HB 314
BYRepresentatives H. Sommers, Hankins and Belcher
Revising provisions relating to public works contracts.
House Committe on State Government
Majority Report: Do Pass. (7)
Signed by Representatives H. Sommers, Chair; Peery, Vice Chair; Baugher, Hankins, O'Brien, Sayan and Walk.
House Staff:Pam Madson (786-7135)
In awarding contracts for public works projects estimated at $25,000 or greater, the following state agencies must first complete a project advertisement and competitive bid process: the departments of General Administration, Fisheries, and Game, and the State Parks and Recreation Commission.
Projects proposed by the above agencies estimated at less than $25,000 are exempt from the project advertisement and competitive bid requirements. These projects instead require the proponent agency to solicit quotations from contractors chosen randomly from a small works roster, and to award the contract to the lowest bidder.
The bill raises from $25,000 to $50,000 the estimated cost below which public works projects are exempt from project advertisement and competitive bid requirements.
Fiscal Note: Not Requested.
House Committee ‑ Testified For: Jack Brown, Department of General Administration; and Duke Schaub, Associated General Contractors.
House Committee - Testified Against: None Presented.
House Committee - Testimony For: State colleges and universities are currently permitted by statute to use a small works roster for public works projects estimated at less than $50,000. The roster selection process saves these institutions money by avoiding more formal project advertisement and competitive bid procedures. This bill would save four additional state agencies money by doubling to $50,000 the cost of projects below which they may use small works rosters.
House Committee - Testimony Against: None Presented.