HB 277



                                  C 371 L 87



BYRepresentatives Gallagher, Doty, Walk, Schmidt and P. King; by request of  Department of Licensing



Extending the time permitted for providing the department of licensing proof of financial responsibility.



House Committe on Transportation



Senate Committee on Transportation



                              SYNOPSIS AS ENACTED




Drivers or owners of vehicles who have been convicted of or forfeited bail for certain offenses under the motor vehicle laws, or have failed to pay judgments, or have been involved in accidents resulting in bodily injury or death, or property damage of $300 or more to any one person, may be subject to filing proof of financial responsibility as well as a deposit of security.


Proof of financial responsibility is the ability to pay damages for liability for accidents which might occur after the date of the proof.  The amount of financial responsibility required by the Department of Licensing is dependent upon injuries or damage suffered in any one accident.  The amount for a bodily injury or one death in an accident is $25,000.  An accident with two or more deaths requires a $50,000 amount.  Injury to or destruction of property requires a $10,000 amount.


The proof may be in the form of a certificate of insurance, a bond, a certificate of deposit of funds, or a certificate of self-insurance from a driver or owner meeting the criteria for a self-insurer.


Driver licenses or nonresident driving privileges shall be suspended and remain suspended or revoked unless proof of financial responsibility is provided to the Department of Licensing within 10 days of the sending of the notice.




The allowable time for filing proof of financial responsibility is extended to 30 days from the date notice is sent by the Department of Licensing.





      House 95   0

      Senate    43     0(Senate amended)

      Senate    45     0(Senate amended)

      House 97   0(House concurred)


EFFECTIVE:July 26, 1987