State of Washington | 69th Legislature | 2025 Regular Session |
BySenate Health & Long-Term Care (originally sponsored by Senators Bateman, Hasegawa, and Nobles)
AN ACT Relating to providing sufficient funding for the Washington state long-term care ombuds program; adding a new section to chapter
43.190 RCW; and creating a new section.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 1. The legislature finds that:
(1) Residents of licensed long-term care facilities are entitled to a specific set of rights under chapter
70.129 RCW, including the right to be treated with courtesy, the opportunity to exercise reasonable control over life decisions, and the right to receive care in a manner and in an environment that maintains or enhances their dignity and respect in full recognition of their individuality;
(2) All residents of licensed long-term care facilities are classified as vulnerable adults under chapter
74.34 RCW;
(3) The long-term care ombuds program is mandated under chapter
43.190 RCW to promote and protect the rights of residents, including identifying, investigating, and resolving complaints made by or on behalf of residents of long-term care facilities which may adversely affect the health, safety, welfare, and rights of these individuals;
(4) All residents of licensed long-term care facilities are entitled to ombuds services under chapter
70.129 RCW and the older Americans act;
(5) A 2020 report from the department of commerce found funding was insufficient to meet the ratio of one full-time ombuds for every 2,000 residents as recommended by the institute of medicine; and
(6) The number of individuals living in licensed long-term care facilities is expected to continue to grow, requiring additional resources for the long-term care ombuds program.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 2. A new section is added to chapter
43.190 RCW to read as follows:
(1) By June 1, 2026, and each subsequent June 1st in even-numbered years, the long-term care ombuds program shall, in partnership with the department of commerce, and consulting with the office of financial management, develop a funding recommendation that provides adequate and appropriate funding for the long-term care ombuds program to allow it to fulfill its statutory obligations, including any legislation impacting residents of licensed long-term care facilities that will require additional work from the program. The funding recommendation must:
(a) Provide sufficient funding to achieve the ratio in alignment with the most recent recommendation by the institute of medicine;
(b) Account for the growth in licensed long-term care beds, as forecast by the caseload forecast council established in RCW
(c) Account for any inflationary factors present in the consumer price index; and
(d) Account for any administrative needs for the department of commerce.
(2) After June 1, 2026, and in each subsequent even-numbered year, the department of commerce shall submit the funding recommendation developed in subsection (1) of this section for consideration to the office of financial management and the chairs of the fiscal committees of the legislature with jurisdiction over the operating budget.
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