HB 1270
BYRepresentatives Braddock, Brooks, D. Sommers, Kremen, Vekich, Dellwo, Hine, May and P. King;by request of Department of Corrections
Revising provisions relating to work training release.
House Committe on Health Care
Majority Report: Do pass. (9)
Signed by Representatives Braddock, Chair; Bristow, Brooks, Cantwell, Lewis, Lux, D. Sommers, Sprenkle and Vekich.
House Staff:Antonio Sanchez (786-7383)
Current law authorizes a maximum of three months in work release for offenders with sentences of less than three years and up to six months for offenders with sentences of three or more. The three month work release program has been shown to be less effective than a six month program in aiding the offender transition more effectively into the community.
Allows all offenders who qualify under the sentencing reform act to serve the final six months of their sentence in a partial confinement work release program. This bill amends the three month program and proposes the use of a uniform six month work release program for these offenders.
Fiscal Note: Available.
House Committee ‑ Testified For: Nancy M. Campbell, Department of Corrections; Barbara Miller, A Beginning Alliance; Bob LaLanne, Pioneer Fellowship House.
House Committee - Testified Against: Roxanne Park, Sentencing Guidelines Commission.
House Committee - Testimony For: Permits a greater period of time for offenders to pay restitution and prepare for release.
House Committee - Testimony Against: In some cases this measure would make terms of confinement too short.