EHB 435



BYRepresentatives Hankins, H. Sommers and Brooks; by request of Department of General Administration



Revising provisions on inactive real estate licenses.



House Committe on Commerce & Labor


Majority Report:     Do pass with amendment.  (11)

     Signed by Representatives Wang, Chair; Cole, Vice Chair; Fisch, Fisher, R. King, O'Brien, Patrick, Sanders, Sayan, C. Smith and Walker.


     House Staff:Joan Elgee (786-7166)



                    AS PASSED HOUSE MARCH 6, 1987




Persons acting as real estate brokers and salespersons must obtain licenses from the state. If a person has been inactive for more than three years, he or she must complete a thirty clock hour course in real estate within one year prior to applying to return to active status. An inactive licensee must also continue to annually renew his or her license which requires payment of a fee.


The Division of Real Estate of the Department of General Administration employs brokers and salespeople who, by agency policy, are not allowed to maintain active real estate licenses.  The department seeks legislation to exempt these employees from the thirty clock hour requirement and the requirement that annual renewal fees be paid.




Holders of real estate licenses employed by the state and conducting real estate transactions on behalf of the state are exempt from usual requirement that licensees inactive for more than three years must complete a thirty clock hour course in real estate within one year prior to applying for an active license.  These licensees are also exempt from the annual renewal fee requirement.


EFFECT OF SENATE AMENDMENT(S):  State employees conducting real estate transactions on behalf of the state are prohibited from holding active real estate licenses.


Clarifying language is added that such employees who hold inactive real estate licenses are only exempt from the thirty clock hour requirement.  The provision exempting such licensees from annual renewal fees is deleted.


Fiscal Note:    Not Requested.


House Committee ‑ Testified For:     Ron McQueen, Department of General Administration.


House Committee - Testified Against: None Presented.


House Committee - Testimony For:     Persons inactive because they conduct real estate transactions for the state should not be penalized when they leave state employment


House Committee - Testimony Against: None Presented.