

State of Washington
69th Legislature
2025 Regular Session
BySenate Early Learning & K-12 Education (originally sponsored by Senators Wellman, Chapman, Harris, and Nobles)
AN ACT Relating to charter school contracts; and amending RCW 28A.710.040, 28A.710.160, and 28A.300.750.
Sec. 1. RCW 28A.710.040 and 2023 c 356 s 3 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) A charter school must operate according to the terms of its charter contract and the provisions of this chapter.
(2) A charter school must:
(a) Comply with local, state, and federal health, safety, parents' rights, civil rights, and nondiscrimination laws applicable to school districts and to the same extent as school districts, including but not limited to chapter 28A.642 RCW (discrimination prohibition), chapter 28A.640 RCW (sexual equality), chapter 28A.180 RCW (transitional bilingual instruction program), and chapter 28A.155 RCW (special education);
(b) Provide a program of basic education((,)) that meets the goals in RCW 28A.150.210, including instruction in the state learning standards, unless an exemption has been authorized pursuant to the charter contract, and participate in the statewide student assessment system as developed under RCW 28A.655.070;
(c) Comply with the screening and intervention requirements under RCW 28A.320.260;
(d) Employ certificated instructional staff as required in RCW 28A.410.025. Charter schools, however, may hire noncertificated instructional staff of unusual competence and in exceptional cases as specified in RCW 28A.150.203(7), according to the same limited exceptions that apply to other public schools. Beginning November 1, 2023, and annually thereafter, charter schools shall report the employment of all noncertificated instructional staff hired in accordance with this subsection (2)(d) during the current and preceding school year to the executive director of the commission and the state board of education for inclusion in the annual report required by RCW 28A.710.250;
(e) Comply with the employee record check requirements in RCW 28A.400.303;
(f) Adhere to generally accepted accounting principles and be subject to financial examinations and audits as determined by the state auditor, including annual audits for legal and fiscal compliance;
(g) Comply with the annual performance report under RCW 28A.655.110;
(h) Be subject to the performance improvement goals adopted by the state board of education under RCW 28A.305.130;
(i) Comply with the open public meetings act in chapter 42.30 RCW and public records requirements in chapter 42.56 RCW; and
(j) Be subject to and comply with legislation enacted after December 6, 2012, that governs the operation and management of charter schools.
(3) Charter public schools must comply with all state statutes and rules made applicable to the charter school in the school's charter contract, and are subject to the specific state statutes and rules identified in subsection (2) of this section. For the purpose of allowing flexibility to innovate in areas such as scheduling, personnel, funding, and educational programs to improve student outcomes and academic achievement, charter schools are not subject to, and are exempt from, all other state statutes and rules applicable to school districts and school district boards of directors. Except as provided otherwise by this chapter or a charter contract, charter schools are exempt from all school district policies.
(4) A charter school may not engage in any sectarian practices in its educational program, admissions or employment policies, or operations.
(5) Charter schools are subject to the supervision of the superintendent of public instruction and the state board of education, including accountability measures such as the Washington achievement index developed by the state board of education under RCW 28A.657.110, to the same extent as other public schools, except as otherwise provided in this chapter.
Sec. 2. RCW 28A.710.160 and 2020 c 49 s 4 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) The purposes of the charter application submitted under RCW 28A.710.130 are to present the proposed charter school's academic and operational vision and plans, and to demonstrate and provide the authorizer with a clear basis for evaluating the applicant's capacities to execute the proposed vision and plans. An approved charter application does not serve as the school's charter contract.
(2) Within ((ninety))90 days of approval of a charter application, the authorizer and the governing board of the approved charter school must execute a charter contract. The contract must establish the terms by which the charter school agrees to provide educational services that, at a minimum, meet basic education standards, in return for a distribution of public funds that will be used for the purposes established in the contract and in this and other applicable statutes. The charter contract may allow the charter school to seek an exemption under RCW 28A.300.750. The authorizer shall consult with the state board of education on provisions within new or revised charter contracts relating to the duties or authorizations of the state board of education. The charter contract must clearly set forth the academic and operational performance expectations and measures by which the charter school will be evaluated and the administrative relationship between the authorizer and charter school, including each party's rights and duties. The performance expectations and measures set forth in the charter contract must include, but need not be limited to, applicable federal and state accountability requirements. The performance provisions may be refined or amended by mutual agreement after the charter school is operating and has collected baseline achievement data for its enrolled students.
(3) If the charter school is authorized by a school district board of directors, the charter contract must be signed by the president of the applicable school district board of directors and the president of the charter school board. If the charter school is authorized by the commission, the charter contract must be signed by the chair of the commission and the president of the charter school board. Within ((ten))10 days of executing a charter contract, the authorizer must submit to the state board of education written notification of the charter contract execution, including a copy of the executed charter contract and any attachments.
(4) A charter contract may govern one or more charter schools to the extent approved by the authorizer. A single charter school board may hold one or more charter contracts. However, each charter school that is part of a charter contract must be separate and distinct from any others and, for purposes of calculating the maximum number of charter schools that may be established under this chapter, each charter school must be considered a single charter school regardless of how many charter schools are governed under a particular charter contract.
(5) An initial charter contract must be granted for a term of five operating years. The contract term must commence on the charter school's first day of operation. An approved charter school may delay its opening for one school year in order to plan and prepare for the school's opening. If the school requires an opening delay of more than one school year, the school must request an extension from its authorizer. The authorizer may grant or deny the contract extension depending on the school's circumstances.
(6) Authorizers shall establish reasonable preopening requirements or conditions to monitor the start-up progress of newly approved charter schools, ensure that they are prepared to open smoothly on the date agreed, and ensure that each school meets all building, health, safety, insurance, and other legal requirements for school opening.
(7) No charter school may commence operations without a charter contract executed in accordance with this section.
Sec. 3. RCW 28A.300.750 and 2024 c 66 s 12 are each amended to read as follows:
(1)(a) In accordance with the criteria adopted by the state board of education under subsection (2) of this section, the superintendent of public instruction may grant waivers to school districts and charter schools established under chapter 28A.710 RCW from the provisions of RCW 28A.150.200 through 28A.150.220, except as provided in (b) of this subsection, on the basis that such waiver or waivers are necessary to implement successfully a local plan to provide for all students in the district or charter school an effective education system that is designed to enhance the educational program for each student. The local plan may include alternative ways to provide effective educational programs for students who experience difficulty with the regular education program.
(b) The state board of education shall have authority to grant waivers to school districts and charter schools established under chapter 28A.710 RCW from the provisions of RCW 28A.150.220(3)(b) and to grant the waivers set forth in RCW 28A.230.090(2) and 28A.655.180.
(2) The state board of education shall adopt rules establishing the criteria to evaluate the need for a waiver or waivers under this section.
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