SSB 5136
BYSenate Committee on Transportation (originally sponsored by Senators Owen, Bender, Warnke, Conner, Stratton and Garrett)
Issuing special license plates to Pearl Harbor survivors.
House Committe on Transportation
Majority Report: Do pass. (23)
Signed by Representatives Walk, Chair; Betrozoff, Cantwell, Cooper, Dellwo, Doty, Fisch, Fisher, Gallagher, Hankins, Haugen, Heavey, Kremen, Meyers, Schmidt, C. Smith, D. Sommers, Spanel, Todd, Vekich, J. Williams, S. Wilson and Zellinsky.
House Staff:Terry Michalson (786-7315)
Citizens currently receiving special free license plates include prisoners of war, permanently disabled veterans and Congressional Medal of Honor recipients. Special license plates which may be purchased from the Department of Licensing include license plates for (l) vehicles more than 30 years old, (2) amateur radio operators, (3) handicapped persons meeting certain criteria, and (4) personalized license plates.
Three states have already approved special plates for Pearl Harbor survivors; five other states will be addressing the matter this year in their respective legislatures. There are approximately 370 members in the Washington chapter of the Pearl Harbor Survivors Association and is certified by them.
A state resident may apply to the Department of Licensing for a special license plate designed to indicate that the recipient is a survivor of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, provided the applicant fulfills the following requirements: (1) was a member of the United States Armed Forces on December 7, 1941; (2) was on station on December 7, 1941, during the hours of 7:55 a.m. to 9:45 a.m. Hawaii time at Pearl Harbor, the Island of Oahu, or offshore at a distance not to exceed three miles; (3) received an honorable discharge from the United States Armed Forces; and (4) is certified by the Washington State chapter of the Pearl Harbor Survivors Association as serving during the designated time and in the designated place established in the bill.
The applicant shall be provided with special plates upon payment of the regular license fee and furnishing of proof to the Department of Licensing that the above requirements have been met.
Only one motor vehicle may be licensed in this manner at one time.
The recipient shall be issued replacement plates without charge in the event that the plates are lost, stolen or destroyed.
The plate shall remain with the recipient and may be used on another motor vehicle registered to the recipient.
Fiscal Note: Attached.
House Committee ‑ Testified For: Cindy Manning, representing Senator Brad Owen; George Fisher, Henry Ford, and Charles O' Donovan, Pearl Harbor Survivors Association.
House Committee - Testified Against: None Presented.
House Committee - Testimony For: Providing for special license plates for Pearl Harbor survivors will permit recognition of these veterans and acknowledge their efforts in defense of this nation. The incorporation of a special design or insignia will also express a sense of pride in these veterans and their contributions.
House Committee - Testimony Against: None Presented.