the materials are used exclusively for eligible habitat restoration projects.
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