ESHB 465



BYHouse Committee on Commerce & Labor (originally sponsored by Representatives Wang, Patrick and Sayan; by request of Department of Labor and Industries)



Changing provisions relating to wage claims.



House Committe on Commerce & Labor


Majority Report:     The substitute bill be substituted therefor and the substitute bill do pass.  (9)

     Signed by Representatives Wang, Chair; Cole, Vice Chair; Fisch, Fisher, R. King, O'Brien, Patrick, Sayan and Walker.


Minority Report:     Do not pass.  (2)

     Signed by Representatives Sanders and C. Smith.


     House Staff:Chris Cordes (786-7166)



                    AS PASSED HOUSE MARCH 12, 1987




The director of the Department of Labor and Industries is authorized to take assignments of wage claims and pursue the collection of wages for persons who are financially unable to prosecute their own suits.  It is not clear whether the department's wage collection authority extends to those employees who have not formally assigned a claim to the department.




The Department of Labor and Industries is authorized to:  (1) conduct investigations to ensure compliance with the prevailing wage law, the minimum wage law and the wage collection law whenever information is obtained indicating that a violation may be occurring;  (2) order the payment of wages owed workers and institute actions to collect wages owed;  and (3) take assignments of wage claims and prosecute actions on behalf of persons who are financially unable to employ counsel when in the director's judgment the claims are valid and enforceable in the courts.


Technical changes are made to divide the remainder of the existing section into new subsections.


Fiscal Note:    Not Requested.


House Committee ‑ Testified For:     Clark Ransom, Department of Labor and Industries; Duke Schaub, Associated General Contractors; and Gary Smith, Independent Business Association (with concerns).


House Committee - Testified Against: None Presented.


House Committee - Testimony For:     The Department of Labor and Industries should be given authority to pursue wage claims on behalf of all employees where violations of wage standards are found.


House Committee - Testimony Against: None Presented.