HB 1458
BYRepresentatives Dorn, Amondson, K. Wilson, Sutherland, Silver and Rasmussen;by request of Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission
Repealing authority for surcharges on nonresidents camping at state parks.
House Committe on Natural Resources
Majority Report: Do pass. (16)
Signed by Representatives Sutherland, Chair; K. Wilson, Vice Chair; Amondson, Basich, Beck, Belcher, Butterfield, Cole, Dorn, Fuhrman, Haugen, Meyers, Sayan, Schmidt, Spanel and S. Wilson.
House Staff:Pamela Madson (786-7310)
The State Parks and Recreation Commission requires campers to pay a camping fee when using developed State Park facilities. These fees range from $6.00 to $8.50 depending on the services provided. In 1979, the Legislature authorized the Commission to impose a surcharge against non-resident campers from states that assess non-resident camping fee surcharges on Washington campers. These surcharge states are Oregon, Arizona, Maine, Rhode Island, and Wisconsin.
The amount of the surcharge paid by a non-resident camper is equal to the amount charged against a Washington camper using state park facilities in that state. For example, an Arizona camper in Washington pays a surcharge of $1.00, which is equal to that paid by a Washington camper in Arizona.
The Washington surcharge was scheduled to terminate in 1983, but was extended because of continued use of the surcharge by Oregon and the imposition of a surcharge by Arizona and other states.
Oregon has repealed their surcharge effective January, 1988. Arizona is in the process of repealing its surcharge. Since Washington only assesses non-resident campers from other surcharge states and since over 98 percent of those visiting campers coming from surcharge states are from Oregon and Arizona, this requirement will soon have very little impact.
The authority to assess a surcharge against the camping fee of non-resident campers from other surcharge states is repealed.
Fiscal Note: Requested January 15, 1988.
House Committee ‑ Testified For: Cleve Pinnix, Parks and Recreation Commission.
House Committee - Testified Against: None Presented.
House Committee - Testimony For: Removing this surcharge eliminates administrative costs to the Commission. The Commission can improve the welcoming atmosphere of the state park facilities by removing the surcharge signs.
House Committee - Testimony Against: None Presented.