HB 1608



BYRepresentatives Armstrong, Lewis, Scott, Patrick, Crane and Moyer



Modifying fees paid for superior court clerks' services.



House Committe on Judiciary


Majority Report:  Do pass.  (13)

      Signed by Representatives Armstrong, Chair; Crane, Vice Chair; Belcher, Brough, Hargrove, Lewis, Meyers, Moyer, Patrick, Schmidt, Scott, Wang and Wineberry.


Minority Report:  Do not pass.  (4)

      Signed by Representatives Appelwick, P. King, Locke and Padden.


      House Staff:Bill Perry (786-7123)







The county clerk in each county collects fees for services performed in superior court.  Those fees are statutorily set.  In addition to the $78 filing fee for initiating a lawsuit, a variety of other fees are set, including the following:


      (1)Filing a transcript or abstract of judgment or verdict -- $15.


      (2)Filing a tax warrant -- $5.


      (3)Filing a miscellaneous papers if no other charge is provided -- $2.


      (4)Preparing, transcribing, or certifying court records:  For the first page -- $2; and for each additional page -- $1.


      (5)Affixing a seal to a document -- $1.


      (6)Executing a certificate -- $2.


      (7)Approving a bond -- $2.


      (8)Letters of administration, testamentary or of guardianship -- $2.


Most of these fees were established or last adjusted in 1961.




Many of the superior court fees are raised.  The following changes are made:


      (1)Filing a transcript or abstract of judgment or verdict -- $20.


      (2)Filing a tax warrant -- $20.


      (3)Filing miscellaneous papers if no other charge is provided -- $20.


      (4)Preparing, transcribing or certifying court records:  preparing any copy -- $1; certifying any instrument -- $5.


      (5)Affixing a seal to a document -- $5.


      (6)Executing a certificate -- $5.


      (7)Approving a bond -- $5.


      (8)Letters of administration, testamentary or guardianship -- $5.


Fiscal Note:      Available.


House Committee ‑ Testified For:    Jan Michaels, King County Clerk; Siri Woods, Chelan County Clerk.


House Committee - Testified Against:      None Presented.


House Committee - Testimony For:    It has been several years since the general clerks fees have been increased.  The clerk's office need these fees to keep pace with inflation.


House Committee - Testimony Against:      None Presented.