State of Washington | 69th Legislature | 2025 Regular Session |
BySenate State Government, Tribal Affairs & Elections (originally sponsored by Senators Krishnadasan, J. Wilson, Trudeau, Valdez, Schoesler, Riccelli, Bateman, Dozier, Nobles, Saldaña, Salomon, and C. Wilson; by request of Lieutenant Governor and Secretary of State)
NEW SECTION. Sec. 1. The legislature finds that the state capitol campus as defined in RCW 43.34.040 is a beautiful, one-of-a-kind site whose buildings, grounds, and memorials honor the values of democracy and self-determination and the sacrifices of those who have come before. As such, the people of the state wish the state capitol campus, its design, buildings, grounds, memorials, and markers to be carefully stewarded so as to preserve and amplify its beauty and continue to inspire generations to come. NEW SECTION. Sec. 2. A new section is added to chapter
43.34 RCW to read as follows:
In accordance with RCW
79.24.720, the state capitol committee will review the proposed 10-year department of enterprise services capitol campus capital plan and make a recommendation to the legislature regarding importance, impact, and prioritization of proposed projects for the state capital budget. By December 31st of each year, the department of enterprise services shall present information on proposed capital projects for the capitol campus to the state capitol committee. By March 1st of each year the state capitol committee shall make a recommendation to the department of enterprise services on proposed capital projects for the capitol campus.
Sec. 3. RCW
43.34.010 and 1997 c 279 s 1 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) The membership of the state capitol committee consists of:
(a) The governor or the governor's designee((, the));
(b) The lieutenant governor((, the))or the lieutenant governor's designee;
(c) The secretary of state((, and the))or the secretary's designee;
(d) The commissioner of public lands((, ex officio, shall constitute the state capitol committee))or the commissioner's designee;
(e) The superintendent of public instruction or the superintendent's designee;
(f) The state treasurer or the treasurer's designee;
(g) The attorney general or the attorney general's designee;
(h) The chief justice of the supreme court or the chief justice's designee;
(i) One member of the house of representatives state government and tribal relations committee or successor committee, from each of the two largest caucuses of the house, appointed by the speaker of the house;
(j) One member of the house of representatives capital budget committee or successor committee, from each of the two largest caucuses of the house, who must serve as the chair, vice chair, ranking member, or assistant ranking member of the committee, appointed by the speaker of the house;
(k) One member of the senate state government, tribal affairs and elections committee or successor committee, from each of the two largest caucuses of the senate, appointed by the president of the senate; and
(l) One member of the senate ways and means committee or successor committee, from each of the two largest caucuses of the senate, who must serve as the chair, capital budget vice chair, capital budget ranking member, or capital budget assistant ranking member, appointed by the president of the senate.
(2) The state capitol committee shall elect a chair and vice chair by a majority vote. The chair and vice chair must be from different branches of government. For purposes of this subsection, the lieutenant governor is a member of the executive branch. Both the chair and vice chair shall serve one-year terms.
(3) A majority of all committee members constitutes a quorum.
(4) The department of enterprise services shall provide staff support to the state capitol committee and maintain its records.
(5) The committee shall meet at least four times a year.
Sec. 4. RCW
43.34.040 and 1965 c 8 s 43.34.040 are each amended to read as follows:
((The state capitol committee may erect one or more permanent buildings; one or more temporary buildings; excavate or partially excavate for any such building or buildings; partially erect any such building or buildings; make other temporary or permanent improvements wholly or in part; upon the capitol grounds belonging to the state and known as the "Sylvester site" or "Capitol place" in Olympia, Washington.))(1) The state capitol committee has responsibility for building construction, building naming recommendations, approval of campus master plans, and special designations regarding the capitol campus; and approval of memorials and statues in all public spaces of the capitol campus. The committee must review and approve major capital projects on the capitol campus.
(2) The committee shall provide policy and risk mitigation guidance on security matters for the capitol campus.
(3) The committee shall provide recommendations for rule making for the capitol campus.
(4) The department of enterprise services shall present to the committee for approval an updated campus stewardship programmatic report by December 1st of each even-numbered year, which must include, but is not limited to: Landscaping of state capitol facilities and grounds; historic preservation; and maintenance of capitol facilities on campus.
(5) For purposes of this chapter:
(a) "Capitol campus" are the properties identified in RCW 79.24.710 and the Dolliver building, ProArts building, 721 Columbia building, State Farm building, 120 Union building, and Washington building. (b)(i) "Major capital projects" means:
(A) The siting and design of new buildings, memorials, and statues on the capitol campus; and
(B) The rehabilitations of existing buildings where the renovation costs exceed 50 percent of the replacement cost for the building, or a project that includes rehabilitation of more than 50 percent of the building as determined by the department of enterprise services.
(ii) Any changes to the executive residence and grounds, security enhancements to the capitol campus, maintenance projects, or other building rehabilitations below the 50 percent threshold are not major capital projects.
Sec. 5. RCW
43.34.080 and 2013 2nd sp.s. c 19 s 7015 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) The capitol campus design ((advisory committee))subcommittee is established as an advisory group to the state capitol committee and the director of enterprise services to review programs, planning, design, and landscaping of state capitol facilities and grounds and to make recommendations that will contribute to the attainment of architectural, aesthetic, functional, and environmental excellence in design and maintenance of capitol facilities on campus and located in neighboring communities.
(2) The ((advisory committee))subcommittee shall consist of the following persons who shall be appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the director of enterprise services:
(a) Two architects;
(b) A landscape architect; ((and))
(c) An urban planner;
(d) Three campus agency facility operations leaders, at least one of whom must be a facility operations leader from either the house of representatives or senate; and
(e) The director of the Washington state arts commission or the director's designee.
((The director of enterprise services shall appoint the chair and vice chair and shall provide the staff and resources necessary for implementing this section. The advisory committee shall meet at least once every ninety days and at the call of the chair.
The members of the committee shall be reimbursed as provided in RCW 43.03.220 and 44.04.120. (3) The advisory committee shall also consist of the secretary of state and two members of the house of representatives, one from each caucus, who shall be appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives, and two members of the senate, one from each caucus, who shall be appointed by the president of the senate.
(4)))(3) The ((advisory committee))subcommittee shall review plans and designs affecting state capitol facilities as they are developed. The ((advisory committee's))subcommittee's review shall include:
(a) The process of solicitation and selection of appropriate professional design services including design-build proposals;
(b) Compliance with the capitol campus master plan and design concepts as adopted by the capitol committee;
(c) The design, siting, and grouping of state capitol facilities relative to the service needs of state government and the impact upon the local community's economy, environment, traffic patterns, and other factors; and
(d) ((The relationship of overall state capitol facility planning to the respective comprehensive plans for long-range urban development of the cities of Olympia, Lacey, and Tumwater, and Thurston county; and
(e))) Landscaping plans and designs, including planting proposals, street furniture, sculpture, monuments, and access to the capitol campus and buildings.
(((5) For development of the property known as the 1063 block, the committee may review the proposal selected by the department of enterprise services but must not propose changes that will affect the scope, budget, or schedule of the project.))(4) In addition, the subcommittee shall:
(a) Provide experience and context to blend operations with design and construction, thinking through current constraints and identifying ongoing costs;
(b) Provide guidance and planning for the 10-year department of enterprise services capitol campus capital plan; and
(c) Provide recommended timing for ongoing campus facility renewals.
Sec. 6. RCW
43.34.090 and 2015 c 225 s 74 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) The legislature shall by concurrent resolution approve names for new or existing buildings on the state capitol ((grounds based upon recommendations from))campus. The legislature may only approve building names recommended by a vote of the state capitol committee ((and the director of the department of enterprise services, with the advice of the capitol campus design advisory committee)), subject to the following limitations:
(a) An existing building may be renamed only after a substantial renovation where renovation costs exceed 50 percent of the replacement cost for the building, or a project that includes rehabilitation of more than 50 percent of the building as determined by the department of enterprise services, or a change in the predominant tenant agency headquartered in the building.
(b) A new or existing building may be named or renamed after:
(i) An individual who has played a significant role in Washington history;
(ii) The purpose of the building;
(iii) The single or predominant tenant agency headquartered in the building;
(iv) A significant place name or natural place in Washington;
(v) A Native American tribe located in Washington; or
(vi) A group of people or type of person((;
(vii) Any other appropriate person consistent with this section as recommended by the director of the department of enterprise services)).
(c) Buildings may be named after individuals only after the named individual has been deceased for 10 years.
(d) The names on the facades of the state capitol group shall not be removed.
(2) The legislature shall approve by concurrent resolution names for new or existing public rooms or spaces on the ((west)) capitol campus based solely upon recommendations from the state capitol committee ((and the director of the department of enterprise services, with the advice of the capitol campus design advisory committee)), subject to the following limitations:
(a) An existing room or space may be renamed only after a substantial renovation;
(b) A new or existing room or space may be named or renamed only after:
(i) An individual who has played a significant role in Washington history;
(ii) The purpose of the room or space;
(iii) A significant place name or natural place in Washington;
(iv) A Native American tribe located in Washington; or
(v) A group of people or type of person((;
(vi) Any other appropriate person consistent with this section as recommended by the director of the department of enterprise services)).
(3) When naming or renaming buildings, rooms, and spaces under this section, consideration must be given to: (a) Any disparity that exists with respect to the gender of persons after whom buildings, rooms, and spaces are named on the state capitol grounds; (b) the diversity of human achievement; and (c) the diversity of the state's citizenry and history.
(((4) For purposes of this section, "state capitol grounds" means buildings and land owned by the state and otherwise designated as state capitol grounds, including the west capitol campus, the east capitol campus, the north capitol campus, the Tumwater campus, the Lacey campus, Sylvester Park, Centennial Park, the Old Capitol Building, and Capitol Lake.))
NEW SECTION. Sec. 7. A new section is added to chapter
43.34 RCW to read as follows:
Any memorial established on the capitol campus must be reviewed and approved by the state capitol committee. The committee will make recommendations to the legislature for funding. Both major and minor memorial works projects are subject to state capitol committee review and approval.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 8. RCW 43.34.015 (Secretary of committee—Committee records) and 1997 c 279 s 2 & 1965 c 8 s 43.34.015 are each repealed. --- END ---