State of Washington | 69th Legislature | 2025 Regular Session |
BySenate Ways & Means (originally sponsored by Senators Orwall, Frame, Hasegawa, and Nobles)
Sec. 1. RCW
61.24.005 and 2021 c 151 s 2 are each amended to read as follows:
The definitions in this section apply throughout this chapter unless the context clearly requires otherwise.
(1) "Affiliate of beneficiary" means any entity which controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with a beneficiary.
"Assessment" means all sums chargeable by the association against a unit, including any assessments levied for common expenses, fines or fees levied or imposed by the association pursuant to chapters 64.32, 64.34, 64.38, and 64.90 RCW or the governing documents, interest and late charges on any delinquent account, and all costs of collection incurred by the association in connection with the collection of a delinquent owner's account, including reasonable attorneys' fees.(3) "Association" means an association subject to chapter 64.32, 64.34, 64.38, or 64.90 RCW. (4) "Beneficiary" means the holder of the instrument or document evidencing the obligations secured by the deed of trust, excluding persons holding the same as security for a different obligation.
(((3)))(5) "Borrower" means a person or a general partner in a partnership, including a joint venture, that is liable for all or part of the obligations secured by the deed of trust under the instrument or other document that is the principal evidence of such obligations, or the person's successors if they are liable for those obligations under a written agreement with the beneficiary.
(((4)))(6) "Commercial loan" means a loan that is not made primarily for personal, family, or household purposes.
(((5)))(7) "Department" means the department of commerce or its designee.
(((6)))(8) "Fair value" means the value of the property encumbered by a deed of trust that is sold pursuant to a trustee's sale. This value shall be determined by the court or other appropriate adjudicator by reference to the most probable price, as of the date of the trustee's sale, which would be paid in cash or other immediately available funds, after deduction of prior liens and encumbrances with interest to the date of the trustee's sale, for which the property would sell on such date after reasonable exposure in the market under conditions requisite to a fair sale, with the buyer and seller each acting prudently, knowledgeably, and for self-interest, and assuming that neither is under duress.
(((7)))(9) "Grantor" means a person, or its successors, who executes a deed of trust to encumber the person's interest in property as security for the performance of all or part of the borrower's obligations.
(((8)))(10) "Guarantor" means any person and its successors who is not a borrower and who guarantees any of the obligations secured by a deed of trust in any written agreement other than the deed of trust.
(((9)))(11) "Housing counselor" means a housing counselor that has been approved by the United States department of housing and urban development or approved by the Washington state housing finance commission.
(12) "Notice of delinquency" means a notice of delinquency as that phrase is used in chapters 64.32, 64.34, 64.38, and 64.90 RCW.(13) "Owner-occupied" means property that is the principal residence of the borrower.
(((11)))(14) "Person" means any natural person, or legal or governmental entity.
(((12)))(15) "Record" and "recorded" includes the appropriate registration proceedings, in the instance of registered land.
(16) "Residential real property" means property consisting solely of a single-family residence, a residential condominium unit, or a residential cooperative unit. For the purposes of the application of RCW
61.24.163, residential real property includes residential real property of up to four units.
(((14)))(17) "Senior beneficiary" means the beneficiary of a deed of trust that has priority over any other deeds of trust encumbering the same residential real property.
(18) "Tenant-occupied property" means property consisting solely of residential real property that is the principal residence of a tenant subject to chapter
59.18 RCW or other building with four or fewer residential units that is the principal residence of a tenant subject to chapter
59.18 RCW.
(19) "Trustee" means the person designated as the trustee in the deed of trust or appointed under RCW
(((17)))(20) "Trustee's sale" means a nonjudicial sale under a deed of trust undertaken pursuant to this chapter.
(21) "Unit owner" means an owner of an apartment, unit, or lot in an association subject to chapter 64.32, 64.34, 64.38, or 64.90 RCW. NEW SECTION. Sec. 2. A new section is added to chapter
61.24 RCW to read as follows:
(1) A unit owner who is or may become delinquent to an association for an assessment charged may contact a housing counselor to receive housing counseling services.
(2) Housing counselors have a duty to act in good faith to assist unit owners by:
(a) Preparing the unit owner for meetings with the association;
(b) Advising the unit owner about what documents the unit owner must have to seek a modification or other resolution of an assessment charged or may be charged in the future by the association;
(c) Informing the unit owner about the alternatives to foreclosure, including modification or other possible resolutions of an assessment charged or may be charged in the future by the association; and
(d) Providing other guidance, advice, and education as the housing counselor considers necessary.
(3) Nothing in RCW
64.90.485, or this section precludes a meeting or negotiations between the housing counselor, unit owner, and the association at any time, including after the issuance of a notice of delinquency by the association for past due assessments to the unit owner by the association.
(4) A unit owner who seeks the assistance of a housing counselor may use the assistance of an attorney at any time.
(5) A housing counselor or attorney assisting a unit owner may refer the unit owner to mediation, pursuant to RCW
61.24.163. Prior to referring the unit owner to mediation, the housing counselor or attorney shall cause the unit owner and association to meet and confer over the assessment charged, and following this meet and confer shall determine whether mediation is appropriate based on the individual circumstances. The meet and confer should occur within 30 days of the unit owner contacting the housing counselor or attorney for assistance. The meet and confer may be done by telephone or videoconferencing. For the meet and confer, the unit owner and the association shall be responsible for their own respective attorney fees, if any, incurred; however, legal representation is not required for either party participating in the meet and confer. If the association refuses to participate in the meet and confer then the unit owner can request within 30 days of the association's refusal that the housing counselor refer the matter to mediation.
(6) During the 30 day time period between the unit owner contacting the housing counselor and the meet and confer session with the association, the association is prohibited from charging to the unit owner any attorney fees the association may have incurred attempting to collect the past due assessment.
(7) The referral to mediation may be made at any time but no later than 90 days prior to the date of sale listed in a notice of trustee's sale provided to the unit owner. If an amended notice of trustee's sale is recorded after the trustee sale has been stayed pursuant to RCW
61.24.130, the unit owner may be referred to mediation no later than 25 days prior to the date of sale listed in the amended notice of trustee's sale.
(8) Housing counselors providing assistance to borrowers under this section are not liable for civil damages resulting from any acts or omissions in providing assistance, unless the acts or omissions constitute gross negligence or willful or wanton misconduct.
(9) Housing counselors shall provide information to the department to assist the department in its annual report to the legislature as required under RCW
61.24.163(22). The information provided to the department by the housing counselors should include outcomes of foreclosures and be similar to the information requested in the national foreclosure mortgage counseling client level foreclosure outcomes report form.
Sec. 3. RCW
61.24.163 and 2023 c 206 s 5 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) The foreclosure mediation program established in this section applies only to borrowers
or unit owners who have been referred to mediation by a housing counselor or attorney. The
mediation program under this section is not governed by chapter 7.07 RCW and does not preclude mediation required by a court or other provision of law.(2) For deed of trust foreclosure, the referral to mediation may be made any time after a notice of default has been issued but no later than 90 days prior to the date of sale listed in the notice of trustee's sale. If an amended notice of trustee's sale is recorded after the trustee sale has been stayed pursuant to RCW
61.24.130, the borrower may be referred to mediation no later than 25 days prior to the date of sale listed in the amended notice of trustee's sale. If the borrower has failed to elect to mediate within the applicable time frame, the borrower and the beneficiary may, but are under no duty to, agree in writing to enter the foreclosure mediation program. ((
The mediation program under this section is not governed by chapter 7.07 RCW and does not preclude mediation required by a court or other provision of law. (2)))(3) For association foreclosures, the referral to mediation may be made any time but no later than the date of sale specified in section 2(7) of this act. If the unit owner has failed to elect to mediate within the applicable time frame, the unit owner and the association may, but are under no duty to, agree in writing to enter the foreclosure mediation program.
(4) A housing counselor or attorney referring a borrower or unit owner to mediation shall send a notice to the borrower or unit owner and the department, stating that mediation is appropriate.
(((3)))(5) Within 10 days of receiving the notice, the department shall:
(a) Send a notice to the beneficiary or association, the borrower or unit owner, the housing counselor or attorney who referred the borrower, and the trustee stating that the parties have been referred to mediation. The notice must include the statements and list of documents and information described in subsections (((4)))(6) and (((5)))(7) of this section and a statement explaining each party's responsibility to pay the mediator's fee; and
(b) Select a mediator and notify the parties of the selection.
(((4) Within))(6) For deed of trust foreclosures:
(a) Within 23 days of the department's notice that the parties have been referred to mediation, the borrower shall transmit the documents required for mediation to the mediator and the beneficiary. The required documents include an initial homeowner financial information worksheet as required by the department. The worksheet must include, at a minimum, the following information:
(((a)))(i) The borrower's current and future income;
(((b)))(ii) Debts and obligations;
(((c)))(iii) Assets;
(((d)))(iv) Expenses;
(((e)))(v) Tax returns for the previous two years;
(((f)))(vi) Hardship information;
(((g)))(vii) Other applicable information commonly required by any applicable federal mortgage relief program.
(((5)))(b) Within 20 days of the beneficiary's receipt of the borrower's documents under this subsection, the beneficiary shall transmit the documents required for mediation to the mediator and the borrower. The required documents include:
(((a)))(i) An accurate statement containing the balance of the loan within 30 days of the date on which the beneficiary's documents are due to the parties;
(((b)))(ii) Copies of the note and deed of trust;
(iii) Proof that the entity claiming to be the beneficiary is the owner of any promissory note or obligation secured by the deed of trust. Sufficient proof may be a copy of the declaration described in RCW
(((d)))(iv) The best estimate of any arrearage and an itemized statement of the arrearages;
(((e)))(v) An itemized list of the best estimate of fees and charges outstanding;
(((f)))(vi) The payment history and schedule for the preceding twelve months, or since default, whichever is longer, including a breakdown of all fees and charges claimed;
(((g)))(vii) All borrower-related and mortgage-related input data used in any net present values analysis. If no net present values analysis is required by the applicable federal mortgage relief program, then the input data required under the federal deposit insurance corporation and published in the federal deposit insurance corporation loan modification program guide, or if that calculation becomes unavailable, substantially similar input data as determined by the department;
(((h)))(viii) An explanation regarding any denial for a loan modification, forbearance, or other alternative to foreclosure in sufficient detail for a reasonable person to understand why the decision was made;
(((i)))(ix) Appraisal or other broker price opinion most recently relied upon by the beneficiary not more than 90 days old at the time of the scheduled mediation; and
(((j)))(x) The portion or excerpt of the pooling and servicing agreement or other investor restriction that prohibits the beneficiary from implementing a modification, if the beneficiary claims it cannot implement a modification due to limitations in a pooling and servicing agreement or other investor restriction, and documentation or a statement detailing the efforts of the beneficiary to obtain a waiver of the pooling and servicing agreement or other investor restriction provisions.
(((6)))(7) For association foreclosures:
(a) Within 23 days of the department's notice that the parties have been referred to mediation, the association shall transmit the documents required for mediation to the mediator and the unit owner. The required documents include:
(i) An itemized ledger for the preceding 12 months, or since the assessments became past due, whichever is longer. The ledger shall include an itemized list of all dues, fines, special assessments, and any other charges owed, with the date and amount for each item. The ledger should include the total balance owed at the time the ledger is transmitted, accurate within 30 days of the date on which the association's documents are due to the parties;
(ii) Copy of all association liens placed against the property;
(iii) Copies of the current association declarations, bylaws, and any other governing documents for the association.
(b) Within 20 days of the unit owner's receipt of the association's documents, the unit owner shall transmit the documents required for mediation to the mediator and the association. The required documents include:
(i) Evidence of any unit owner payments to the association that are not reflected on the association ledger, if any;
(ii) Statement of hardship, if relevant;
(iii) If the unit owner is interested in a payment plan, a proposed schedule of payments to resolve the arrears.
(8) Within 70 days of receiving the referral from the department, the mediator shall convene a mediation session in the county where the property is located, unless the parties agree on another location. The parties may agree to extend the time in which to schedule the mediation session. If the parties agree to extend the time, the beneficiary or association shall notify the trustee, if applicable, of the extension and the date the mediator is expected to issue the mediator's certification.
(((7)))(9)(a) The mediator may schedule phone conferences, consultations with the parties individually, and other communications to ensure that the parties have all the necessary information and documents to engage in a productive mediation.
(b) The mediator must send written notice of the time, date, and location of the mediation session to the borrower or unit owner, the beneficiary or association, and the department at least 30 days prior to the mediation session. At a minimum, the notice must contain:
(i) A statement that the borrower or unit owner may be represented in the mediation session by an attorney or other advocate;
(ii) A statement that a person with authority to agree to a resolution, including a proposed settlement, loan modification, modification of obligations related to the payment of assessments, or dismissal or continuation of the foreclosure proceeding, must be present either in person or on the telephone or videoconference during the mediation session; and
(iii) A statement that the parties have a duty to mediate in good faith and that failure to mediate in good faith may impair the beneficiary's or association's ability to foreclose on the property or the borrower's or unit owner's ability to modify the loan, modify obligations relating to the payment of assessments, or take advantage of other alternatives to foreclosure.
(((8)))(10)(a) The borrower, the beneficiary or authorized agent, and the mediator must meet in person for the mediation session. In an association foreclosure the unit owner and association or authorized agent and the mediator are encouraged to meet in person for the mediation session, but may meet by telephone or videoconference. However, a person with authority to agree to a resolution on behalf of the beneficiary or association may be present over the telephone or videoconference during the mediation session.
(b) After the mediation session commences, the mediator may continue the mediation session once, and any further continuances must be with the consent of the parties.
(((9) The))(11) For deed of trust foreclosures, the participants in mediation must address the issues of foreclosure that may enable the borrower or unit owner and the beneficiary or association to reach a resolution, including but not limited to reinstatement, modification of the loan, restructuring of the debt, modification of a delinquent assessment, modification of late fees or charges associated with a delinquent assessment, or some other workout plan. To assist the parties in addressing issues of foreclosure, the mediator may require the participants to consider the following:
(a) The borrower's or unit owner's current and future economic circumstances, including the borrower's or unit owner's current and future income, debts, and obligations for the previous 60 days or greater time period as determined by the mediator;
(b) The net present value of receiving payments pursuant to a modified mortgage loan as compared to the anticipated net recovery following foreclosure;
(c) Any affordable loan modification calculation and net present value calculation when required under any federal mortgage relief program and any modification program related to loans insured by the federal housing administration, the veterans administration, and the rural housing service. If such a calculation is not provided or required, then the beneficiary must provide the net present value data inputs established by the federal deposit insurance corporation and published in the federal deposit insurance corporation loan modification program guide or other net present value data inputs as designated by the department. The mediator may run the calculation in order for a productive mediation to occur and to comply with the mediator certification requirement; and
(d) Any other loss mitigation guidelines to loans insured by the federal housing administration, the veterans administration, and the rural housing service, if applicable.
(((10)))(12) For association foreclosures, the participants in mediation must address the issues which led to foreclosure that may enable the unit owner and the association to reach a resolution including, but not limited to, a delinquent assessment payment plan, waiver of association imposed late fees or attorney fees, or any other workout plan.
(13) A violation of the duty to mediate in good faith as required under this section may include:
(a) Failure to timely participate in mediation without good cause;
(b) Failure of the borrower ((or)), the unit owner, the beneficiary, or the association to provide the documentation required before mediation or pursuant to the mediator's instructions;
(c) Failure of a party to designate representatives with adequate authority to fully settle, compromise, or otherwise reach resolution with the borrower or unit owner in mediation; ((and))
(d) A request by a beneficiary that the borrower waive future claims he or she may have in connection with the deed of trust, as a condition of agreeing to a modification, except for rescission claims under the federal truth in lending act. Nothing in this section precludes a beneficiary or association from requesting that a borrower dismiss with prejudice any pending claims against the beneficiary, its agents, loan servicer, or trustee, arising from the underlying deed of trust, as a condition of modification; and
(e) A request by the association that the unit owner waive future claims against the association. Nothing in this section precludes an association from requesting that a unit owner dismiss any filed civil claims against the association related to the present delinquency.
(((11)))(14) If the mediator reasonably believes a borrower or unit owner will not attend a mediation session based on the borrower's or unit owner's conduct, such as the lack of response to the mediator's communications, the mediator may cancel a scheduled mediation session and send a written cancellation to the department and the trustee and send copies to the parties. The beneficiary or association may proceed with the foreclosure after receipt of the mediator's written confirmation of cancellation.
(((12)))(15) Within seven business days after the conclusion of the mediation session, the mediator must send a written certification to the department and the trustee and send copies to the parties of:
(a) The date, time, and location of the mediation session;
(b) The names of all persons attending in person and by telephone or videoconference, at the mediation session;
(c) Whether a resolution was reached by the parties, including whether the default or delinquency was cured by reinstatement, modification, or restructuring of the debt, or repayment plan, or some other alternative to foreclosure was agreed upon by the parties;
(d) Whether the parties participated in the mediation in good faith; and
(e) ((If))For deed of trust foreclosures, if a written agreement was not reached, a description of any net present value test used, along with a copy of the inputs, including the result of any net present value test expressed in a dollar amount.
(((13)))(16) If the parties are unable to reach an agreement, the beneficiary or association may proceed with the foreclosure after receipt of the mediator's written certification.
(((14)))(17)(a) The mediator's certification that the beneficiary or association failed to act in good faith in mediation constitutes a defense to the nonjudicial foreclosure action that was the basis for initiating the mediation. In any action to enjoin the foreclosure, the beneficiary or association is entitled to rebut the allegation that it failed to act in good faith.
(b) The mediator's certification that the beneficiary or association failed to act in good faith during mediation does not constitute a defense to a judicial foreclosure or a future nonjudicial foreclosure action if a modification of the loan or delinquent assessment payment plan is agreed upon and the borrower subsequently defaults or unit owner fails to pay assessments.
(c) If an affordable loan modification is not offered in the mediation or a written agreement was not reached and the mediator's certification shows that the net present value of the modified loan exceeds the anticipated net recovery at foreclosure, that showing in the certification constitutes a basis for the borrower to enjoin the foreclosure.
(((15)))(18) The mediator's certification that the borrower or unit owner failed to act in good faith in mediation authorizes the beneficiary or association to proceed with the foreclosure.
(((16)))(19)(a) If a borrower or unit owner has been referred to mediation before a notice of trustee sale has been recorded, a trustee may not record the notice of sale until the trustee receives the mediator's certification stating that the mediation has been completed. If the trustee does not receive the mediator's certification, the trustee may record the notice of sale after 10 days from the date the certification to the trustee was due. If, after a notice of sale is recorded under this subsection (((16)))(19)(a), the mediator subsequently issues a certification finding that the beneficiary or association violated the duty of good faith, the certification constitutes a basis for the borrower or unit owner to enjoin the foreclosure.
(b) If a borrower or unit owner has been referred to mediation after the notice of sale was recorded, the sale may not occur until the trustee receives the mediator's certification stating that the mediation has been completed.
(((17)))(c) If a unit owner has been referred to mediation before the filing of a judicial foreclosure, the association may not file a complaint for judicial foreclosure until the association receives the mediator's certification stating that the mediation has been completed. If the association does not receive the mediator's certification, the association may file for judicial foreclosure after 10 days from the date the certification to the association was due.
(20) A mediator may charge reasonable fees as authorized by this subsection or as authorized by the department. Unless the fee is waived, the parties agree otherwise, or the department otherwise authorizes, a foreclosure mediator's fee may not exceed $400 for preparing, scheduling, and conducting a mediation session lasting between one hour and three hours. For a mediation session exceeding three hours, the foreclosure mediator may charge a reasonable fee, as authorized by the department. The mediator must provide an estimated fee before the mediation, and payment of the mediator's fee must be divided equally between the beneficiary and the borrower, or between the association and the unit owner. The beneficiary and the borrower, or the association and the unit owner, must tender the loan mediator's fee within 30 calendar days from receipt of the department's letter referring the parties to mediation or pursuant to the mediator's instructions.
(((18)))(21) For association foreclosures, the unit owner and the association shall be responsible for their own respective attorney fees, if any, incurred during mediation under this section. Legal representation is not required for either party participating in an association foreclosure mediation.
(22) Beginning December 1, 2012, and every year thereafter, the department shall report annually to the legislature on:
(a) The performance of the program, including the number((s)) of borrowers who are referred to mediation by a housing counselor or attorney. Beginning December 1, 2026, the report must also include the number of unit owners who are referred to mediation by a housing counselor or attorney;
(b) The results of the mediation program, including the number of mediations requested by housing counselors and attorneys, the number of certifications of good faith issued, the number of borrowers and beneficiaries who failed to mediate in good faith, and the reasons for the failure to mediate in good faith, if known, the numbers of loans restructured or modified, the change in the borrower's monthly payment for principal and interest and the number of principal write-downs and interest rate reductions, and, to the extent practical, the number of borrowers who report a default within a year of restructuring or modification. Beginning December 1, 2026, the report must also include the number of unit owners and associations who failed to mediate in good faith, and the reasons for the failure to mediate in good faith, if known, the number of debts for delinquent assessments restructured or modified, the change in the unit owner's periodic assessment payments including any reductions in late charges or interest rates, and, to the extent practical, the number of unit owners who report a delinquency within a year of restructuring or modification;
(c) The information received by housing counselors regarding outcomes of foreclosures; and
(d) Any recommendations for changes to the statutes regarding the mediation program.
(23) This section does not apply to certain federally insured depository institutions, as specified in RCW
(24) The department shall create an online common interest communities resource center to distribute information to association members, managers, and boards of directors about programs and resources. The information shall be made available in language translations that the department provides in its other programs and when the information is requested verbally the department shall use a phone-based or other similar interpretive service. The information to be provided will include, but is not limited to, the following:
(a) The housing counseling program;
(b) The meet and confer process;
(c) The foreclosure mediation program;
(d) Language translations of the notice of delinquency for past due assessments; and
(e) Any other programs and resources that the department determines are relevant.
Sec. 4. RCW
61.24.165 and 2023 c 206 s 6 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) RCW
61.24.163 applies only to deeds of trust that are recorded against residential real property of up to four units.
(2) RCW
61.24.163 does not apply to deeds of trust:
(a) Securing a commercial loan;
(b) Securing obligations of a grantor who is not the borrower or a guarantor;
(c) Securing a purchaser's obligations under a seller-financed sale; or
(d) Where the grantor is a partnership, corporation, or limited liability company, or where the property is vested in a partnership, corporation, or limited liability company at the time the notice of default is issued.
(3) RCW
61.24.163 does ((
not)) apply to ((
association beneficiaries subject to chapter 64.32, 64.34, or 64.38 RCW.))
associations seeking to foreclose liens or deficiencies via nonjudicial or judicial foreclosure.(4) For purposes of referral and mediation under RCW
61.24.163, a person may be referred to mediation if the borrower
or unit owner is deceased and the person is a successor in interest of the deceased borrower
or unit owner. The referring counselor or attorney must determine a person's eligibility under this section and indicate the grounds for eligibility on the referral to mediation submitted to the department. For the purposes of mediation under RCW
61.24.163, the person must be treated as a "borrower
" or "unit owner." This subsection does not impose an affirmative duty on the beneficiary to accept an assumption of the loan.
(5) For purposes of referral and mediation under RCW
61.24.163, a person may be referred to mediation if the person has been awarded title to the property in a proceeding for dissolution or legal separation. The referring counselor or attorney must determine the person's eligibility under this section and indicate the grounds for eligibility on the referral to mediation submitted to the department. For the purposes of mediation under RCW
61.24.163, the person must be treated as a "borrower." This subsection does not impose an affirmative duty on the beneficiary to accept an assumption of the loan.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 5. A new section is added to chapter
61.24 RCW to read as follows:
(1) A unit owner who is or may become delinquent to an association for an assessment charged may contact a housing counselor to receive housing counseling services.
(2) Housing counselors have a duty to act in good faith to assist unit owners by:
(a) Preparing the unit owner for meetings with the association;
(b) Advising the unit owner about what documents the unit owner must have to seek a modification or other resolution of an assessment charged or may be charged in the future by the association;
(c) Informing the unit owner about the alternatives to foreclosure, including modification or other possible resolutions of an assessment charged or may be charged in the future by the association; and
(d) Providing other guidance, advice, and education as the housing counselor considers necessary.
(3) Nothing in RCW
64.90.485 or this section precludes a meeting or negotiations between the housing counselor, unit owner, and the association at any time, including after the issuance of a notice of delinquency by the association for past due assessments to the unit owner by the association.
(4) A unit owner who seeks the assistance of a housing counselor may use the assistance of an attorney at any time.
(5) A housing counselor or attorney assisting a unit owner may refer the unit owner to mediation, pursuant to RCW
61.24.163. Prior to referring the unit owner to mediation, the housing counselor or attorney shall cause the unit owner and association to meet and confer over the assessment charged, and following this meet and confer shall determine whether mediation is appropriate based on the individual circumstances. The referral to mediation may be made at any time but no later than 90 days prior to the date of sale listed in a notice of trustee's sale provided to the unit owner. If an amended notice of trustee's sale is recorded after the trustee sale has been stayed pursuant to RCW
61.24.130, the unit owner may be referred to mediation no later than 25 days prior to the date of sale listed in the amended notice of trustee's sale.
(6) During the 30 day time period between the unit owner contacting the housing counselor and the meet and confer session with the association, the association is prohibited from charging to the unit owner any attorney fees the association may have incurred attempting to collect the past due assessment.
(7) The referral to mediation may be made at any time but no later than 90 days prior to the date of sale listed in a notice of trustee's sale provided to the unit owner. If an amended notice of trustee's sale is recorded after the trustee sale has been stayed pursuant to RCW
61.24.130, the unit owner may be referred to mediation no later than 25 days prior to the date of sale listed in the amended notice of trustee's sale.
(8) Housing counselors providing assistance to borrowers under this section are not liable for civil damages resulting from any acts or omissions in providing assistance, unless the acts or omissions constitute gross negligence or willful or wanton misconduct.
(9) Housing counselors shall provide information to the department to assist the department in its annual report to the legislature as required under RCW
61.24.163(22). The information provided to the department by the housing counselors should include outcomes of foreclosures and be similar to the information requested in the national foreclosure mortgage counseling client level foreclosure outcomes report form.
Sec. 6. RCW
61.24.165 and 2024 c 321 s 413 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) RCW
61.24.163 applies only to deeds of trust that are recorded against residential real property of up to four units.
(2) RCW
61.24.163 does not apply to deeds of trust:
(a) Securing a commercial loan;
(b) Securing obligations of a grantor who is not the borrower or a guarantor;
(c) Securing a purchaser's obligations under a seller-financed sale; or
(d) Where the grantor is a partnership, corporation, or limited liability company, or where the property is vested in a partnership, corporation, or limited liability company at the time the notice of default is issued.
(3) RCW
61.24.163 does ((
not)) apply to ((
association beneficiaries subject to chapter 64.90 RCW.))
associations seeking to foreclose liens or deficiencies via nonjudicial or judicial foreclosure.(4) For purposes of referral and mediation under RCW
61.24.163, a person may be referred to mediation if the borrower is deceased and the person is a successor in interest of the deceased borrower. The referring counselor or attorney must determine a person's eligibility under this section and indicate the grounds for eligibility on the referral to mediation submitted to the department. For the purposes of mediation under RCW
61.24.163, the person must be treated as a "borrower." This subsection does not impose an affirmative duty on the beneficiary to accept an assumption of the loan.
(5) For purposes of referral and mediation under RCW
61.24.163, a person may be referred to mediation if the person has been awarded title to the property in a proceeding for dissolution or legal separation. The referring counselor or attorney must determine the person's eligibility under this section and indicate the grounds for eligibility on the referral to mediation submitted to the department. For the purposes of mediation under RCW
61.24.163, the person must be treated as a "borrower." This subsection does not impose an affirmative duty on the beneficiary to accept an assumption of the loan.
Sec. 7. RCW
61.24.005 and 2021 c 151 s 2 are each amended to read as follows:
The definitions in this section apply throughout this chapter unless the context clearly requires otherwise.
(1) "Affiliate of beneficiary" means any entity which controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with a beneficiary.
"Assessment" means all sums chargeable by the association against a unit, including any assessments levied for common expenses, fines or fees levied or imposed by the association pursuant to chapter 64.90 RCW or the governing documents, interest and late charges on any delinquent account, and all costs of collection incurred by the association in connection with the collection of a delinquent owner's account, including reasonable attorneys' fees.(3) "Association" means an association subject to chapter 64.90 RCW. (4) "Beneficiary" means the holder of the instrument or document evidencing the obligations secured by the deed of trust, excluding persons holding the same as security for a different obligation.
(((3)))(5) "Borrower" means a person or a general partner in a partnership, including a joint venture, that is liable for all or part of the obligations secured by the deed of trust under the instrument or other document that is the principal evidence of such obligations, or the person's successors if they are liable for those obligations under a written agreement with the beneficiary.
(((4)))(6) "Commercial loan" means a loan that is not made primarily for personal, family, or household purposes.
(((5)))(7) "Department" means the department of commerce or its designee.
(((6)))(8) "Fair value" means the value of the property encumbered by a deed of trust that is sold pursuant to a trustee's sale. This value shall be determined by the court or other appropriate adjudicator by reference to the most probable price, as of the date of the trustee's sale, which would be paid in cash or other immediately available funds, after deduction of prior liens and encumbrances with interest to the date of the trustee's sale, for which the property would sell on such date after reasonable exposure in the market under conditions requisite to a fair sale, with the buyer and seller each acting prudently, knowledgeably, and for self-interest, and assuming that neither is under duress.
(((7)))(9) "Grantor" means a person, or its successors, who executes a deed of trust to encumber the person's interest in property as security for the performance of all or part of the borrower's obligations.
(((8)))(10) "Guarantor" means any person and its successors who is not a borrower and who guarantees any of the obligations secured by a deed of trust in any written agreement other than the deed of trust.
(((9)))(11) "Housing counselor" means a housing counselor that has been approved by the United States department of housing and urban development or approved by the Washington state housing finance commission.
(12) "Notice of delinquency" means a notice of delinquency as that phrase is used in chapter 64.90 RCW.(13) "Owner-occupied" means property that is the principal residence of the borrower.
(((11)))(14) "Person" means any natural person, or legal or governmental entity.
(((12)))(15) "Record" and "recorded" includes the appropriate registration proceedings, in the instance of registered land.
(16) "Residential real property" means property consisting solely of a single-family residence, a residential condominium unit, or a residential cooperative unit. For the purposes of the application of RCW
61.24.163, residential real property includes residential real property of up to four units.
(((14)))(17) "Senior beneficiary" means the beneficiary of a deed of trust that has priority over any other deeds of trust encumbering the same residential real property.
(18) "Tenant-occupied property" means property consisting solely of residential real property that is the principal residence of a tenant subject to chapter
59.18 RCW or other building with four or fewer residential units that is the principal residence of a tenant subject to chapter
59.18 RCW.
(19) "Trustee" means the person designated as the trustee in the deed of trust or appointed under RCW
(((17)))(20) "Trustee's sale" means a nonjudicial sale under a deed of trust undertaken pursuant to this chapter.
(21) "Unit owner" means an owner of an apartment, unit, or lot in an association subject to chapter 64.90 RCW. NEW SECTION. Sec. 8. A new section is added to chapter
61.24 RCW to read as follows:
For each residential mortgage loan originated, excepting only reverse mortgage loans issued to seniors over the age of 61, a foreclosure prevention fee of $80 shall be assessed and due and payable at the time of closing by the escrow agent or other settlement or closing agent processing the loan closing into the foreclosure fairness account created in RCW
61.24.172. This foreclosure prevention fee may be financed in the loan and paid from the loan proceeds or from any borrower cash contribution at the time of closing. The department may make policies and procedures related to the implementation, collection, remittance, and management of the fee and may enter into individualized agreements governing the efficient remittance of the fee.
Sec. 9. RCW
61.24.172 and 2021 c 151 s 9 are each amended to read as follows:
The foreclosure fairness account is created in the custody of the state treasurer. All receipts received under RCW
61.24.174, as it existed prior to July 1, 2016,
61.24.173, ((
and)) 61.24.190
, and section 8 of this act must be deposited into the account. Only the director of the department of commerce or the director's designee may authorize expenditures from the account. Funding to agencies and organizations under this section must be provided by the department through an interagency agreement or other applicable contract instrument. The account is subject to allotment procedures under chapter
43.88 RCW, but an appropriation is not required for expenditures. ((
Biennial expenditures from the account must be used as follows: Four hundred thousand dollars to fund the counselor referral hotline.)) The ((
remaining)) funds shall be distributed as follows: (1) ((
50 percent for the purposes of providing housing counseling activities to benefit borrowers; (2) eight percent to the office of the attorney general to be used by the consumer protection division to enforce this chapter; (3) ((
16.5 percent to the office of civil legal aid to be used for the purpose of contracting with qualified legal aid programs for legal representation of homeowners in matters relating to foreclosure
; (4) 15 percent to fund the foreclosure prevention hotline; (5) 0.5 percent to fund outreach; and (6) 10 percent to the department to be used for implementation and operation of the foreclosure fairness act. Funds provided under ((
this)) subsection (3)
of this section must be used to supplement, not supplant, other federal, state, and local funds((
; and (4) seventeen percent to the department to be used for implementation and operation of the foreclosure fairness act)).
The department shall enter into interagency agreements to contract with the Washington state housing finance commission and other appropriate entities to implement the foreclosure fairness act.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 10. A new section is added to chapter
61.24 RCW to read as follows:
By December 31, 2025, the department shall provide a report to the senate housing committee on the number and amounts received from the notice of default fee remitted under RCW
61.24.190 and the foreclosure prevention fee remitted under section 8 of this act into the foreclosure fairness account authorized under RCW
61.24.172 for revenue collected from July 1, 2025, through November 30, 2025, and then post such information on the department website annually thereafter.
Sec. 11. RCW
64.32.200 and 2023 c 214 s 2 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) The declaration may provide for the collection of all sums assessed by the association of apartment owners for the share of the common expenses chargeable to any apartment and the collection may be enforced in any manner provided in the declaration including, but not limited to, (a) 10 days notice shall be given the delinquent apartment owner to the effect that unless such assessment is paid within 10 days any or all utility services will be forthwith severed and shall remain severed until such assessment is paid, or (b) collection of such assessment may be made by such lawful method of enforcement, judicial or extra-judicial, as may be provided in the declaration and/or bylaws.
(2) All sums assessed by the association of apartment owners but unpaid for the share of the common expenses chargeable to any apartment shall constitute a lien on such apartment prior to all other liens except only (a) tax liens on the apartment in favor of any assessing unit and/or special district, and (b) all sums unpaid on all mortgages of record. Such lien is not subject to the ban against execution or forced sales of homesteads under RCW
6.13.080 and, subject to the provisions in subsection (5) of this section, may be foreclosed by suit by the manager or board of directors, acting on behalf of the apartment owners, in like manner as a mortgage of real property. In any such foreclosure the apartment owner shall be required to pay a reasonable rental for the apartment, if so provided in the bylaws, and the plaintiff in such foreclosures shall be entitled to the appointment of a receiver to collect the same. The manager or board of directors, acting on behalf of the apartment owners, shall have power, unless prohibited by the declaration, to bid on the apartment at foreclosure sale, and to acquire and hold, lease, mortgage, and convey the same. Upon an express waiver in the complaint of any right to a deficiency judgment, the period of redemption shall be eight months after the sale. Suit to recover any judgment for any unpaid common expenses shall be maintainable without foreclosing or waiving the liens securing the same.
(3) Where the mortgagee of a mortgage of record or other purchaser of an apartment obtains possession of the apartment as a result of foreclosure of the mortgage, such possessor, his or her successors and assigns shall not be liable for the share of the common expenses or assessments by the association of apartment owners chargeable to such apartment which became due prior to such possession. Such unpaid share of common expenses of assessments shall be deemed to be common expenses collectible from all of the apartment owners including such possessor, his or her successors and assigns.
(4)(a) When the association, or the manager or board of directors on its behalf, mails to the apartment owner by first-class mail the first notice of delinquency for past due assessments to the apartment address and to any other address that the owner has provided to the association, the association shall include a first preforeclosure notice that states as follows:
CONTACT A HOUSING COUNSELOR OR AN ATTORNEY LICENSED IN WASHINGTON NOW to assess your situation and refer you to mediation if you might benefit. DO NOT DELAY.
BE CAREFUL of people who claim they can help you. There are many individuals and businesses that prey upon borrowers in distress.
REFER TO THE CONTACTS BELOW for sources of assistance.
Housing counselors and legal assistance may be available at little or no cost to you. Housing counselors may assist you in meeting and conferring with your association to resolve the past due assessments, and based on the circumstances refer you to the foreclosure mediation program. The meet and confer will be scheduled within 30 days of contacting the housing counselor. If you would like assistance in determining your rights and opportunities to keep your house, you may contact the following:
The statewide foreclosure hotline for assistance and referral to housing counselors recommended by the Housing Finance Commission
Telephone: . . . . . . . Website: . . . . . .
The United States Department of Housing and Urban Development
Telephone: . . . . . . . Website: . . . . . .
The statewide civil legal aid hotline for assistance and referrals to other housing counselors and attorneys
Telephone: . . . . . . . Website: . . . . . .
The association shall obtain the toll-free numbers and website information from the department of commerce for inclusion in the notice.
(b) If, when a delinquent account is referred to an association's attorney, the first preforeclosure notice required under (a) of this subsection has not yet been mailed to the apartment owner, the association or the association's attorney shall mail the first preforeclosure notice to the apartment owner in order to satisfy the requirement in (a) of this subsection. The association should inform the delinquent apartment owner of the opportunity to contact a housing counselor as provided in this act prior to mailing the first preforeclosure notice.
(c) Mailing the first preforeclosure notice pursuant to (a) of this subsection does not satisfy the requirement in subsection (5)(b) of this section to mail a second preforeclosure notice at or after the date that assessments have become past due for at least 90 days. The second preforeclosure notice may not be mailed sooner than 60 days after the first preforeclosure notice is mailed.
(5) An association, or the manager or board of directors on its behalf, may not commence an action to foreclose a lien on an apartment under this section unless:
(a) The apartment owner, at the time the action is commenced, owes at least a sum equal to the greater of:
(i) Three months or more of assessments, not including fines, late charges, interest, attorneys' fees, or costs incurred by the association in connection with the collection of a delinquent owner's account; or
(ii) $2,000 of assessments, not including fines, late charges, interest, attorneys' fees, or costs incurred by the association in connection with the collection of a delinquent owner's account;
(b) At or after the date that assessments have become past due for at least 90 days, but no sooner than 60 days after the first preforeclosure notice required in subsection (4)(a) of this section is mailed, the association has mailed, by first-class mail, to the owner, at the apartment address and to any other address which the owner has provided to the association, a second notice of delinquency, which must include a second preforeclosure notice that contains the same information as the first preforeclosure notice provided to the apartment owner pursuant to subsection (4)(a) of this section. The second preforeclosure notice may not be mailed sooner than 60 days after the first preforeclosure notice required in subsection (4)(a) of this section is mailed;
(c) At least 90 days have elapsed from the date the minimum amount required in (a) of this subsection has accrued; and
(d) The board approves commencement of a foreclosure action specifically against that apartment.
(6) Every aspect of a collection, foreclosure, sale, or other conveyance under this section, including the method, advertising, time, date, place, and terms, must be commercially reasonable.
Sec. 12. RCW
64.34.364 and 2023 c 214 s 4 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) The association has a lien on a unit for any unpaid assessments levied against a unit from the time the assessment is due.
(2) A lien under this section shall be prior to all other liens and encumbrances on a unit except: (a) Liens and encumbrances recorded before the recording of the declaration; (b) a mortgage on the unit recorded before the date on which the assessment sought to be enforced became delinquent; and (c) liens for real property taxes and other governmental assessments or charges against the unit. A lien under this section is not subject to the provisions of chapter
6.13 RCW.
(3) Except as provided in subsections (4) and (5) of this section, the lien shall also be prior to the mortgages described in subsection (2)(b) of this section to the extent of assessments for common expenses, excluding any amounts for capital improvements, based on the periodic budget adopted by the association pursuant to RCW
64.34.360(1) which would have become due during the six months immediately preceding the date of a sheriff's sale in an action for judicial foreclosure by either the association or a mortgagee, the date of a trustee's sale in a nonjudicial foreclosure by a mortgagee, or the date of recording of the declaration of forfeiture in a proceeding by the vendor under a real estate contract.
(4) The priority of the association's lien against units encumbered by a mortgage held by an eligible mortgagee or by a mortgagee which has given the association a written request for a notice of delinquent assessments shall be reduced by up to three months if and to the extent that the lien priority under subsection (3) of this section includes delinquencies which relate to a period after such holder becomes an eligible mortgagee or has given such notice and before the association gives the holder a written notice of the delinquency. This subsection does not affect the priority of mechanics' or material suppliers' liens, or the priority of liens for other assessments made by the association.
(5) If the association forecloses its lien under this section nonjudicially pursuant to chapter
61.24 RCW, as provided by subsection (9) of this section, the association shall not be entitled to the lien priority provided for under subsection (3) of this section.
(6) Unless the declaration otherwise provides, if two or more associations have liens for assessments created at any time on the same real estate, those liens have equal priority.
(7) Recording of the declaration constitutes record notice and perfection of the lien for assessments. While no further recording of any claim of lien for assessment under this section shall be required to perfect the association's lien, the association may record a notice of claim of lien for assessments under this section in the real property records of any county in which the condominium is located. Such recording shall not constitute the written notice of delinquency to a mortgagee referred to in subsection (2) of this section.
(8) A lien for unpaid assessments and the personal liability for payment of assessments is extinguished unless proceedings to enforce the lien or collect the debt are instituted within three years after the amount of the assessments sought to be recovered becomes due.
(9) The lien arising under this section may be enforced judicially by the association or its authorized representative in the manner set forth in chapter
61.12 RCW. The lien arising under this section may be enforced nonjudicially in the manner set forth in chapter
61.24 RCW for nonjudicial foreclosure of deeds of trust if the declaration (a) contains a grant of the condominium in trust to a trustee qualified under RCW
61.24.010 to secure the obligations of the unit owners to the association for the payment of assessments, (b) contains a power of sale, (c) provides in its terms that the units are not used principally for agricultural or farming purposes, and (d) provides that the power of sale is operative in the case of a default in the obligation to pay assessments. The association or its authorized representative shall have the power, unless prohibited by the declaration, to purchase the unit at the foreclosure sale and to acquire, hold, lease, mortgage, or convey the same. Upon an express waiver in the complaint of any right to a deficiency judgment in a judicial foreclosure action, the period of redemption shall be eight months. Nothing in this section shall prohibit an association from taking a deed in lieu of foreclosure.
(10) From the time of commencement of an action by the association to foreclose a lien for nonpayment of delinquent assessments against a unit that is not occupied by the owner thereof, the association shall be entitled to the appointment of a receiver to collect from the lessee thereof the rent for the unit as and when due. If the rental is not paid, the receiver may obtain possession of the unit, refurbish it for rental up to a reasonable standard for rental units in this type of condominium, rent the unit or permit its rental to others, and apply the rents first to the cost of the receivership and attorneys' fees thereof, then to the cost of refurbishing the unit, then to applicable charges, then to costs, fees, and charges of the foreclosure action, and then to the payment of the delinquent assessments. Only a receiver may take possession and collect rents under this subsection, and a receiver shall not be appointed less than 90 days after the delinquency. The exercise by the association of the foregoing rights shall not affect the priority of preexisting liens on the unit.
(11) Except as provided in subsection (3) of this section, the holder of a mortgage or other purchaser of a unit who obtains the right of possession of the unit through foreclosure shall not be liable for assessments or installments thereof that became due prior to such right of possession. Such unpaid assessments shall be deemed to be common expenses collectible from all the unit owners, including such mortgagee or other purchaser of the unit. Foreclosure of a mortgage does not relieve the prior owner of personal liability for assessments accruing against the unit prior to the date of such sale as provided in this subsection.
(12) In addition to constituting a lien on the unit, each assessment shall be the joint and several obligation of the owner or owners of the unit to which the same are assessed as of the time the assessment is due. In a voluntary conveyance, the grantee of a unit shall be jointly and severally liable with the grantor for all unpaid assessments against the grantor up to the time of the grantor's conveyance, without prejudice to the grantee's right to recover from the grantor the amounts paid by the grantee therefor. Suit to recover a personal judgment for any delinquent assessment shall be maintainable in any court of competent jurisdiction without foreclosing or waiving the lien securing such sums.
(13) The association may from time to time establish reasonable late charges and a rate of interest to be charged on all subsequent delinquent assessments or installments thereof. In the absence of another established nonusurious rate, delinquent assessments shall bear interest from the date of delinquency at the maximum rate permitted under RCW
19.52.020 on the date on which the assessments became delinquent.
(14) The association shall be entitled to recover any costs and reasonable attorneys' fees incurred in connection with the collection of delinquent assessments, whether or not such collection activities result in suit being commenced or prosecuted to judgment. In addition, the association shall be entitled to recover costs and reasonable attorneys' fees if it prevails on appeal and in the enforcement of a judgment.
(15) The association upon written request shall furnish to a unit owner or a mortgagee a statement signed by an officer or authorized agent of the association setting forth the amount of unpaid assessments against that unit. The statement shall be furnished within fifteen days after receipt of the request and is binding on the association, the board of directors, and every unit owner, unless and to the extent known by the recipient to be false.
(16) To the extent not inconsistent with this section, the declaration may provide for such additional remedies for collection of assessments as may be permitted by law.
(17)(a) When the association mails to the unit owner by first-class mail the first notice of delinquency for past due assessments to the unit address and to any other address that the owner has provided to the association, the association shall include a first preforeclosure notice that states as follows:
CONTACT A HOUSING COUNSELOR OR AN ATTORNEY LICENSED IN WASHINGTON NOW to assess your situation and refer you to mediation if you might benefit. DO NOT DELAY.
BE CAREFUL of people who claim they can help you. There are many individuals and businesses that prey upon borrowers in distress.
REFER TO THE CONTACTS BELOW for sources of assistance.
Housing counselors and legal assistance may be available at little or no cost to you. Housing counselors may assist you in meeting and conferring with your association to resolve the past due assessments, and based on the circumstances refer you to the foreclosure mediation program. The meet and confer will be scheduled within 30 days of contacting the housing counselor. If you would like assistance in determining your rights and opportunities to keep your house, you may contact the following:
The statewide foreclosure hotline for assistance and referral to housing counselors recommended by the Housing Finance Commission
Telephone: . . . . . . . Website: . . . . . .
The United States Department of Housing and Urban Development
Telephone: . . . . . . . Website: . . . . . .
The statewide civil legal aid hotline for assistance and referrals to other housing counselors and attorneys
Telephone: . . . . . . . Website: . . . . . .
The association shall obtain the toll-free numbers and website information from the department of commerce for inclusion in the notice.
(b) If, when a delinquent account is referred to an association's attorney, the first preforeclosure notice required under (a) of this subsection has not yet been mailed to the unit owner, the association or the association's attorney shall mail the first preforeclosure notice to the unit owner in order to satisfy the requirement in (a) of this subsection. The association should inform the delinquent apartment owner of the opportunity to contact a housing counselor as provided in this act prior to mailing the first preforeclosure notice.
(c) Mailing the first preforeclosure notice pursuant to (a) of this subsection does not satisfy the requirement in subsection (18)(b) of this section to mail a second preforeclosure notice at or after the date that assessments have become past due for at least 90 days. The second preforeclosure notice may not be mailed sooner than 60 days after the first preforeclosure notice is mailed.
(18) An association may not commence an action to foreclose a lien on a unit under this section unless:
(a) The unit owner, at the time the action is commenced, owes at least a sum equal to the greater of:
(i) Three months or more of assessments, not including fines, late charges, interest, attorneys' fees, or costs incurred by the association in connection with the collection of a delinquent owner's account; or
(ii) $2,000 of assessments, not including fines, late charges, interest, attorneys' fees, or costs incurred by the association in connection with the collection of a delinquent owner's account;
(b) At or after the date that assessments have become past due for at least 90 days, but no sooner than 60 days after the first preforeclosure notice required in subsection (17)(a) of this section is mailed, the association has mailed, by first-class mail, to the owner, at the unit address and to any other address which the owner has provided to the association, a second notice of delinquency, which must include a second preforeclosure notice that contains the same information as the first preforeclosure notice provided to the unit owner pursuant to subsection (17)(a) of this section. The second preforeclosure notice may not be mailed sooner than 60 days after the first preforeclosure notice required in subsection (17)(a) of this section is mailed;
(c) At least 90 days have elapsed from the date the minimum amount required in (a) of this subsection has accrued; and
(d) The board approves commencement of a foreclosure action specifically against that unit.
(19) Every aspect of a collection, foreclosure, sale, or other conveyance under this section, including the method, advertising, time, date, place, and terms, must be commercially reasonable.
Sec. 13. RCW
64.38.100 and 2023 c 214 s 6 are each amended to read as follows:
(1)(a) If the governing documents of an association provide for a lien on the lot of any owner for unpaid assessments, the association shall include the following first preforeclosure notice when mailing to the lot owner by first-class mail the first notice of delinquency to the lot address and to any other address that the owner has provided to the association:
CONTACT A HOUSING COUNSELOR OR AN ATTORNEY LICENSED IN WASHINGTON NOW to assess your situation and refer you to mediation if you might benefit. DO NOT DELAY.
BE CAREFUL of people who claim they can help you. There are many individuals and businesses that prey upon borrowers in distress.
REFER TO THE CONTACTS BELOW for sources of assistance.
Housing counselors and legal assistance may be available at little or no cost to you. Housing counselors may assist you in meeting and conferring with your association to resolve the past due assessments, and based on the circumstances refer you to the foreclosure mediation program. The meet and confer will be scheduled within 30 days of contacting the housing counselor. If you would like assistance in determining your rights and opportunities to keep your house, you may contact the following:
The statewide foreclosure hotline for assistance and referral to housing counselors recommended by the Housing Finance Commission
Telephone: . . . . . . . Website: . . . . . .
The United States Department of Housing and Urban Development
Telephone: . . . . . . . Website: . . . . . .
The statewide civil legal aid hotline for assistance and referrals to other housing counselors and attorneys
Telephone: . . . . . . . Website: . . . . . .
The association shall obtain the toll-free numbers and website information from the department of commerce for inclusion in the notice.
(b) If, when a delinquent account is referred to an association's attorney, the first preforeclosure notice required under (a) of this subsection has not yet been mailed to the lot owner, the association or the association's attorney shall mail the first preforeclosure notice to the lot owner in order to satisfy the requirement in (a) of this subsection. The association should inform the delinquent apartment owner of the opportunity to contact a housing counselor as provided in this act prior to mailing the first preforeclosure notice.
(c) Mailing the first preforeclosure notice pursuant to (a) of this subsection does not satisfy the requirement in subsection (2)(b) of this section to mail a second preforeclosure notice at or after the date that assessments have become past due for at least 90 days. The second preforeclosure notice may not be mailed sooner than 60 days after the first preforeclosure notice is mailed.
(2) If the governing documents of an association provide for a lien on the lot of any owner for unpaid assessments, the association may not commence an action to foreclose the lien unless:
(a) The lot owner, at the time the action is commenced, owes at least a sum equal to the greater of:
(i) Three months or more of assessments, not including fines, late charges, interest, attorneys' fees, or costs incurred by the association in connection with the collection of a delinquent owner's account; or
(ii) $2,000 of assessments, not including fines, late charges, interest, attorneys' fees, or costs incurred by the association in connection with the collection of a delinquent owner's account;
(b) At or after the date that assessments have become past due for at least 90 days, but no sooner than 60 days after the first preforeclosure notice required in subsection (1)(a) of this section is mailed, the association has mailed, by first-class mail, to the owner, at the lot address and to any other address which the owner has provided to the association, a second notice of delinquency, which must include a second preforeclosure notice that contains the same information as the first preforeclosure notice provided to the lot owner pursuant to subsection (1)(a) of this section. The second preforeclosure notice may not be mailed sooner than 60 days after the first preforeclosure notice required in subsection (1)(a) of this section is mailed;
(c) At least 90 days have elapsed from the date the minimum amount required in (a) of this subsection has accrued; and
(d) The board approves commencement of a foreclosure action specifically against that lot.
(3) Every aspect of a collection, foreclosure, sale, or other conveyance under this section, including the method, advertising, time, date, place, and terms, must be commercially reasonable.
Sec. 14. RCW
64.90.485 and 2024 c 321 s 319 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) The association has a statutory lien on each unit for any unpaid assessment against the unit from the time such assessment is due.
(2) A lien under this section has priority over all other liens and encumbrances on a unit except:
(a) Liens and encumbrances recorded before the recordation of the declaration and, in a cooperative, liens and encumbrances that the association creates, assumes, or takes subject to;
(b) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (3) of this section, a security interest on the unit recorded before the date on which the unpaid assessment became due or, in a cooperative, a security interest encumbering only the unit owner's interest and perfected before the date on which the unpaid assessment became due; and
(c) Liens for real estate taxes and other state or local governmental assessments or charges against the unit or cooperative.
(3)(a) A lien under this section also has priority over the security interests described in subsection (2)(b) of this section to the extent of an amount equal to the following:
(i) The common expense assessments, excluding any amounts for capital improvements, based on the periodic budget adopted by the association pursuant to RCW
64.90.480(1), along with any specially allocated assessments that are properly assessable against the unit under such periodic budget, which would have become due in the absence of acceleration during the six months immediately preceding the institution of proceedings to foreclose either the association's lien or a security interest described in subsection (2)(b) of this section;
(ii) The association's actual costs and reasonable attorneys' fees incurred in foreclosing its lien but incurred after the giving of the notice described in (a)(iii) of this subsection; provided, however, that the costs and reasonable attorneys' fees that will have priority under this subsection (3)(a)(ii) shall not exceed $2,000 or an amount equal to the amounts described in (a)(i) of this subsection, whichever is less;
(iii) The amounts described in (a)(ii) of this subsection shall be prior only to the security interest of the holder of a security interest on the unit recorded before the date on which the unpaid assessment became due and only if the association has given that holder not less than 60 days' prior written notice that the owner of the unit is in default in payment of an assessment. The notice shall contain:
(A) Name of the borrower;
(B) Recording date of the trust deed or mortgage;
(C) Recording information;
(D) Name of condominium, unit owner, and unit designation stated in the declaration or applicable supplemental declaration;
(E) Amount of unpaid assessment; and
(F) A statement that failure to, within 60 days of the written notice, submit the association payment of six months of assessments as described in (a)(i) of this subsection will result in the priority of the amounts described in (a)(ii) of this subsection; and
(iv) Upon payment of the amounts described in (a)(i) and (ii) of this subsection by the holder of a security interest, the association's lien described in this subsection (3)(a) shall thereafter be fully subordinated to the lien of such holder's security interest on the unit.
(b) For the purposes of this subsection:
(i) "Institution of proceedings" means either:
(A) The date of recording of a notice of trustee's sale by a deed of trust beneficiary;
(B) The date of commencement, pursuant to applicable court rules, of an action for judicial foreclosure either by the association or by the holder of a recorded security interest; or
(C) The date of recording of a notice of intention to forfeit in a real estate contract forfeiture proceeding by the vendor under a real estate contract.
(ii) "Capital improvements" does not include making, in the ordinary course of management, repairs to common elements or replacements of the common elements with substantially similar items, subject to: (A) Availability of materials and products, (B) prevailing law, or (C) sound engineering and construction standards then prevailing.
(c) The adoption of a periodic budget that purports to allocate to a unit any fines, late charges, interest, attorneys' fees and costs incurred for services unrelated to the foreclosure of the association's lien, other collection charges, or specially allocated assessments assessed under RCW
64.90.480 (6) or (7) does not cause any such items to be included in the priority amount affecting such unit.
(4) Subsections (2) and (3) of this section do not affect the priority of mechanics' or material suppliers' liens to the extent that law of this state other than chapter 277, Laws of 2018 gives priority to such liens, or the priority of liens for other assessments made by the association.
(5) A lien under this section is not subject to chapter
6.13 RCW.
(6) If the association forecloses its lien under this section nonjudicially pursuant to chapter
61.24 RCW, as provided under subsection (13) of this section, the association is not entitled to the lien priority provided for under subsection (3) of this section, and is subject to the limitations on deficiency judgments as provided in chapter
61.24 RCW.
(7) Unless the declaration provides otherwise, if two or more associations have liens for assessments created at any time on the same property, those liens have equal priority as to each other, and any foreclosure of one such lien shall not affect the lien of the other.
(8) Recording of the declaration constitutes record notice and perfection of the statutory lien created under this section. Further notice or recordation of any claim of lien for assessment under this section is not required, but is not prohibited.
(9) A lien for unpaid assessments and the personal liability for payment of those assessments are extinguished unless proceedings to enforce the lien or collect the debt are instituted within six years after the full amount of the assessments sought to be recovered becomes due.
(10) This section does not prohibit actions against unit owners to recover sums for which subsection (1) of this section creates a lien or prohibit an association from taking a deed in lieu of foreclosure.
(11) The association upon written request must furnish to a unit owner or a mortgagee a statement signed by an officer or authorized agent of the association setting forth the amount of unpaid assessments or the priority amount against that unit, or both. The statement must be furnished within 15 days after receipt of the request and is binding on the association, the board, and every unit owner unless, and to the extent, known by the recipient to be false. The liability of a recipient who reasonably relies upon the statement must not exceed the amount set forth in any statement furnished pursuant to this section or RCW
(12) In a cooperative, upon nonpayment of an assessment on a unit, the unit owner may be evicted in the same manner as provided by law in the case of an unlawful holdover by a commercial tenant, and the lien may be foreclosed as provided under this section.
(13) The association's lien may be foreclosed in accordance with (a) and (b) of this subsection.
(a) In a common interest community other than a cooperative, the association's lien may be foreclosed judicially in accordance with chapter
61.12 RCW, subject to any rights of redemption under chapter
6.23 RCW.
(b) The lien may be enforced nonjudicially in the manner set forth in chapter
61.24 RCW for nonjudicial foreclosure of deeds of trust if the declaration: Contains a grant of the common interest community in trust to a trustee qualified under RCW
61.24.010 to secure the obligations of the unit owners to the association for the payment of assessments, contains a power of sale, provides in its terms that the units are not used principally for agricultural purposes, and provides that the power of sale is operative in the case of a default in the obligation to pay assessments. The association or its authorized representative may purchase the unit at the foreclosure sale and acquire, hold, lease, mortgage, or convey the unit. Upon an express waiver in the complaint of any right to a deficiency judgment in a judicial foreclosure action, the period of redemption is eight months.
(c) In a cooperative in which the unit owners' interests in the units are real estate, the association's lien must be foreclosed in like manner as a mortgage on real estate or by power of sale under (b) of this subsection.
(d) In a cooperative in which the unit owners' interests in the units are personal property, the association's lien must be foreclosed in like manner as a security interest under chapter 62A.9A RCW.
(e) No member of the association's board, or their immediate family members or affiliates, are eligible to bid for or purchase, directly or indirectly, any interest in a unit at a foreclosure of the association's lien. For the purposes of this subsection, "immediate family member" includes spouses, domestic partners, children, siblings, parents, parents-in-law, and stepfamily members; and "affiliate" of a board member includes any person controlled by the board member, including any entity in which the board member is a general partner, managing member, majority member, officer, or director. Nothing in this subsection prohibits an association from bidding for or purchasing interest in a unit at a foreclosure of the association's lien.
(14) If the unit owner's interest in a unit in a cooperative is real estate, the following requirements apply:
(a) The association, upon nonpayment of assessments and compliance with this subsection, may sell that unit at a public sale or by private negotiation, and at any time and place. The association must give to the unit owner and any lessee of the unit owner reasonable notice in a record of the time, date, and place of any public sale or, if a private sale is intended, of the intention of entering into a contract to sell and of the time and date after which a private conveyance may be made. Such notice must also be sent to any other person that has a recorded interest in the unit that would be cut off by the sale, but only if the recorded interest was on record seven weeks before the date specified in the notice as the date of any public sale or seven weeks before the date specified in the notice as the date after which a private sale may be made. The notices required under this subsection may be sent to any address reasonable in the circumstances. A sale may not be held until five weeks after the sending of the notice. The association may buy at any public sale and, if the sale is conducted by a fiduciary or other person not related to the association, at a private sale.
(b) Unless otherwise agreed to or as stated in this section, the unit owner is liable for any deficiency in a foreclosure sale.
(c) The proceeds of a foreclosure sale must be applied in the following order:
(i) The reasonable expenses of sale;
(ii) The reasonable expenses of securing possession before sale; the reasonable expenses of holding, maintaining, and preparing the unit for sale, including payment of taxes and other governmental charges and premiums on insurance; and, to the extent provided for by agreement between the association and the unit owner, reasonable attorneys' fees, costs, and other legal expenses incurred by the association;
(iii) Satisfaction of the association's lien;
(iv) Satisfaction in the order of priority of any subordinate claim of record; and
(v) Remittance of any excess to the unit owner.
(d) A good-faith purchaser for value acquires the unit free of the association's debt that gave rise to the lien under which the foreclosure sale occurred and any subordinate interest, even though the association or other person conducting the sale failed to comply with this section. The person conducting the sale must execute a conveyance to the purchaser sufficient to convey the unit and stating that it is executed by the person after a foreclosure of the association's lien by power of sale and that the person was empowered to make the sale. Signature and title or authority of the person signing the conveyance as grantor and a recital of the facts of nonpayment of the assessment and of the giving of the notices required under this subsection are sufficient proof of the facts recited and of the authority to sign. Further proof of authority is not required even though the association is named as grantee in the conveyance.
(e) At any time before the association has conveyed a unit in a cooperative or entered into a contract for its conveyance under the power of sale, the unit owners or the holder of any subordinate security interest may cure the unit owner's default and prevent sale or other conveyance by tendering the performance due under the security agreement, including any amounts due because of exercise of a right to accelerate, plus the reasonable expenses of proceeding to foreclosure incurred to the time of tender, including reasonable attorneys' fees and costs of the creditor.
(15) In an action by an association to collect assessments or to foreclose a lien on a unit under this section, the court may appoint a receiver to collect all sums alleged to be due and owing to a unit owner before commencement or during pendency of the action. The receivership is governed under chapter
7.60 RCW. During pendency of the action, the court may order the receiver to pay sums held by the receiver to the association for any assessments against the unit. The exercise of rights under this subsection by the association does not affect the priority of preexisting liens on the unit.
(16) Except as provided in subsection (3) of this section, the holder of a mortgage or other purchaser of a unit who obtains the right of possession of the unit through foreclosure is not liable for assessments or installments of assessments that became due prior to such right of possession. Such unpaid assessments are deemed to be common expenses collectible from all the unit owners, including such mortgagee or other purchaser of the unit. Foreclosure of a mortgage does not relieve the prior unit owner of personal liability for assessments accruing against the unit prior to the date of such sale as provided in this subsection.
(17) In addition to constituting a lien on the unit, each assessment is the joint and several obligation of the unit owner of the unit to which the same are assessed as of the time the assessment is due. A unit owner may not exempt himself or herself from liability for assessments. In a voluntary conveyance other than by foreclosure, the grantee of a unit is jointly and severally liable with the grantor for all unpaid assessments against the grantor up to the time of the grantor's conveyance, without prejudice to the grantee's right to recover from the grantor the amounts paid by the grantee. Suit to recover a personal judgment for any delinquent assessment is maintainable in any court of competent jurisdiction without foreclosing or waiving the lien securing such sums.
(18) The association may from time to time establish reasonable late charges and a rate of interest to be charged, not to exceed the maximum rate calculated under RCW
19.52.020, on all subsequent delinquent assessments or installments of assessments. If the association does not establish such a rate, delinquent assessments bear interest from the date of delinquency at the maximum rate calculated under RCW
19.52.020 on the date on which the assessments became delinquent.
(19) The association is entitled to recover any costs and reasonable attorneys' fees incurred in connection with the collection of delinquent assessments, whether or not such collection activities result in a suit being commenced or prosecuted to judgment. The prevailing party is also entitled to recover costs and reasonable attorneys' fees in such suits, including any appeals, if it prevails on appeal and in the enforcement of a judgment.
(20) To the extent not inconsistent with this section, the declaration may provide for such additional remedies for collection of assessments as may be permitted by law.
(21)(a) When the association mails to the unit owner by first-class mail the first notice of delinquency for past due assessments to the unit address and to any other address that the owner has provided to the association, the association shall include a first preforeclosure notice that states as follows:
CONTACT A HOUSING COUNSELOR OR AN ATTORNEY LICENSED IN WASHINGTON NOW to assess your situation and refer you to mediation if you might benefit. DO NOT DELAY.
BE CAREFUL of people who claim they can help you. There are many individuals and businesses that prey upon borrowers in distress.
REFER TO THE CONTACTS BELOW for sources of assistance.
Housing counselors and legal assistance may be available at little or no cost to you. Housing counselors may assist you in meeting and conferring with your association to resolve the past due assessments, and based on the circumstances refer you to the foreclosure mediation program. The meet and confer will be scheduled within 30 days of contacting the housing counselor. If you would like assistance in determining your rights and opportunities to keep your house, you may contact the following:
The statewide foreclosure hotline for assistance and referral to housing counselors recommended by the Housing Finance Commission
Telephone: . . . . . . . Website: . . . . . .
The United States Department of Housing and Urban Development
Telephone: . . . . . . . Website: . . . . . . .
The statewide civil legal aid hotline for assistance and referrals to other housing counselors and attorneys
Telephone: . . . . . . . Website: . . . . . .
The association shall obtain the toll-free numbers and website information from the department of commerce for inclusion in the notice.
(b) If, when a delinquent account is referred to an association's attorney, the first preforeclosure notice required under (a) of this subsection has not yet been mailed to the unit owner, the association or the association's attorney shall mail the first preforeclosure notice to the unit owner in order to satisfy the requirement in (a) of this subsection. The association should inform the delinquent apartment owner of the opportunity to contact a housing counselor as provided in this act prior to mailing the first preforeclosure notice.
(c) Mailing the first preforeclosure notice pursuant to (a) of this subsection does not satisfy the requirement in subsection (22)(b) of this section to mail a second preforeclosure notice at or after the date that assessments have become past due for at least 90 days. The second preforeclosure notice may not be mailed sooner than 60 days after the first preforeclosure notice is mailed.
(22) An association may not commence an action to foreclose a lien on a unit under this section unless:
(a) The unit owner, at the time the action is commenced, owes at least a sum equal to the greater of:
(i) Three months or more of assessments, not including fines, late charges, interest, attorneys' fees, or costs incurred by the association in connection with the collection of a delinquent owner's account; or
(ii) $2,000 of assessments, not including fines, late charges, interest, attorneys' fees, or costs incurred by the association in connection with the collection of a delinquent owner's account;
(b) At or after the date that assessments have become past due for at least 90 days, but no sooner than 60 days after the first preforeclosure notice required in subsection (21)(a) of this section is mailed, the association has mailed, by first-class mail, to the owner, at the unit address and to any other address which the owner has provided to the association, a second notice of delinquency, which must include a second preforeclosure notice that contains the same information as the first preforeclosure notice provided to the owner pursuant to subsection (21)(a) of this section. The second preforeclosure notice may not be mailed sooner than 60 days after the first preforeclosure notice required in subsection (21)(a) of this section is mailed;
(c) At least 90 days have elapsed from the date the minimum amount required in (a) of this subsection has accrued; and
(d) The board approves commencement of a foreclosure action specifically against that unit.
(23) Every aspect of a collection, foreclosure, sale, or other conveyance under this section, including the method, advertising, time, date, place, and terms, must be commercially reasonable.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 15. (1) Sections 1 through 4 and 11 through 14 of this act take effect January 1, 2026.
(2) Sections 5 through 7 of this act take effect January 1, 2028.
NEW SECTION. Sec. 16. Sections 1, 2, 4, and 11 through 13 of this act expire January 1, 2028.
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