HB 1710



BYRepresentatives Jones, Ferguson, Fox, Brough, Walker, Fuhrman, Ballard and May



Approving projects approved by the public works board.



House Committe on Ways & Means/Appropriations


Majority Report:  Do pass.  (21)

      Signed by Representatives Locke, Chair; Belcher, Brekke, Bristow, Brough, Butterfield, Ebersole, Fuhrman, Grant, Grimm, Hine, McLean, Nealey, Peery, Sayan, Silver, H. Sommers, Spanel, Sprenkle, Wang and B. Williams.


      House Staff:Susan Kavanaugh (786-7136)



                       AS PASSED HOUSE FEBRUARY 13, 1988




The 1985 Legislature created a Public Works Board (RCW 43.135) to finance repair and reconstruction of infrastructure facilities throughout the state.  Before the Board can sign loan agreements, the Legislature must approve a prioritized list of projects.  The Board must also submit to the Legislature a report describing each project (purpose, amount of funding, terms and conditions including the required local match) and documenting the need and fiscal capacity of the city, county or special district applying for the loan.


The legislature cannot change the priority ordering nor can it add projects.




$29,086,385 worth of loans for 55 public works projects are approved.  The loans are to come from funds previously appropriated from the Public Works Assistance Fund.


Fiscal Note:      Requested January 27, 1988.


Effective Date:The bill contains an emergency clause and takes effect immediately.


House Committee ‑ Testified For:    Pete Butkus, Department of Community Development; Jim Justin, Association of Washington Cities.


House Committee - Testified Against:      None Presented.


House Committee - Testimony For:    These projects have been carefully selected by a board composed of experts in the field of financing public works.  They represent a worthwhile investment in infrastructure.


House Committee - Testimony Against:      None Presented.