HB 171
BYRepresentatives Sayan, Jacobsen, Grant, Sprenkle, Todd and Basich
Requiring governmental entities contracting to community college services to pay authorized salary increases.
House Committe on Higher Education
Majority Report: Do pass. (10)
Signed by Representatives Jacobsen, Chair; Heavey, Vice Chair; Allen, Barnes, Basich, Jesernig, Nelson, Silver, Unsoeld and K. Wilson.
House Staff:Susan Hosch (786-7120)
State law authorizes community college governing boards to offer educational services on a contractual basis to private or governmental entities, under rules adopted by the State Board for Community College Education. These contracts may be based on a special fee which is not determined by statutory tuition and fee rates. The fee will go to the participating district, and must not be less than the full instructional cost of providing the service.
When community college districts provide educational services on a contractual basis, the fees charged for those services must included any salary increases authorized by the Legislature for community college employees during the term of the agreements.
EFFECT OF SENATE AMENDMENT(S): A statutory prohibition against members of community college boards of trustees serving either as elected officers or members of the legislative authority of municipal corporations is removed.
Fiscal Note: Not Requested.
House Committee ‑ Testified For: Susan Levy, American Federation of Teachers and Mike Bigelow, State Board for Community College Education.
House Committee - Testified Against: None Presented.
House Committee - Testimony For: Some state agencies contract with community colleges to provide classes for the agencies' clients. The Department of Corrections is one such agency. When the legislature grants salary increases to community college faculty, they do not necessarily appropriate additional funding to the contracting agency to pay for those increases. This bill attempts to ensure equity by indicating that contracts will include provisions to pay salary increases granted by the legislature.
House Committee - Testimony Against: None Presented.
Yeas 96; Excused 2
Excused: Representatives Fuhrman and Padden