HB 1701



BYRepresentatives Walk, Schmidt and Baugher; by request of Office of Financial Management



Adopting the supplemental transportation budget.



House Committe on Transportation


Majority Report:  The substitute bill be substituted therefor and the substitute bill do pass.  (18)

      Signed by Representatives Walk, Chair; Betrozoff, Cantwell, Cooper, Day, Fisher, Fox, Hankins, Haugen, Heavey, Jacobsen, Jones, Meyers, Schmidt, Todd, Vekich, J. Williams and S. Wilson.


Minority Report:  Do not pass.  (1)

      Signed by Representative Prince.


      House Staff:Gene Schlatter (786-7316)







The Legislature must make appropriations for each agency's operating budget and capital improvements.  The transportation budget provides funding for the agencies and programs supported by transportation revenues through June 30, 1988.




SUBSTITUTE BILL:  Transportation agencies' appropriation authority for the 1987-89 biennium is reduced by over $12 million.  Additional funding is provided for the Rail Development Commission, Everett Homeport access roads ($6 million federal funds), second auto deck on two ferries ($5 million) and several Washington State Patrol (WSP) capital projects.


$13 million for the capacity improvement program (Category C) is shifted from the current biennium to the 1989-91 biennium.  Miscellaneous reductions in DOT nonconstruction programs exceed $7 million.  Funding for the WSP headquarters facility is eliminated.


SUBSTITUTE BILL COMPARED TO ORIGINAL:  The House Transportation Committee reduced the original proposal by over $27 million for a net reduction in appropriation authority of over $12 million.


Appropriation:    Yes - see attached.


Fiscal Note:      Not Requested.


Effective Date:The bill contains an emergency clause and takes effect immediately.


House Committee ‑ Testified For:    Bob Benson, Office of Financial Management; Steve Lindstrom, Washington State Transit Association; Dr. Gary Molyneaux, Rail Development Commission.


House Committee - Testified Against:      None Presented.


House Committee - Testimony For:    The supplemental appropriation is necessary to meet additional expenditures for the balance of the biennium.


House Committee - Testimony Against:      None Presented.