HB 1391
BYRepresentatives Haugen, S. Wilson, Fox, Zellinsky, J. Williams, P. King, May, Sanders, Unsoeld, Spanel and Ferguson
Providing oil dump and holding tank pump stations information to boaters.
House Committe on Environmental Affairs
Majority Report: The substitute bill be substituted therefor and the substitute bill do pass. (10)
Signed by Representatives Rust, Chair; Valle, Vice Chair; Ferguson, Jesernig, Pruitt, Schoon, D. Sommers, Sprenkle, Unsoeld and Walker.
House Staff:Karl Herzog (786-7271)
FEBRUARY 4, 1988
Boating activity contributes pollution to the state's waterways from sewage and petroleum products. Illegal sewage discharges are of particular importance because of their effect on shellfish beds. Some commercial shellfish beds near areas of heavy boating activity have been closed or decertified due to elevated measurements of fecal coliform bacteria.
The federal government regulates sewer discharges from boats and ships under the Clean Water Act. Direct discharge of raw sewage is illegal. Sewage must be treated by an approved marine sanitation device before discharge, or held in a holding tank to be pumped ashore. The Coast Guard is responsible for enforcement of these regulations, though actual enforcement is difficult. State boat licensing regulations require annual boat registration.
SUBSTITUTE BILL: The Department of Licensing must provide information on the location of marine oil recycling tanks and holding tank pumping stations.
SUBSTITUTE BILL COMPARED TO ORIGINAL: Language has been changed regarding the time information is transmitted.
Fiscal Note: Available.
House Committee ‑ Testified For: Representative Mary Magaret Haugen; Rhonda Hunter, Department of Ecology; Mike Reed, Washington State Parks; Nancy Kelly, Department of Licensing.
House Committee - Testified Against: None Presented.
House Committee - Testimony For: This bill provides an excellent method of providing needed information to boaters. If boaters are required to hold and pump sewage they should know how to properly dispose of it and where it can be pumped. Boaters should also be informed of how to recycle used oil.
House Committee - Testimony Against: None Presented.