State of Washington | 69th Legislature | 2025 Regular Session |
BySenate Transportation (originally sponsored by Senators Chapman, King, Liias, Harris, Nobles, and Shewmake)
AN ACT Relating to nonresident vessel permits; amending RCW
88.02.620 and
88.02.640; providing an effective date; and providing an expiration date.
Sec. 1. RCW
88.02.620 and 2023 c 374 s 23 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) A vessel owner who is a nonresident person must obtain a nonresident vessel permit on or before the 61st day of use in Washington state if the vessel:
(a) Is currently registered or numbered under the laws of the state or country of principal operation, has been issued a valid number under federal law, or has a valid United States customs service cruising license issued under 19 C.F.R. Sec. 4.94; and
(b) Has been brought into Washington state for not more than six months in any continuous 12-month period, and is used:
(i) For personal use; or
(ii) For the purposes of chartering a vessel with a captain or crew, as long as individual charters are for at least three or more consecutive days in duration. The permit also applies for the purposes of necessary transit to or from the start or end point of such a charter, but that transit time is not counted toward the duration of the charter.
(2) In addition to the requirements in subsection (1) of this section, a nonresident vessel owner that is not a natural person, or a nonresident vessel owner who is a natural person who intends to charter the vessel with a captain or crew as provided in subsection (1)(b)(ii) of this section, may only obtain a nonresident vessel permit if:
(a) The vessel is at least 30 feet in length, but no more than ((200))300 feet in length;
(b) No Washington state resident owns the vessel or is a principal, as defined in RCW
82.32.865, of the nonresident person which owns the vessel; and
(c) The department of revenue has provided the nonresident vessel owner written approval authorizing the permit as provided in RCW
(3) A nonresident vessel permit:
(a) May be obtained from the department, county auditor or other agent, or subagent appointed by the director;
(b) Must show the date the vessel first came into Washington state; and
(c) Is valid for two months.
(4) The department, county auditor or other agent, or subagent appointed by the director must collect the fee required in RCW
88.02.640(1)(i) when issuing nonresident vessel permits.
(5) A nonresident vessel permit is not required under this section if the vessel is used in conducting temporary business activity within Washington state.
(6) For any permits issued under this section to a nonresident vessel owner that is not a natural person, or for any permits issued to a natural person who intends to charter the vessel with a captain or crew as provided in subsection (1)(b)(ii) of this section, the department must maintain a record of the following information and provide it to the department of revenue quarterly or as otherwise mutually agreed to by the department and department of revenue:
(a) The name of the record owner of the vessel;
(b) The vessel's hull identification number;
(c) The amount of the fee paid under RCW
(d) The date the vessel first entered the waters of this state;
(e) The expiration date for the permit; and
(f) Any other information mutually agreed to by the department and department of revenue.
(7) A vessel operating under a nonresident vessel permit must be operated in compliance with the quiet sound program and the department of fish and wildlife's safe whale distance guidelines.
(8) The department must adopt rules to implement this section, including rules on issuing and displaying the nonresident vessel permit. Until May 1, 2026, the department must process the application for a nonresident vessel permit, with respect to a vessel that exceeds 200 feet in length, as if the vessel were 200 feet in length.
Sec. 2. RCW
88.02.640 and 2021 c 150 s 2 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) In addition to any other fees and taxes required by law, the department, county auditor or other agent, or subagent appointed by the director must charge the following vessel fees and surcharge:
(a) Dealer temporary permit | $5.00 | | General fund |
(b) Derelict vessel and invasive species removal | Subsection (3) of this section | Subsection (3) of this section | Subsection (3) of this section |
(c) Derelict vessel removal surcharge | $1.00 | Subsection (4) of this section | Subsection (4) of this section |
(d) Duplicate certificate of title | $1.25 | | General fund |
(e) Duplicate registration | $1.25 | | General fund |
(f) Filing | | | |
(g) License plate technology | | | |
(h) License service | | | |
(i) Nonresident vessel permit | Subsection (5) of this section | | Subsection (5) of this section |
(j) Quick title service | $50.00 | | Subsection (7) of this section |
(k) Registration | $10.50 | | |
(l) Replacement decal | $1.25 | | General fund |
(m) Service fee | | | |
(n) Title application | $5.00 | | General fund |
(o) Transfer | $1.00 | | General fund |
(p) Vessel visitor permit | $30.00 | | Subsection (6) of this section |
(2) The five dollar dealer temporary permit fee required in subsection (1) of this section must be credited to the payment of registration fees at the time application for registration is made.
(3) The derelict vessel and invasive species removal fee required in subsection (1) of this section is five dollars and must be distributed as follows:
(a) Two dollars must be deposited in the aquatic invasive species management account created in RCW
(b) One dollar must be deposited into the aquatic algae control account created in RCW
43.21A.667; and
(c) Two dollars must be deposited in the derelict vessel removal account created in RCW
(4) In addition to other fees required in this section, an annual derelict vessel removal surcharge of one dollar must be charged with each vessel registration. The surcharge is to address the significant backlog of derelict vessels accumulated in Washington waters that pose a threat to the health and safety of the people and to the environment and must be deposited into the derelict vessel removal account created in RCW
(5)(a) The amount of the nonresident vessel permit fee is:
(i) For a vessel owned by a nonresident natural person, ((twenty-five dollars))$25; and
(ii) For a nonresident vessel owner that is not a natural person, the fee is equal to:
(A) ((Twenty-five dollars))$25 per foot for vessels between ((thirty))30 and ((ninety-nine))99 feet in length;
(B) ((Thirty dollars))$30 per foot for vessels between ((one hundred))100 and ((one hundred twenty))120 feet in length; ((and))
(C) ((Thirty-seven dollars and fifty cents))$37.50 per foot for vessels between ((one hundred twenty-one))121 and ((two hundred))200 feet in length. The fee must be multiplied by the extreme length of the vessel in feet, rounded up to the nearest whole foot; and
(D)(I) $100 per foot for vessels between 201 and 300 feet in length, except as provided in (a)(ii)(D)(II) of this subsection. The fee must be multiplied by the extreme length of the vessel in feet, rounded up to the nearest whole foot.
(II) Until May 1, 2026, the fee for vessels between 201 and 300 feet in length is the same as that for a vessel 200 feet in length.
(b) The fee must be paid by the vessel owner to the department. Any moneys remaining from the fee after the payment of costs to administer the permit must be allocated to counties by the state treasurer for approved boating safety programs under RCW
88.02.650, except that all revenues generated from the fees established in (a)(ii)(D) of this subsection must be allocated to the Washington state recreation and conservation office for a grant program to support youth swim lessons in overburdened communities.
(c) In addition to the applicable fees under this section, vessel owners who obtain a nonresident vessel permit for the purposes of chartering their vessel with a captain or crew are subject to use tax as provided in RCW
(6) The ((thirty dollar))$30 vessel visitor permit fee must be distributed as follows:
(a) Five dollars must be deposited in the derelict vessel removal account created in RCW
(b) The department may keep an amount to cover costs for providing the vessel visitor permit;
(c) Any moneys remaining must be allocated to counties by the state treasurer for approved boating safety programs under RCW
88.02.650; and
(d) Any fees required for licensing agents under RCW
46.17.005 are in addition to any other fee or tax due for the titling and registration of vessels.
(7)(a) The ((fifty dollar))$50 quick title service fee must be distributed as follows:
(i) If the fee is paid to the director, the fee must be deposited to the general fund.
(ii) If the fee is paid to the participating county auditor or other agent appointed by the director, ((twenty-five dollars))$25 must be deposited to the general fund. The remainder must be retained by the county treasurer in the same manner as other fees collected by the county auditor.
(iii) If the fee is paid to a subagent appointed by the director, ((twenty-five dollars))$25 must be deposited to the general fund. The remaining ((twenty-five dollars))$25 must be distributed as follows: ((Twelve dollars and fifty cents))$12.50 must be retained by the county treasurer in the same manner as other fees collected by the county auditor and ((twelve dollars and fifty cents))$12.50 must be retained by the subagent.
(b) For the purposes of this subsection, "quick title" has the same meaning as in RCW
(8) The department, county auditor or other agent, or subagent appointed by the director shall charge the service fee under subsection (1)(m) of this section beginning January 1, 2016.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 3. Sections 1 and 2 of this act expire January 1, 2029.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 4. This act takes effect September 1, 2025.
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