HB 385



BYRepresentatives Cooper, Spanel, L. Smith, Sutherland, Peery, Nutley, Walk, Dellwo, Wang, Cole and Brough



Establishing procedures for designating ports of entry for radioactive waste.



House Committe on Energy & Utilities


Majority Report:     The substitute bill be substituted therefor and the substitute bill do pass.  (8)

     Signed by Representatives Nelson, Chair; Todd, Vice Chair; Armstrong, Gallagher, Jacobsen, Madsen, Sutherland and Unsoeld.


Minority Report:     Do not pass.  (6)

     Signed by Representatives Barnes, Brooks, Hankins, May, Miller and S. Wilson.


     House Staff:Fred Adair (786-7113) and Ted Hunter (786-7114)







In order to keep better track of radioactive materials shipments and ensure that trucks carrying them are in safe operating condition, two ports of entry were designated in the state.  These are Plymouth, near McNary Dam, and at the eastern extremity of I-90 in the state, east of Spokane. Federal policy is to emphasize transportation of radioactive materials on interstate highways.


The foregoing two points come into conflict in transporting low level radioactive waste from the Trojan nuclear power plant near Rainier, Oregon and about five miles south of Longview, Washington. Interstate highway use would have the waste brought over into Washington near Longview and down I-5 and I-205 back into Oregon to connect with I-84 going east to Plymouth. The state of Oregon has initiated negotiations with Washington on this matter.




SUBSTITUTE BILL:  Any additional ports of entry for highway transportation of radioactive waste must be authorized by the legislature.  The act expires when Washington and one other eligible state enact an interstate agreement on radioactive materials transportation management.


SUBSTITUTE BILL COMPARED TO ORIGINAL:  The expiration was added as was legislative authorization instead of legislative approval by concurrent resolution.


Fiscal Note:    Not Requested.


House Committee ‑ Testified For:     Representative David Cooper, sponsor; Barry Bede, U.S. Ecology (no position on bill; appeared to provide information); Elaine Carlin, Department of Ecology, Nuclear Waste Management office (no position on bill; appeared to provide information).


House Committee - Testified Against: None Presented.


House Committee - Testimony For:     Policy decisions on radioactive waste ports of entry should be considered by the legislature.


House Committee - Testimony Against: None Presented.