2SHB 339
C 8 L 87
BYHouse Committee on Ways & Means/Appropriations (originally sponsored by Representatives Jacobsen, Heavey, H. Sommers, Niemi, Pruitt, Dellwo, Wang, P. King, Hine, K. Wilson, Unsoeld, Miller and Wineberry; by request of Governor Gardner)
Establishing the Washington distinguished professorship trust fund program.
House Committe on Higher Education
Rereferred House Committee on Ways & Means/Appropriations
Senate Committee on Education
In 1985, Washington instituted an innovation program to attract and retain outstanding faculty. The Distinguished Professorship Program was designed to match public and private funds in support of preeminent scholars at the public four-year universities and college.
In 1986, the legislature included $750,000 in the supplemental budget to begin program funding. The University of Washington (UW), Washington State University (WSU) and Eastern Washington University recruited pledged donations and applied for the funds. UW and WSU have received their pledges and state match. These institutions have created distinguished professorships in English and Entomology respectively.
The Washington Distinguished Professorship Trust Fund Program is created to match public and private funds in support of outstanding faculty at the public four-year universities and college. Money in the trust will be administered and invested by the state treasurer. Professorships created under the 1985 Distinguished Professorship Program may continue under the new trust fund program.
The trust fund program will be administered by the Higher Education Coordinating Board, which will adopt program guidelines in consultation with eligible institutions. These guidelines may include an allocation system based on a variety of factors. However, the allocation system will be superseded by conditions in any legislative act appropriating funds for the program.
Institutions may apply for $250,000 from the trust fund when they can match the state funds with an equal amount of pledged or contributed private donations. These donations must be made specifically to the program and must have been donated after July 1, 1985. Upon receipt of an application, the board may reserve $250,000 for the school's pledged professorship. If the pledged amounts are not received within three years, the board must make those reserved funds available for another professorship.
Once the private donations are received by the institution, the state matching funds will be transferred to a local endowment fund established by the institution for the professorship.
The institution is responsible for investing and augmenting the endowment fund, administering the professorship and reporting on the program to the governor and the legislature upon request. The proceeds from the fund may be used to supplement the salary of the holder of the professorship, pay salaries for his or her assistants, and pay expenses associated with the holder's scholarly work. Money deposited in the trust fund or in the local endowment fund are not subject to collective bargaining.
After consulting with the board and eligible institutions, the governor may transfer the administration of this program to another agency with an appropriate educational mission.
By December 1, 1989, the board, or any other agency administering this program, will make recommendations on any needed program changes.
Any funds appropriated for the 1987-89 biennium will be allocated as follows: 45 percent for the University of Washington; 30 percent for Washington State University; and 25 percent for the regional universities and college. Each regional institution is guaranteed one professorship. The remaining $250,000 will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. If no regional institution has requested the unassigned professorship by May 1, 1989, that professorship may be allocated to one of the research universities in accordance with rules promulgated by the Higher Education Coordinating Board.
If either of the research universities has not used its allotted professorships by January 1, 1989, any institution which has used its entire allocation may apply for remaining funds under rules promulgated by the board.
House 98 0
Senate 49 0
EFFECTIVE:July 26, 1987