HB 1049



                                  C 373 L 87



BYRepresentatives Heavey, Patrick, P. King, Padden, Schoon, Todd and May



Authorizing either breath or blood tests for alcoholic content.



House Committe on Judiciary



Senate Committee on Judiciary



                              SYNOPSIS AS ENACTED




The state's driving while intoxicated (DWI) law currently defines three separate ways of committing the crime of driving while under the influence.  A person is guilty of DWI if he or she drives: (1)  with 0.10 grams of alcohol per 210 liters of breath; (2)  while under the influence of alcohol or drugs; or (3)  while under the combined influence of alcohol and drugs.


These three standards operate independently of one another.  That is, violation of any one of the three is sufficient for a conviction for DWI.


Prior to 1986, the first of these standards was defined as 0.10 percent by weight of alcohol in the driver's blood.




A fourth definition of driving while intoxicated (DWI) is provided.  A person is guilty of DWI if he or she drives with 0.10 percent by weight of alcohol in his or her blood.





      House 96   0

      Senate    47     0(Senate amended)

      House       (House refused to concur)


      Free Conference Committee

      Senate    49     0

      House 95   2


EFFECTIVE:July 26, 1987