HB 1115
BYRepresentatives Hargrove, Basich and Sanders
Allowing disabled persons to park free at institutions of higher education.
House Committe on Higher Education
Majority Report: The substitute bill be substituted therefor and the substitute bill do pass. (12)
Signed by Representatives Jacobsen, Chair; Heavey, Vice Chair; Barnes, Basich, Fox, Jesernig, Miller, Nelson, Prince, Silver, Unsoeld and K. Wilson.
House Staff:Susan Hosch (786-7120)
By law, vehicles that transport disabled people have special parking privileges in certain areas. Eligible vehicles may belong to disabled people, or may belong to public transportation authorities, nursing homes, senior citizen centers, or nonprofit agencies that regularly transport disabled people. The vehicles transporting disabled people must have a special license plate, card, or decal issued by the Department of Licensing in order to qualify for the parking privileges.
Eligible vehicles transporting disabled people may park, free of charge, for unlimited periods of time, in parking zones or areas that restrict the length of time parking is permitted. Included are areas or zones with parking meters. Zones or areas that prohibit all vehicles from stopping, parking, or standing are not included. Areas that are reserved for special types of vehicles are also not included.
SUBSTITUTE BILL: At state colleges and universities, eligible vehicles transporting disabled people will be allowed to park, free of charge, in a parking zone or area most accessible, to the extent possible, to meet the needs of the disabled person being transported. Zones or areas that prohibit all vehicles from stopping, parking, or standing are not included. Areas that are reserved for special types of vehicles are also not included.
SUBSTITUTE COMPARED TO ORIGINAL: Disabled people will be permitted to park in parking zones or areas on campus that are close to their intended location as well as parking for unlimited periods of time in parking areas or zones where the amount of time is restricted. This requirement is referenced in statutes outlining institutional authority to adopt parking rules.
Fiscal Note: Not Requested.
House Committee ‑ Testified For: Ann Simons, The Assembly of the Developmentally Disabled; Dan Wood, Associated Students Western Washington University.
House Committee - Testified Against: None Presented.
House Committee - Testimony For: Parking is not a privilege for physically disabled people; for them, parking is a basic need. Only if disabled students are able to park close to their classrooms will they really have access to an education. The same is true for campus employees. Physically disabled employees must have parking in order to access their jobs. Disabled persons should not be charged for basic access that the majority of citizens enjoy as a privilege.
House Committee - Testimony Against: None Presented.