69th Legislature - 2025 Regular Session

Speaker Speaker Pro Tempore


Bill No. Description Sponsors Committee Inf.
HB 1002 f PTSD/coroners & examiners Abbarno,Rude LAWS DP7 w/oRec2
HB 1004 f Property tax exemption Leavitt,Volz FIN DP14 DNP1
HB 1005 Prearrang. funeral services Ryu,Corry CPB DP15
HB 1014 f Child support schedule Schmidt,Walen CRJ DP11 w/oRec2
HB 1015 f Energy labeling/residential Duerr,Ramel LG DPS4 DNP3
HB 1017 Kimchi day Ryu,Mena SGOV DP6
HB 1023 f Cosmetology compact Ryu,Leavitt APP DPS31
HB 1030 f Counted ballot audits Low,Mena SGOV DP5 DNP1
HB 1036 Labor trustees/colleges Ortiz-Self,Reed PEW DPS9 DNP6 w/oRec2
HB 1040 f Rental income/property tax Doglio,Parshley FIN DP15
HB 1060 f Newspaper tax preference Santos,Orcutt FIN DP15
HB 1061 Residential parking Low,Jacobsen TR DPS23 w/oRec2
HB 1064 System improvement team Abbarno,Tharinger CB DP19
HB 1065 f Family burial grounds Walsh,Orcutt CRJ DP13
HB 1076 f Health technology assessment Walen,Barnard HCW DPS16 w/oRec2 DNP1
HB 1080 f Lodging fee disclosure Donaghy,Ryu CPB DPS9 w/oRec4 DNP1
HB 1091 f SVP supervision credit Couture,Leavitt CS DP8
HB 1094 f Social services/property tax Walen,Ryu FIN DP9 w/oRec5
HB 1098 f County local roads Low,Barkis TR DPS27
HB 1104 f Professional engineers' reg. Waters,Bernbaum CPB DPS12 DNP2
HB 1106 f Disabled veterans/prop. tax Barnard,Leavitt FIN DP15
HB 1109 f Public facilities districts Ryu,Cortes FIN DP14
HB 1113 f Misdemeanor dismissal Farivar,Goodman CS DPS6 DNP3
HB 1114 f Respiratory care compact Leavitt,Ybarra APP DP31
HB 1116 f Election day Mena,Ramel APP DPS31
HB 1123 f Health carrier reimbursement Macri,Berry APP DPS19 DNP12
HB 1130 f Dev. disabilities waiver use Farivar,Couture ELHS DP11
HB 1132 f Bulk firearm purchases Farivar,Ormsby CRJ DPS8 DNP5
HB 1135 f Local government planning Duerr,Parshley LG DPS4 w/oRec3
HB 1141 f Ag. cannabis workers Ortiz-Self,Fosse LAWS DPS6 DNP3
HB 1144 f Superior court judge/Skagit Lekanoff,Low APP DPS30 w/oRec1
HB 1152 f Firearm storage Doglio,Walen CRJ DP7 DNP5
HB 1155 Noncompetition agreements Berry,Walen LAWS DPS8 w/oRec1
HB 1156 Volunteer firefighters/DCP Steele,Ormsby APP DP31
HB 1160 f Local gov. design review Walen,Ramel LG DPS6 w/oRec1
HB 1170 f AI content notices Shavers,Taylor TEDV DPS8 DNP5
HB 1173 f High-hazard facility wages Bronoske,Berry LAWS DP6 w/oRec2 DNP1
HB 1178 f Sentencing enhancements Goodman,Hackney CS DPS6 DNP3
HB 1185 f Correctional industries comm Fosse,Farivar CS DP9
HB 1191 f Manufactured home titles Connors,Peterson HOUS DP15
HB 1192 f DOC disciplinary hearings Simmons,Peterson CS DPS8
HB 1196 f Voting rights/convictions Simmons,Mena SGOV DP4 DNP3
HB 1201 f Emergency shelters/pets Leavitt,Ryu TEDV DPS12 w/oRec1
HB 1204 Senior shared housing Eslick,Walen HOUS DP13 DNP2 w/oRec2
HB 1205 f Forged digital likeness Ryu,Obras CS DPS8
HB 1210 f Urban area tax preferences Barnard,Springer FIN DPS11 w/oRec3
HB 1217 f Residential tenants Alvarado,Macri APP DP2S(w/o sub HOUS)18 DNP12 w/oRec1
HB 1219 f Interbranch advisory comm. Taylor,Farivar SGOV DP4 DNP2
HB 1220 f Behavioral health/assaults Farivar,Macri CS DP6 DNP3
HB 1230 f Disability insurer filings Hackney CPB DP15
HB 1248 f Juvenile justice programs Couture ELHS DPS11
HB 1260 Document recording fee admin Schmidt,Ormsby APP DPS30
HB 1281 Technical corrections Goodman,Simmons CRJ DPS11 w/oRec2
HB 1291 f Maternity services costs Rule,Stonier HCW DPS14 DNP4 w/oRec1
HB 1296 f Public education system Stonier,Macri ED DPS10 DNP8
HB 1305 Property owners/projects Donaghy,Duerr LG DPS4 w/oRec3
HB 1308 f Access to personnel records Reed,Fosse LAWS DPS6 w/oRec2 DNP1
HB 1314 f Early learning facilities Callan,Abbarno CB DP19
HB 1317 f Sentences/offenses before 21 Hackney,Goodman CS DP5 DNP4
HB 1321 Outside militia activities Mena,Ortiz-Self SGOV DPS4 DNP2
HB 1325 f Fish & wildlife enforcement Goodman,Scott AGNR DPS11
HB 1329 f Wholesale power purchases Hunt,Ybarra ENVI DP20
HB 1332 f Transp. network companies Obras,Gregerson LAWS DPS6 DNP2 w/oRec1
HB 1341 f Medical cannabis database Wylie CPB DP15
HB 1343 Higher ed./loss of aid Pollet,Leavitt PEW DPS11 DNP3 w/oRec2
HB 1345 f Detached ADU limits Low,Peterson HOUS DP17
HB 1347 f Cannabis testing labs Reeves,Corry CPB DP15
HB 1353 f ADU self-certification Ramel,Duerr LG DPS7
HB 1355 f Tax compacts/capital invest. Berg,Ryu FIN DP11 w/oRec4
HB 1361 Process service Hill,Taylor CRJ DP13
HB 1372 f JLARC studies Orcutt,Pollet SGOV DP7
HB 1379 f Health carrier reporting Lekanoff,Macri HCW DP19
HB 1388 f Mobile market programs Bernbaum,Parshley ELHS DPS11
HB 1390 f Community protection program Goodman,Farivar ELHS DPS9 w/oRec2
HB 1394 f Hospital medical records Parshley,Obras HCW DPS19
HB 1395 f Home care worker background Farivar,Fosse PEW DPS9 w/oRec7
HB 1400 f Officer certification Goodman,Salahuddin CS DP9
HB 1418 PTBA governing body members Timmons,Ramel TR DPS23 DNP2 w/oRec2
HB 1430 f APRN & PA reimbursement Simmons,Leavitt HCW DPS14 DNP5
HB 1434 f Eid al-Fitr & Eid al-Adha Salahuddin,Mena SGOV DPS5 w/oRec2
HB 1439 Vehicle and driver licensing Bernbaum,Abell TR DPS27
HB 1457 f SVP electronic monitoring Griffey,Couture CS DP9
HB 1477 f WA saves trust account Reeves,Ryu APP DP31
HB 1483 f Digital electronics/repair Gregerson,Reeves TEDV DPS8 DNP5
HB 1484 f Victim of rape/pregnancy Salahuddin,Davis CS DP8
HB 1488 f Conservation district limits Berg,Duerr FIN DPS11 DNP4
HB 1489 f Childhood ed./impl. dates Ormsby APP DPS30
HB 1498 f Domestic viol. co-responders Davis,Couture APP DPS25 w/oRec3 DNP2
HB 1500 CIC resale certificates Reed,Entenman HOUS DPS12 w/oRec5
HB 1501 CIC unit owner inquiries Reed,Entenman HOUS DP10 w/oRec6 DNP1
HB 1511 f Ferry captains Parshley,Fosse LAWS DP8
HB 1519 f Vehicle subagent fees Fey,Barkis TR DPS22 w/oRec3 DNP2
HB 1522 f Utility wildfire mitigation Dent,Reeves ENVI DPS20
HB 1526 f Snack bar liquor licenses Schmick,Reed CPB DP14 DNP1
HB 1537 f Roadway safety account use Barkis TR DP27
HB 1540 f Homelessness/tribal colleges Timmons,Eslick APP DP27 DNP3 w/oRec1
HB 1541 f Veterans affairs adv. comm. Abell,Donaghy TEDV DPS10 DNP2 w/oRec1
HB 1542 f Senior independent housing Reeves,Peterson HOUS DPS10 DNP7
HB 1543 f Clean buildings standard Doglio,Ramel ENVI DPS20
HB 1544 f Child abuse risk assessment Rule,Hill ELHS DPS11
HB 1556 f HS completers/CTC tuition Entenman,Davis PEW DP16
HB 1562 f Diaper changing stations Hunt,Griffey LG DPS7
HB 1573 Oath of office timing/local Parshley,Hunt SGOV DP7
HB 1582 f Child care centers/buildings Caldier,Richards ELHS DP9
HB 1600 f Family services support fee Eslick,Parshley LG DP6 w/oRec1
HB 1602 f Liquor food service options Waters,Peterson CPB DP15
HB 1605 f State patrol longevity bonus Fey,Barkis TR DP27
HB 1606 $f Journal access/state empl. Engell,Bernbaum APP DPS30
HB 1610 f Critical energy infra./PRA Hunt,Doglio SGOV DPS4 w/oRec2 DNP1
HB 1615 f Water system classifications Caldier ENVI DP19
HB 1616 f Transit conduct/ferries Reed,Berry TR DP27
HB 1620 Parenting plan limitations Taylor,Goodman CRJ DPS10 DNP2 w/oRec1
HB 1621 f Housing court commissioners Macri,Taylor CRJ DPS13
HB 1628 f Fire service policy board Bronoske,Griffey SGOV DP6 w/oRec1
HB 1631 State marine forest Nance,Mena SGOV DP7
HB 1653 f Tow truck payments/indigent Donaghy,Barkis TR DPS24
HB 1656 f Wildfire costs/securitizing Abbarno,Doglio ENVI DPS15 w/oRec5
HB 1720 f Community care/Rx assistance Schmick,Low HCW DPS19
HB 1757 f Residential use/existing Walen,Fitzgibbon HOUS DP16 w/oRec1
HB 1814 f SEPA/trails and paths Fitzgibbon,Duerr LG DP4 w/oRec3
HJM 4000 Martin Luther King, Jr. Way Gregerson,Obras TR DPS25
HJM 4001 Russ Blount memorial bridge Fey,Dufault TR DPS25
HJM 4002 Medal of Honor Bridge Dent,Paul TR DP27
HJR 4200 f Personal property taxation Schmidt,Leavitt FIN DP14 w/oRec1