HB 23
BYRepresentative Sutherland
Authorizing green lights on private cars of emergency medical personnel.
House Committe on Transportation
Majority Report: The substitute bill be substituted therefor and the substitute bill do pass. (28)
Signed by Representatives Walk, Chair; Baugher, Vice Chair; Betrozoff, Brough, Cantwell, Cooper, Day, Dellwo, Doty, Fisch, Fisher, Gallagher, Hankins, Haugen, Heavey, Meyers, Prince, Schmidt, C. Smith, D. Sommers, Spanel, Sutherland, Todd, Vekich, J. Williams, K. Wilson, S. Wilson and Zellinsky.
House Staff:Terry Michalson (786-7315)
Firemen in the state may use green lights approved by the Commission on Equipment on their private vehicles as authorized by their service chief. The light is to identify to the public that the vehicle is being used in an emergency situation. The green light on private vehicles is authorized only for the purpose of identification and does not authorize special privileges extended to emergency vehicles.
Identification signs or plates are also authorized for private vehicles of bona fide members of fire departments.
SUBSTITUTE BILL: Green lights are permitted to be used by emergency medical personnel on their private cars. Authorization for the use of green lights must be obtained from the chief of the respective fire district or fire department. Identification signs or plates are authorized for use on private vehicles of bona fide members of an emergency medical service.
SUBSTITUTE BILL COMPARED TO ORIGINAL: The term "firemen" is changed to the gender neutral "firefighter". Chiefs of fire departments may authorize the use of green lights.
Fiscal Note: Not Requested.
House Committee ‑ Testified For: Otto Jensen, Washington State Association of Fire Chiefs.
House Committee - Testified Against: None Presented.
House Committee - Testimony For: The Washington State Association of Fire Chiefs supports this legislation and suggests that the approving authority be designated as the chief of the respective fire district or fire department.
House Committee - Testimony Against: None Presented.