HB 1346



                                  C 209 L 88



BYRepresentatives Meyers, Sutherland, S. Wilson, Belcher, R. King, Amondson, Cantwell, P. King, Grimm, Holland, Lewis, J. Williams, Sanders, Zellinsky, Smith, Cooper and K. Wilson 



Providing reduced rental fees for lease of communication sites on state lands.



House Committe on Natural Resources



Senate Committee on Environment & Natural Resources



                              SYNOPSIS AS ENACTED




Amateur and commercial radio operators lease space for their equipment on 10 sites managed by the Department of Natural Resources.  Fees for the use of the sites for commercial users range from $733 to $1,014 per year; for amateur radio operators the fees run from $227 to $314 per year.  These reduced fees available to amateur operators only apply if space is available in the Department of Natural Resources' facility.


Amateur radio operators provide services for search and rescue operations, forest fire information and disaster relief support. Washington has approximately 12,600 amateur radio operators.  This number is increasing at about two and one-half percent per year. Washington ranks 10th in the United States in the number of amateur radio operators.


Many amateur radio operators feel that the existing fees are too high and that higher fees may be assessed in the future.  The annual rental cost prohibits some operators and operator clubs from using facilities.  These operators and clubs maintain that they could benefit the state through their support to law enforcement and search and rescue operations.  Lower fees would improve the amateurs' ability to build additional repeaters, facilitating emergency communication.




The Legislature finds that the amateur radio operators of the state provide valuable services.  In recognition of the emergency services provided, the lease rate charged by the Department of Natural Resources to amateur radio operators will be reduced from the rate previously charged.


For each amateur radio lease available for public service communication, the department will determine the market lease rate.  For repeater units placed on the site by amateur radio operators, the department will charge as follows:  for the first unit, 50 percent of the department set market rate for amateur radio lessees; for subsequent repeater units placed at the same facility by an amateur radio lessee, the rate shall be 25 percent of the market rent for amateur lessees.  The General Fund will pay to the Department of Natural Resources the difference between the market rate for amateur radio leases and the rate actually charged to amateur radio lessees.


Radio frequencies will be allocated to amateur users by the amateur radio regulatory body approved by the Federal Communication Commission.  The department will develop guidelines to determine which amateur radio groups will be eligible to receive the reduced lease rate.





      House 97   0

      Senate    48     0(Senate amended)

      House 98   0(House concurred)


EFFECTIVE:June 9, 1988