HB 1034



                                  C 428 L 87



BYRepresentatives Fisher, Walk, Vekich, Madsen, Walker, Fisch, Spanel, Hine, H. Sommers, Jacobsen, Todd, Bristow, Cantwell, K. Wilson, Leonard, Lux, Unsoeld, Allen, Grimm, Winsley, Baugher, Nelson, Scott, Ebersole, Cole, Niemi, Sutherland, Brekke, Wang, Basich, Wineberry and P. King 



Establishing the rail development account.



House Committe on Transportation



Senate Committee on Transportation



                              SYNOPSIS AS ENACTED




For the purpose of funding public transportation systems, local governments may levy a motor vehicle excise tax of up to 1 percent which is credited against the basic state rate of 2 percent.




Transit districts in class AA counties, in class A counties contiguous to class AA counties, and in second class counties contiguous to class A counties that are contiguous to class AA counties are authorized to levy a local option motor vehicle excise tax rate up to 0.96 percent.  King, Snohomish, Pierce, and Thurston counties are effected.


An amount equal to 4.2 percent of the 0.96 percent motor vehicle excise tax will produce about $5 million which is deposited in the State Rail Development Account.





      House 64  31

      Senate    39     8(Senate amended)

      House       (House refused to concur)


      Free Conference Committee

      Senate    41     4

      House 84  12


EFFECTIVE:July 1, 1987