

State of Washington
69th Legislature
2025 Regular Session
BySenators Slatter, Nobles, and Trudeau
Read first time 02/18/25.Referred to Committee on Health & Long-Term Care.
AN ACT Relating to psychiatric pharmacists; amending RCW 71.05.148, 71.05.230, and 71.05.585; reenacting and amending RCW 71.05.020 and 71.05.020; providing a contingent effective date; and providing a contingent expiration date.
Sec. 1. RCW 71.05.020 and 2024 c 371 s 17, 2024 c 209 s 5, and 2024 c 62 s 18 are each reenacted and amended to read as follows:
The definitions in this section apply throughout this chapter unless the context clearly requires otherwise.
(1) "23-hour crisis relief center" has the same meaning as under RCW 71.24.025;
(2) "Admission" or "admit" means a decision by a physician, physician assistant, or psychiatric advanced registered nurse practitioner that a person should be examined or treated as a patient in a hospital;
(3) "Alcoholism" means a disease, characterized by a dependency on alcoholic beverages, loss of control over the amount and circumstances of use, symptoms of tolerance, physiological or psychological withdrawal, or both, if use is reduced or discontinued, and impairment of health or disruption of social or economic functioning;
(4) "Antipsychotic medications" means that class of drugs primarily used to treat serious manifestations of mental illness associated with thought disorders, which includes, but is not limited to atypical antipsychotic medications;
(5) "Approved substance use disorder treatment program" means a program for persons with a substance use disorder provided by a treatment program certified by the department as meeting standards adopted under chapter 71.24 RCW;
(6) "Attending staff" means any person on the staff of a public or private agency having responsibility for the care and treatment of a patient;
(7) "Authority" means the Washington state health care authority;
(8) "Behavioral health disorder" means either a mental disorder as defined in this section, a substance use disorder as defined in this section, or a co-occurring mental disorder and substance use disorder;
(9) "Behavioral health service provider" means a public or private agency that provides mental health, substance use disorder, or co-occurring disorder services to persons with behavioral health disorders as defined under this section and receives funding from public sources. This includes, but is not limited to: Hospitals licensed under chapter 70.41 RCW; evaluation and treatment facilities as defined in this section; community mental health service delivery systems or community behavioral health programs as defined in RCW 71.24.025; licensed or certified behavioral health agencies under RCW 71.24.037; an entity with a tribal attestation that it meets minimum standards or a licensed or certified behavioral health agency as defined in RCW 71.24.025; facilities conducting competency evaluations and restoration under chapter 10.77 RCW; approved substance use disorder treatment programs as defined in this section; secure withdrawal management and stabilization facilities as defined in this section; and correctional facilities operated by state, local, and tribal governments;
(10) "Co-occurring disorder specialist" means an individual possessing an enhancement granted by the department of health under chapter 18.205 RCW that certifies the individual to provide substance use disorder counseling subject to the practice limitations under RCW 18.205.105;
(11) "Commitment" means the determination by a court that a person should be detained for a period of either evaluation or treatment, or both, in an inpatient or a less restrictive setting;
(12) "Community behavioral health agency" has the same meaning as "licensed or certified behavioral health agency" defined in RCW 71.24.025;
(13) "Conditional release" means a revocable modification of a commitment, which may be revoked upon violation of any of its terms;
(14) "Crisis stabilization unit" means a short-term facility or a portion of a facility licensed or certified by the department, such as an evaluation and treatment facility or a hospital, which has been designed to assess, diagnose, and treat individuals experiencing an acute crisis without the use of long-term hospitalization, or to determine the need for involuntary commitment of an individual;
(15) "Custody" means involuntary detention under the provisions of this chapter or chapter 10.77 RCW, uninterrupted by any period of unconditional release from commitment from a facility providing involuntary care and treatment;
(16) "Department" means the department of health;
(17) "Designated crisis responder" means a mental health professional appointed by the county, by an entity appointed by the county, or by the authority in consultation with a tribe or after meeting and conferring with an Indian health care provider, to perform the duties specified in this chapter;
(18) "Detention" or "detain" means the lawful confinement of a person, under the provisions of this chapter;
(19) "Developmental disabilities professional" means a person who has specialized training and three years of experience in directly treating or working with persons with developmental disabilities and is a psychiatrist, physician assistant working with a psychiatrist who is acting as a participating physician as defined in RCW 18.71A.010, psychologist, psychiatric advanced registered nurse practitioner, or social worker, and such other developmental disabilities professionals as may be defined by rules adopted by the secretary of the department of social and health services;
(20) "Developmental disability" means that condition defined in RCW 71A.10.020(6);
(21) "Director" means the director of the authority;
(22) "Discharge" means the termination of hospital medical authority. The commitment may remain in place, be terminated, or be amended by court order;
(23) "Drug addiction" means a disease, characterized by a dependency on psychoactive chemicals, loss of control over the amount and circumstances of use, symptoms of tolerance, physiological or psychological withdrawal, or both, if use is reduced or discontinued, and impairment of health or disruption of social or economic functioning;
(24) "Evaluation and treatment facility" means any facility which can provide directly, or by direct arrangement with other public or private agencies, emergency evaluation and treatment, outpatient care, and timely and appropriate inpatient care to persons suffering from a mental disorder, and which is licensed or certified as such by the department. The authority may certify single beds as temporary evaluation and treatment beds under RCW 71.05.745. A physically separate and separately operated portion of a state hospital may be designated as an evaluation and treatment facility. A facility which is part of, or operated by, the department of social and health services or any federal agency will not require certification. No correctional institution or facility, or jail, shall be an evaluation and treatment facility within the meaning of this chapter;
(25) "Gravely disabled" means a condition in which a person, as a result of a behavioral health disorder: (a) Is in danger of serious physical harm resulting from a failure to provide for his or her essential human needs of health or safety; or (b) manifests severe deterioration in routine functioning evidenced by repeated and escalating loss of cognitive or volitional control over his or her actions and is not receiving such care as is essential for his or her health or safety;
(26) "Habilitative services" means those services provided by program personnel to assist persons in acquiring and maintaining life skills and in raising their levels of physical, mental, social, and vocational functioning. Habilitative services include education, training for employment, and therapy. The habilitative process shall be undertaken with recognition of the risk to the public safety presented by the person being assisted as manifested by prior charged criminal conduct;
(27) "Hearing" means any proceeding conducted in open court that conforms to the requirements of RCW 71.05.820;
(28) "History of one or more violent acts" refers to the period of time ten years prior to the filing of a petition under this chapter, excluding any time spent, but not any violent acts committed, in a behavioral health facility, or in confinement as a result of a criminal conviction;
(29) "Imminent" means the state or condition of being likely to occur at any moment or near at hand, rather than distant or remote;
(30) "In need of assisted outpatient treatment" refers to a person who meets the criteria for assisted outpatient treatment established under RCW 71.05.148;
(31) "Individualized service plan" means a plan prepared by a developmental disabilities professional with other professionals as a team, for a person with developmental disabilities, which shall state:
(a) The nature of the person's specific problems, prior charged criminal behavior, and habilitation needs;
(b) The conditions and strategies necessary to achieve the purposes of habilitation;
(c) The intermediate and long-range goals of the habilitation program, with a projected timetable for the attainment;
(d) The rationale for using this plan of habilitation to achieve those intermediate and long-range goals;
(e) The staff responsible for carrying out the plan;
(f) Where relevant in light of past criminal behavior and due consideration for public safety, the criteria for proposed movement to less-restrictive settings, criteria for proposed eventual discharge or release, and a projected possible date for discharge or release; and
(g) The type of residence immediately anticipated for the person and possible future types of residences;
(32) "Intoxicated person" means a person whose mental or physical functioning is substantially impaired as a result of the use of alcohol or other psychoactive chemicals;
(33) "Judicial commitment" means a commitment by a court pursuant to the provisions of this chapter;
(34) "Legal counsel" means attorneys and staff employed by county prosecutor offices or the state attorney general acting in their capacity as legal representatives of public behavioral health service providers under RCW 71.05.130;
(35) "Less restrictive alternative treatment" means a program of individualized treatment in a less restrictive setting than inpatient treatment that includes the services described in RCW 71.05.585. This term includes: Treatment pursuant to a less restrictive alternative treatment order under RCW 71.05.240 or 71.05.320; treatment pursuant to a conditional release under RCW 71.05.340; and treatment pursuant to an assisted outpatient treatment order under RCW 71.05.148;
(36) "Licensed physician" means a person licensed to practice medicine or osteopathic medicine and surgery in the state of Washington;
(37) "Likelihood of serious harm" means:
(a) A substantial risk that: (i) Physical harm will be inflicted by a person upon his or her own person, as evidenced by threats or attempts to commit suicide or inflict physical harm on oneself; (ii) physical harm will be inflicted by a person upon another, as evidenced by behavior which has caused such harm or which places another person or persons in reasonable fear of sustaining such harm; or (iii) physical harm will be inflicted by a person upon the property of others, as evidenced by behavior which has caused substantial loss or damage to the property of others; or
(b) The person has threatened the physical safety of another and has a history of one or more violent acts;
(38) "Medical clearance" means a physician or other health care provider, including an Indian health care provider, has determined that a person is medically stable and ready for referral to the designated crisis responder or facility. For a person presenting in the community, no medical clearance is required prior to investigation by a designated crisis responder;
(39) "Mental disorder" means any organic, mental, or emotional impairment which has substantial adverse effects on a person's cognitive or volitional functions;
(40) "Mental health professional" means an individual practicing within the mental health professional's statutory scope of practice who is:
(a) A psychiatrist, psychologist, physician assistant working with a psychiatrist who is acting as a participating physician as defined in RCW 18.71A.010, psychiatric advanced registered nurse practitioner, psychiatric nurse, or social worker, as defined in this chapter and chapter 71.34 RCW;
(b) A mental health counselor, mental health counselor associate, marriage and family therapist, or marriage and family therapist associate, as defined in chapter 18.225 RCW;
(c) A certified or licensed agency affiliated counselor, as defined in chapter 18.19 RCW; or
(d) A licensed psychological associate as described in chapter 18.83 RCW;
(41) "Peace officer" means a law enforcement official of a public agency or governmental unit, and includes persons specifically given peace officer powers by any state law, local ordinance, or judicial order of appointment;
(42) "Physician assistant" means a person licensed as a physician assistant under chapter 18.71A RCW;
(43) "Private agency" means any person, partnership, corporation, or association that is not a public agency, whether or not financed in whole or in part by public funds, which constitutes an evaluation and treatment facility or private institution, or hospital, or approved substance use disorder treatment program, which is conducted for, or includes a department or ward conducted for, the care and treatment of persons with behavioral health disorders;
(44) "Professional person" means a mental health professional, substance use disorder professional, or designated crisis responder and shall also mean a physician, physician assistant, psychiatric advanced registered nurse practitioner, registered nurse, and such others as may be defined by rules adopted by the secretary pursuant to the provisions of this chapter;
(45) "Psychiatric advanced registered nurse practitioner" means a person who is licensed as an advanced registered nurse practitioner pursuant to chapter 18.79 RCW; and who is board certified in advanced practice psychiatric and mental health nursing;
(46) "Psychiatrist" means a person having a license as a physician and surgeon in this state who has in addition completed three years of graduate training in psychiatry in a program approved by the American medical association or the American osteopathic association and is certified or eligible to be certified by the American board of psychiatry and neurology;
(47) "Psychologist" means a person who has been licensed as a psychologist pursuant to chapter 18.83 RCW;
(48) "Public agency" means any evaluation and treatment facility or institution, secure withdrawal management and stabilization facility, approved substance use disorder treatment program, or hospital which is conducted for, or includes a department or ward conducted for, the care and treatment of persons with behavioral health disorders, if the agency is operated directly by federal, state, county, or municipal government, or a combination of such governments;
(49) "Release" means legal termination of the commitment under the provisions of this chapter;
(50) "Resource management services" has the meaning given in chapter 71.24 RCW;
(51) "Secretary" means the secretary of the department of health, or his or her designee;
(52) "Secure withdrawal management and stabilization facility" means a facility operated by either a public or private agency or by the program of an agency which provides care to voluntary individuals and individuals involuntarily detained and committed under this chapter for whom there is a likelihood of serious harm or who are gravely disabled due to the presence of a substance use disorder. Secure withdrawal management and stabilization facilities must:
(a) Provide the following services:
(i) Assessment and treatment, provided by certified substance use disorder professionals or co-occurring disorder specialists;
(ii) Clinical stabilization services;
(iii) Acute or subacute detoxification services for intoxicated individuals; and
(iv) Discharge assistance provided by certified substance use disorder professionals or co-occurring disorder specialists, including facilitating transitions to appropriate voluntary or involuntary inpatient services or to less restrictive alternatives as appropriate for the individual;
(b) Include security measures sufficient to protect the patients, staff, and community; and
(c) Be licensed or certified as such by the department of health;
(53) "Social worker" means a person with a master's or further advanced degree from a social work educational program accredited and approved as provided in RCW 18.320.010;
(54) "Substance use disorder" means a cluster of cognitive, behavioral, and physiological symptoms indicating that an individual continues using the substance despite significant substance-related problems. The diagnosis of a substance use disorder is based on a pathological pattern of behaviors related to the use of the substances;
(55) "Substance use disorder professional" means a person certified as a substance use disorder professional by the department of health under chapter 18.205 RCW;
(56) "Therapeutic court personnel" means the staff of a mental health court or other therapeutic court which has jurisdiction over defendants who are dually diagnosed with mental disorders, including court personnel, probation officers, a court monitor, prosecuting attorney, or defense counsel acting within the scope of therapeutic court duties;
(57) "Treatment records" include registration and all other records concerning persons who are receiving or who at any time have received services for behavioral health disorders, which are maintained by the department of social and health services, the department, the authority, behavioral health administrative services organizations and their staffs, managed care organizations and their staffs, and by treatment facilities. Treatment records include mental health information contained in a medical bill including but not limited to mental health drugs, a mental health diagnosis, provider name, and dates of service stemming from a medical service. Treatment records do not include notes or records maintained for personal use by a person providing treatment services for the department of social and health services, the department, the authority, behavioral health administrative services organizations, managed care organizations, or a treatment facility if the notes or records are not available to others;
(58) "Tribe" has the same meaning as in RCW 71.24.025;
(59) "Video," unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, means the delivery of behavioral health services through the use of interactive audio and video technology, permitting real-time communication between a person and a designated crisis responder, for the purpose of evaluation. "Video" does not include the use of audio-only telephone, facsimile, email, or store and forward technology. "Store and forward technology" means use of an asynchronous transmission of a person's medical information from a mental health service provider to the designated crisis responder which results in medical diagnosis, consultation, or treatment;
(60) "Violent act" means behavior that resulted in homicide, attempted suicide, injury, or substantial loss or damage to property;
(61) "Board-certified psychiatric pharmacist" is a pharmacist licensed under chapter 18.64 RCW who holds a psychiatric pharmacy specialty certification.
Sec. 2. RCW 71.05.020 and 2024 c 371 s 18, 2024 c 209 s 6, and 2024 c 62 s 19 are each reenacted and amended to read as follows:
The definitions in this section apply throughout this chapter unless the context clearly requires otherwise.
(1) "23-hour crisis relief center" has the same meaning as under RCW 71.24.025;
(2) "Admission" or "admit" means a decision by a physician, physician assistant, or psychiatric advanced registered nurse practitioner that a person should be examined or treated as a patient in a hospital;
(3) "Alcoholism" means a disease, characterized by a dependency on alcoholic beverages, loss of control over the amount and circumstances of use, symptoms of tolerance, physiological or psychological withdrawal, or both, if use is reduced or discontinued, and impairment of health or disruption of social or economic functioning;
(4) "Antipsychotic medications" means that class of drugs primarily used to treat serious manifestations of mental illness associated with thought disorders, which includes, but is not limited to atypical antipsychotic medications;
(5) "Approved substance use disorder treatment program" means a program for persons with a substance use disorder provided by a treatment program certified by the department as meeting standards adopted under chapter 71.24 RCW;
(6) "Attending staff" means any person on the staff of a public or private agency having responsibility for the care and treatment of a patient;
(7) "Authority" means the Washington state health care authority;
(8) "Behavioral health disorder" means either a mental disorder as defined in this section, a substance use disorder as defined in this section, or a co-occurring mental disorder and substance use disorder;
(9) "Behavioral health service provider" means a public or private agency that provides mental health, substance use disorder, or co-occurring disorder services to persons with behavioral health disorders as defined under this section and receives funding from public sources. This includes, but is not limited to: Hospitals licensed under chapter 70.41 RCW; evaluation and treatment facilities as defined in this section; community mental health service delivery systems or community behavioral health programs as defined in RCW 71.24.025; licensed or certified behavioral health agencies under RCW 71.24.037; an entity with a tribal attestation that it meets minimum standards or a licensed or certified behavioral health agency as defined in RCW 71.24.025; facilities conducting competency evaluations and restoration under chapter 10.77 RCW; approved substance use disorder treatment programs as defined in this section; secure withdrawal management and stabilization facilities as defined in this section; and correctional facilities operated by state, local, and tribal governments;
(10) "Co-occurring disorder specialist" means an individual possessing an enhancement granted by the department of health under chapter 18.205 RCW that certifies the individual to provide substance use disorder counseling subject to the practice limitations under RCW 18.205.105;
(11) "Commitment" means the determination by a court that a person should be detained for a period of either evaluation or treatment, or both, in an inpatient or a less restrictive setting;
(12) "Community behavioral health agency" has the same meaning as "licensed or certified behavioral health agency" defined in RCW 71.24.025;
(13) "Conditional release" means a revocable modification of a commitment, which may be revoked upon violation of any of its terms;
(14) "Crisis stabilization unit" means a short-term facility or a portion of a facility licensed or certified by the department, such as an evaluation and treatment facility or a hospital, which has been designed to assess, diagnose, and treat individuals experiencing an acute crisis without the use of long-term hospitalization, or to determine the need for involuntary commitment of an individual;
(15) "Custody" means involuntary detention under the provisions of this chapter or chapter 10.77 RCW, uninterrupted by any period of unconditional release from commitment from a facility providing involuntary care and treatment;
(16) "Department" means the department of health;
(17) "Designated crisis responder" means a mental health professional appointed by the county, by an entity appointed by the county, or by the authority in consultation with a tribe or after meeting and conferring with an Indian health care provider, to perform the duties specified in this chapter;
(18) "Detention" or "detain" means the lawful confinement of a person, under the provisions of this chapter;
(19) "Developmental disabilities professional" means a person who has specialized training and three years of experience in directly treating or working with persons with developmental disabilities and is a psychiatrist, physician assistant working with a psychiatrist who is acting as a participating physician as defined in RCW 18.71A.010, psychologist, psychiatric advanced registered nurse practitioner, or social worker, and such other developmental disabilities professionals as may be defined by rules adopted by the secretary of the department of social and health services;
(20) "Developmental disability" means that condition defined in RCW 71A.10.020(6);
(21) "Director" means the director of the authority;
(22) "Discharge" means the termination of hospital medical authority. The commitment may remain in place, be terminated, or be amended by court order;
(23) "Drug addiction" means a disease, characterized by a dependency on psychoactive chemicals, loss of control over the amount and circumstances of use, symptoms of tolerance, physiological or psychological withdrawal, or both, if use is reduced or discontinued, and impairment of health or disruption of social or economic functioning;
(24) "Evaluation and treatment facility" means any facility which can provide directly, or by direct arrangement with other public or private agencies, emergency evaluation and treatment, outpatient care, and timely and appropriate inpatient care to persons suffering from a mental disorder, and which is licensed or certified as such by the department. The authority may certify single beds as temporary evaluation and treatment beds under RCW 71.05.745. A physically separate and separately operated portion of a state hospital may be designated as an evaluation and treatment facility. A facility which is part of, or operated by, the department of social and health services or any federal agency will not require certification. No correctional institution or facility, or jail, shall be an evaluation and treatment facility within the meaning of this chapter;
(25) "Gravely disabled" means a condition in which a person, as a result of a behavioral health disorder: (a) Is in danger of serious physical harm resulting from a failure to provide for his or her essential human needs of health or safety; or (b) manifests severe deterioration from safe behavior evidenced by repeated and escalating loss of cognitive or volitional control over his or her actions and is not receiving such care as is essential for his or her health or safety;
(26) "Habilitative services" means those services provided by program personnel to assist persons in acquiring and maintaining life skills and in raising their levels of physical, mental, social, and vocational functioning. Habilitative services include education, training for employment, and therapy. The habilitative process shall be undertaken with recognition of the risk to the public safety presented by the person being assisted as manifested by prior charged criminal conduct;
(27) "Hearing" means any proceeding conducted in open court that conforms to the requirements of RCW 71.05.820;
(28) "History of one or more violent acts" refers to the period of time ten years prior to the filing of a petition under this chapter, excluding any time spent, but not any violent acts committed, in a behavioral health facility, or in confinement as a result of a criminal conviction;
(29) "Imminent" means the state or condition of being likely to occur at any moment or near at hand, rather than distant or remote;
(30) "In need of assisted outpatient treatment" refers to a person who meets the criteria for assisted outpatient treatment established under RCW 71.05.148;
(31) "Individualized service plan" means a plan prepared by a developmental disabilities professional with other professionals as a team, for a person with developmental disabilities, which shall state:
(a) The nature of the person's specific problems, prior charged criminal behavior, and habilitation needs;
(b) The conditions and strategies necessary to achieve the purposes of habilitation;
(c) The intermediate and long-range goals of the habilitation program, with a projected timetable for the attainment;
(d) The rationale for using this plan of habilitation to achieve those intermediate and long-range goals;
(e) The staff responsible for carrying out the plan;
(f) Where relevant in light of past criminal behavior and due consideration for public safety, the criteria for proposed movement to less-restrictive settings, criteria for proposed eventual discharge or release, and a projected possible date for discharge or release; and
(g) The type of residence immediately anticipated for the person and possible future types of residences;
(32) "Intoxicated person" means a person whose mental or physical functioning is substantially impaired as a result of the use of alcohol or other psychoactive chemicals;
(33) "Judicial commitment" means a commitment by a court pursuant to the provisions of this chapter;
(34) "Legal counsel" means attorneys and staff employed by county prosecutor offices or the state attorney general acting in their capacity as legal representatives of public behavioral health service providers under RCW 71.05.130;
(35) "Less restrictive alternative treatment" means a program of individualized treatment in a less restrictive setting than inpatient treatment that includes the services described in RCW 71.05.585. This term includes: Treatment pursuant to a less restrictive alternative treatment order under RCW 71.05.240 or 71.05.320; treatment pursuant to a conditional release under RCW 71.05.340; and treatment pursuant to an assisted outpatient treatment order under RCW 71.05.148;
(36) "Licensed physician" means a person licensed to practice medicine or osteopathic medicine and surgery in the state of Washington;
(37) "Likelihood of serious harm" means:
(a) A substantial risk that: (i) Physical harm will be inflicted by a person upon his or her own person, as evidenced by threats or attempts to commit suicide or inflict physical harm on oneself; (ii) physical harm will be inflicted by a person upon another, as evidenced by behavior which has caused harm, substantial pain, or which places another person or persons in reasonable fear of harm to themselves or others; or (iii) physical harm will be inflicted by a person upon the property of others, as evidenced by behavior which has caused substantial loss or damage to the property of others; or
(b) The person has threatened the physical safety of another and has a history of one or more violent acts;
(38) "Medical clearance" means a physician or other health care provider, including an Indian health care provider, has determined that a person is medically stable and ready for referral to the designated crisis responder or facility. For a person presenting in the community, no medical clearance is required prior to investigation by a designated crisis responder;
(39) "Mental disorder" means any organic, mental, or emotional impairment which has substantial adverse effects on a person's cognitive or volitional functions;
(40) "Mental health professional" means an individual practicing within the mental health professional's statutory scope of practice who is:
(a) A psychiatrist, psychologist, physician assistant working with a psychiatrist who is acting as a participating physician as defined in RCW 18.71A.010, psychiatric advanced registered nurse practitioner, psychiatric nurse, or social worker, as defined in this chapter and chapter 71.34 RCW;
(b) A mental health counselor, mental health counselor associate, marriage and family therapist, or marriage and family therapist associate, as defined in chapter 18.225 RCW;
(c) A certified or licensed agency affiliated counselor, as defined in chapter 18.19 RCW; or
(d) A licensed psychological associate as described in chapter 18.83 RCW;
(41) "Peace officer" means a law enforcement official of a public agency or governmental unit, and includes persons specifically given peace officer powers by any state law, local ordinance, or judicial order of appointment;
(42) "Physician assistant" means a person licensed as a physician assistant under chapter 18.71A RCW;
(43) "Private agency" means any person, partnership, corporation, or association that is not a public agency, whether or not financed in whole or in part by public funds, which constitutes an evaluation and treatment facility or private institution, or hospital, or approved substance use disorder treatment program, which is conducted for, or includes a department or ward conducted for, the care and treatment of persons with behavioral health disorders;
(44) "Professional person" means a mental health professional, substance use disorder professional, or designated crisis responder and shall also mean a physician, physician assistant, psychiatric advanced registered nurse practitioner, registered nurse, and such others as may be defined by rules adopted by the secretary pursuant to the provisions of this chapter;
(45) "Psychiatric advanced registered nurse practitioner" means a person who is licensed as an advanced registered nurse practitioner pursuant to chapter 18.79 RCW; and who is board certified in advanced practice psychiatric and mental health nursing;
(46) "Psychiatrist" means a person having a license as a physician and surgeon in this state who has in addition completed three years of graduate training in psychiatry in a program approved by the American medical association or the American osteopathic association and is certified or eligible to be certified by the American board of psychiatry and neurology;
(47) "Psychologist" means a person who has been licensed as a psychologist pursuant to chapter 18.83 RCW;
(48) "Public agency" means any evaluation and treatment facility or institution, secure withdrawal management and stabilization facility, approved substance use disorder treatment program, or hospital which is conducted for, or includes a department or ward conducted for, the care and treatment of persons with behavioral health disorders, if the agency is operated directly by federal, state, county, or municipal government, or a combination of such governments;
(49) "Release" means legal termination of the commitment under the provisions of this chapter;
(50) "Resource management services" has the meaning given in chapter 71.24 RCW;
(51) "Secretary" means the secretary of the department of health, or his or her designee;
(52) "Secure withdrawal management and stabilization facility" means a facility operated by either a public or private agency or by the program of an agency which provides care to voluntary individuals and individuals involuntarily detained and committed under this chapter for whom there is a likelihood of serious harm or who are gravely disabled due to the presence of a substance use disorder. Secure withdrawal management and stabilization facilities must:
(a) Provide the following services:
(i) Assessment and treatment, provided by certified substance use disorder professionals or co-occurring disorder specialists;
(ii) Clinical stabilization services;
(iii) Acute or subacute detoxification services for intoxicated individuals; and
(iv) Discharge assistance provided by certified substance use disorder professionals or co-occurring disorder specialists, including facilitating transitions to appropriate voluntary or involuntary inpatient services or to less restrictive alternatives as appropriate for the individual;
(b) Include security measures sufficient to protect the patients, staff, and community; and
(c) Be licensed or certified as such by the department of health;
(53) "Severe deterioration from safe behavior" means that a person will, if not treated, suffer or continue to suffer severe and abnormal mental, emotional, or physical distress, and this distress is associated with significant impairment of judgment, reason, or behavior;
(54) "Social worker" means a person with a master's or further advanced degree from a social work educational program accredited and approved as provided in RCW 18.320.010;
(55) "Substance use disorder" means a cluster of cognitive, behavioral, and physiological symptoms indicating that an individual continues using the substance despite significant substance-related problems. The diagnosis of a substance use disorder is based on a pathological pattern of behaviors related to the use of the substances;
(56) "Substance use disorder professional" means a person certified as a substance use disorder professional by the department of health under chapter 18.205 RCW;
(57) "Therapeutic court personnel" means the staff of a mental health court or other therapeutic court which has jurisdiction over defendants who are dually diagnosed with mental disorders, including court personnel, probation officers, a court monitor, prosecuting attorney, or defense counsel acting within the scope of therapeutic court duties;
(58) "Treatment records" include registration and all other records concerning persons who are receiving or who at any time have received services for behavioral health disorders, which are maintained by the department of social and health services, the department, the authority, behavioral health administrative services organizations and their staffs, managed care organizations and their staffs, and by treatment facilities. Treatment records include mental health information contained in a medical bill including but not limited to mental health drugs, a mental health diagnosis, provider name, and dates of service stemming from a medical service. Treatment records do not include notes or records maintained for personal use by a person providing treatment services for the department of social and health services, the department, the authority, behavioral health administrative services organizations, managed care organizations, or a treatment facility if the notes or records are not available to others;
(59) "Tribe" has the same meaning as in RCW 71.24.025;
(60) "Video," unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, means the delivery of behavioral health services through the use of interactive audio and video technology, permitting real-time communication between a person and a designated crisis responder, for the purpose of evaluation. "Video" does not include the use of audio-only telephone, facsimile, email, or store and forward technology. "Store and forward technology" means use of an asynchronous transmission of a person's medical information from a mental health service provider to the designated crisis responder which results in medical diagnosis, consultation, or treatment;
(61) "Violent act" means behavior that resulted in homicide, attempted suicide, injury, or substantial loss or damage to property;
(62) "Board-certified psychiatric pharmacist" is a pharmacist licensed under chapter 18.64 RCW who holds a psychiatric pharmacy specialty certification.
Sec. 3. RCW 71.05.148 and 2024 c 209 s 9 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) A person is in need of assisted outpatient treatment if the court finds by clear, cogent, and convincing evidence pursuant to a petition filed under this section that:
(a) The person has a behavioral health disorder;
(b) Based on a clinical determination and in view of the person's treatment history and current behavior, at least one of the following is true:
(i) The person is unlikely to survive safely in the community without supervision and the person's condition is substantially deteriorating; or
(ii) The person is in need of assisted outpatient treatment in order to prevent a relapse or deterioration that would be likely to result in grave disability or a likelihood of serious harm to the person or to others;
(c) The person has a history of lack of compliance with treatment for his or her behavioral health disorder that has:
(i) At least twice within the 36 months prior to the filing of the petition been a significant factor in necessitating hospitalization of the person, or the person's receipt of services in a forensic or other mental health unit of a state or tribal correctional facility or local correctional facility, provided that the 36-month period shall be extended by the length of any hospitalization or incarceration of the person that occurred within the 36-month period;
(ii) At least twice within the 36 months prior to the filing of the petition been a significant factor in necessitating emergency medical care or hospitalization for behavioral health-related medical conditions including overdose, infected abscesses, sepsis, endocarditis, or other maladies, or a significant factor in behavior which resulted in the person's incarceration in a state, tribal, or local correctional facility; or
(iii) Resulted in one or more violent acts, threats, or attempts to cause serious physical harm to the person or another within the 48 months prior to the filing of the petition, provided that the 48-month period shall be extended by the length of any hospitalization or incarceration of the person that occurred during the 48-month period;
(d) Participation in an assisted outpatient treatment program would be the least restrictive alternative necessary to ensure the person's recovery and stability; and
(e) The person will benefit from assisted outpatient treatment.
(2) The following individuals may directly file a petition for less restrictive alternative treatment on the basis that a person is in need of assisted outpatient treatment:
(a) The director of a hospital where the person is hospitalized or the director's designee;
(b) The director of a behavioral health service provider providing behavioral health care or residential services to the person or the director's designee;
(c) The person's treating mental health professional or substance use disorder professional or one who has evaluated the person;
(d) A designated crisis responder;
(e) A release planner from a corrections facility; or
(f) An emergency room physician.
(3) A court order for less restrictive alternative treatment on the basis that the person is in need of assisted outpatient treatment may be effective for up to 18 months. The petitioner must personally interview the person, unless the person refuses an interview, to determine whether the person will voluntarily receive appropriate treatment.
(4) The petitioner must allege specific facts based on personal observation, evaluation, or investigation, and must consider the reliability or credibility of any person providing information material to the petition.
(5) The petition must include:
(a) A statement of the circumstances under which the person's condition was made known and the basis for the opinion, from personal observation or investigation, that the person is in need of assisted outpatient treatment. The petitioner must state which specific facts come from personal observation and specify what other sources of information the petitioner has relied upon to form this belief;
(b) A declaration from a physician, physician assistant, advanced practice registered nurse ((practitioner)), board-certified psychiatric pharmacist, or the person's treating mental health professional or substance use disorder professional, who has examined the person no more than 10 days prior to the submission of the petition and who is willing to testify in support of the petition, or who alternatively has made appropriate attempts to examine the person within the same period but has not been successful in obtaining the person's cooperation, and who is willing to testify to the reasons they believe that the person meets the criteria for assisted outpatient treatment. If the declaration is provided by the person's treating mental health professional or substance use disorder professional, it must be cosigned by a supervising physician, physician assistant, or advanced practice registered nurse ((practitioner)) who certifies that they have reviewed the declaration;
(c) The declarations of additional witnesses, if any, supporting the petition for assisted outpatient treatment;
(d) The name of an agency, provider, or facility that agrees to provide less restrictive alternative treatment if the petition is granted by the court; and
(e) If the person is detained in a state hospital, inpatient treatment facility, jail, or correctional facility at the time the petition is filed, the anticipated release date of the person and any other details needed to facilitate successful reentry and transition into the community.
(6)(a) Upon receipt of a petition meeting all requirements of this section, the court shall fix a date for a hearing:
(i) No sooner than three days or later than seven days after the date of service or as stipulated by the parties or, upon a showing of good cause, no later than 30 days after the date of service; or
(ii) If the respondent is hospitalized at the time of filing of the petition, before discharge of the respondent and in sufficient time to arrange for a continuous transition from inpatient treatment to assisted outpatient treatment.
(b) A copy of the petition and notice of hearing shall be served, in the same manner as a summons, on the petitioner, the respondent, the qualified professional whose affidavit accompanied the petition, a current provider, if any, and a surrogate decision maker or agent under chapter 71.32 RCW, if any.
(c) If the respondent has a surrogate decision maker or agent under chapter 71.32 RCW who wishes to provide testimony at the hearing, the court shall afford the surrogate decision maker or agent an opportunity to testify.
(d) The respondent shall be represented by counsel at all stages of the proceedings.
(e) If the respondent fails to appear at the hearing after notice, the court may conduct the hearing in the respondent's absence; provided that the respondent's counsel is present.
(f) If the respondent has refused to be examined by the qualified professional whose affidavit accompanied the petition, the court may order a mental examination of the respondent. The examination of the respondent may be performed by the qualified professional whose affidavit accompanied the petition. If the examination is performed by another qualified professional, the examining qualified professional shall be authorized to consult with the qualified professional whose affidavit accompanied the petition.
(g) If the respondent has refused to be examined by a qualified professional and the court finds reasonable grounds to believe that the allegations of the petition are true, the court may issue a written order directing a peace officer who has completed crisis intervention training to detain and transport the respondent to a provider for examination by a qualified professional. A respondent detained pursuant to this subsection shall be detained no longer than necessary to complete the examination and in no event longer than 24 hours.
(7) If the petition involves a person whom the petitioner or behavioral health administrative services organization knows, or has reason to know, is an American Indian or Alaska Native who receives medical or behavioral health services from a tribe within this state, the petitioner or behavioral health administrative services organization shall notify the tribe and Indian health care provider. Notification shall be made in person or by telephonic or electronic communication to the tribal contact listed in the authority's tribal crisis coordination plan as soon as possible, but before the hearing and no later than 24 hours from the time the petition is served upon the person and the person's guardian. The notice to the tribe or Indian health care provider must include a copy of the petition, together with any orders issued by the court and a notice of the tribe's right to intervene. The court clerk shall provide copies of any court orders necessary for the petitioner or the behavioral health administrative services organization to provide notice to the tribe or Indian health care provider under this section.
(8) A petition for assisted outpatient treatment filed under this section shall be adjudicated under RCW 71.05.240.
(9) After January 1, 2023, a petition for assisted outpatient treatment must be filed on forms developed by the administrative office of the courts.
Sec. 4. RCW 71.05.230 and 2022 c 210 s 11 are each amended to read as follows:
A person detained for ((one hundred twenty))120 hours of evaluation and treatment may be committed for not more than ((fourteen))14 additional days of involuntary intensive treatment or ((ninety))90 additional days of a less restrictive alternative treatment. A petition may only be filed if the following conditions are met:
(1) The professional staff of the facility providing evaluation services has analyzed the person's condition and finds that the condition is caused by a behavioral health disorder and results in: (a) A likelihood of serious harm; or (b) the person being gravely disabled; and are prepared to testify those conditions are met; and
(2) The person has been advised of the need for voluntary treatment and the professional staff of the facility has evidence that he or she has not in good faith volunteered; and
(3) The facility providing intensive treatment is certified to provide such treatment by the department or under RCW 71.05.745; and
(4)(a)(i) The professional staff of the facility or the designated crisis responder has filed a petition with the court for a ((fourteen))14 day involuntary detention or a ((ninety))90 day less restrictive alternative. The petition must be signed by:
(A) One physician, physician assistant, board-certified psychiatric pharmacist, or psychiatric advanced registered nurse practitioner; and
(B) One physician, physician assistant, psychiatric advanced registered nurse practitioner, or mental health professional.
(ii) If the petition is for substance use disorder treatment, the petition may be signed by a substance use disorder professional instead of a mental health professional and by an advanced practice registered nurse ((practitioner)) instead of a psychiatric advanced registered nurse practitioner. The persons signing the petition must have examined the person.
(b) If involuntary detention is sought the petition shall state facts that support the finding that such person, as a result of a behavioral health disorder, presents a likelihood of serious harm, or is gravely disabled and that there are no less restrictive alternatives to detention in the best interest of such person or others. The petition shall state specifically that less restrictive alternative treatment was considered and specify why treatment less restrictive than detention is not appropriate. If an involuntary less restrictive alternative is sought, the petition shall state facts that support the finding that such person, as a result of a behavioral health disorder, presents a likelihood of serious harm or is gravely disabled and shall set forth any recommendations for less restrictive alternative treatment services; and
(5) A copy of the petition has been served on the detained person, his or her attorney, and his or her guardian, if any, prior to the probable cause hearing; and
(6) The court at the time the petition was filed and before the probable cause hearing has appointed counsel to represent such person if no other counsel has appeared; and
(7) The petition reflects that the person was informed of the loss of firearm rights if involuntarily committed for mental health treatment; and
(8) At the conclusion of the initial commitment period, the professional staff of the agency or facility or the designated crisis responder may petition for an additional period of either 90 days of less restrictive alternative treatment or 90 days of involuntary intensive treatment as provided in RCW 71.05.290; and
(9) If the hospital or facility designated to provide less restrictive alternative treatment is other than the facility providing involuntary treatment, the outpatient facility so designated to provide less restrictive alternative treatment has agreed to assume such responsibility.
Sec. 5. RCW 71.05.585 and 2024 c 62 s 22 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) Less restrictive alternative treatment, at a minimum, includes the following services:
(a) Assignment of a care coordinator;
(b) An intake evaluation with the provider of the less restrictive alternative treatment;
(c) A psychiatric evaluation, a substance use disorder evaluation, or both;
(d) A schedule of regular contacts with the provider of the treatment services for the duration of the order;
(e) A transition plan addressing access to continued services at the expiration of the order;
(f) An individual crisis plan;
(g) Consultation about the formation of a mental health advance directive under chapter 71.32 RCW; and
(h) Notification to the care coordinator assigned in (a) of this subsection if reasonable efforts to engage the client fail to produce substantial compliance with court-ordered treatment conditions.
(2) Less restrictive alternative treatment may additionally include requirements to participate in the following services:
(a) Medication management;
(b) Psychotherapy;
(c) Nursing;
(d) Substance use disorder counseling;
(e) Residential treatment;
(f) Partial hospitalization;
(g) Intensive outpatient treatment;
(h) Support for housing, benefits, education, and employment; and
(i) Periodic court review.
(3) If the person was provided with involuntary medication under RCW 71.05.215 or pursuant to a judicial order during the involuntary commitment period, the less restrictive alternative treatment order may authorize the less restrictive alternative treatment provider or its designee to administer involuntary antipsychotic medication to the person if the provider has attempted and failed to obtain the informed consent of the person and there is a concurring medical opinion approving the medication by a psychiatrist, physician assistant working with a psychiatrist who is acting as a participating physician as defined in RCW 18.71A.010, psychiatric advanced registered nurse practitioner, board-certified psychiatric pharmacist, or physician or physician assistant in consultation with an independent mental health professional with prescribing authority.
(4) Less restrictive alternative treatment must be administered by a provider that is certified or licensed to provide or coordinate the full scope of services required under the less restrictive alternative order and that has agreed to assume this responsibility.
(5) The care coordinator assigned to a person ordered to less restrictive alternative treatment must submit an individualized plan for the person's treatment services to the court that entered the order. An initial plan must be submitted as soon as possible following the intake evaluation and a revised plan must be submitted upon any subsequent modification in which a type of service is removed from or added to the treatment plan.
(6) A care coordinator may disclose information and records related to mental health services pursuant to RCW 70.02.230(2)(k) for purposes of implementing less restrictive alternative treatment.
(7) For the purpose of this section, "care coordinator" means a clinical practitioner who coordinates the activities of less restrictive alternative treatment. The care coordinator coordinates activities with the designated crisis responders that are necessary for enforcement and continuation of less restrictive alternative orders and is responsible for coordinating service activities with other agencies and establishing and maintaining a therapeutic relationship with the individual on a continuing basis.
NEW SECTION.  Sec. 6. Section 1 of this act expires when section 2 of this act takes effect.
NEW SECTION.  Sec. 7. Section 2 of this act takes effect when the contingency in section 26, chapter 433, Laws of 2023 takes effect.
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