HJM 4023



BYRepresentatives Jesernig, Hankins, Brooks, Baugher, Grant, Bristow, Nelson, Brekke, Unsoeld, Rust, Walker, Pruitt, Jacobsen, Sprenkle, Rayburn, Wineberry, Todd, B. Williams, C. Smith, Crane, Schoon, Winsley, Doty, Spanel, Silver, Hine and Holm



Petitioning Congress to pursue the cleanup and disposal of radioactive wastes at Hanford.



House Committe on Energy & Utilities


Majority Report:  The substitute memorial be substituted therefor and the substitute memorial do pass.  (14)

      Signed by Representatives Nelson, Chair; Todd, Vice Chair; Barnes, Brooks, Gallagher, Hankins, Jacobsen, Jesernig, Madsen, May, Miller, Sutherland, Unsoeld and S. Wilson.


      House Staff:Fred Adair (786-7113) and Ted Hunter (786-7114)







National defense activities involving nuclear materials have been ongoing on the Hanford Reservation for over 40 years.  A consequence has been the accumulation of substantial quantities or radioactive wastes, some of which are very hazardous.  These wastes currently are in non-permanent storage and, accordingly, pose a potential threat to future generations.  There are hazardous chemical wastes as well as radioactive wastes in non- permanent storage, posing a similar threat.


Because of the large cost of rendering the area safe for future generations, there should be steady and assured funding for the task.




SUBSTITUTE MEMORIAL:  Congress is asked to pursue cleanup of the Hanford Reservation vigorously by appropriating sufficient funds on a continuing basis as recommended by the Northwest Citizens Forum on Defense Waste.  This should include consideration of establishing a defense waste trust fund.


SUBSTITUTE MEMORIAL COMPARED TO ORIGINAL:  A clarification on the potential cleanup cost is made.


Fiscal Note:      Not Requested.


House Committee ‑ Testified For:    Representative Jim Jesernig, sponsor; Betty Tabbutt, Washington Environmental Council.


House Committee - Testified Against:      None Presented.


House Committee - Testimony For:    People in the Tri-Cities area are concerned about environmental issues, too.  There is a large job to do and there should be regularly-provided funding to enable sustained progress in the cleanup.


House Committee - Testimony Against:      None Presented.