H-1954              _______________________________________________


                                           SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL NO. 211



State of Washington                              49th Legislature                              1985 Regular Session


By House Committee on Education (originally sponsored by Representatives Betrozoff, Ebersole, Holland, Valle, Long, Bristow, Patrick, Day, Chandler, Dellwo, Bond, Kremen, Isaacson, Silver, Barrett, Smitherman, Van Luven, K. Wilson, Ballard, Walker, C. Smith, May, Tanner, Miller, Brough and Taylor)



Read first time 2/18/85 and passed to Committee on Rules.



AN ACT Relating to home schooling; amending RCW 28A.02.201, 28A.27.010, and 28A.41.145; and adding a new section to chapter 28A.27 RCW.




        Sec. 1.  Section 2, chapter 92, Laws of 1974 ex. sess. as last amended by section 1, chapter 56, Laws of 1983 and RCW 28A.02.201 are each amended to read as follows:

          The legislature hereby recognizes that private schools should be subject only to those minimum state controls necessary to insure the health and safety of all the students in the state and to insure a sufficient basic education to meet usual graduation requirements.  The state, any agency or official thereof, shall not restrict or dictate any specific educational or other programs for private schools except as hereinafter in this section provided.

          Principals of private schools or superintendents of private school districts shall file each year with the state superintendent of public instruction a statement certifying that the minimum requirements hereinafter set forth are being met, noting any deviations.  After review of the statement, the state superintendent will notify schools or school districts of those deviations which must be corrected.  In case of major deviations, the school or school district may request and the state board of education may grant provisional status for one year in order that the school or school district may take action to meet the requirements.  Minimum requirements shall be as follows:

          (1) The minimum school year shall be the same as that required of public schools in RCW 28A.01.025 as now or hereafter amended.

          (2) The length of the school day shall be the same as that required of public schools in RCW 28A.01.010 and 28A.58.754, each as now or hereafter amended, except that the percentages of total program hour offerings as prescribed in RCW 28A.58.754 for basic skills, work skills, and optional subjects and activities shall not apply to private schools or private sectarian schools.

          (3) All classroom teachers shall hold appropriate Washington state certification except as follows:

          (a) Teachers for religious courses or courses for which no counterpart exists in public schools shall not be required to obtain a state certificate to teach those courses.

          (b) In exceptional cases, people of unusual competence but without certification may teach students so long as a certified person exercises general supervision.  Annual written statements shall be submitted to the office of the superintendent of public instruction reporting and explaining such circumstances.

          (4) An approved private school may operate an extension program for parents, guardians, or persons having legal custody of a child to teach children in their custody.  The extension program shall require at a minimum:

          (a) That the parent, guardian, or custodian be under the supervision of an employee of the approved private school who is certified under chapter 28A.70 RCW;

          (b) That the planning by the certified person and the parent, guardian, or person having legal custody include objectives consistent with this subsection and subsections (1), (2), (5), and (8) of this section;

          (c) That the certified person spend a minimum average each month of one contact hour per week with each student under his or her supervision who is enrolled in the approved private school extension program;

          (d) Evaluation of each student's progress by the certified person; and

          (e) That the certified employee shall not supervise more than thirty students enrolled in the approved private school's extension program.

          (5) Any child instructed at home under the provisions of this section shall be tested annually at the conclusion of the school year with a test designated by the state board of education with the assistance of the superintendent of public instruction.  The test shall be used to determine if the student is at grade level for his or her age.  Any student who is behind by two or more grade levels shall receive remedial assistance through a private tutor paid for by the parent or the approved private school.

          (6) Appropriate measures shall be taken to safeguard all permanent records against loss or damage.

          (((5))) (7) The physical facilities of the school or district shall be adequate to meet the program offered by the school or district:  PROVIDED, That each school building shall meet reasonable health and fire safety requirements.  A residential dwelling of the parent, guardian, or custodian shall be deemed to be an adequate physical facility when a parent, guardian, or person having legal custody is instructing his or her child under subsection (4) of this section.

          (((6))) (8) Private school curriculum shall include instruction of the basic skills of occupational education, science, mathematics, language, social studies, history, health, reading, writing, spelling, and the development of appreciation of art and music, all in sufficient units for meeting state board of education graduation requirements.

          (((7))) (9) Each school or school district shall be required to maintain up-to-date policy statements related to the administration and operation of the school or school district.

          All decisions of policy, philosophy, selection of books, teaching material, curriculum, except as in subsection (6) above provided, school rules and administration, or other matters not specifically referred to in this section, shall be the responsibility of the administration and administrators of the particular private school involved.


        Sec. 2.  Section 2, chapter 10, Laws of 1972 ex. sess. as last amended by section 1, chapter 59, Laws of 1980 and RCW 28A.27.010 are each amended to read as follows:

          (1) All parents((, guardians and the persons)) in this state ((having custody)) of any child eight years of age and under ((fifteen)) eighteen years of age shall cause such child to attend the public school of the district in which the child resides for the full time when such school may be in session  ((or to attend a)) unless:

          (a) The child is attending an approved private school for the same time ((unless)) or is enrolled in an extension program as provided in RCW 28A.02.201(4);

          (b) The child is receiving home-based instruction as provided in subsection (4) of this section; or

          (c) The school district superintendent of the district in which the child resides shall have excused such child from attendance because the child is physically or mentally unable to attend school, is attending a residential school operated by the department of social and health services, or has been temporarily excused upon the request of his or her parents((, guardians, or persons in this state having custody of any such child,)) for purposes agreed upon by the school authorities and the parent((, guardian or custodian)):  PROVIDED, That such excused absences shall not be permitted if deemed to cause a serious adverse effect upon the student's educational progress:  PROVIDED FURTHER, That students excused for such temporary absences may be claimed as full time equivalent students to the extent they would otherwise have been so claimed for the purposes of RCW 28A.41.130 and 28A.41.140, as now or hereafter amended, and shall not affect school district compliance with the provisions of RCW 28A.58.754, as now or hereafter amended((.

          All parents, guardians and other persons in this state having custody of any child fifteen years of age and under eighteen years of age shall cause such child to attend the public school of the district in which the child resides for the full time when such school may be in session or to attend a private school for the same time excepting when));

          (d) The child is fifteen years of age or older and:

          (i) The school district superintendent determines that such child ((is physically or mentally unable to attend school or)) has already attained a reasonable proficiency in the branches required by law to be taught in the first nine grades of the public schools of this state((, or the child has been temporarily excused in accordance with this section, or));

          (ii) The child is regularly and lawfully engaged in a useful or remunerative occupation((, or the child is attending a residential school operated by the department of social and health services, or));

          (iii) The child has already met graduation requirements in accordance with state board of education rules and regulations((,)); or

          (iv) The child has received a certificate of educational competence under rules and regulations established by the state board of education under RCW 28A.04.135.

          (2) A parent for the purpose of this chapter means a parent, guardian, or person having legal custody of a child.

          (3) An approved private ((and/or parochial)) school for the purposes of this ((section)) chapter shall be one approved under regulations established by the state board of education pursuant to RCW 28A.04.120  as now or hereafter amended.

          (4) For the purposes of this chapter, instruction shall be home-based if it consists of planned and supervised instructional and related educational activities, including a curriculum and instruction in the basic skills of occupational education, science, mathematics, language, social studies, history, health, reading, writing, spelling, and the development of an appreciation of art and music, provided for a number of hours equivalent to the total annual program hours per grade level established for approved private schools under RCW 28A.02.201 and 28A.02.240 and if such activities are:

          (a) Provided by a parent who is instructing his or her child only and are supervised by a certificated person.  A certificated person for purposes of this chapter shall be a person certified under chapter 28A.70 RCW.  For purposes of this section, "supervised by a certified person" means:  The planning by the certificated person and the parent of objectives consistent with this subsection; a minimum each month of an average of one contact hour per week with the child being supervised by the certificated person; and evaluation of such child's progress by the certificated person.  The number of children supervised by the certificated person shall not exceed thirty for purposes of this subsection; or

          (b) Provided by a parent who is instructing his or her child only and who has graduated from high school or received a certificate of educational competence under RCW 28A.04.135.  Such parent shall use programs, methods, materials, and texts that are suitable for the age or stage of development of the child being taught, and educational progress shall be adequately evaluated in terms of frequency and methods used.

          (5) The legislature recognizes that home-based instruction is less structured and more experiential than the instruction normally provided in a classroom setting.  Therefore, the provisions of subsection (4) of this section relating to the nature and quantity of instructional and related educational activities shall be liberally construed.


          NEW SECTION.  Sec. 3.  A new section is added to chapter 28A.27 RCW to read as follows:

          Each parent whose child is receiving home-based instruction under RCW 28A.27.010(4) shall have the duty to:

          (1) File annually a signed declaration of intent that he or she is planning to cause his or her child to receive home-based instruction.  The statement shall include the name and age of the child, shall specify whether a certificated person will be supervising the instruction, and shall be written in a format prescribed by the superintendent of public instruction.  Each parent shall file the statement by September 15 of the school year or within two weeks of the beginning of any public school quarter, trimester, or semester with the superintendent of the public school district within which the parent resides or with the chief administrative officer of an approved private school in the event a certificated person employed by an approved private school is supervising the child receiving home-based instruction;

          (2) Ensure that test scores or annual academic progress assessments, immunization records, together with any other records that are kept relating to the instructional and educational activities provided, are forwarded to any other public or private school to which the child transfers.  At the time of a transfer to a public school, the superintendent of the local school district in which the child enrolls may require a standardized achievement test to be administered and shall have the authority to determine the appropriate grade and course level placement of the child after consultation with parents and review of the child's records;

          (3) Ensure that a standardized achievement test approved by the state board of education is administered annually to the child by a qualified individual or that an annual assessment of the student's academic progress is written by a certificated person who is currently working in the field of education.  The standardized test administered or the annual academic progress assessment written shall be made a part of the child's permanent records; and

          (4) Any child instructed at home under the provisions of this section shall be tested annually at the conclusion of the school year with a test designated by the state board of education with the assistance of the superintendent of public instruction.  The test shall be used to determine if the student is at grade level for his or her age.  Any student who is behind by two or more grade levels shall receive remedial assistance through a private tutor paid for by the parent or the approved private school.

          Failure of a parent to comply with the duties in this section shall be deemed a failure of such parent's child to attend school without valid justification under RCW 28A.27.020.  Parents who do comply with the duties set forth in this section shall be presumed to be providing home-based instruction as set forth in RCW 28A.27.010(4).


        Sec. 4.  Section 4, chapter 217, Laws of 1969 ex. sess. as last amended by section 8, chapter 359, Laws of 1977 ex. sess. and RCW 28A.41.145 are each amended to read as follows:

          (1) For purposes of this section, the following definitions shall apply:

          (a) "Private school student" shall mean any student enrolled full time in a private ((or private sectarian)) school;

          (b) "School" shall mean any primary, secondary or vocational school;

          (c) "School funding authority" shall mean any nonfederal governmental authority which provides moneys to common schools;

          (d) "Part time student" shall mean and include: Any student enrolled in a course of instruction in a private ((or private sectarian)) school and taking courses at and/or receiving ancillary services offered by any public school not available in such private ((or private sectarian)) school ((district and)); or  any student who is not enrolled in a private school and is receiving home-based instruction under RCW 28A.27.010 which instruction includes taking courses at or receiving ancillary services from the local school district or both; or any student involved in any work training program and taking courses in any public school, which work training program is approved by the school board of the district in which such school is located.

          (2) The board of directors of any school district is authorized and, in the same manner as for other public school students, shall permit the enrollment of and provide ancillary services for part time students((, including (a) the part time enrollment of students involved in any work training program and desirous of taking courses within the district upon the school board's approval of any such work training program and (b) the part time enrollment of any private school student in any school within the district for the purpose of attending a class or classes or a course of instruction if the class, classes, or course of instruction for which the private school student requests enrollment, are unavailable to the student in the private school in which the student is regularly enrolled)):  PROVIDED, That this section shall only apply to part time students who would be otherwise eligible for full time enrollment in the school district.

          (3) The superintendent of public instruction shall recognize the costs to each school district occasioned by enrollment of and/or ancillary services provided for part time students authorized by subsection (2) of this section and shall include such costs in the distribution of funds to school districts pursuant to RCW 28A.41.140.  Each school district shall be reimbursed for the costs or a portion thereof, occasioned by attendance of and/or ancillary services provided for part time students on a part time basis, by the superintendent of public instruction, according to law.

          (4) Each school funding authority shall recognize the costs occasioned to each school district by enrollment of and ancillary services provided for part time students authorized by subsection (2) of this section, and shall include said costs in funding the activities of said school districts.

          (5) The superintendent of public instruction is authorized to adopt rules and regulations to carry out the purposes of RCW 28A.41.140 and 28A.41.145.


          NEW SECTION.  Sec. 5.     If any provision of this act or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the act or the application of the provision to other persons or circumstances is not affected.