EHB 1123
BYRepresentatives Walk, Schmidt and Baugher
Directing moneys from the grade crossing protective fund to the motor vehicle fund.
House Committe on Transportation
Majority Report: Do pass with amendment. (26)
Signed by Representatives Walk, Chair; Baugher, Vice Chair; Betrozoff, Brough, Cantwell, Cooper, Day, Dellwo, Doty, Fisch, Fisher, Gallagher, Hankins, Heavey, Kremen, Meyers, Patrick, Prince, Schmidt, C. Smith, D. Sommers, Spanel, Todd, Vekich, S. Wilson and Zellinsky.
House Staff:Robin Rettew (786-7306)
The Utilities and Transportation Commission biennially requests an appropriation for the installation or upgrading of signals or other warning devices at grade crossings. For the past two biennia federal funds have been available for most grade crossing projects, allowing state savings. The state pays 10 percent of state project costs and 1 percent of local project costs. The 1987-89 appropriation request is for $320,000 which will leave a projected balance of $1,331,000.
The Grade Crossing Protective Fund has an ending fund balance in excess of the Utilities and Transportation Commission's (UTC) 1987-89 appropriation request of $320,000. The excess balance of $1,331,000 is transferred to the Motor Vehicle Fund.
Fiscal Note: Not Requested.
House Committee ‑ Testified For: Alan Scott, Utilities & Transportation Commission.
House Committee - Testified Against: None Presented.
House Committee - Testimony For: The Grade Crossing Fund balance is in excess of that required for grade crossing projects and should be deposited in the Motor Vehicle Fund.
House Committee - Testimony Against: None Presented.