SHB 1097



                                  C 446 L 87



BYHouse Committee on Ways & Means/Appropriations (originally sponsored by Representatives Ballard, Jacobsen, D. Sommers, Schoon, Winsley and P. King) 



Continuing reciprocal tuition and fee programs.



House Committe on Higher Education



Rereferred House Committee on Ways & Means/Appropriations



Senate Committee on Education



                              SYNOPSIS AS ENACTED




In 1983, legislation was adopted which authorized the Council for Postsecondary Education to enter into reciprocal tuition and fee waiver agreements with Idaho and British Columbia.  These agreements are similar to an agreement which the state already has with Oregon.  That agreement allows the waiver of the nonresident tuition and fees for border area residents of each state who attend higher education institutions of the neighboring state.


Legislation governing the Idaho agreement required all Washington higher education institutions to waive the nonresident portion of tuition and fees for Idaho residents to the extent permitted by an agreement with Idaho that granted Washington residents reciprocal waivers.  It further required a biennial payment between Washington and Idaho whenever the loss of one state's revenue exceeded that of the other by more than $25,000 a year.  Legislation governing the British Columbia agreement involved only the four-year public institutions, and required that a balanced exchange of enrollments be considered.  The council was required to review costs and benefits of each agreement and make recommendations to the legislature on their continuation or termination by January 1987.  The authority to enter into reciprocal agreements with Idaho and British Columbia expires on June 30, 1987.


The Higher Education Coordinating Board, which replaced the council in 1985, has recommended that authority for continuing these reciprocal agreements with Idaho and British Columbia be granted, and that the board be required to report by January 1989 on all authorized reciprocity agreements and on the extent to which each agreement meets educational objectives contained in Washington's master plan.




Termination dates for reciprocal tuition and fee agreements with Idaho and British Columbia are repealed and obsolete sections of law are deleted.


The community colleges are permitted to waive the nonresident tuition differential for students from British Columbia attending a community college as part of a reciprocal tuition agreement.





      House 97   0

      Senate    49     0(Senate amended)

      House 96   0(House concurred)


EFFECTIVE:July 30, 1987